The Heroes of Olympus Hope

Alex13126 posted on Apr 11, 2011 at 08:42PM
Hey it's Alex! Me and my buddy Jewelz11 are writing a story. We came up with the idea and wrote it down. It took awhile to figure this out because of some "minor" distractions. I'll write one chapter and Jewelz will write the next.

Rating:YA 13+
Type:Fantasy, Adventure,Humor hopefully,maybe romance, friendship
Synopsis: Bell Carson has been a serious girl since her brother was kidnapped. That's unusual for a daughter of Hermes. Everyone knows she would do anything to find her brother. But how far would she go?
Hailey was orphaned at a young age. She never really had a home or friends. When she arrives at Camp Half-Blood she meets Bell. Hailey can't quite figure Bell out. So when Bell vanishes Hailey has no choice but to follow. How can Hailey survive when she only had a week of training?
Character:Bell Carson,Hailey Anardo,David Carson,Lola Fortune, Ella Dove,Oddy Mitchel,Hunters of Artemis
Disclaimer: Last time I checked we were two teenage girls. All his characters belong to him. Of course Camp Half-Blood belongs to him too.
A/N: Thx to Jewelz for agreeing to help me with this. And also to her bf's buddies for "helping" us. You guys sure were a lot of "help".

last edited on May 01, 2011 at 10:21PM

The Heroes of Olympus 47 replies

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over a year ago Jewelz11 said…
omg ikr! such "minor" distractions we had! haha cuz of them we almost got nothin done!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Prolouge/Chapter 1

My name is Bell Carson. I'm 14 years old. I was 6 when my brother and I ran away. David was 9. He told me about the myths, but I guess they aren't myths. They never were. David gave my a ring to match his. He also gave me a knife and made me promise that as long as I had my knife we would be a family. I still have my knife so we are still a family. Whatever you might say my brother isn't dead. Say so otherwise and you will have one less finger on your hands. My brother was captured. I was 9 when I came to camp. You could say that during those 3 years that I was traveling. That's what daughters of Hermes are for. Now i know 14 different languages. I fought in the Titan War and survived with only a few "minor" life threatening injuries. Percy treated me like David used to do. Percy is a second big brother to me. But I will never forget David. I'm a lot more mature then my brothers and sisters. I'm more graceful than some too. If you ask anyone the will say I'm dangerous and tough. If you make me mad, don't expect you alarm clock to go off every hour. That's something my siblings would do. I would set your alarm clock on fire. If I do that then your dresser would burn and bye-bye clothes! I did that once to the Stoll brothers. They stole my journal so i got them back. Basically dont tick me off. One day I will find my brother and nobody will stop me.

Bell Carson
last edited over a year ago
Prolouge/Chapter 1

My name is Bell Carson. I'm 14 years old. I was 6 when my brother and I ran away.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG, that was awesome, can't wait for more it sounds amazing!!!!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Hmmm I like it!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I had a 2 hr delay why not post?
I started writing this as a proulouge but then it took 5 pages of notebook to write this so lets go with chapter 1. This is a flashback from when Bell and David ran away.

Chapter 1

A little girl was sitting at a table eating a chocolate chip cookie. A boy a bit bigger than her was sitting next to her.
The little girl had snow blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Her ears pointy like an elfs. The boy had the same features as the girl. They were brother and sister.
-Davie! the girl whined.
-Sorry kiddo! Gotta go to school, the boy chuckled.
-But nobody likes me! the girl's big blue eyes started to form tears.
-I know how you feel kiddo. A look of anger flashed in his eyes. The moment was gone in an instant.
-Doesn't mommy care about us?
-No, the boy said immediately. Mommy has a new kids.
-Does daddy care then?
-Yes he does.
-But we never see daddy! the little girl protested.
-That doesn't mean that he doesn't care. The boy looked at a ring on his necklass. He heard a rumbling outside.
-Bus is here kiddo!
-Hey look its Bell! Tom yelled so everyone would turn and stare at Bell. Some kids snickered. Some scowled. This is what it was like every day for Bell.
-Look at her hair! Alyssa said. I mean she soooo dyed it!
Belle turned bright red. Just shut up Alyssa!
-Oh make me!
Belle couldnt take it anymore. She walked up to Alyssa and punched her in the face.
Later David was walking her to the principals office.
-Hey Davie? Bell said looking up with scared eyes.
-Yeah kiddo?
-Why does the principal have one eye?
David cursed. He led Bell outside.
-We have to go home now! David said fiddling with his necklass.
-Whats going on? Bell wailed.
-They found us!
-Who found us?
David didnt answer. Instead he touched a symbol on his necklass. A portal appeared.
-Lets go Bell! David reached out his hand. Bell hesitated. But Bell trusted David. He would never leave her. Finally she took David's hand and went through the portal.
Moments later they were back in their house. David tossed Bell a backpack.
-Put some clothes and food in there! he ordered.
Bell obeyed and stuffed some jeans and t-shirts. She then packed some sandwiches, chip, and water bottles. Bell filled the water bottles and took off for the door. David met her there.
-Where are we going now? Bell whimpered.
-To camp.
-You mean that summer camp you go to every year? I thought I wasnt old enough.
-Well you are now! David started running. Bell had no choice but to follow. Bell would trip but David would pull her right back up.His snow blonde hair flying in the breeze. Soon they stopped the night to camp.
-Hey Bell, David looked up at her.
-Yeah Davie?
-I wanna give you something. David handed her a neck-lass with a ring at the end of it. It was exactly like his.
-Its just like yours! Bell exclaimed.
-Yep, Dad gave it to me a year ago. He said to give it to you when you were ready.
David put the neck-lass on Bell and handed her a knife.
-Now this is from me.
-Why do I need this? Bell asked.
-To fight monsters of course.
-Mmmmmonsters? Bell stammered.
David nodded. He explained that their dad was Hermes and that the Greek gods exist. David also explained about Camp Half-Blood. He said that he trained with a perky daughter of Athena who he is great friends with.
-As long as you have this knife we will always be a family. Swear it on the River Styx.
-I....I swear.
Thunder roared in the sky. David nodded to Bell.
-I'm going to scout around.
-Okay Davie.
-I'll be right back. I promise.
An hour later Bell heard what sounded like a scream. She also heard fighting.
-Bell! Run! David screamed from somewhere North of their camp.
Bell gathered her backpack and ran as fast as she could.
That was the last time she saw her brother.
3 Years Later
Bell ran through the forest with great agility. A knife sheathed at her side.
All of a sudden two teenagers blocked her path. Bell stopped in her tracks and almost ran into the girl.
-Do you mind? Bell snapped.
One of the teenagers was a guy with black hair and sea green eyes. The other a blonde girl with intense gray eyes. They both looked about 13 or 14. The same age her brother would've been. The girl eyed the knife carefully.
-Are you a half-blood? the boy blurted out. Not the smartest I'm guessing. The girl punched the boy in the arm and started whispering to him.
Bell sighed. Yes I'm a demigod. My father is Hermes. God of travelers, messengers, and thieves.
The girl's mouth dropped open. You know about the gods?
I nodded. My name is Bell. My brother was kidnapped 3 years ago. He already explained this to me before he left.
The girl cocked her head.
-I'm guessing your brother is David? You both have the same blonde hair and you have the same neck-lass.
-You must be Annabeth then. The perky blonde he trained with.
Annabeth blushed. The boy pretended that he wasn't listening to our conversation.
-Oh this is Percy, Annabeth introduced.
-Let's take you to Camp Half-Blood. Percy held out his hand. The image of David flashed in her mind. She hesitated.
-You dont want me, Bell whispered.
-Of course we do, Annabeth coaxed gently.
She hesitated again. She looked into Percy's sea green eyes. They weren't full of hatred like other people's eyes were filled with when they saw Bell. He looked sincere. Nobody ever treated Bell like this before. Expect David. Bell grabbed Percy's hand. They led her to Long Island. And soon Camp Half-Blood.

David at age 9
last edited over a year ago
I had a 2 hr delay why not post?
I started writing this as a proulouge but then it took 5
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was sooo good, David seems so nice!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
^^^^ Which is why Bell wants to save her brother so much.
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Wow. great story. Poor bell. Stupid monsters. >:(
over a year ago percyrulz said…
big smile
post soon
that is so like percy
over a year ago Jewelz11 said…
big smile
Hailey- Chapter 2

I woke up with the normal headaches and back pains. I always got these from sleeping inside of the damp and uncomfortable tunnel that would lead to the slides at Charley's Park Playground. It has seemed to develop into its own kind of routine. I got used to being alone, used to being isolated at the park, used to taking care of myself, or used to scavenging for my own food. I'm not sure who my parents are or where they went because for as long as I can remember I had always been here. You could say I was orphaned at a very young age. But it isn't all bad, I mean it taught me to trust myself only, to be aware of everything, and I'm also not afraid or scared of anything I come across. Maybe you could say life is much harder since on top of being homeless I was also gifted with my ADHD and dyslexia. Honestly I believe that everything has a purpose and if I'm meant to be the way I am or to not fit in then thats who I am and I cant change it, I can't be something I'm not. However besides the regular car horns and sounds of musicians on the New York streets today seemed.. different. The night was clear black but I was posititve it should have been at least 8:30 in the morning. Rain was pouring, the sky crackled with thunder, and lightning flashed in every direction. A slight shiver went down my spine.. today definitely had an eerie feeling to it but I couldn't put my finger on it. I gathered my backpack that contained my only valuables: a bible (King James version), a can of opened tuna, and my worn out umbrella that I found caught in the fence of the park last year( being filled with holes, I found this umbrella barely affective). I crawled to the end of the tunnel and slid down the slide. Walking to the monkey bars through the mud and mulch i picked up a small pale that leaned against the middle pole. I used this to collect drinking water. I dipped my hands in the pale and sipped over and over but eventually the thunder crackled once again. I looked up, a weird object grabbed my attention. A plane? No, bigger. A blimp? No, bigger. It seemed to cut through the clouds so gracefully though I still couldnt see it clearly. It was completely black and tinted with dark purple forming a shape of what seemed to be a large flying whale. Were my eyes decieving me or was i watching a dragon? Oh I'm just being silly! There could never be such a thing! But the distraction just seemed to be heading downward, speeding towards the park. My eyes were glued to the mysterious "thing". I found myself frozen in place with it growing closer and closer and closer. Now it almost acted like some sort of danger. No, not like a theif. Nor was it like a natural disaster or a freak accident. I hadnt had much time to think before i started sprinting. I hopped over the fence as if in a hurry and didnt stop. I huffed large breathes as i flew passed citizens and barely managed to keep myself from tripping in the crowded streets and slippery alley ways. From being who I am I knew to trust my gut. Right now my gut was screaming "Run, run, RUN!" Me, frightened? No. Just mighty confused at what was happening around me. Walls and buildings passed by so frequently it seemed that time had sped up immensely. "Don't stop. Keep going!" my gut said urgently. So I kept going but now that I was coming up to the ending point of the city as fast as I was I knew I would be clueless soon enough. I memorized routes and knew the city like the back of my hand. But beyond that... there's almost nothing at all, just one lonely road. I took one glance back to see if anything was chasing me and that was the worst mistake I could have made. I slipped on rocks and was staring up in the opposite direction I was headed. The creature was just hovering a few feet above me now and it had flaming eyes, teeth that were so giant they hung outside of his mouth, and shiny, steel like scales serving as his armor. However not just that had been after me. Prowling in the alleys were several... monsters! One eyed, bulky men, something that looked like a mutated mix between a seal and doberman dog, and three bat like demon creatures aged with time and anger were only minutes of catching up to me!
"Stay strong!" my gut screamed yet again.
"Gotcha," I replied silently under my breathe.
I staggered to my feet and threw a rock under my foot at one of the weird dog type creature and nailed it in the eye. I started my fast sprint once again heading toward a hill as it cried out in pain. Thunder crackled and the ground seemed to shake beneath. Maybe I could ask for help. Knock on a door? Worth a shot! There seemed to be a big house with cabins, a forest section, an area by the sea, and a beautiful field I had never seen before. Oddly it looked so peaceful or serene there as if there wasnt a life threatening storm occuring! I finally reached the top of the hil when the demon grabbed a hold of my ankle. In a desperate atempt to get away she scratched up my leg putting me in throbbing pain. I let out a loud scream that made my own heart skip a beat. "Don't give in!" my gut repeated. Reluctant to obey the order I still kept trying ignoring my painful exhaustion. I sat up and wrapped my backpack around my wrist then gave a hard swing using the last of my strength and striked the demon in the head. It was just enough to make it topple over and let me escape from its clutches. I had almost a split second with monsters caving in so I started sprinting forward and was knocked right back over because when I turned around I seemed to overlook the giant tree ahead of me and hit my head right by it and I dropped to my knees. I made a weak groan as my vision became blurry and red, rain pitter-pattering on top of me. The last thing I encountered was a girl that looked to be my age, maybe older and I was at her feet.
"We need some Apollo kids stat!" she screamed kneeling by me while I drifted into unconsciousness.

Hayyy! It's Jewelz here! This is chapter 2 to me and Alex's mini book "Hope"! Im really excited to see how it turns out so tell me what you think and COMMENT haha! :) Also below i added a pic of what Hailey should look like (brown hair, green eyes, 11 years old, plus this would be her without all the dirt scratched up clothes and knots in her hair from all the homeless stuff and all... pretty though right?). Okay well tell me and Alex what you think so far, Thanks!
last edited over a year ago
Hailey- Chapter 2

I woke up with the normal headaches and back pains. I always got these from sleepi
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
^^^^^Alexis really? You need to go on this site more often....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jewelz11 said…
woopz... sorry when i meant to say at the bottom ALEX not alexis haha
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
whoa, awesome chapter, she made it to camp wooo!!!!!!
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
big smile
Whoa! Awesome!
over a year ago percyrulz said…
awesome chappie
but didn't percy and annabeth aldready pick her up
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
^^That was Hailey another character
Im sorry guys i cant post today. i sorta twisted my arm and i cant bend it so i cant really write or type with my right hand. It really hurts to move it! im soooo sorry!! i feel so bad! :'(
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
This is a really cool and creative story. I wonder who Hailey is the daughter of. Oh well I'll just have to wait and see.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
@Jewelz again get on fanpop more before I start calling you Julie
@Starlight1o1 Even I'm not sure about that one. Jewelz11 is writing the chapter where she gets claimed. She told me who he parent is but she keeps changing it so I'm not sure
@Everyone Thx so much!! Guess what I can type with my right arm again!!! :D

Chapter 3

The mystery girl was sitting in an infirmary bed right in front of me. Nobody knew who she was or where she came from. All we knew was that she was a demigod.
Well she was eating ambrosia and nectar so she had to be a demigod. If she were mortal she would've been burned alive. The girl's eyes fluttered. They opened to reveal electric green eyes.
-Morning, even though its not morning anymore, I tried to sound as cheerful as I could.
-Who......who are you? her voice cracked, Where am I? Why do I have the taste of very rich chocolate in my mouth? Not that I'm compla-
-One, you don't need to know that. Two, you at Camp Half-Blood. The safest place for demigods. And three, that's ambrosia. I used it to nurse you back to health.
-Camp Half-Blood? her eyes widened. I sighed.
-Didn't I explain this already? Its in Long Island, New York. This is the only safe place for demigods like you and me. No monsters can get you here.
-How did I get here?
-You know you ask a lot of questions, I grumbled. And you scream in you sleep. Anyways a dragon chased you here. You passed out on my foot. Apollo kids carried you here. I was the one who nursed you back to health. Although if it were up to me I would be training.
The girl's eyes narrowed. She brushed her long brown hair with her fingers.
-What do you mean by that?
-Oh all I did was light someones pants on fire. This was my punishment. I guess its better than getting eaten by harpies or doing dishes all day. But if you ask me she deserved it that lowlife scum. She thinks she's all that just because she's a daughter of Aphrodite. That girl can go to Hades for all I care.
-Apollo? Aphrodite? Hades? What are you talking about!?!? The girl's mouth dropped open.
-You know you really slow at this. I cocked my head and scanned the girl up and down. You look like a Hailey so I'm gonna call you that.
-How did you know my na-
-I'm a daughter of Heremes, I interrupted, I know things. Basically the Greek gods and goddesses exist. One of them is your parent. The gods have been along forever and move where the heart of civilization is. Right now its in the United States. Mount Olympus is on top of the Empire States building. And before you ask Half-Blood means half human and half god.
Hailey nodded slowly in understanding. She hesitated for a second but then asked How long have you been here at camp?
Anger flared inside me. Hailey must of saw it because she flinched.
-That is none of you business, I said trying to keep my voice even. I stood up and left. Slamming the door behind me. I hated it when people asked me how long have I been here. It always makes me think of how my family hates me. I could never go back. Not that I ever wanted to anyway.
I'm also never ever going back to school. At school I'm either invisible or the girl everyone hates for no reason. Either way I end up feeling....alone.
We were at sword training. Hailey was here with the Hermes since she wasn't claimed yet. She kept trying to get my attention. Of course she ended up getting beat by Lucy if she does that. Every time I saw her with that sword it made it even harder to figure out who her parent is. She was learning fast. Even Percy was impressed.
I was fighting both the Stoll brothers. Let's just say they aren't the best with swords.
I slashed and parred their attacks. Conner tried to ambush me from the back while Travis tried to attack me from the front. I kicked Travis while I hit Conner in the stomach with the back of my knife. They both fell on the ground and groaned.
I rolled my eyes and helped them up to their feet.
-42 to for me and none for you two, I giggled.
Conner smirked. We are so gonna beat you next time little sis.
-In you dreams big brother. I tripped Conner.
Travis got a ping pong ball out of his pocket and handed it to me for winning. I smiled and waked out of the arena. Sheathing my knife while walking.
As I walked out I heard fighting. I turned around to see Drew and Hailey fighting. Hailey looked about ready to burst into tears.
-So, Drew sneered, I heard you used to be homeless. Is that true?
-Yes I did. Hailey actually sounded pretty confident. I'm not ashamed to admit that Drew. Let me guess you hair is dyed and your tan is fake?
Drew narrowed her eyes.
-So I'm also guessing that you dived in dumpsters to get you food. Why your no better than a hobo. Drew drew back her head and laughed.
I couldn't take it anymore. I marched up to Drew and slapped her face.
-That's for picking on a little kid!
Drew's hand went up to her face. A scowl now etched onto her face.
-Awh, I'm sorry did I mess up your perfect make up? I said in a high pitched voice, Get out of here NOW! Before I mess up your face. Or do I have to light your pants on fire again? Maybe next time I'll make sure it's your whole closet.
-This isn't over Carson, Drew growled.
I smiled, Of course not Drew.
Drew turned around and started to saunter to her room. Before she was in her cabin, I pulled out my lighter and set my ping pong ball on fire. I put the ping pong ball in Drew's hoodie and ran to Tyche cabin. Hailey just stared dumbfounded.
I knocked on Cabin 24 and Lola opened the door. Lola was the senior counselor for the Tyche cabin. She has long dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was her cabin's best fortune teller. She was also one of my closest friends.
-Hi Lola, I smiled wide.
Lola raised an eyebrow. Isn't today the day? Why aren't you there yet? Usually your there by five its already six.
-I need my fortune, I explained.
Lola nodded and got out her magic fortune cards. She waved her hand and the cards shuffled themselves. They danced in the air until they landed in a perfect pile in front of Lola.
The first card danced in front of Lola. She grabbed it before it ran off.
-You will find something you have lost. She smiled.
A second card jumped off the pile and landed in front of Lola.
-You will find a true love. Lola battered her eyelashes at me playfully. I raised my eyebrow.
-What does that card look like?
-Oh a fire. Honestly it could mean anything. Hades has something to do with fire I think. Hephaestus is the god of fire, too. If I recall Nico DiAngelo has a crush on you.
-He does not, I snapped.
Lola rolled her eyes. She clapped her hands and the third card landed in her palm. Lola studied the card. Her eyes widened. Her face full of fear. The look was gone and her smile back.
-What did the card say? I asked.
-Oh it was nothing don't worry about it Bell. She had a fake smile on. I could always tell when she was lying.
-Can you take Hailey for a tour then?
-Sure anything for you Bell. Oh and good luck tonight!
I left Cabin 24 and headed towards mine. I took out some clothes and toiletries and put them on Hailey's bunk. I put a note on top of it all.

Dear Hailey,
I thought you might need these. Hope you had a great first day. Remember Hermes is the god of thieves so if you have anything you treasure or don't want stolen hide it in plain sight. Also watch out for Conner Stoll. Good luck!

I grabbed my iPod and took off into the forest. I didn't stop until I was at David's tree. I named it David's tree because Annabeth said that he used to climb in this tree all the time and forget that he ever had any worries. I carved David's name into the tree when I found it. Every year on David's birthday I would come here and sleep. If I slept here I would have memories of David. Beside the tree I laid down a white rose that I stole from the Demeter cabin.
-Happy 17th birthday, I whispered softly.
I curled up beside the tree and turned on my iPod. Bring Me Back To Life by Evanescence was on.

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead
all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life
(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

At that moment I fell asleep.
In my dream a boy about 17 was chained to a tree. Vines gently curling around his body like a cocoon. Expect the vines seemed alive. They moved around like snakes. The boy had snow blonde hair.
The boy opened his eyes and I gasped. He had icy blue eyes.
It was David.
I wanted to run and save him. But I couldn't move. I couldn't even scream.
I couldn't do anything to save my brother.
-Bell, David whispered, help me. Please.
A guard made of dirt came over and whacked David with a club. I screamed but nothing came out of my mouth. David passed out. His eyes rolling back into his head.
I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't. I am stuck in this nightmare.

Wow that's a long chapter and now for the moment my favorite! I feel so bad for Bell and I'm the one who made this character up! I feel like crying now, this chapter was really sad :'(

last edited over a year ago
@Jewelz again get on fanpop more before I start calling you Julie
@Starlight1o1 Even I'm not sure abo
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG David is alive and trapped!!! I wonder what Bell's fortune for the third card was
great chapter, I loved it!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
^^^Glad u liked it. And as for the 3rd card, well I know what it is. Let's just say its really really bad and Lola knows that if Bell knew what the card meant she would be horrified.
over a year ago Jewelz11 said…
big smile
Hailey Chapter 4

First off, I didnt understand most of what Bell had said because well one: it was my first day here at Camp Half Blood, two: I had never heard of any Greek gods before, the only God i believe in is our Lord that I read about, three: How would she know my name! I never new my real name but ever since I was a baby I had always had a necklace saying "Hailey" on it so that is what I had started calling myself. I guess maybe she saw it and was trying to impress me with a story that she was daughter or "Hermes" or "Heles".. whatever she said. Well all I know is that I don't believe it one bit! How could somebody just rip me of my religion and beliefs that I have known all my 11 years of life in one single minute? Outrageous I say! However, I that knew I shouldn't argue. She was the first person I had met here and helped me around here. Also she seemed somewhat touchy on things and I knew personally she didnt catagorize me as one of her "friends" anyways so I decided getting on her badside was certainly not one of my goals. Pondering these ideas just confused me more so I just looked up at Lola and listened to what she had said. She had the prettiest dirty blonde hair, was tan, had sparkling white teeth, and was extremely energetic about things. I felt somewhat welcomed but still kept my mouth completely shut. It was as if I swallowed a chunk of cement! I'll admit I'm shy but being so new.. I just wanted to go home but I guess possibly I was safe.
"..So here is the forest area where most of our Capture The Flag battles are held!" Lola announced making a battle sound fun.
"How often do we have these?" I asked noticing my voice still crackled when I spoke, clearing my throat loudly, then shrinking back down.
"We have these usually on Friday, after dinner and burning food for the gods. Actually we'll be having one tonight!" She replied without hesitation.
"Oh no," I thought. "Dont worry it will be great practice! You'll heal," my gut said startling me then having my surprise turn to dissapointment and I groaned. Lola looked at me like I was some sort of alien and squinted down at me. I realized I had groaned out loud and again embarassed myslef. Why can't this camp be more normal? More like me? "But you are like them. Dont doubt your abilities Hailey." my gut said sternly. "What abilities huh?" I responded in my mind. The fight I had earlier with Drew had really gotten to me. I looked up and Lola was still staring at me and we had stopped.
"Yes?" I questioned.
"..Maybe you are.. you just sound like.." she told me, seeming to be in a big thought. Something looked like it was scaring her. Maybe puzzling her? Well whatever she was thinking about I got the feeling it wasnt good and changed the subject.
"So.. could you show me where the dining hall is?" I mentioned trying my hardest not to make the question as meaningless as it was to me.
She perked up immidiatly,"Oh indeed!"
we walked for sometime before arriving at a giant open area with what looked like dirty picnic tables, a food stand that I had seen in buffets I snuck into in the past, a propped up chair in the center, and a large fire pit.
"Whoa," I muttered. I had never been in a room as large as this before. The park where I lived was so cramped. I came to the conclusion that there were many campers dwelling. I was answered by the constatnt sounds of swords clanking and Apollo children running to help.. I shook the thought of pain away as my leg began to throb again. Lola chattered away without my attention I stormed up to the fire.
"AAAH!" I shouted in surprise as the fire shot out at me with the color of... purple? I didnt quite understand but my heart was try to jump out of my chest now!
"Oh hush, hush! Calmed down Hailey," Lola said as if scolding."Purple means that your having mixed feelings. It interacts with the emotions of campers around it so if your having strong emotions it will burn more lively like it has. Hmmm... Purple.. Your feeling left out.. confused.. but also astonished by your surroundings.." She said confidently just about reading my emotions. She knew me better than myself right now. Lola picked up where she left off in her conversation before being interrupted. Again I zoned out.
Finally an alarm sounding like a horn interrupted her again anyways and pulled me out of my daze.
"What was THAT?" I asked looking around for a sign of where the outburst came from.
"Oh, thats just the siren for dinner time," she answered as if not noticing, the smile never leaving her sunlit face. I found Conner and Travis although I never spoke to them I sat quietly by there seat, fiddling with my hands as I usually did when I was uncomfortable, at the table where all the Hermes members sat. I figited impatiently and denied several suggestions for a meal. Some reason I lost my appetite. I searched the crowd with my eyes looking for Bell but no sign of her.. I began to get the familiar eerie feeling I had the night before. I could be insane but the idea kept reoccuring to me, what if something happened to Bell? What if she was in trouble? I pushed the thought away. I spotted Lola continuing our previous conversation with her friends. She barely noticed I had left her side. What a great tour guide, I thought. Having enough surprises that it didnt even bother me anymore. A half horse and half.. well man came to the center and started to speak. He had a face lit with delight but aged with wrinkles and I could tell many experiences had delt with him. He had long hair and an even longer beard with crumbs weaved between hair,as he talked his voice faltered but was still heard. I was interested in this man so decided to listen.
"..Here today we are gifted with many treasurable foods to nourish us. Today in addition we are also enlightened to be given a new camper here," he looked in my direcrion and used one arm to gesture towards me. I couldnt help myself from blushing and my smile had melted away.
"Hailey, please stand and introduce yourself to us." relctant to obey.. I did. I stood and looked amazingly short compared to the other campers.
"Ummm," was all I could manage under the pressure. I started to sweat.
"Well uh, first how about you tell us about how you got here?" he said this time with more encouragement.
"Umm, well this dragon thingy, and doberman seals, and um.. demons I guess chased me here," I summarized putting the camp into laughter. My cheeks continued to get red.
"Oh, interesting," he said frowning. "You may sit back down now Hailey." Humiliation I thought, utter humiliation on the first day.
"Anyways she had a hard past alone and still we have yet to find who her godly parent may be so we added her to our Hermes collection." he chuckled then continued,"In conclusion, we will now serve a portion of our food to the fire for our gods, and which I hope you all look forward to.." again looking in my direction he finished, "our Capture The Flag games will be held in the forest afterward!" a howling of excitement thrived through the area and the fire blasted a bright orange. I watched as several of them brought their trays to the fire. Still no Bell. Finally campers left to gather their gear and armor so I was alone. I liked it. It wasnt something I was new to. I waled slowly to the fire and whispered. "Dear lord, if your with me now, help me to fit in and to comprehend your ways. Help me to survive.. if I cant do what they ask I cant follow and serve you either.. help me lord... amen," as I finished Lola entered and I whisted around in a rush to make sure she hadnt heard. I admit I am a religious person because it helps me in time of need and the scripture gives me advise but I also am not very open to most about my religious beliefs or times where I pray. "Hey, Hailey come on I brought you your sword and some gear lets go!" I quickly put the armor on (so heavy) and grabbed my sword storming off into the woods. Fortunately for me we were late! Although Lola didnt seem to happy about it.. she stayed with me giving me details about the forest that only agitated me.
"... Oh, and remember to be careful by the way. There are monsters in these forests to test our skills.."
I ignored the comment although it gave me goose bumps after my earlier attack. Somehow Lola had wandered off and now I was alone again. I perfer it that way sometimes. But now that was just another mistake on my long list. Around the corner I saw Drew come sprinting in this direction. Speechless I failed to get out of her way while other two campers with WAY too much makeup on came following behind her. Drew and I bumped heads and I fell helplessly to the ground.
"Oh YOU!" she howled. "I bought this outfit brand new and its all YOUR faul it's COMPLETELY covered in MUD! Uughh why can you little brats watch where your going, huh? Well forget your chances in this battle anyways because this flag is MINE for once! Got it?" her voice kept raising. This was my last straw. I had enough of Drew and to be called a brat after this terrible morning she just put me in one of my bad moods. Those aren't good.. trust me. I stood by up and she just pushed me down again.
"Whats the matter? I thought you were used to lying in mud all day and dumpster diving. It shouldn't be new to you I mean obviously your hair explains EVERYTHING!" I felt my face get hot and my hands grew into fists.
"There's no Bell around to protect you so why dont you just go back to where you came from, huh? That's OBVIOUSLY where you belong. Your like a filthy animal! What are you thinking when you just DESTROY someones outfit huh? How about their make up? Oh wait I already know YOU JUST DONT THINK!" she screamed in a fit with her other preps giggling.
At that moment I exploded. I was totally filled with rage. No words come to my mouth so I instead just screamed a terrible shout. I saw her and her friends jump back a step or two in confusion and surprise.. maybe even fear. I closed my eyes and thought of surrounding the group in rope, tying them and limiting them from movement. I punched the ground yet my fist didnt hurt, the ground rippled and cracks began, a noise of what was similar to an earthquake shot out into the air. Vines and more dirt sprouted from the cracks, even before the girls had a chance of running away their eyes widened as the vines engulfed them and squeezed them tightly. I realized I had logded my hands into the ground and was gripping it fiercely. The girls screamed as the struggled and more vines appeared. They were covered from head to toe now muffling their screams. They couldn't move and I left just enough space so they could breathe throught their nose and I could see their horror filled eyes. I squeezed the earth once more and heard more crys of pain then stood up and dusted myself off letting go of the earth.
"Now you can stay put while I win Drew," I smiled at myself proud and amazed at what had happened. At least they werent still being squished any longer. They were just all tied up. Haha. They deserve it, I told myself feeling sorry. I ran off again. I found a mound of rocks. Mysteriously put together too, I thought. "Check there!" my gut told me and I did so. I found a small whole where the rocks hadnt fit together and managed to slide through. And well enough there was the flag inbetween two rocks. U smiled again at myself and grabbed the flag confidently with my slimy, muddy hands and slid my head and shoulders out again. It seemed almost easy to me, not a single monster had been encountered.. weird. Maybe Lola just lied. I stood back to admire my prize. By now I'm not sure why but campers came flooding in my direction where I stood holding the flag. I started to blush again. A silvery eyed blonde girl called Annabeth came to the front of the crowd and stomped her foot. "IMPOSSIBLE!" she said crossing her arms. Then I also spotted the teenage boy most adored (to be honest he was pretty darn attractive too) with seaweed green eyes and dark black hair with tan skin. He was just standing and nodding his head in apporoval as if he had gone through it before as well. The horse man arrived and grabbed my arm, "Our Winner!" the camp bursted into a field of cheers and a few just smirked in what I think was jealousy. I couldnt help but giggle in pride just when we heard a loud scream from the far end of the forest. All of us instantly ran and I knew.. it was Bell. She was rested next to a tree carved with the name David. Sweat beaded her forehead and she tossed flinching over and over. "Bell!" I cried in worry running to her side shaking her. I hadn't noticed but I was also accompanied by a boy EXTREMELY pale dressed in all black with black eyes and the same.. black hair. Also on my right was lola.
"She is stuck in a dream .. its torturing her.. we need ambrosia to wake her!!!" she said making Apollo kids flee.
"No, that cant be it.. it's worse than that.. but I think I know a way I could help..maybe I could just.." the boy said while leaning toward her lips, eyes never leaving Bell's face.
"Now is NOT the time for sleeping beauty miracles Nico!" Lola snapped. I had to strain myself to keep from laughing but suddenly my head ached and my legs began to shake along with my hands. My vision came blurry and everyone had started staring at me.. or above me. Confused I stood up and staggered forward. The horse man grabbed me to steady myself and the other campers seemed horrified of me in a way. "She has been claimed!" He shouted with as the Apollos came with water, a stretcher, and ambrosia. They began carrying her away with campers still. They began to clap and girls started congratulating me.
"All Hail Hailey!" he shouted to the crowd. "Daughter of Demeter, goddess of Agriculture."
All I could say was "I dont feel to.." before falling back again with gasps. I hit the ground with a thud and me too began to dream against my will.

Hey its jewelz here! i hope you guys like this chapter! haha, this took sooo long to type. Dont judge me i was tryin to multitask as well. well Thank you guys for reading and commenting on our previous chapters and DONT STOP haha :) Comment! tell me what you think of this chapter then, was it good? tell me and Alex (happy i got it right this time) what you think!!!
thankz! :)

also below i added a picture of what the "horseman" (which im pretty sure all of you know who he is by now) and what he would look like with his beard, long hair, horse body, and choice of weapon. :)
last edited over a year ago
Hailey Chapter 4

First off, I didnt understand most of what Bell had said because well one: it was m
over a year ago percyrulz said…
good chappie
but i need to know how old is percy now i mean is this after the giant war or during the gaint war or during the titan war
over a year ago percyrulz said…
awesome great chappie

but i really need to know when does this thing happen
during the titan war
before the coming of jason and percys diss apearence
during the giant war
after the giant war
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Right before Percy disappears *wink wink*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Awesome chappie! Hailey's a daughter of Demeter yea? :)
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Whoa, capture the flag was awesome!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
You guys are awesome! I'm gonna try to post tom. I got a lot of stuff to do though.
1.Math project comming up next week
2.Book report
3.English report report
5.Talent show comming up
But I promise you all I'm gonna post soon! Did I mention that you guys are awesome? <3
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
YES!!! I finally finished the chapter!!!

Chapter 5

My nightmare was finally over.
Instead I was in a meadow. Flowers were all around me. The smell of pine trees in the air. It reminded me of the park in my hometown L.A. A little girl about 2 sat on a picnic blanket. She had long curly brown hair. Her back was turned so I couldn't see her eyes.
-Alice! a familiar voice called.
The girl turned around. Her eyes opened to reveal icy blue eyes.
-Coming Mommy! Alice stood up and skipped towards the voice.
I tried to follow but as soon as I took a step towards them I fell into a black pit. I screamed and closed my eyes tight. The falling stopped. I felt a presence close to me. A presence that seemed sort of.....powerful.
-Did I die? I thought. I didn't feel any pain.
The presence chuckled.
-No my child, a familiar voice whispered.
I opened my eyes. A man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and elfish features stood in front of me. He was wearing a jogging suit and a cellphone was clipped to his pants.
-Hermes? Dad? my voice shook.
Hermes grinned, Hi Bell.
-What are you doing here? I asked.
-Isn't it obvious? Hermes's grin vanished, I know your gonna go after your brother, so I'm here to give you something.
I could see George and Martha curling around his phone.
-Hi George. Hi Martha, I waved.
-Hello dear. I hope you like your present. I picked it out, Martha hissed.
-Bring any rats? George asked.
Hermes rolled his eyes. Hermes took out a heart locket from his pocket. He placed it into my hands.
-This charm allows you to talk to anybody. No matter where they are.
I clipped the locket onto my neck-lass beside my ring.
-Thank you, Dad.
Hermes nodded, I do the best to help me kids now. I don't ever want that to happen again.
I knew what he was talking about. He meant Luke my half brother who sacrificed himself in the Titan War. He never wanted the whole "Luke" thing to happen again.
-I must be going soon, Hermes said looking at his watch, Zeus is closing Olympus soon. This might be the last time I talk to you.
-Which is why I need to talk to your daughter, a voice said.
A woman with dark hair braided with wheat stepped out of the shadows.
-Lady Demeter, I nodded.
-At least one of your daughters has manners,Hermes, Demeter sniffed.
-What do YOU want with my daughter, Hermes raised an eyebrow.
-Give this to my daughter,Demeter handed me a flower hair clip. She scanned me up and down then glared at Hermes disdainfully.
-This one needs to eat more cereal. There's no meat on her bones!
Hermes rolled his eyes and waved his hands. Demeter vanished in a swirl of cloud. Hermes turned back to me and winked.
-Good luck, Bell.
-Good Luck! Martha echoed.
-Bring rats next time! George called.
He winked once more and disappeared.
I woke up with a massive headache. I was sweating horribly. I tried to remember what happened last. Then it hit me.
David's in trouble and my Dad told me to go after him.
I felt the pin in my hands. I put it in my pocket. Then I realized that I was in the infirmary. Hailey in a bed next to me. Ella was in a chair in front of me.
Ella is 13 with long curly red hair that flows gracefully down her back. Freckled covered her tiny nose. Her mother is Eirene the goddess of Peace.
I narrowed my eyes. I picked up a pillow behind me and threw it at her.
Ella jumped and opened her bright violet eyes. She yawned and looked at me. She let out a little squeal and took off outside. She came back in dragging a girl about 17.
-See Oddy? She's awake! Ells whispered.
Oddy has long blonde hair with a red streak that goes down the front. Her feathery blonde bangs covered one of her golden eyes. Her real name is Odessa, but she prefers Oddy. Her Dad named her after Odysseus. Her Dad is Australian so she has an accent. Her wand strapped to her side to prove that she was a daughter of Hecate.
-So the sleeping beauty awakes, Oddy teased. How are you feeling mate?
-I'm okay. Where's Lola? my voice cracked again.
-Oh they had to drag her out of here kicking and screaming, Ella answered. They also had to do that with Nico too.
I looked at Hailey.
-She got claimed by Demeter and passed out, Oddy said uninterested.
Hailey tossed over in her sleep and groaned. Her eyes fluttering.
-Go and get some Apollo kids, I said to Ella and Oddy. They both nodded and left.
I stood up and got off my bed. A black rose caught my eye. It was in a vase with a black ribbon tied neatly in bow. In the middle of the bow was a skull. I smiled and walked towards Hailey's bed.
She opened her eyes.
-Wha...What happened? her voice shaking.
-You got claimed by your godly parent, I explained patiently.
-By Demeter, Hailey's eyes widened. But she doesn't exist! None of this does! The only God that exists is our Lord!
I gritted my teeth. My patience running thin now.
-Look, this all exists. Monsters and gods exists. Your mother is Demeter. My father is Hermes. Now get used to it.
I switched to Ancient Greek. Now do you believe this exists? I asked.
-No, she answered in Ancient Greek.
I switched back to English and smirked, You just answered in Ancient Greek.
Her eyes widened even more when I said that. This cant't be real! her voice started to grow high pitched.
I tried to keep myself from exploding, This is real so you better get used to it.
-No this isn't real! There's no such thing as monsters or demigods!
-If there wasn't such a thing then the person I care about the most would be with me right now! I snapped.
I couldn't take it anymore. I stomped out of the room and headed towards the beach. I put my head in my hands and cried. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Percy. He sat down beside me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulders. After a while I wiped my tears.
-Wanna tell me what's wrong? he whispered gently.
I told him all about my dream. Although I left out the part about the little girl. Percy was silent for awhile.
-I think you should go.
I stared at him with surprise. He grinned at me.
-You heard me. I think you should go. He's your brother and if I were in your shoes I would go. Remember when I told you about the time I rescued Annabeth.
I nodded, You didn't hesitate to rescue her.
-And I think you should do the same thing.
I hugged him, Thank you Percy. Don't tell anyone.
He winked at me, I'll play stupid.
-Won't be hard, I teased.
He smiled and motioned for me to get ready. I smiled at him and took off for my cabin. I grabbed a backpack and packed quickly. I packed some extra clothes, ambrosia, and nectar. I left and placed a note on Tyche's cabin door.

Dear Lola,
Please give Hailey a make over and some new clothes.

I took off to the infirmary. Hailey was there asleep again. I took out the hair clip and pushed back some of her hair. I clipped the hair clip into her hair. I left a note for Hailey.

Don't try and follow me. If you do I will cut off your legs. Also if you wanna know about David then ask Lola or Oddy or even Ella.

I knew threatening her was the only way she wouldn't follow me. I fled the infirmary and quickly placed my hair in a messy ponytail. I ran down the hill and turned around one more time. Percy was there sitting at the top of the hill. He waved one last time. I smiled and waved back at him. Tears brimming my eyes. I turned around and ran. I didn't look back again.

Alice expect imagine it with Bell's icy blue eyes :-)
last edited over a year ago
YES!!! I finally finished the chapter!!!

Chapter 5

My nightmare was finally over.
Instead I was in
over a year ago Jewelz11 said…
Hailey: Chapter 6

I looked around but wasnt in the infirmary anymore. I was in a place where memories of animals flooded my mind. Blue birds chirped, an alley cat would stalk a mouse, and my one puppy Darcey that had followed me everywhere in the past had been most cases i had with the mammals. Darcey was the closest connection i had to a human being. She gaurded me as i slept, she helped me inspect land for a snack, and listened to me. If it wasnt for her most my life i might be insane today. I remember the most depressing part of my life was when she died. We were on our usual route looking for scraps of bread or a slice of leftover pizza. She ran off to the railroad tracks as we did everyday this winter. i heard the same pitter-patter of her footsteps letting me know she was with me. so i stopped to check a tree. A shiver went down my spine as if a presence of a new person had joined us outside of the park. i looked around only now nobody was in sight. Not even Darcey.
"Darcey! Come on girl! Where are you?" I yelled ending with a whistle. No response followed.
"Darcey! Stop fooling around!" I screamed increasing my volume.
A shout from a train whistle sounded in the distance. Sweat dabbed my forehead and i started jogging back to the tracks. I placed my fingers down on the recently icy tracks, it seemed to have warmed, not much, but i knew it still wasnt too far either.
"Darcey! Where are you?" I tried becoming more frantic and distressed. A weak whimper had came farther up the tracks.
"Darcey!!!" i screamed eyes widening.
i had to help her so i started running towards the noise. Tears filled my eyes at her condition when i found her. There she was, her leg caught beneath a wooden board. She must,ve been trying to escape by herself because in the atempt she broke her paw judging by the twisted angle and torn flesh. i fell to my knees and carefully tried to free her by removing rocks but everytime i did she made a painful squel that gave me nightmares for the next week. i spoke to her to calm her breaking down myself. The train whistle blew again and it was in sight now. I had maybe a few minutes. i hugged her and managed to say my goodbyes.
"You were the best companion any five-year old could have. Be strong Darcey," A sniffle came from me and i glazed her fur with my tears. "If only i had more time with you...I love you Darcey.. You, You were my best friend.." A painful tear rolled down my pale cheek as she whined once more. I glanced up and the train came closer. I looked for anything to help... maybe a branch would get her paw out? I sprinted back to the white leafless tree and broke off a branch as fast as i could. My legs began to feel much heavier than before as i ran back to her. All hope was leaving me. "Almost there," i told myself. but it was too late... i ended almost an arms length away from my friend when the train came.
"DARCEYYYY!" i screamed. "ill be with you someday, dont forget me" tears streamed from my eyes and i just hugged myself, alone and lay there in the snow. Thats when i awoke.
Lola was standing over me just a few inches from my face. I clutched my head.
"Morning Sleepy head!" she sang in a cheerful voice.
"uhh.." was all i could stammer getting used to my surroundings... i hadnt thought of Darcey in so long.. Sadness filled me.
She shoved a glass of what looked to be Chocolate milk in my mouth.
"Oh thats not good, you seemed to have used too much of your power last time beating up Drew," She looked off into the distance and giggled. "What a funny sight that was when we found her and her posse squirming, haha! You got major props from campers after that you know? Getting quite popular arent you?" she said with a smile.
"Uuugh the last thing i need is to be noticed or to be PoPuLaR." i groaned.
"Jeez, you DO sound like your mother!" she exclaimed with another chuckle. she continued as i laid my head back again.
"Oooh! i totally LOVE your hair clip" she announced excitedly.
"what clip?" i questioned.
"the one in your hair silly! you know the one with the green emerald flower!" she said pointing at my hair.
i urgently felt through it and found what she had mentioned. confused i looked toward the desk next to my bed and grabbed an existing letter. after reading it i was alarmed... she was leaving me? i cant handle something like that. She was the only person here i actually liked at this "camp". i was also dumbfounded that she doesnt realize yet that im not scared of threats. Break my legs? ill live! i looked back up at Lola. She had grasped my arm now and was tugging at it.
"Come on already! Didnt you hear me? im gonna give you a make over girly!" she repeated impatiently without my attention the last couple times.
"But.." i began.
"Oh dont you give me that! It'll be fun, come with mee! please?" i couldnt help but think that this would be anything BUT fun.
i got up reluctantly and the pain returned but i walked with her and she pulled me back to her cabin.
I didnt get to look much at the area before she pulled me to the aqua blue and white coated bathroom and sat me down on the toilet seat. She pulled a giant black briefcase filled with AVON products. She told me to stay still... i obeyed. She started with a cover up.. then eyeliner... next blush..mascara...lip liner.. lip gloss...eye shadow..under eye cover up.. I felt like a china doll with my mask of makeup! Now she grabbed a Big square brush and turned me around. She yanked at my hair over and over and over. my head throbbed so much i blurted out at a painful pull, "OW!"
"Well maybe if you took care of your hair..." she began.
"With what huh?" i snapped. I was beggining to get a little touchy on my past after that dream.
"Sorry," she apoligized and continued.
once done with the brushing she took out a Curling Iron and began to do that. Tik-Tok, Tik-Tok, minute after minute and i grew more and more bored. She turned my around again with a sudden thrust.
"OOOH! you're so pretty! if only you had more time to do this yourself!"
"Wait here!" she said while running back to her room, grabbing an outfit, and running back with that and a new addition of scissors.
She came back with a ruffled jean mini skirt and a tank top with an adorable Green v-neck t-shirt. She handed the skirt to me that i quickly put on. and started to cut the bottom of the shirt with the scissors.
"Too big for you..." she muttered.
"Okay.." i agreed.
she handed me the clothing which i put on without hesitation.
"Oh! thats just PERFECT! im magic i swear!" she exclaimed when examining me.
i stood up from my seat and looked at the mirror.
"Whoa! I like it.. How do you do that!?" i said astonished.
"Lots of products girl, haha" She seemed pretty proud of her work. I was.
"Lola, Whats with Bell and David?" I asked.
Her face looked troubled but she spoke "Well, she has a brother... he used to be a camper here too... but he.. well... he was taken and no one has seen him sense... Bell seems to think he is still alive.. Denial obiously.. its been so long..." We were interrupted by a voice outside shouting. it was shouting my name...
we ran outside to meet a boy with Green eyes, and yellow teeth he also had sandy blonde hair and was accompanied with percy.
"you called?" i said.
"Your wanted at the big house with chiron." percy responded.
"Big House?"
"Down there," he said pointing.
"Thanks" i said.
he gave me a firm hug making me blush "I heard you got a quest, good luck Hailey"
"Thank you" i said again and left.
i entered the house smacking the door behind me.
"Ah, there you are... We shall venture into the caves so you may speak with our oracal. We had a long and winding walk through the forests thats seemed to go on forever. He seemed paranoid that i might pass out again so he offered to give me a ride on his back but i politely refused. Somebody having a human front and a horse behind.. kinda gave me the creeps. We stopped when we reached at a wide open cave.
"You coming with me?" i asked as a loud echoe erupted through the cave.
"Im afraid not, this is your prophecy Hailey and i musn't interfere with that.
without another word i entered the cave. The walls were coated to what looked like a mixture of slime and water, dripping everywhere. As she made her descent she kept hearing laughter and giggles.. maybe it was her imagination but it seemed that a flicker of light was always arround as well.. thats when something grabbed me. A muffled scream came but couldnt escape an object that covered my hand. I stumbled over a rock cuting my foot when i finally freed myself.
"What do you want from me?" irritation shown in my voice.
"Oh hush, hush! ill explain when we get there, i am no threat do not worry" a wise yet young sound in the voice was hidden in the words, they were ones of a girl.
"Are you the oracal?" i asked more persistent.
she sighed, "Must you ask so many questions?" a drip from the cieling landed on my face but i was unmoved still peering at her with questioning eyes. i could barely make out some of her face in the faint glow of what i had thought to be a candle she was grasping.
"if it matters so much then yes, i am the oracal." she responded while pulling me along to another lit area. this room was wider and was bigger space wise. she must have been talking about this when she said when we get here because this room looked similar to a living room.. only more peculiar. there was a fire in the middle of the floor and paintings covered the walls here.
"well my name is Racheal, i am the new oracal. i live here and give prophecies to those who are important and special to a quest. You have been brought here to recieve a prophecy for your quest."
"Ya, ive heard."
she ignored my comment and continued. "i saw what you did to Drew and her friends.." she said smiling "Chiron is impressed.. as i see.."
she stopped talking and grabbed a hold of me. i gasped as she seemed to be squeezing the life out of me. Green smoke poured out of her mouth. her eyes turned to a dark green and her voice turned darker as well as deeper. She had frizzy red hair that was drooping into my face. her face one inch away from mine she began to speak:
To find the Child Of Thieves you must
Travel to the coast
You will find help Where You Least Expect
To find a Loved One You Must Look In Plain sight
But Beware That the Earth Does Not
Cause You To collapse From Fright

the smoke receded back into the mouth and she collapsed to the floor clinging her head. she seemed to be in pain so i quickly kneeled at her side.
"hey, you okay Racheal?" my voice sort of in a panick.
she shook her head stood up and stopped shaking. "yeah, fine.."
i repeatedly assured her that maybe she should rest but she pushed me along and watched over me on our way out. at first we were quiet but to lighten the load of my curiosity for a moment brought up a conversation of some old memories of her annabeth and percy. by the end of the conversation we reached the end and daylight peered through. thats where i met chiron and waved my goodbyes to racheal as we walked back to the eating area however i was still to bothered to eat. What do they mean "Child Of Thieves"? or "Head to the Coast"? so many questions bumped around inside of me.. Chiron (which i found was the horse man) began to speak.
"Im sure you've all heard that our newest camper.. Hailey has recieved her first quest already!" he announced cammpers whispering amongst themselves.
"She may now choose a number of campers to accompany her" he continued.
Ella,Oddy, and Lola all volunteered. I thought of choosing Percy but he shook his head and i understood... he couldnt leave Annabeth. i smiled at him then agreed that they could come on the journey. i was eager to get out of here anyways. he listed some instructions i didnt listen to and then returned to my cabin to gather my things...dagger, bible, and my old clothes. i went up to the infirmary to get the letter and read it over once again.. Lola, Ella, and Oddy entered and came alongside me... "dont worry," i said to myself. "Im gonna find you Bell.. Your not getting away from me now.. Your not gonna be forgotton...not like Darcey..." i said looking behind as Oddy, Lola, Ella, and myself all climbed into Oddy's car and drove off into the distance...

Hey guys its Jewelz! hope u like my chappy! :) btw at the beggining of the Chapter when i talked about Darcey.. well that actually happened to my dog when i was little.. her name was Missy :/ oh well... but COMMENT n tell me what u think! below i added a pic of what Ella Would look like (if only it had violet eyes)!
-Thanks 4 reading! :)
last edited over a year ago
Hailey: Chapter 6

 I looked around but wasnt in the infirmary anymore. I was in a place where memo
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Wow you guys are so awesome!! We have over 500 views!! Okay that might not mean a lot but it means a whole bunch to us! Comment please!
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
big smile
Awesome!:d I love this! Keep posting pleaseeee!:P
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
awesome! and im supers sorrie about missy jewelz!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
ahhhh so awesome!!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
You guys are so sweet! <3 This is the first time I'm doing Lola's POV so I hope you all like it!

Chapter 7

Okay so my best friend is gone and I'm going to find her.
Great. Just great. She could've at least told me!
I looked around my cabin. It was green with spirals and 4 leaf clovers everywhere.
I got out my backpack and started packing. I packed ambrosia and some nectar in case of emergencies. Some snacks and extra clothes. And of course, I strapped my lucky wand to my belt.
My sword strapped to my side. Emerald green made out of pure fortune. My lucky wand that gave people good luck. Well only if they really deserve it. Nemesis wouldn't like it if the balance was tipped.
I grabbed my lucky cards and shoved them into my hoodie's pocket. I ran outside to meet up with Ella, Oddy, and Hailey to discuss the prophecy.
Everyone was already there waiting for me, which made me blush. Hailey was on the outside of the group keeping her head low. I rolled my eyes. She can be so shy! I thought the make over would boost her confidence.
-I'll think of something later, I thought.
-I figured out some parts of the prophecy, Ella said.
-I'm still surprised a daughter of Eirene is going on this quest, Oddy raised an eyebrow. You know there's gonna be fighting involved right?
-I'll do it if it means helping a friend, Ella said gently.
-Yes but
-Do you want to hear what I think of the prophecy or not? Ella whispered calmly. She took out a purple notebook. She opened her mouth to say something.
-I think the "Child of Thieves" is Bell, Oddy interrupted.
-Yeah that makes sense, I nodded. But the help where you least expect could be anything!
-Expect campers, Ella whispered.
Oddy grinned, Remember that time Bell had a fight with the Naiads?
I giggled remembering that time Bell kept throwing rocks at them.
-Ello? Lola Fortune are you there? Oddy sang in a singsong voice.
I snapped back to reality.
-Come on mate we're about to go. She stood up and went to the Big House. Ella followed but Hailey stayed behind and played with her hair clip.
I walked away and stood beside Thalia's pine tree. I took out the cards from my pocket. Three cards jumped into my hands. Before I could look at the cards though one fell and vanished into the ground. I sighed and looked at the other two cards.
One was a group of girls with bows and arrows in their hands. Wolves and hawks sat around them. I recognized them as the Hunters of Artemis.
The other card was a girl crying. Another girl laid on the ground. I knew this was the terrible fate card. Something bad was gonna happen on this quest.
Another card hid behind the others. A broken heart was in the middle of the card. The very same card that could ruin Bell's life.
A thought came into my mind but I quickly pushed it away.
-Lola are you coming? Oddy has her car parked out front, A gentle voice said. I turned around to see Ella.
-Oh, it's just you Ella. Don't scare me like that!
Ella smiled and walked towards Oddy's car. I followed knowing one thing that could ruin our chances of succeeding on our quest.
My fatal flaw.

I ran through the streets. I should be somewhere in Pennsylvania now. I could see the sun setting in the distance. I looked at a sign that said Harrisburg. I knew that was the capitol of PA thanks to Annabeth.
I saw a park so I went to set up camp there. I sat down and opened my locket.
-David. Wherever he is.
I closed my eyes and my vision took me to a lush forest. Everything looked well grown and huge. David was still in the same tree. I walked over and saw a knife in the grass. I picked it up and saw the Greek words Μην χάσετε. It said Never Lose. It matched mine perfectly expect it was gold while mine was silver.
I looked at David.
-I'm coming soon, I whispered.
Something woke me up from my vision. My instincts told me to run and leave. I quickly gathered up camp and ran. An arrow whizzed into the ground where I was just standing. I heard another arrow. I ran even faster. An arrow went into my leg and I fell screaming. The pain unbearable.
-Centaur's blood, a girl chuckled.
Another girl with midnight black hair with a gold crown in her hair came over to me. She yelled at the other girl's to hold me down. They tied me up down to me ankles and threw me onto a Pegasus. Their leader jumped on and kicked her Pegasus. We flew into the skies.
-Let me go now, I growled.
She chuckled and gagged my mouth. I screamed but she ignored me. Another girl behind us shot an arrow into my stomach.
-Do you want her to fall off! The leader spat. Mistress wants her alive!
-Not my fault she's being annoying. Besides I like looking at them suffer, the girl who shot me before shrugged. She shot me again in the shoulder.
The leader cursed at her and she stopped. The pain was too much.
Blackness swept over my eyes.
Oddy and dont forget her gold eyes :)
last edited over a year ago
You guys are so sweet! <3 This is the first time I'm doing Lola's POV so I hope you all like it!

over a year ago jessie0147 said…
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
You guys are awesome <33333333
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Yeahhh...we know! But yall are more!!!!!!!:D
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
awesome! and its so funny to read about hailey's parts...or at least see her name cuz my name is haley (yeah, i no its spelt differetly but yeah)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Did anyone notice Nico has a little crush on Bell? Remember the black rose and skull? Haha ;-)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Okay I'm super bored and Jewelz is having computer problems so I'm gonna post a preview for the 9th chapter


I woke up feeling like I was burning. Of course I was still tied up. At least we finally landed. The girl's set up camp. The one girl who kept shooting me with an arrow sneered when she saw me. My snow blonde hair mattered with dry and fresh blood. My sides stung horribly. I gasped for breath. My breathing slow and shallow. I resisted darkness to take me again. My shoulder throbbed. I might have puked if I hadn't been gagged.
The leader came over to see me. Her eyes were like lightning. Bright yet dangerous. Her slim figure outlined in the darkness. The gold crown perched gently in her midnight black hair. A quiver filled to the brim with dark silver arrows on her back. A sword sheathed at her side. She leaned down and took the gag out of my mouth.
I spat at her saying a bunch of words that would end up getting me dishes duty for a month. The leader only chuckled softly. Although her eyes were cold and empty.
-Foolish daughter of Hermes. You cannot win. I am Penthesilea. Queen of the Amazons! And my mistress would love to see you for something very very important.

That's all your getting for now! Tell me what you think and if I should make and changes. If you have any character suggestions just comment and you'll see your character soon ;-) Oh and I feel like giving away some spoilers so we are planning on making a 2nd book. I'm not giving away anything but I'll give you a hint. Okay hints are boring its The Son of Neptune!! You guys get to see how Bell feels about Percy disappearance and if she goes on the Argo 2 to go save him. Oh and you will see the Hunters of Artemis soon! Keep reading! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DemiTitan said…
AYMAZIND- an alternative spelling
over a year ago Jewelz11 said…
Chapter 8 Hailey

So Oddy's car wasnt the best. I thought that possibly it would break down any second!The other girls talked and chatted while I sat read my bible that I had brought in my satchel(which now had an annoying hole in it from the whole issue with my monster attack)silently and tried to ignore Lola's outbursts of singing when a song she liked came on the radio or tried to start us chanting "99 bottles of ...." songs. my reading even became hard because every now and then i would start to think of the quest or Bell or her brother.. Where could she be? Find help where you least expect most? i had no clue to whatever might be ahead although i suspected that Lola might. she kept glancing down at her cards, a face of worry flash acrossed her. I tried to look over her shoulder once to see what they may have said but she caught me and moved away and snapped at me. After a few moments of siilence for the whole car she apologized however i did plan on letting up. She was acting very suspicious.. could we trust her to be on our quest? i pushed the thought away and continued to read, but not for long until Ella turned around to talk to me.
"What do you think about the prophecy Hailey?" she said with an eager smile. i quietly closed my book with the chapter marked and returned it to its usual place in my stachel.
"Umm.. well i definitely think we should head towards her hometown.. L.A. i think? i heard from my Demeter friends.. er, brothers and sisters i guess with this whole greek god thing... but anyways they told me thats where her hometown was or mustve been.."
"that might explain the daughter of thieves travel to the coast part.." we all turned as Oddy angrily honked the horn at another driver on the high way.
"Move it! Are you looney or something! stop swerving and get back into your own lane!" she gave another two honks then looked back at us.
"Eh, sorry" she apoligized shyly and starting to blush.
Ella rolled her eyes at apoligzed for Oddy again, "Ughh.. Dont mind her Oddy is just ill tempered!" she said increasing her voice on the last two words. Oddy shrugged and i giggled for a couple seconds. i tried going back to my book but Ella grabbed my hand.
i looked up quite annoyed.
"Hey, it'll be fine! im glad you chose us for the trip. We got your back Hailey. I dont like the thought of fighting but if it came to it i would help you in a heartbeat." she said with a smile although when i didnt say anything in reply she seemed unsatisfied and continued "Are you nervous...." before she could finish Oddy started ranting again about someone elses driving and told Ella i would be fine. Ella sighed turned around and scolded Oddy on how she should be nicer. I gave a half smile about those two with their fighting and to get them to stop i just said "Thanks Ella." it came out awkward but also sounded heartfelt and Ella gave me a nod of her head and a bright smile with her beautiful teeth. as the sun started to go down we had stopped 4 times; once for a coffee stop where we had bought about 10 coffees for Oddy since she would have to drive throughout the whole rest of the night and she was already getting tired. Besides the car was about to fall to pieces already and i didnt plan on dying today if somebody fell asleep behind the wheel. Another stop was so we could buy as much food as we could for the trip while the other two times were bathroom stops for Ella. once we finally started driving again and the sun went down Oddy turned the radio off, Ella covered up with her blanket and pillow, Lola turned her ipod on and started to listen while staring at her cards again, oddy shaking with the jitters from so much coffee already, and me watching other cars and objects that went by on the highway, nodding off my eyes getting heavier and heavier until i fell asleep.
I saw several girls with arows. Many had scars from battles and looked like barbarians. They cursed quite often, and mostly at each other. They rode on horses that had wings. it was so unreal but i had seen similar animals at camp so i had seen Percy in the stables there with a black one.. talking to it? i overheard him talking to annabeth about it and called it a pegasus their hair were tangled and frizzy some up but most down. suddenly i saw a girl running. She had a snow white, icy blonde hair.
"There she is." a women had said before shooting her with an arrow and a shriek came from the teenagers mouth. i knew it had to be Bell. i tried to call out but i made no sound. She was shot again and again and i winced every time i saw her flinch with pain. blood splattered the ground and she groaned. one of the shooters got of the pegasus and picked up Bell, tied her ankles and wrists with thorny rope, then hung her over the creatures back. even in the air she was shot more and more. Finally someone who sounded like she must've been incharge yelled at the women and mentioned about some leader she was being taken to. as i watched Bell's eyes close my dream went black then changed. Now i saw a little girl about 4 years old an young boy who was taller and older in a kitchen. both had beautiful blonde hair, so light it was almost tinted white. The girls mickey mouse skirt polka-dotted with red stains. You couldnt quite see her face, it was buried in the tiny palms of her hands as cries filled the room. the boy had his one arm around her hugging her and another patting her back. his eyes full of hatred. there was an older women with dirty blonde hair. wrinkles and creases lined her cheeks along with her forehead. She was extremely pale, her eyes the worst part. her eyes were fierce as if stuck on anger, as if a fire was burning beneath them.
"..You ever do ANYTHING like that again and ill smack you so hard you'll be in a daze for WEEKS! You hear ME!" she screamed unfazed by the sobbing.
"I dont think you understand me.." she said with a smirk as she grabbed the girl forcefully. an even louder scream erupted from the child as she violently kicked and flailed her arms in mid air. the shrieking wouldnt cease as the women spanked the infant. the boy was in the corner staring and biting his lip, his fists tightening. She dropped her child almost like a throw.
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" she yelled in her face.
the girl pouted for a brief moment, wiped her tears away, and spat in her mother's face. she flinched but didnt let up. she wiped the substance away with a wave her hand. she grasped the child and squeezed her as she struggled to get away. she stomped up the stairs another scream howled from her little girl.
"YOU NEVER DO THAT!" the women said sternly.
this time the boy sprung up, took a kitchen knife from the counter, and raced up the stairs until he was infront of the women.
"You let go of her!" he ordered
"What are you gonna do boy? cut me? im your mother!"
"LET GO of her!" he repeated
"stop trying to play mr. toughman David because i know you. Your too AFRAID to do anything. She is my daughter and i will do what i please. She disobeys and there is a CONSIQUENCE!" she shouted pushing past the boy.
"I warned you!" he threw the knife. it stuck in the wall right next to his mother's positon. a gasp came from her mouth and in shock she dropped the poor toddler that landed on her back. David reached over with the limited time he had and the girl took his hand. they ran up the steps their mother at their heels until they made it to the door. David almost dragging his sister.
"David..." she whined
"BELL! DAVID!" was the last word coming out of her mouth. David finally picked up his sister and carried her on his back to his room. Until finally my dream changed again. A women dressed in all green with flowers basically covering her and her curly brown hair that was put up was now in my view.
"Our time is limited Hailey" she said sounding urgent.
"Who are you?" i asked actually being able to converse this time although sounding a little dumb.
"Well, thats a nice welcome for your mother now isnt it?" she said sarcastic.
"Mom, Demeter?" i guessed based off of capture the flag.
"Well glad we took care of that quickly, yes" she replied.
"Listen my dear, did you get the clip?" she questioned more urgent
"Oh my Gods must i explain everything? the green clip that have rung a bell so i answered yes and our chat got a little more complicated.
"Listen.. make sure you keep that clip with you by all means..your quest is changing Hailey.. you must be prepared.." her image started to waver.
"When will i see you again?" i asked in an attempt to get more information. i wanted more answers, she couldnt leave yet.
"Olypus is closing my dear, i dont know if we will speak again, just remember.. keep the clip and be prepared.
i woke heaving and sweating. Lola and Ella stared at me intently.
"You alright?" Ella asked me padding my head with a wet washcloth.
"yes..but.. Bella" i stammered.
Lola's face darkened and a stress line formed at the top of her forehead. she moved closer to me and grabbed a hold of my shoulders.
"Whats wrong with Bell?" she said sternly not removing her eyes from my face.
"She was captured.. arrows.. and big girls..pegasuses and over alot of trees."
Lola moved back and started muttering the words no no no no over and over until she decided to instead chew on her nails. Ella and i stared at her in confusion but then Ella turned back to me.
"Did you see a sign or a hint to anywhere she may be?"
i thought for a second my head hurting. my stomache decided to speak up. "go to the north. the mountains will guide your way."
she still stared at me so i spoke again. "i dont know who they are but i have a pretty strong feeling that we have to go towards the mountains." i said while pointing at the hilly landscape ahead of us. Oddy surprised us all by finally saying something. "I know where were headed.. ik what your talking about, their camp is right ahead.. Those filthy Amazons took her and i can promise you they wont be so nice mate. Lola layed her head down on the window as if she was about to cry while Ella and i just stared at each other worried expressions acrossed our faces and the car gaining speed.

heyy guys! im sorry i couldnt post sooner! my computer was on the fritz! :/ well here is the chapter! and oh my gods u guys are awesome!!! over 1000 viewz!!! :) keep commenting people and thanks for reading! :) Oh and remember to check out the picture i added of Bell's abusive motherr, just add a little more blonde in it and its almost perfect :) (btw now do u understand why David and her ran away so young?)
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 8 Hailey

So Oddy's car wasnt the best. I thought that possibly it would break down any secon
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
FINALLY!!! I thought your computer would never get fixed!!

Thanks to you guys we got over 1000 views now!!! You all are awesome!! :DDD <3333

over a year ago Alex13126 said…
So sorry everyone!! School work kept me away from my story :( This is my last week of school after this I can post a lot more often hopefully!! :D

Chapter 9

I woke up feeling like I was burning. Of course I was still tied up. At least we finally landed. The girl's set up camp. The one girl who kept shooting me with an arrow sneered when she saw me. My snow blonde hair mattered with dry and fresh blood. My sides stung horribly. I gasped for breath. My breathing slow and shallow. I resisted darkness to take me again. My shoulder throbbed. I might have puked if I hadn't been gagged.
The leader came over to see me. Her eyes were like lightning. Bright yet dangerous. Her slim figure outlined in the darkness. The gold crown perched gently in her midnight black hair. A quiver filled to the brim with dark silver arrows on her back. A sword sheathed at her side. She leaned down and took the gag out of my mouth.
I spat at her saying a bunch of words that would end up getting me dishes duty for a month. The leader only chuckled softly. Although her eyes were cold and empty.
"Foolish daughter of Hermes. You cannot win. I am Penthesilea. Queen of the Amazons! And my mistress would love to see you for something very very important."
"Penthesilea the Amazon Queen?" I gasped. "But she died thousands of years ago! Achilles killed you!!"
The Amazon Queen tensed as she heard that name. I smirked at the so called queen. She slapped me in return.
"My mistress brought me back so I can get revenge for my death and the death of all my sisters!! In return of being alive again my mistress wanted you." She scraped my nose with her long finger nail drawing blood. Somewhere behind me I heard a gasp. I turned my head around. Lola, Oddy, Ella, and Hailey were staring wide-eyed at the queen. Penthesilea took notice and snarled. Quick as lightning she took one of her arrows and shot it through the Iris message. The message shimmered then disappeared.
She turned back to me with a pure look of hatred. She snarled at me then went to yell something to her Amazons.
"Why would their mistress want me?" I thought."I'm just a stupid daughter of Hermes who's on a suicide mission to get her brother back. I have no chance now. No possibilities. No hope."
"Your more powerful than you think Bell," a voice that wasn't mine said in my head. Great now I'm hearing things. Definitely going crazy.
A memory flashed into my mind. It was during the Titan War when I was only 12. A deep cut burned on my shoulder. The silver knife unsheathed in my one hand while the other clutched my wound. My dad stood in front of me.
As most people know the gods and goddesses were all fighting Typhon but my dad was giving a message to Percy and Annabeth. He was upset over the whole Luke thing. I didn't like my dad being upset so I ran over and gave him a hug. He seemed surprised for a moment. He stroked my blonde hair and whispered something quietly into my ear.
I was back in reality again. Wolves howled in the distance. My stomach growled. My head felt woozy. I had to get out of here now.
I closed my eyes waiting for that "power" my dad had always said I had. There were screams in the distance. Somehow I managed to block that all from my mind. The ground shook. Finally I opened my eyes and gasped.
I was completely invisible. Not one part of my body shown. A thought hit me.
I was the first child of Hermes in over 80 years to have this power.
Penthesilea must have left her spear here. I managed to cut myself free and rose unsteadily to my feet. My knife was lying by a tree nearby. I grabbed my knife and unsheathed it from its sheath. It glowed bright silver under the moonlight.
The screams were louder now. Bright silver arrows flew everywhere. I decided to follow my instincts and ran. Nobody noticed I was gone until I was about 20 yards away. Shrieks of horror were everywhere. My powers finally took its toll on me. I stumbled along. I think I saw a frail old woman with gray hair cross my path. She gasped when she saw me. I fell to my knees. She ran quickly for an old lady. She tried to help me up but I fought back weakly. My breath in even shorter gasps. Darkness washed over me.
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Wondermous as always Alex!:)
over a year ago toxic_child said…
awesome chapters!