The Heroes of Olympus Heroes of Olympus By Firelily

Firelily posted on Apr 13, 2011 at 06:15AM
I Own none of this, all rights belong to Rick Riordan.

So this is my first attempt at Fan Fic so bare with me while I learn the ropes.

Chapter one: who are you again?

Percy woke up and looked around, we was sitting against a tree on the edge of a wood that he had no memory of ever having been in before. Standing up he realized that he no memories of anything at all. No age, no family, no friends nothing. All he had was his first name; Percy, and somehow that felt incomplete. Going around to the other side of the tree Percy stopped and stared he was on the edge of a school campus the buildings sprawled in every direction but hism, all covered in a trampled down layer of sonow. Suddenly a voice called out from a distance.
"Percy!" a girl called from off to his right, just out of sight. Like every thing else the voice sparked no memories.
Then a boy with long brown hair came in to view around a tree his eyes hidden by his bangs. "don't worry Reyna, I found him!"
"thank th- goodness I was starting to think that Percy had been kidnapped or something…" said a girl with pixie cut black hair and dark eyes that seemed to bore in to your sole and see your weakness with out event trying. She came in to view as she stopped speaking and studied Percy for a moment before speaking again. "Something is different about you, you seem I don't know more confident somehow but at the same time more with drawn and less trusting. What changed?" Percy was utterly confused at this point and felt the need to ask a simple question.
"Umm… do in know you people?" all right so now he felt like an idiot, not knowing the people who were obviously his friends.
"Not Funny dude, we've known you for like four months now and you showed only minimal signs of craziness. So just cut it out ok." The boy said assuming that Percy was pulling the wool over their eyes.
"I would if I could but I really have no idea who you are, ether of you." Percy said more that slightly exasperated.
"seriously, we only have an hour till brake is over so if we want to show Percy the Ruins, we have to leave now, or we won't get back in time…" the boy said now clearly addressing the Girl he called Reyna.
"I am perfectly aware of that Bobby," she said the turned to address Percy as well as Bobby and continued, "How about we explain on the way to the Ruins and so help me Percy. If this your idea of a joke, you will be in pain, and a lot of it."
"wait, you believe him?" Bobby said disbelievingly.
"what other choice do I have? He seems sincere, and like you said if we want to make it to the Ruins and back we have to leave now. So I say we go with it for now and hope that it will work out. That O.K with you?" Reyna finished in a sticky sweet tone that booked no arguments from Bobby.
"I guess, lets just get moving, I want to see Percy's face when he sees the ruins…" Bobby said seeming to agree with her plan, if only for lack of another plan.
"Umm you guys do realize I can hear you right?" Percy said feeling slightly ignored
"yah, why?" Bobby said
"well did it ever occur to you that I might not want to go to the ruins?" Percy asked.
"Honestly, no, you have been asking us to show you the Ruins for like the last three weeks… so we assumed that you still wanted to go," Reyna said "but I suppose that if you have no memory, I suppose that you don't know that."
"umm, good guess. I don't even know what ruins you are talking about." Percy replied.
"the ruins of Jack London's old mansion. The Wolf House." Reyna said "now let's move, we are running out of time."

last edited on Apr 14, 2011 at 02:30AM

The Heroes of Olympus 13 replies

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over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome start!!!
over a year ago percyrulz said…
big smile
wow what jas said

but 1 thing i think u got wrong jason kind of remembered reyna so she should have been in the roman camp longer so how could she be a student at percy's new school
over a year ago Firelily said…
Chapter 2 Wait, do I know you?

Walking through the forest Percy and Reyna traded questions back and forth. "so I've known you since September?"
"yah, you were new this year and having a ruff time with some bullies but you weren't giving in, so Reyna took a likening to you and did you the favor of standing up for you. She pretty much made the jerks back down and leave you alone, me I just tagged along, and as it turned out you were pretty cool." Bobby said "good thing to, if you hadn't been Reyna probably would have thrown you back to the bullies and you would have at least a black eye right now and probably a cast on your arm."
"OK so, you guys are like my only friends?"
"well you never really mentioned anyone else, never talked about home much come to think of it. We always assumed you had a sucky home life like the rest of us." Reyna said "now come on, we're almost there. The Ruins are just ahead of us now."
"really, you made it sound like it would be a half hour walk just to get there and we can't have been walking for more than… that's weird, my watch isn't working."
"dude your watch has never worked, but you never get rid of it and you never take it off. For goodness sakes I have seen you sleep with it on when your stressed out."
For some reason that sounded familiar to Percy, nothing else they had said meant anything to him but that bit about the watch. That just seemed right. Than Reyna asked a simple question, "you ready for your first look at the Wolf House?"
"ready as I'll ever be…" Percy said starting to feel a slight doubt creeping in to his stomach, no not doubt, fear. He was feeling like something ahead was dangerous to him and maybe him alone.
"well go on, it's just past those trees." Reyna said, when Percy continued to hesitate she asked "well what are you waiting for, go on, we'll be right behind you."
"all right, let's see what all the talk is about…" Percy said starting to move forward through the last stand of trees. Steeping through he stopped dead in his tracks. There was no way that this place wasn't a historical site or something but there was no one there at all. He was alone looking at the ruins of what clearly used to be a giant house. Then out steeped the houses name sake. A wolf, as big red-brown wolf who looked about ready to eat him.
:Hello hero: Percy heard the voice in his mind, a gentle whisper with the force of a tidal wave and the strength of a raging fire.
"you, you can talk," Percy asked, more astonished than anything else.
:I can: the wolf said calmly, as if she (Percy had no doubt that the wolf was a she) :I am Lupa, raiser of heroes through the ages of Rome. Now it is your time for testing, are you worthy for my training or are you simply dinner?: with that the wolf turned and began walking towards the ruins just behind her. :follow if you would claim your destiny. Stay if you wish to die, painfully and most likely slowly:
Percy followed. Lupa led him to the ruins, then when she reached the edge of the foundation she stopped and turned to face Percy. :Now your test begins, do as I say or you are dinner. Are you ready to begin?: Percy saw only one answer, "as ready as I'll ever be"
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
Wow, this is awesome. Post soon, this is a promising start!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was really good!!!
over a year ago percyrulz said…
awesome chapter again

i am repeating my post PEASE READ
but 1 thing i think u got wrong jason kind of remembered reyna so she should have been in the roman camp longer so how could she be a student at percy's new school
over a year ago Firelily said…
@ percyrulz; I am aware your comment and there is an explanation in the next chaper or two. i just don't have much time to write at the moment. hopefully the next chapter will be up within a day or two.
over a year ago percyrulz said…
where is the chapter?
over a year ago Firelily said…
Sorry this took so long...First it was AP tests and then it was final projects... but here it is. Chapter Three

Chapter 3 Alright, if you say so

:Good, you will face three tests. A test of trust, a test of character and a test of obedience. If you fail one you will not move on to the next, pass all three and you will be able to begin your training. Let's get started, shall we?:
"all right, no time like the present." Percy said, "what do I do?"
:sit down and close your eyes.:
"That's it? I have to sit with my eyes closed, nothing else?" Percy asked, startled by the simplicity.
:Yes, but remember you may not open your eyes until I tell you to, no matter what you may hear. Now sit down boy,: Lupa said obviously impatient.
Percy sat, he closed his eyes and he waited. At first all was quiet but then something began to move in the bushes nearby. Then suddenly Percy could hear something burst from the undergrowth with a roar. Percy could hear Lupa fighting, and it sounded like she was losing.
Percy felt the sudden urge to get up and fight whatever it was that was attacking, he did not know if he knew how to fight, but somehow it seemed like the right thing to do. Then he remembered Lupa's instructions. He could not open his eyes, or Lupa would eat him. But if he didn't open them would he survive the monster in the clearing?
A test of trust.
Percy realized that it did not matter if Lupa won or lost. This was a test of trust. He had to trust that Lupa would save him. Trust that he would survive. And so, Percy sat. five minutes or so later the sounds of fighting stopped and Percy once more heard the voice in his mind.
:You may open your eyes Boy.: Lupa said not even sounding tired. Percy opened his eyes and stood. Lupa sat a few feet from him licking her lips, as if she wanted nothing more that a good meal after a long hard fight. :congratulations, you have passed the first test. Now for the second.: Lupa said sounding impressed but also somehow a little disappointed, and hungry… not a comforting thought. :for your second test you are to walk in to the woods and keep walking, your test will find you, now go: having said that Lupa turned her back and began to give her self a bath in the nearby stream.
Seeing no alternatives, Percy began to walk.
Ten minutes later he was bored with the never ending woods.
After twenty minutes he was getting tired and wondering when his test would find already.
Then after thirty minutes Percy came across a small girl, no more than seven with her hair in pigtails.
"Please, can you help me find my mommy?" the little girl asked shyly when she spotted Percy entering the grove where she stood.
Percy hesitated for half a moment, he had to find his test right… but that did not make it right to leave a little girl lost in the woods. If he was a few minutes late for whatever monster he was supposed to kill well, so be it.
"Sure, what does she look like?"
"Well she's tall and she has brown hair… oh and her eyes are green. Does that help?"
"Yup. Now one more question, do you know what direction you came from?"
"Ummm, I think it was that way," the little girl said pointing to her right.
"Okay, now you stay close to me and we'll see if we can find your Mommy," Percy said.
They walked for about tem minutes till, finally, they heard a voice calling. "Jessica! Jessica, where are you?"
"Mommy!" the little girl cried, and ran in the direction of the calls.
Percy was about to walk off when Jessica came back pulling her mom by the hand. "This nice man helped me find you again Mommy."
"Thank you so much for helping Jessica, please let me give you something for your trouble," Jessica's mother said
"No thank you Mam, it was my pleasure. You have a very sweet girl there. I couldn't let you pay me for helping her out. Now if you'll excuse me I have to be going." And Percy turned to walk away.
:Well done Boy, you have passed your second test.: Lupa's voice sounded in Percy's mind. When he turned back around the Mother and girl had disappeared. Instead he now stood before the foundation of the Wolf House and in front of Lupa.
A test of character.
:Now for your last test, fail and die. Succeed and you will train in Rome,: Lupa said. :Now go sit behind that bush and wait for me to come and get you.:
:Do not question Boy, just do.: Lupa said.
Once Percy was seated behind the bush Lupa turned and walked away.
Within minutes Percy heard a girl calling his name. "Percy, where are you? Di Immortals, if you have gotten your self hurt… well it's not going to be pleasant"
The voice was loud and brought to mind spiky black hair, pine trees, and lightning. Percy wanted to get up, go to the girl, and let her know he was alright. The calls were now fading in to the distance. He had lost his chance.
Percy sat behind the bush for another hour before he heard the next voice, "Perrrrrcy!" the voice bleated. Summoning images of petting zoos, a wedding dress, and tin cans. This voice was male, and Percy knew that he should recognize this voice, it was so right, like Percy had heard it a million times. He just could not place it… all he got was a headache from trying. Percy heard foot steeps, and the voice called again. But slowly that voice to moved on still calling for him. And Percy still sat.
Then came the next voice.
"where are you seaweed brain? So help me Percy if you die, I will go to Hades bring you back and kill you myself…" this voice was female, and it tugged Percy's hart stings like the others had not. It was almost physically painful to remain seated. Then Percy remembered something, a voice telling him something important… "To save a friend, you would sacrifice the world." That voice, both similar and different from that one calling for him now. Percy knew that he had to remain where he was… he had to.
But then he heard the fighting.
It started with something shaking the bushes, but then Percy heard the girl gasp. And then something roared and charged. The fight lasted only five minutes and ended with the sound of an animal screaming its death. But those were the five hardest minutes that Percy could remember. Not that Percy could remember very much, but still.
Percy had wanted to go and help the girl, even though he could not remember her, he knew without a doubt that she meant a lot to him. That leaving her to fight alone was something that he should never have had to do. But he had done it.
:You may come out now Hero: Lupa's voice called out in Percy's mind. :you have passed your last test, you have earned the right to train in Rome.:
A test of Obedience.
Percy stepped out from behind the bush to find not only Lupa but also Bobby and Reyna standing behind her.
"Nice work Percy, we knew you would pass," Bobby said
"well at least we hoped you would… when it comes to testing there is no know," Reyna said.
"sorry we couldn't tell you what you were in for… but it has to be a surprise," Bobby said apologetically.
"it was tough to keep it all from you for all those months, but we all do what we must," Reyna added.
:what months?: Lupa asked. :You only left today to make a rendezvous with a faun in the area who had not reported for a few months,: Lupa said seemingly puzzled by their statements.
"What are you talking about Lupa, Bobby and I were attending boarding school this year to gain a better understanding of mortal life. For goodness sakes it was your idea… wasn't it?"
:I gave you no such instructions, you have been in Rome for the last four months training with your legions. Child I think that someone has placed the mist on both of you,: Lupa said.
"can you remove it?" Bobby asked
:I can and I will,: Lupa said.
Then as Percy watched, Lupa drew a deep breath and blew on Bobby and Reyna. As he watched Percy thought he could see a light mist blow away behind the two, but then he lost it. When Lupa was done blowing she simply asked :Now do you remember clearly?:
"Yes as a matter of fact I do," Reyna said as she turned to face Percy. "Now where is Jason, What have you done with him?"

over a year ago Huntress100 said…
post soon?
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Nice story
over a year ago Firelily said…
Chapter 4 Lets Get Started Then

"Who is Jason and why would I have done something to him?!" Percy asked both freaked out and shocked at Reyna's sudden change of mood. One minute she was happy and congratulatory the next she was yelling and asking what he had done with some one he didn't know and or could not remember.
"don't play dumb with me Percy, if that is your name, Jason disappeared three days ago and now you show up and you expect us to believe that you don't have anything to do with his disappearance? How stupid are you?
"Reyna, lay off, he has no memories remember?" Bobby said
"how do we know that is even true, he used the mist to make us believe that we knew him for the last four months, why not lie about that as well?"
:He was not lying Reyna, the boy has no memory, it is almost as though he never did. The memories are more than simply forgotten, they were taken.: Lupa said
"what would someone want with my memories? " Percy asked
:I do not know, but only a god would have the power to do such a thing…: Lupa was obviously puzzled. :but we have no answers and will gain none by sitting and talking, let us return to camp.:
"yes Empress," Bobby and Reyna replied instantaneously with a confused Percy only a beat behind.
With that Lupa turned and loped off threw the trees, obviously expecting the others to follow. Reyna and Bobby seemed to think nothing of Lupa's behavior but for some reason it just seemed wrong to Percy, like she should care a bit more about if they followed or not. Like she should care what happened to them. The run from the wolf house to camp was long. It took hours of hard running and by the time they arrived it was well past the time when normal people go to sleep. Despite that fact, there were guards on the walls of what looked to be not a camp but highly defensible city. Percy simply stopped and stared, this place was like nothing he could have imagined in a thousand years. The city gave an impression of being both elegant and frightening at the same time with white walls and high wooden gates that were held together with what looked like golden straps it was obvious that the city was interested in its appearance as much as anything else. With gates tall enough for an elephant to pass threw with ease and walls even higher, the city was strong and for some reason Percy had the feeling that what from his vantage points looked like darker stones set in a pattern in the wall were actually arrow slits that could easily be used to send a large army running from a cloud of arrows.
When they reached the gates Lupa stopped and turned to Percy saying simply, :Welcome to New Rome boy, it will be your home from now until I decide you are ready to return to the world once more. I hope you are ready to train hard and work harder for the glory of Rome.:
"ummm," Percy replied not quite sure what to make of Lupa's declaration.
Then a horn call split the night air. Percy jumped at the sudden noise and turned to see Reyna blowing in to a hunting horn that she seemed to have pulled from nowhere. Another horn answered from above the gates and then ever so slowly the gates opened to reveal the city of New Rome.

over a year ago Huntress100 said…
hi i like it post soon!!!!!!!!!!