The Heroes of Olympus The Roman Titan War

Perseus54321 posted on Apr 15, 2011 at 07:16PM
This is about(as the name implies) the Roman version of the Titan War. The most important thing about this is the Lost Hero will not happen. I'll be coming up with most of the characters but you'll see most of the Romans listed at the end of the Lost Hero.

Disclaimer:I do not own about 50% of the characters. You know which are mine and R.R.

Rating:T (not exactly now, but later on)

Characters:Jason, Jake, John, Aiden, Adam, Brad, Dakota , Sean, Bobby, Hazel, Gwen, Aubrey, Lupa, and Reyna and many more that I don't want to list.

I don't care about spam so type whatever you want(as long as you're not cussing me out).
last edited on May 23, 2011 at 12:54AM

The Heroes of Olympus 79 replies

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over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
This sounds interesting. Can't wait till u post the 1st chapter!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
great idea doing the roman version, can't wait!!!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Thanks, hope you guys like this and this mirrors the Lightning Thief so remember, Zeus’s (Jupiter’s) Master Bolt is gone.

Chapter 1

Before I get started on the story, let me tell you, it’s not fun being a demigod like you may think. You first realize this when you get acid shot at you (yes, I speak with experience). But if I told you the true dangers of it well let’s just say you’d need new pants.

It all started on the last day of school. My twin brother Sean and me were getting ready for school when I heard a snarl. I looked back and saw nothing, so I ignored it. I got out of my room and poked my head in my older brother, John’s room and of course, he was already ready.
“Dude, how do you do get ready so quickly?” I asked him.
“It helps that I get up a hour earlier than you.” He snickered. I just ignored him and went in Sean’s room. Just so you know, Sean and me are fraternal twins. His hair is blond while mine is black. His eyes are blue while mine are, again, black. It just seemed kind of odd. But mom said I took after dad. Of course I’ve never seen him, or even seen a picture of him, which I thought, was even odder. John looked more like my twin then Sean did. For some reason Sean was ready, but he fell asleep. I had to wake him up before John drew another mustache and glasses on him, which he did frequently.
“Wake up!” I yelled. He didn’t even stir. I had another idea.
“Whose doughnuts are these?” I called.
“Mine!” Sean yelled as he bolted up.
“What the crap? That trick works every time.” I said, as a disappointed Sean found no doughnuts.
“Come on guys,” John called as he poked his head inside the room.
“I got dibs on driving.” Sean said as he got up.
“I’ve got a better idea, I drive because I’m seventeen, and you’re sixteen.” John said sneering. So we got to school and John quickly got away from us as if he couldn’t bear to be seen with us at school. So we went to gym and well, that’s where it started. Coach Den said we had to play basketball, of course. Out of all sports, basketball is my worst. Out of all sports I get skilled with mainly three, and barely anyone does it at my school except one. The three sports at Las Angeles High School my sports are fencing, archery and baseball (my best). The only one I have to practice a lot at is baseball. The other ones just seem natural. I always get a bull’s eye, always able to beat everyone in fencing. I just wish intelligence came as easily. Dyslexia and ADHD really get in your way. Now back to basketball. Actually, I was doing really well for a change. But then, Coach Den called Sean, this other kid in our class named Jason and me to his office to his office. I thought it was kind of odd. I didn’t know Coach Den had an office. But it was definitely there. He told us to sit down so we did. Jason seemed kind of nervous.
“So, where did you put it?” he asked us, not taking one beady eye off us.
“What did we hide?” I asked trying to keep calm but it was sort of hard to. But it seemed he was talking to Jason.
“The item you stole fool!” he yelled in a raspy voice. “It is obvious that you stole the item, son of Jupiter.” I know he was certainly talking to Jason.
“How can Jason be the son of a planet?” I asked.
“Jake, this is kind of creepy.” Sean said.
“For the last time where did you put my master’s symbol?” Coach Den roared. Then he jumped on his desk then literally flew. He started growing leathery wings and swooped down and nearly took Sean’s head off. He was like a bat demon thing. Jason just ducked every time the bat thing swooped down. Then he just calmly took a coin out of his pocket and flipped it and suddenly it turned into a gold sword. In one clean slice he killed the monster and it vaporized into dust.
“Did that REALLY just happen?” I yelled as Jason quickly made us run out of the gym.”
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
big smile
That was really good!!!! Let me guess...Jake is a son of hades? or sorry, pluto. BUT HONESTLY IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!! I can't wait until ou post again. Please make it SOON!!!!! I also have a suggestion. Try to add a bit more detail at the end. instead of killing the moster in one sentence, you could have had them, like move around a bit or something. But other than that your description was good. Again, GREAT.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Yeah this is really really great! You should keep writing. It seems you have an amazing talent :-)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Thanks and I won’t give away any surprises. But you guys need to remember that the gods change appearances now for the next chapter

Chapter 2

Okay, my life just turned freaky. My two best friends and my girlfriend, Dakota, Aiden and Gwen, just killed this gigantic wolf dog thing along with a one eyed monster. They called it a hellhound and a Cyclops, whatever that is. They just took out golden swords that some how appeared at their side and sliced it then it turned to dust. I tried to understand this but again it jumbled up in my brain. ADHD and Dyslexia can do that to you. Of course that’s what sets me apart. Sean, Jake and I have it, which makes people avoid us. Dakota, Aiden, Gwen and I have it, which again makes people avoid us.
“What is going on guys?” I said helplessly.
“Don’t worry John, we just have to get to camp.” Dakota said and then as we turned the corner to leave we saw Jake, Sean and this blond kid. I’m pretty sure this kid’s name was Jason. But I wasn’t sure.
“Come on guys.” Jason said. We left the school and we kept our heads down the entire time. The weirdest part that I kept wondering was that the Cyclops called Dakota a son of Minerva, Aiden a son of Bacchas and Gwen a daughter of Venus. I thought they all had something in common. They were the names of Roman gods! But to be their children the Roman gods would have to be real. As we got to my car I said
“Where do we need to go?”
“We’re heading for San Francisco.” Aiden said.
“Dude you know how long that will take?” Sean asked. For some reason it was always Sean who asked the questions. He wouldn’t do anything unless you gave him the reason why. He never stopped talking. And he would never take any insult. Jake was the exact opposite. He was silent half the time unless you got him excited then he would talk half as much as Sean. He just kept to himself and hardly did anything but think or draw. He read a lot, but being Dyslexic he didn’t use regular books, he used Braille books for blind people. He just figured it would let him read more. Nearly every activity he did was silent. He figured out every problem mentally
“Okay, guys it’s time you knew the truth.” Dakota said.
“Finally,” Sean said.
“You guys are the children of Roman gods.” Jason said. ”Guys don’t question it, it’s true. People today may not worship them but they’re still plenty real. They passed on from country to country whenever they were in power. Like during the Revolutionary War England was the center of power. When they were defeated they moved to America. Ever hear of children of Roman gods and mortals? Like Alcides (Hercules)? They’re called demigods, demi means half and with god it means you’re half-mortal half god. Have you guys ever questioned why all of us have ADHD and Dyslexia? Because ADHD are your reflexes, they keep you alive in battle. And Dyslexia is because your brain is hardwired to Latin, not English. Dakota is a son of Minerva, goddess of wisdom. Gwen is a daughter of Venus, goddess of love and beauty. Aiden is son of Bacchus, god of wine. And I’m son of Jupiter, king of the gods, god of lightning.” I’m dating daughter of the goddess of beauty, I thought, I knew Gwen was really pretty but I didn’t know it was like that.
“So whose are godly parent?” Sean asked.
“They don’t know.” Jake said.
“How would you know that?” I asked.
“Because we need our godly parent to recognize us as their own.” He said. “It’s just, I’ve been told this before. But I’ve had my memory wiped. Remember that time I disappeared? Well, I was with a man who was covering his face. It was dad.” The way Jake said I knew he was right. For some reason the hours flew by. Jason was telling us the stories he knew about Roman heroes. Finally when Gwen told me to stop at a forest.
“We here, at the camp.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome, its really cool!!! i wonder who there godly parent is...i cant guess
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Well making you not able to guess is part of my job as the writer.
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
I LOVED IT!! Can't wait till you post again.It's so different...which is what makes it so interesting... Post soon!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Guys, I won’t keep changing POV like this.

Chapter 3

Jason led us through an abandoned courtyard. Everywhere it was misty. We saw a lake but we couldn’t see the bottom, it was filled with mist. We reached an old abandoned mansion. I’m sure it would have looked amazing if it were remade.
“Lupa, we brought them.” Aiden called. A wolf stepped out of the shadows. It was a few feet taller than I was. And it was a reddish brown color. I knew who this was, it was Lupa, the Roman goddess of wolves. The same she-wolf that raised Romulus and Remus, the sons of Mars and the founders of Rome. Jason told us the myt-, excuse me, the story. Jason told us not to call them myths anymore.
“Are they ready for the test?” Lupa called.
“Yes except for one thing, they need weapons.” Gwen said.
“Wait weapons?” I said and what’s test? Do we need to fight something?”
“He learn fast.” Lupa said almost sarcastically.” You must prove you have the most vital qualities of soldiers. You need to not show fear, prove that you’re a good fighter and learn to accept your fatal flaw.”
“Okay, let’s do this.” Jake said. Half the time he’s so silent I don’t even notice he’s there. Again it struck me at how different we are. I am normally trying to be optimistic while Jake is somewhat pessimistic. I dress in bright colors and I stand out as the guy that’s always positive. While Jake is practically Goth, and is not exactly a mood lifter.
“Your first test is to not show fear.” Lupa said. Suddenly a lake of lava appeared with steppingstones in it. “No warrior will hesitate to danger.” She said calmly. Then with an emotionless expression Jake calmly walked from stone to stone. John followed suit except not as nonchalantly as Jake. And I carefully stepped on and made it through, except one part. I tripped on one stone in the middle then somehow I did a handstand on the next stone before I fell in. After that I walked to the end of the lake.
“How the crap did I do that?” I said. John and Jake just shrugged.
“Time for you next test.” Lupa said as she calmly walked over to us. “Prove you are warriors,” as she said that, three gold swords on the ground appeared. We picked them up. “You each will face a different monster. Jake, you will face the Cretan Bull. John, you shall face a harpy. And Sean will face a hellhound.” Then three cages appeared, one with a bull bigger than Lupa, the next a bird/woman demon and a gigantic black mastiff. First Lupa released the bull and it charged at Jake, somehow it seemed Jake knew how to use the sword well. The bull jumped at Jake but he rolled back. Them he sliced off the bull’s horns and took him for a ride. The bull kept bucking Jake but he didn’t release. But then there was a fatal mistake. Jake’s sword flew into the air and when it fell down, it would come right down on Jake’s back. Just as the sword was about to stab Jake he rolled off and it pierced the bull instead. The Cretan Bull vaporized as Jake picked up his sword.
“Now that was awesome.” He said.
“Now it is John’s turn.” Lupa said solemnly.
“Bring it on.” John said confidently. Lupa released the harpy and it was just like that monster thing Coach Den had turned into. Except that he was more horrifying and Jason, Dakota, Aiden and Gwen told us to call them Kindly Ones. But the harpy kept swooping up and down and John just cut off feathers. Until it swooped down and John caught it’s foot and was sent into the air. He kept swiping at it but it kept shaking him so he missed. But in a fluent motion John stabbed the harpy. As it disintegrated we realized that John would fall from about thirty feet in the air. He just crashed to the ground as we got to him. John just got up like it was nothing.
“What the heck? You just fell thirty feet! And you survived!” I said in amazement and disbelief. We did not have an answer to that and never will. “I guess it’s my turn.” I said.
“Yes, you will face a hellhound.” And she released the terrifying dog beast that I had to fight.
The monster pounced at me and I quickly ducked before my head got ripped off. I had an idea. As I dodged the hellhound I remembered what Jason told us about hellhounds. One of their abilities is shadow travel. But it makes them extremely tired. So the Hellhound’s next jump, I slid under him and then jumped on his back. I used the monster’s fir as the reigns and tried to keep him in control. It was about nightfall so I directed the beast towards a tree and we rammed into it. It didn’t work the way I planned it. The monster and me went down and we tumbled away from the tree. I got up and sliced the hellhound into dust.
“That was somewhat embarrassing.” I said.
“You all passed the second test.” Lupa said. “Now it’s time for the third test. You must resist your fatal flaw. It is your flaw that controls you over all others. The true way to be a warrior is to accept your flaws. As the eldest John, you go first. You must face a warrior from Roman Mythology. Who do you choose?”
“I pick…Aneas.” He said clearly not realizing what he was getting himself into. Then a ghostly figure appeared. He had a spear in his hand and a sword at his side. It was Aneas, the son of Venus and the forbear of Rome.
“Duel!” Lupa shouted. Aneas chucked his spear at John and it grazed John’s arm. Aneas drew his sword and charged at John. John was clearly going to be beaten. Aneas smash John on to the ground but he wouldn’t give up. Finally Aneas locked his sword hilt with John’s and disarmed him by twisting. John was knocked to the ground.
“I give up.” He said very faintly. Aneas then disappeared into mist.
“You have passed.” Lupa said quietly.
“What? But I lost.” John groaned as he got up.
“Your fatal flaw is being stubborn, unable to give up on a task that is too difficult. Yielding is one of the most difficult powers to posses. Now Jacob, you are the second eldest so it us you turn.”
“How did you know I was born three minutes earlier than Sean?” Jake asked, she was a goddess, I guess she could do that. And it was weird because nobody ever called Jake by his full first name. Then Lupa’s eyes glowed. Then immediately his knees buckled. And he passed out.


I was back in my school again. There was the biggest bully in the school, David Keller. But he couldn’t notice me, it’s was like I was invisible. If there was one thing I hated the most it was bullies, I had never gotten bullied before though. Most of them were afraid of me. There was this voice in the back of my head saying, You want revenge don’t you. He couldn’t do anything to you, use your powers and exterminate him. That would be only the beginning. You need to accept your power demigod. You know how to do it.
“No, never again, not after what happened last time.” I said to myself. Do it. Do IT! Then the vision broke.
I woke up on the ground everyone looking down at me.
“What the heck did you do all that for?” I asked.
“I just showed you a vision of what infuriates you most and you resisted the urge to strike. You have passed.
“But did you need to have that voice in there?”
“What voice?” I told them the entire thing except the part about me using my powers, I swore I would never use them again.
“Well do not focus on that now. Sean, as the youngest it’s your turn.”


Once Lupa said that I knew I was a dead man. I already knew what my biggest flaw was. Fear. No, actually I have plenty rational fears, not like spiders (John) or heights (Jake). But it still nearly made me wet my pants. Then I dissolved into mist like Aneas. Then I was in a completely different place. It was mountainous and misty, and in front of me was a black portal. A voice said, Eliminate your true fear by facing your biggest. I knew what I had to do. I unsheathed my sword and charged the portal. Once I was in there I might never come out. I went in there and I realized my greatest fear were things I didn’t know. Nothing is scary if you know what it is. Then I was back at the mansion when Lupa said
“You have passed, it is time.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
If you guys manage to get a total of 20 replies by 7:00 tomorrow, then I'll post 3 chapters in a row. But you can only post once for it to count so tell a lot of people about it.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
THat was awesome!!!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome tests!!!! They all realised their fatal flaw, and survived woooo!!!!
I still can't guess their parent, though Jake makes me think of Nemesis
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
There is really not much to say except that is was REALLY REALLY good!!!! I honestly love this story sooo much (it may be my favourite...). Keep writing! And I really hope people comment!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Well even if you guys don't reach twenty I'll post two. And Jas55jar you wouldn't realize how long it took to come up Sean's fatal flaw. The other two were easy. Also I already got three chapters ready. And in one of them they find their godly parent(don't wanna give away the surprise). And last thing remember that their all full blooded siblings so you have to think of one that fit's all three of all of them. And for you interested in lovey dovey stuff that will be part of the main thing and in another chapter capture the flag WHOOOO!
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
This is a good story. But shouldn't Jason be around 11 years old if this happens at the same time as the lightning thief?
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Actually no, I said that the Lost Hero will not happen, it seemed harder to do that and I figured it was better if I kept them at 16 or 17. And I'm gonna do the 3 chapters anyways. I got 2 more after them and I need more room in my brain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
My newest chapter!

Chapter 4

Shortly after that Lupa said
“You may keep those swords, they will be useful tools. And now we must show you around.” Lupa then led us away from the mansion deep into the forest. Then we came to a clearing, and it was the freakiest place I’ve ever been. In front of us was a path that led to twelve different cabins in a circle. There was an archery range, a coliseum, stables with horses that had wings! “You will all be assigned different guides through the camp. Jason and Aiden, show Sean. Gwen and Dakota, do the same with John.” But that was all of them so Lupa called to a group of girls that were giggling and gossiping. She said “Hazel, may you show this young man around?”
“Sure Lupa,” a girl walked up to us and I was in love. This girl was extremely pretty. She had black hair and, well her eyes kept turning from green to blue to brown. “Hi, I’m Hazel, daughter of Venus.” Get one thing straight about me, I am not one of those guys who hit on girls constantly but I was practically hypnotized. I could of come up with something real intelligent like drooling on myself but I said
“I’m Jake, son of a god that I don’t know.” As I sheathed my sword. Hazel first took me to see the cabins. I definitely liked Cabin 3. It was black, with a helm above the door and it was covered in skulls. Like Cabin 1 and 2 it had 2 stories. “I think this is my cabin,” I said.
“Not very likely,” Hazel said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Has Jason told you who his dad is right?” I nodded,” Jupiter, one of the Big Three. He’s the only child of the Big Three that we know of. Jupiter and his Brothers, Neptune and Dis or sometimes called Pluto, rarely have children.”
“I thought that they had a billion kids in the stories.” I said.
“They did, but after World War II, which was basically just a fight between Dis’s children and Jupiter and Neptune’s children, they swore not to sire anymore mortal heroes.” She said.
“So whose cabin’s are these anyway?” I asked.
“That is Dis’s,” she said referring to Cabin 3,”That is Neptune’s,” she said to Cabin 2, which was sea green and embroidered with tridents. “And Cabin 1 is Jupiter’s,” It was bigger than either of the other 2 and it was like a temple made of gold with lightning streaks on it. She then showed me all the other cabins and told me I would be staying in the Mercury cabin until I was claimed and I hope it was soon. Because the Mercury cabin was overflowed with the unclaimed and Mercury’s children. Then Hazel showed me a 13th cabin that wasn’t in the circle.
“Whose cabin is this?” I said since it had no decorations on it.
“This is for the minor god’s children. Trivia, Janus, Pomona, Victoria, Somnus, etc. Oh, and how good are you in fighting?” she asked.
“Apparently I’m good at that and bull fighting.” I responded with a smile.
“You faced the Cretan Bull?” she said.
“Yeah,” I replied. “Why did you ask me if I was good at fighting?”
“Because tonight is Capture the Flag and Mercury is in alliance with Venus. And yes, you’ll have to use the sword, let’s get you a shield.” So we walked over to the other side of camp, I didn’t mind because it gave me an excuse to talk to Hazel. Then we reached something that looked like a forge. That may sound weird but I had a weirder day anyway. We went inside and the place looked like a gigantic toolbox had barfed into the place. We walked up to this kid who was about my height. I couldn’t tell you what he looked like because he had a welding mask on.
“Jake, this is Adam, son of Vulcan. And the praetor for the Vulcan cabin.” Adam held out his hand and I shook it.
“What’s a praetor?” I asked.
“The leader of a legion, like I’m the praetor of the 6th legion.” Adam said.
“And I’m the praetor of the 10th legion.” Hazel said. “You’ll go into the initiation tomorrow. And the reason we’re here Adam, is Jake needs a shield for Capture the Flag.”
“I think I got the perfect one,” he said. He went to a vault and typed in a code and the vault door opened. He took out a gold shield and tossed it to me. I caught it and said
“Thanks.” Hazel led me out of the forge and back to the minor god cabin. Inside it was nearly as crowded as the Mercury cabin. Hazel kept going until she saw a short Hispanic kid who looked like he was practicing turning a brick into something.
“Hey, Alex,” Hazel said.
“Hi,” he said still not taking his eyes off the brick.
“Could you do some magic on Jake’s shield and sword?” she asked.
“Sure,” I put down my shield and sword and Alex waved his wand over it and the shield turned into a batting glove and the sword into car keys. “To activate these you have to press the button on the keys and to activate the shield say Scutum which means shield in Latin. Oh, and by the way, when is the meeting again?”
“It’s going to be in a half hour.” Hazel said.
“What meeting?” I asked.
“Jason always, and I mean always has a meeting to review the tactics for Capture the Flag.”
“You guys sure take it seriously,” I said.
“Well, the red team, which is us, haven’t won in about 2 years. We always lose to the Minerva, teamwhich is blue.” She sounded depressed. It even made me rethink not using my powers. If I made them win, Hazel would most likely like me more, no! I swore I would never use them again. But we will win. So Hazel showed me around but she seemed a little depressed after she told me that. Then she took me over to the Jupiter cabin where the meeting was already started. Jason had a big map of the forest with blue and red pins on it showing where the enemies will be figting and where their flag will be.
“Dude, how did you get to know where every single person will be?” I asked Jason.
“Oh yeah,” he called to everyone,” we got three new campers on our side, Jake, Sean ad John. And Jake, we got it by pick pocketing the Minerva leader Dakota. No it’s not cheating.” He said probably used to saying it to new campers.
“Actually I was gonna say that’s a brilliant idea. So who’s on our side?”
“Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Apollo, Trivia, Bacchus, Vulcan, Victoria and Somnus.” Jason said. “So, Jake, John, Sean, Gwen and me will go straight through and break through their main line of defense, the Mars kids. Half of the Mercury kids will go on the right and the other half to the left flank. Right sides make sure you get caught so the left can get the flag. Hazel you charm speak the guards into leaving their post. Rest of Venus, chuck makeup at the incoming enemy. Apollo, whatever enemy gets through shoot them down from the trees. Aiden and the Bacchus kid, use vines to protect the flag. Victoria kids use your powers to make us win and the last part, Vulcan set out your traps, Trivia disguise them and Somnus kids. Do what you do best, make people that invade our territory fall asleep.
“It’s a plan worthy of Minerva herself.” Hazel said.
“Does everyone understand the plan?” Jason asked, and everyone cheered in approval, “Then it’s time to win!”

Can someone tell me how to post pics here?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
I Really enjoyed the chapter! Post soon!!!!!!!
And you post a pic by moving your mouse to the bottom right when making a reply. You click on the plus sigh where it says 'Add an image' and you can upload an image file.
over a year ago eyal10 said…
very good but i have a few oppinions to help.
1 make them younger 11 to 12 there are just too many fanfics thet there old, if you do that the romance wont be as big but itll be more origonal and its good at first to make them care free and innocent
2 a little more detail would be great.
apart from that its awsome.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome chapter!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Eyal I can’t make them younger now.Capture the Flag time!

Chapter 5

The plan was pure genius. I don’t think that the red team had more of a chance then ever before. I thought we couldn’t lose, or at least let them nearly win, boy, was I wrong. Jason and me took up the front while Sean and John were the flanks and Gwen shot arrows in the back.
“Scutum!” I yelled and my shield spiraled out. Then I clicked my keys and my sword grew into my hand. We came to the first line of warriors as we crossed the creek that separated the boundaries. They were all Mars kids for sure, Jason knocked out 3 with one lightning bolt and started to work on more. I fought one and actually it was pretty easy. I just dodged every slash and stab then I knocked him out. We then ran into some Minerva kids and they were a lot harder. Well they are in-groups because I took on 3. I nearly dodged everyone but the first one slashed me in the leg but I slammed him with my shield. The last two however didn’t go down so easily. I kept slashing but it just glanced off their shields. I sliced the sword of the second guy then slammed him with the butt of my sword. The last gave me a few slices but I elbowed him in the face and he was down. The rest of the cabin went straight down from a lightning bolt that Jason nearly collapsed over. Actually, he didn’t have his sword out, he was just battling with lightning. Then he took out a coin, flipped it and it turned into a sword.
“Nice man.” Sean said as he stared at Jason’s coin. “Oh, and by the way Jake, where did you get that key thing?”
“A Trivia kid named Alex gave it to me.” I said as we sneaked through the trees. Occasionally a blue team kid would come by and Gwen would snipe them down. Then we reached the entrance to a cave, I could see that it was the base of the blue team, but it was surrounded by guards.
“That’s where the flag should be, but where’s Hazel?” Jason asked.
“Aw crap, she got captured.” I said. “I’ve got an idea, how about I sneak in there and I get Hazel out and get the flag.”
“Why would that work?” Sean asked incredulously.
“Because unlike you, I don’t make as much noise as an elephant chasing a peanut!” I whispered to him. So I went and let me tell you, it was quite easy. I took off my helmet that had red horsehair plume and put it on a tree branch. I then shook the branch to make it seem like a red team member was going to sneak up on them. I think we faced one half of the Mars cabin and this was the other half because these kids were big and stupid. They said
“Hey there’s a red over there!” and I quickly sneaked away as they ran towards my helmet.
“Idiots,” I muttered. I went inside the base and I went along a winding labyrinth. But I followed voices so I didn’t get lost. The voices said
“Those idiots don’t even realize that their little distraction girl is captured.” A deep voice laughed. Maybe a Mars kid.
“Don’t get to cocky Brad.” It was a voice I recognized, Dakota definitely. Finally they went into a room that looked like the place I was looking for. It was the jail, I could see the cells. Dakota and Brad went to a table that looked like a map of the woods. While they were busy studying that I went and hid beneath another table.
“Looks like everything is going according to plan.” Dakota said.
“I think we need to scout the territory again. One of my lieutenants said that they saw a red team decoy.” Brad said.
“Sure.” And the left the room. So I looked through the cells until I found Hazel. When I came she looked surprised, before she could say anything I put my finger to my lip and mouthed, Shut the crap up! She seemed to get the idea. So I raised my sword and broke the lock on the cell and she was out.
“Come on, I know where the flag is.” Hazel said. She showed backwards through the labyrinth but we made a turn and I couldn’t say where it was because I was completely lost. But Hazel seemed to know where she was going. Finally we reached a room and nothing was in it except a hook with the flag on it. “The only thing is every minute it has a sensor that checks if the flag is there.”
“Oh yeah, I remember, Jason secretly gave me a decoy for the flag.” I said as I took a blue piece of cloth and replaced the decoy with the flag and put the flag in my pocket. “Okay now we have to be very stealthy.”
“How do we do that?” Hazel asked.
“By being very stealthy.” Then we left. But the entrance was swarming with guards. But Hazel had a plan.
“The thing that got me noticed and captured was I knocked out a guard then was captured, but I hid the helmet I stole from him so I could disguise myself if I could get out. So wear this blue helmet and they’ll think you’re one of them, and say that you’re taking me to a secret prison.”
“A little crazy, but I think it will work.” I said. Everything worked perfectly. So as we worked our way through the forest I found the rest of them.
“Okay, we can go now.” I said.
“Dang, that was fast, you were only gone 20 minutes.” Jason said. I just shrugged. We then ran through the woods until we reached the creek. And got through and everyone from the red team came over yelling like crazy.
“WE WON!” Jason yelled. “AFTER 2 YEARS WE WON!” Everyone on our team was cheering. Then we heard a clattering that made everyone stop. Jason had a look on his face that made us think that this was not good. There, coming out of the forest came about a dozen skeletons in armor. Jason, Dakota (who had just come back), Gwen and Hazel ran to the skeletons and started fighting them. The skeletons kept rebuilding after they were knocked down. I ran up them, I absolutely knew that they would die if I didn’t do something. By then Jason and Hazel were the ones left standing. They had kept the skeletons off Dakota and Gwen but they wouldn’t last long if I didn’t do the exact thing I did seven years ago that I swore I would never do again. I had to reveal who my dad was now. As I got up to the skeletons I willed my sword to turn as black as midnight. Then I yelled
“Be gone!” and I stabbed my sword into the ground and a giant crack opened up and black fire and skeletons came out of the crack and brought the enemy skeletons down to Tartarus. They were gone, and above Sean, John and me were golden helms. Lupa said
“Hail Jacob, John and Sean Mort, sons of Dis, giver of wealth, Lord of death, god of the underworld.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Here are pics of Jake's shield
Here are pics of Jake's shield
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
and one of his sword except black
and one of his sword except black
over a year ago eyal10 said…
ok ill add you ass a fan you add me and well talk.
and ps posttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Thanks Eyal, unlike most peoples I like Spam. Romance time, for some of you who hate romance just get over it.

Chapter 6

I had felt on top of the world right down to the bottom. I at least had something to add to my list of things I promised to never do again and did it anyway. Sure once we found out we were demigods, duh, I’m not stupid. Of course my dad would be Dis. But my spirits lifted a little once Sean yelled
“PARTY AT OUR PLACE!” How Sean could get a party ready in a couple of minutes I never knew but he did. But I just wish that for once in my life I could just be the guy that’s not noticed. Not only was I the one who made us win Capture the Flag, but I was now going to be known as the son of Dis. Why does my life to be so crappy? Hazel apparently noticed that I wasn’t in the gigantic crowd going to the party. Exactly the opposite. I was heading towards the forest. She caught my shoulder,
“What’s wrong? If anything you should be the happiest person in camp. You broke the winning streak for Minerva after 2 years and you’ve been claimed.”
“Yeah, by Dis, one of the Big Three, the gods that shouldn’t have children. I’ve never, ever in my life wanted to be noticed. And I’ve been doing pretty well at that until I came here. I wish the skeletons had killed me so I wouldn’t have to be noticed except as the new kid that died. Even more, I am not going to get respect like a normal guy would. Every kid in this camp will respect me because of my big scary daddy that will drag you to the underworld if you do the slightest thing to me.” I said bitterly.
“Well, you do have to go to the cabin eventually, it is where you’ll live.” Hazel was clearly not good at bringing spirits up.
“Fine I’ll go.” So I went in the cabin, it wasn’t exactly a party place but it worked. And it was my style though. Black everything, a living room, a kitchen (I don’t see why you would need one), bedrooms (they were all upstairs) and even a balcony. Why the children of the god of the underworld who should never be to high in the air have a balcony I don’t know. You gotta give Sean credit though, as much as he’s the biggest misfit for a child of Dis, he throws good parties. I went over to Sean
“What the heck man? Who can have a party in less than five seconds except you? How did you set this up so fast?”
He just grinned mischievously at me and I thought he was the weirdest person I ever knew. I checked it out and it seemed he had even gotten the Apollo cabin to play music. I entertained myself for a while making skeletons and using black fire, maybe this son of Dis thing isn’t that bad I thought. Then the voice from my tests came back, Enjoy it while you can little hero, you will not survive for long. I fell to the ground and nearly blacked out as John walked by.
“What’s wrong man?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” I said and I got up. “See you later.” I walked up the stairs to the balcony. Once I was outside I started to calm down. Once this test tomorrow was done I had to tell Lupa something was wrong. I started trying to find the constellations. Hercules, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pegasus, Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, Perseus, Andromeda. I heard someone come out. I turned and it was Hazel.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” I replied.
“John said that you nearly blacked out earlier, do you know why?”
“I’ve been hearing this really weird voice that kept taunting me or telling me to use my powers for them.”
“Wait, you actually knew what your powers were. Why didn’t you tell us so we could have found out who your godly parent was earlier?” Hazel asked.
“I thought we covered this earlier when I was going into the forest to see if there were any monsters left to kill me.” I said.
“You really never wanted to be noticed by anyone. Not a single person?” She said almost as if I was lying.
“I’ve tried to make myself completely invisible, and as you can see that hasn’t worked very well.” I said.
“You’ve never tried to get the attention of anyone, not even like a girl you liked or something.” I just shook my head and turned back to the stars. Hazel came over to the railing and looked at the stars. Okay, maybe I wasn’t telling the exact truth about wanting to get the attention of a girl. Hazel looked extremely beautiful and I still couldn’t tell the exact color of her eyes. I mean she was smart, pretty and easy to hang around unlike most of the girls I knew in my old schools. Another reason I didn’t go out with girls was they always just thought of me as a bad boy, not someone they liked, someone they just thought of as tough and cool. “The stars are beautiful.” Hazel said.
“I think I can think of something that’s much prettier.” I said that as I very gradually leaned near her on the railing. So slow it could be mistaken for just accidental movement. But when I got near enough to kiss her, I got a bigger surprise. When I turned to her, she kissed me! I couldn’t believe it, but I wasn’t complaining. Apparently I was a very good kisser because we didn’t stop until Fortuna got even with me. I accidentally knocked my leg against the railing. And it just so happens that the exact button that was pushed on my keys that happened to be in my pocket was the activation button. My sword clattered to the ground and tore my pocket right off.
“I think we should go downstairs.” Hazel said. Although she sounded like she didn’t want to.
“Sure,” as we went downstairs we realized the party was over and we’d been up there for quite a while.
“What were you guys doing?” John asked.
“Nothing,” I said. I never really lied to John before, well occasionally but not really but it wasn’t his business to know what we did.
“I’m gonna leave.” Hazel said. When she left John said
“So, you did kiss her right?”
“None of your business.” I said. So I just went up to my room with my thoughts on Hazel until I fell asleep.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
That was really awesome!! Keep writing! :)
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Chapter 7

Before I told you that I fell asleep. For one minute, the rest of the night my thoughts went between 3 things. What this initiation is, why did you have to claim me dad? And of course, Hazel. In all, I got probably a hour of sleep. Yeah I know a hour of sleep before a fight (I just assumed it was a fight) that would get me killed, but children of Dis are very good at staying up. Not really a big surprise. My thoughts returned to last night on 2 main things. Now that Hazel and me kissed, would we be expected to go out? And oh my gods my sword ripped off my pocket when I least needed it to. I’m gonna have to ask Alex if he could make it come out only when I touch it.
“I’ll go to the coliseum to get some practice before I nearly die.” I said to myself. I walked downstairs to find that neither Sean nor John was awake. I looked at my watch, 6:00 am. I’ll do it anyway. I went over to the coliseum and saw that nobody was here, I just shrugged and looked for where the practice dummies were. I then activated my sword and said “Scutum,” and my newly turned black sword and shield. But before I use these, I thought to myself, I’d try using my powers.
I summoned skeletons pretty well and I barely lost any energy. Next I tried summoning spirits, they were much easier than skeletons because they didn’t need to take a solid form. Then I started throwing black fire like javelins. It didn’t float above my hand, my hands actually burst into flames. Then I started doing different things. Like slicing the dummies.
“Isn’t a little early to be practicing?” It was Hazel.
“Hi, and no.” I said as I stabbed a dummy. “What is this initiation anyway?”
“It decides what legion your in. You have to face every praetor in order of legion number. The 13th legion’s praetor is Alex. Next is Aiden, then there’s Aubrey, daughter of Ceres. And next is-“
“You,” I said.
“Well, just don’t expect me to go easy on you, death boy.”
“Then how about we decide if you need to go easy on me.”
“Fine then.” You know, just because Venus’s children are pretty and most are obsessed with their looks does not mean there not well at fighting. I didn’t use any of my powers to make it more even. And I’d hate to admit it but I think she was a little better than I was. I thought of that move Aneas had used on John that had disarmed him. I figured if I didn’t use my powers eventually I’d lose so I tried it and I locked our sword hilts and twisted and her sword clattered to the ground. As I deactivated my sword and shield I said
“Knew I could beat you.”
“Oh please, I was just going easy on you.” She said, obviously surprised and a little angry that I had beaten her
“The thing you said you weren’t going to do. If I remember correctly you said ‘don’t expect me to go easy on you, death boy.’”
“I could have beaten you easily, I’ve been training for years, this is only your second day, I doubt there is one thing you have done good at since you’ve gotten here, okay, one thing you’ve done good at.”
“What is that one thing?” I asked.
“You are a very good kisser.” Hazel said.
“Tell me something I don’t know.” I said jokingly. She punched me jokingly and I kissed her. When I pulled away I said “Looks like that’s 2 things I’ve done good at.” We decided to leave and as we did Hazel grabbed my hand. I certainly didn’t argue. It seemed that everyone (or at least the Vulcan kids because they were in the forge) got up pretty early here. “Do you know where Alex is right now?”
“Probably teaching some new Trivia kids magic at the minor cabin.”
“I’ll be back in a sec.” I said as I walked over to the minor god cabin. Hazel was partially right, he was just reading what looked like a spell book that was in Latin and doing the magic that the book told him. Without even looking up he said
“Let me guess, during the party last night when you kissed Hazel you knocked your leg against the balcony railing and it activated the sword and tore you pocket clean off.”
“How did you know all that?” I asked in disbelief.
“I know everything.” He said somewhat mysteriously. “Nah, just kidding, every time one of my spells messes up I get a magical message and it tells me exactly how it happened.”
“Well, can you just get it to only activate when I touch it?” I said.
“Yeah, it’s really easy.” Alex took out his wand and muttered something I couldn’t hear and the keys in my pocket glowed. I tested it by slapping where the button should be and it didn’t activate.
“Thanks man.” I said and then left. I went back to the coliseum and there was a crowd already gathering. A few Mercury kids were even selling merchandise. I walked over to Hazel. “What is this initiation? A sporting event?”
“Sort of, they take it like a football game. They sell food, foam fingers, the Mercury cabin even sets up a kiss cam.”
“You mean that gigantic screen that shows both of us?” I could see her curse when I said that.
“I’ll see you later.” She said that as though she could she couldn’t stand to be the center of attention in the arena. As I walked away I looked up and saw that none other than Sean was doing commentary. I didn’t quite catch what he was saying before but what I heard was
“And Jake walks angrily away from the kiss cam.” Now I could tell you what I yelled to him but then your parents wouldn’t let you read this. “And Jake angrily cusses me out.” I’ll get revenge on him later, I thought. Then Lupa walked into the coliseum and everyone fell silent, even Sean.
“It is time for the initiation,” she didn’t even need to yell for everyone to hear her. Again, she is a goddess, she can do things like that. “Jacob, Sean and John must face all thirteen praetors to decide what legion they shall be in. To whichever praetor they lose to they shall be in their legion. We will start with Jacob. Alex, come out.” Out of the other side of the coliseum Alex came out in full Roman armor. He had his wand in his hand. I activated my shield and sword. I would definitely need my powers for this one. Alex kept his distance, not even getting within 10 yards of me. He started chanting and waving his wand. Plants started to come out of the ground, vines and Venus flytraps (isn’t that ironic) started to attack me but every time they touched me they would burn because I was giving off black fire. I stabbed the ground and 1 dozen skeletons rose from the ground. Half started fighting the plants and the other half attacked Alex. They were just a distraction, I went behind them waiting for them to capture Alex. They did in about 5 minutes while I just waited. “Jake is the winner.” Lupa said.
“Looks like my big bro. had ‘magical’ results.” Sean said. I just looked at him like, really, that’s what you’re going with. “Next up is Aiden, son of Bacchus.” He announced. Do I really need to explain what happened? It happened the same way that it did with Alex. He didn’t get near me, but used vines.
“Jake is the winner.” Blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah, remember that Aubrey girl Hazel mentioned earlier? It happened the exact same way! That’s so surprising. But now I was facing Hazel, it would be hard to fight her. Not just because she’s good, I kinda guess she’s my girlfriend now. But I would not show that I’d be going easier on her.
“Now it is finally a match that will have a different outcome.” Sean said.
“Time for you to lose, death boy.” Hazel said. I actually fought her. I was kind of getting tired of using skeletons. I didn’t hit her at all. I was going to rely on my powers to finish this, but not now. I was just toying with her, and she most likely knew it. I wasn’t sure what way I would use my powers and I decided to use my firepower. I chucked it at her sword and it immediately melted to liquid. I did the same to her shield and brought my sword point to her neck. Just let me skip the commentary and all that.
Long story short I kicked everybody’s butts. But there is one more battle after I beat 9 more people. I had to face Jason. Son of Dis against son of Jupiter.
“You’re going down Mort.” He said.
“Same to you Grace” I said sneering. First thing out, he shot lightning at me. I deflected it with my sword and shot fire. He used the wind to extinguish my flames. Then he shot more lightning and I summoned the dead. Every time one of my skeletons got to him he just went into the air until he shot them down. He was causing his own personal storm. It soon began to rain. The clouds made it so dark there were shadows everywhere. Exactly what I needed. Dis’s children can shadow travel, the only problem is finding a shadow to use. And Jason has just taken care of that problem. I started to dash to a shadow. Jason thought I was running away, how stupid of him.
“What? Jake is running away?” Sean said. I waited at the place where I would travel and just as Jason got to me and thrust his sword at me I leaned back against the wall and disappeared.
“What the?” Jason said looking for me. I came out behind him and slammed him with my hilt so hard he was knocked out.
“Um… does anyone know what that means?” Sean said. “I mean, Jake just beat the first legion praetor. Now there’s no legion that Jake will go with.”
“I believe that means that we make a new legion and Jake shall be the praetor.” Lupa said.
over a year ago eyal10 said…
liked it but you may be creating a mary sue but a boy version here, im not an expert but nico trained for years and almost blacked out when he summoned a dozen skeletons and the fire thing is nat a trait of a son of hades or pluto and its the first time he shadow travels and he doesnt even black out when nico took a accidental trip to china and blacked out for 2 weeks and he cant just beat everyone, hes a newbie and jason almost blacks out summoning one strike of lightning and he summoned at least a dozen here while flying. these are just thought but you may have to start over if you ask me or change the chapters a bit.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I thought it sounded pretty good. Okay I'll admit every story I read I like. Just watch out for a boy version of Mary Sue like eyal said. I don't think you need to start over though.
I dont feel like making a new thing.
\/ \/ Dont trust wiki its not always true. Anybody can go on there and change anything. If I remember Hades does have black fire or something like that. Also a Mary Sue is somebody that is perfect in every way. Like a boy that's handsome, great with girls, no flaws, great battle skills, ect, ect, ect. Get my point? I never said he was a Mary Sue I just said to watch out for them. Most of the time a Mary Sue happens cuz the person likes the character to much to give the character flaws.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Actually black fire is an ability that I saw on a PJO wiki thing that Hades (Pluto) passes on to his children, it's kind of an assumption but in the LO it says when Nico was convincing Hades to fight a black fire lit in Hades palm so I thought that was a trait his children can do too. And who said this was his first time shadow traveling? (No Jake did not travel to any other countries )Jake specifically says that he's used his powers before. I'll get into more detail later, and I have no clue who mary sue is. Remember, Jason is older in this so he may have more practice and it wasn't exactly lightning. It was more of volts of electricity, and also Thalia was 15 in the TC and used lightning and it didn't drain her at all. (Edit) Oh that makes sense, I didn't make Jake perfect, he's just a normal person (as normal as a demigod can get). In the underworld the River Phlegathon is a river of black fire. As most of you know I'm a guy, so it would be a little awkward for me to call Jake handsome. Plus, nearly every main character is a Mary Sue. The authors have to make them more special than the other characters or they wouldn't be a good person. Jake has flaws, he has a fatal flaw (a weak resistance when offered power), he's afraid of heights, pretty much a pessimist etc. Even if the wiki was wrong it's just an assumption anyway so what does it matter? This would be way to hard anyway to restart. (Double edit) I'm gonna show his flaws later but I can't right now, I have to wait till the quest.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
I think you should just try to show a bit of his downside in a few chapters, and that would solve any problems with Mary Sue comparison. They're just saying to not always make your characters perfect. With a lot of fan-fic's do end up doing. But, anyway, I enjoyed it. Well written!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
This was great, but I just don't get how Jake could beat Jason. Jason's, like, way too good for Jake to beat him like that. Other than that, this was an amazing chapter. Post soon!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I’ll explain Jake beating Jason here. Sorry if this one isn’t good, I’ve been having writer’s block. And get used to it being Jake’s POV.

Chapter 8

Let me guess what you’re going to ask. ‘Was it cool to find out your going to be a praetor for a new legion?’ If you thought that then you have not really been paying attention to this. Again, I will be the center of attention.
But now back to the initiation, once I had won they had taken out a branding pole. Aw crap, this did not look good. Jason walked up to me and said
“Roll up your sleeve and hold out your arm.” So I did, and as I did he had a look on his face that was between suspicion and doubt. These two kids were holding the pole and they came up to me and put it on my arm, I felt a slightly warm sensation on my arm. The crowd seemed surprised that
I wasn’t acting like I was being tortured. Oh, it was suppose to burn something on to my skin. But since I could use black fire without feel a thing, I had a pretty good resistance to regular fire. Once they lifted the pole I could see the letters SPQR and a helm above it. I knew SPQR stood for ‘Senatus Populasque Romanus’, the senate and people of Rome. And the helm was Dis’s symbol of power.
“Now it is time for John’s initiation.” Lupa announced. John came in holding his sword and it was shaking a lot. As I walked by him I touched the flat of the blade and it turned as black as midnight.
“That should help bro.” I said.
“Jake, you are now the praetor for legion…zero.” Lupa said after thinking for a minute. “You shall fight if someone beats Jason.”
“Sure,” I said and I walked over to the other praetors as I watched John face Alex who had abandoned using plants and shot balls of energy instead. I figured John would do pretty well, but I didn’t think he’d get to me. I just hoped Hazel wouldn’t beat him up, now Sean, I could live with that but for John, it would be kind of sad. As I got to the praetors, I saw that John was trying my stabbing the ground trick, he had already defeated Alex and now he was facing Aiden. Unfortunately for Aiden, he didn’t have a backup instead of using plants. One hit of the hilt of a skeleton’s sword knocked him out. Then he started to face Aubrey. I saw him burn off the plants Aubrey used on him as I walked to Hazel.
“Hi,” she said as she kissed me. “So which one of your brothers do you want me to injure more?” she asked.
“I’d prefer Sean.” I said just as John won by a fireball.
“Well, how about both equally?”
“As long as you’re hurting Sean.” I said and she walked over and began the fight. Jason walked over and said
“What legion you think he’s going in?”
“I’m going with 3 or 4.” I said. “Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something more attractive than my girlfriend trying to beat up my brother.”
“That sounds kind of strange.” Jason said not taking his eyes off the fight.
“Well, aren’t all demigods strange?” I said.
“I’m assuming you don’t fight in the initiations often,” he nodded, “and if you don’t win against the legion 1 praetor, how do you become a praetor?”
“There are several ways, either you have to be in that praetor’s legion and you’re the next oldest when they die. If you have gone on more quests than the current praetor and you challenge them to a duel and win or if the praetor just steps down from the position and gives it to you.” He said.
“How would you get a quest?” I asked.
“It normally doesn’t happen but if something is going wrong with the gods or if you go to kill a dangerous monster. But I think there may be one soon, I’ve been sensing something wrong with my dad, and I’ve been hearing wolves talking about something missing but Lupa forbade them from talking about it publicly.”
“Lupa isn’t the only wolf that talks here, they’re some of Lupa’s past students who she made immortal as a wolf to help her run the camp.” He said that just as John got his sword point at Hazel’s neck. But he got an exchange of bruises and a slash across his leg. As she walked over to us I said
“Pretty good at beating him up but can you hurt Sean a little more?” she just smiled at that. “Jason, do you have any clue what the missing thing is?”
“Nope.” Now let’s speed things up a little. John got farther than I expected, well, John wasn’t exactly a guy who had learned a lot in fights like me but he wasn’t a teacher’s pet like Sean. He got to the second legion and barely lost to Dakota. Now moving on to Sean, it was much more enjoyed for me because Hazel beat him up worse than John. He didn’t make it to the second legion though, he got to the third legion whose praetor was that Mars kid, Brad, from Capture the Flag. For the tattoo, John was just like me but Sean, once again he was a wimp and thought it was hot. As everyone was leaving Lupa called Jason, Sean, John and me. As we came Lupa looked nervous at us.
“Jason, as you may know, something important is missing.” Jason nodded. “And I believe that one of you three know that too, and not just what Jason knows. Do you know the gods symbol of power?”
“Yeah,” I said,” like Jupiter’s symbol of power is his Master Bolt, Neptune’s is the Trident and Dis’s is the Helm of Darkness.”
“Yes, and two of those three are missing. Jupiter’s Master Bolt and Dis’s Helm of Darkness are missing.” That felt like it should have been a gasping moment in detective movies.
“So, can’t Jupiter and Dis just find out who the thief is and get their stuff back?” Sean said. I just gave him a look that said ‘How stupid are you?’
“It’s not so simple Sean.” I said. “Gods can’t figure things out like that, they may be gods but they’re not psychics. Even more, whoever did this must have been a mortal because gods can’t steal each other’s symbols, but the person who did steal it is probably serving a god who wanted the items because no demigod would dare do it unless they were ordered.”
“But why keep me out of this?” Jason asked, “I could have done a quest to find them.”
“I didn’t tell you at first because I received a message from an anonymous god that said they would send three heroes to help. I now know this was Dis sending one of his Furies to deliver you but I had my own idea. I thought that I should send a hero from the camp to get you and that was Jason. But Jupiter is suspicious of Neptune for the theft while Dis assumes it was Jupiter so Dis made the Fury attack Jason since he thought Jason was going to kill his children who would restore his helm to him.” Lupa said. “But now that Dis has claimed you three you must have a quest to recover the items. And as the leader I choose Jacob.”
“Why?” I said completely confounded.
“Dis obviously knew you would be the leader, or else he would not have contacted you when you were a child to give you extra power, no new camper could have defeated Jason that easily unless you were given more power by your godly parent.”
“So what do I do for a quest?” I asked
Lupa said grimly “To begin you must receive a prophecy from the Oracle.”
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was awesome post soon
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Chapter 9

Okay, I may not be an expert at mythology but once Lupa said oracle I knew I was a dead man (ironic).
“What’s an oracle?” I asked.
“An oracle is a maiden who receives messages from a god and makes prophecies.” Jason said.
“So where do I find this oracle?” I asked.
“In the cave in the forest.” Jason said. Okay, that sounds creepy.
“Why would a girl live in a cave?” Sean asked.
“Because everyone is scared of her and, she’s dead so it doesn’t really matter.” Jason said. I left the arena and walked towards the forest. I ran into Hazel (literally, because I wanted to get this over with) on the way there.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Lupa told me I had to get a prophecy from the oracle.” I said and as I did she paled. “What’s wrong with that besides that I have to go on a quest that will probably get me killed?”
“Some campers go insane visiting the oracle.” As soon as she said that the other campers there under stood what was going on and why she told me that so they hurriedly walked away. I continued walking into the forest until I came upon a waterfall that I never noticed. I saw that there was a cave in it so I said to myself
“If there’s any place a dead oracle would be it’s here.” So once I got in I thought it was even cooler than Cabin 3. There were stalactites on the roof dripping water and if you tripped you would get speared by stalagmites. “If I could get my bed in here I would so move in.” Then I stopped walking when the temperature dropped about thirty degrees. I had certainly found the oracle. In front of me was a woman on a tripod. I sensed the presence of a snake if you could. This woman was a mummy, no I’m not talking about an ancient Egyptian mummy. I mean more like a dead body, who keeps a rotting carcass, I don't know. Then out of nowhere the mummy started spewing green smoke from her mouth. She said
“I am the spirit of the oracle, speaker of the prophecies of Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach seeker, and ask.” That voice sent chills down my spine. I should have just ran away but I said
“What is my prophecy?” She spewed more green smoke and said
“The eagle, helms and dove shall lead your trail,
Lose courage against Death and you shall fail
The ancient king shall prove not to be a friend,
And mistrusted allies shall lead to your painful end.” Well, I’ll start with the bright side, I didn’t go insane. Although, I had just heard the scariest thing in my life. I felt like I had been glued to the ground. I’d have to face Death? How is that even possible? Death isn’t a real thing. It’s not something you can touch. Who the heck is this ancient king? Oh, and I almost forgot about the painful death part.
So, I went back to the coliseum to see that Sean, Jason, John and Lupa were still there. I’m surprised I didn’t collapse on to the ground.
“You returned sane, I think.” Lupa said.
“Yeah, I’m sane. But I’m not sure insanity is that far away.” I said shakily.
“That’s better than nothing, right?” Jason asked.
“What was the prophecy?” Lupa asked. Once I told them all of the prophecy Lupa said, “Normally, there are only suppose to be two companions on a quest but since the prophecy demanded more it shall be so. Who do you pick?”
“Well, the prophecy said the eagle and the symbol of Jupiter is the eagle right?” Jason nodded. ”So I pick Jason. The helm is the symbol of Dis and it meant multiple people so Sean and John. And if I’m correct the symbol of Venus is the dove so I choose Hazel.”
“So you will leave tomorrow, and you must inform Hazel that you have invited her on the quest.” Lupa said.
“Okay, and Jason, can you make a storm cloud?” I said it and he knew what I planned to do. Jason looked up at the sky and immediately storm clouds appeared and I ran into a wall and disappeared. Just to let you know, shadow traveling is not pleasant. I felt like my skin was going to peel right off my face. But looks like I knew where I was going. Next thing I knew I was in a completely different place. It was completely pink, the beds, the doors, everything. And there were tons of girls. All of them were doing their makeup or gossiping or giggling. “Where’s Hazel?” I asked. All of them hadn’t noticed me and turned their attention to me.
“Why? Are you going to ask her out?” One called. This made the rest giggle.
“Just tell me where she is!” I yelled.
“Just tell us why.” Another said.
“Because I’m about to ride on a unicorn down a rainbow NO I WANT TO TALK TO HER!” I yelled even louder.
“She’s at the archery range.” One said, it seemed they were afraid of me now. I could live with that, I thought. I walked out of the cabin thinking how idiotic they were. They should be glad I didn’t summon a skeleton army and killed all of them. Although, I should try to make an army later. I walked to the archery range when I found Hazel hitting bull’s eye every time.
“Hi,” she said, not taking her eye off the target.
“Hazel, how many quests have you gone on?” I asked.
“One, why?” she asked.
“Do you like them?” I asked, ignoring her question.
“I’m not really sure you can like something that gets you killed.”
“Okay, if there were a quest now that would save the world, would you go on it?” I asked.
“Yeah, and you’re still not giving me an answer to why.” She said.
“Because I got a quest from Lupa and I wanted you to come.” I said.
“Okay,” she said. “When, and why?” I told her that Lupa hadn’t told me when and that the symbols of power were missing. “Well, then let’s find out when, death boy.” She grabbed my hand and I led her to the coliseum, where, Lupa Jason, Sean and John were still waiting. Who knew three ADHD kids could go that long with waiting.
“When are we gonna leave Lupa?” Hazel asked.
“You shall leave tomorrow.”
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
cool chapter. I really like how Hazels name for Jake is Death boy,reminds me of seaweed brain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
you said Percy not Jake
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
not anymore, fixed it. Thanks
over a year ago percysmile said…
Nice story post again soon
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Nearly time for the quest! Hooray for life and death situations!

Chapter 10

Good, I got another way to kill myself. Well, if I were going to fight death I wouldn’t have to do it. I spent the rest of the day in my room getting packed. I may have ADHD but I happen to be very organized. Let’s see if everything on my list is in there.

1. Ambrosia (Food of the gods)
2. Nectar (Drink of the gods)
3. Batting Glove/Shield (I named it Salvus, it means safety in Latin)
4. Umbro ( my sword, it means shadow in Latin)
5. Ipod and headphones (it blocks out Sean’s voice)
6. Drumsticks (I like drumming and I can hit Sean with them)
7. Skull Ring (Present from dad that I found this morning but at the moment it was helping John control his powers)

Confiscated Items I Got From Sean
8. Grappling Hook
9. Firecrackers
10. Cell Phone (Monsters can easily sense cell phone signals from demigods)
11. Water Gun (Why would he want to bring that?)

That was everything, I can’t believe Sean didn’t pick pocket me. Well, not yet, but that ring helps me use my powers so he better watch out. Only problem is I’d need three backpacks instead of one to fit all of it. I was thinking that I could ask Alex if he could make my backpack a bottomless pit to fit all my stuff. I heard a knock on the door.
“Yes,” I called.
“Hi,” it was Hazel. “Are you ready?”
“We’re going on a life threatening quest, what do you think?” I said.
“You’re scared out of your wits, aren’t you.” She said.
“I was at that phase two hours ago. Now I’m at the point of puking.” I said. She noticed all my stuff.
“How are you going to get all that in one backpack? And what’s with the water gun?” Hazel asked.
“I plan on asking Alex to turn my backpack into a bottomless pit. As for the water gun I confiscated some of the things Sean packed and that was one of them.” John appeared out of the shadows. I gotta admit, he was getting better at shadow traveling. The first time, he only passed out for five hours. That was of course with the help of the ring. Just wished I were that lucky when I used my powers seven years ago. That still scared the crap out of me.
“Jake, can you tell me something?” Hazel asked.
“Sure,” I said.
“Then tell me how you used your powers before.” I swore under my breath. Of all things she had to ask me it was that. Best ways out, a lie. Telling the truth would be painful.
“What?” I said pretending not to hear hoping that Sean or John will come in here now.
“How did you use your powers before you got to camp?” Hazel asked. I had come up with the perfect distraction. Without her noticing I got one of the firecrackers and set it off, again, without her noticing.
“What the?” Sean said as he walked in. “Hey how did you get my firecrackers?”
“I confiscated them from you because I don’t trust you with these.” I said. He started grumbling like a baby when they don’t get that toy they want.
“Hey guys, what the Hades was that noise?” John said as he walked in.
“I accidentally set off one of the firecrackers that I confiscated from Sean.” I said.
“Okay, has anyone seen Jason? I haven’t seen him since the coliseum.” John said.
“I’m assuming his cabin, but I haven’t left the cabin since the coliseum.” I said. We went to the Jupiter cabin and found Jason nervously pacing back and forth. He appeared to have electricity running through him because his hair kept rising up. He looked like he had an afro.
“Hey guys,” Jason said.
“Hi,” I said and a girl ran into the room, it was that daughter of Ceres, Aubrey.
“Guys, come quick. The Basilisk has gotten into camp.” I swore and activated Umbro and Salvus. Jason flipped his coin and it became a lance and John and Sean got their swords and Hazel got out her knife. We ran out side and a giant serpent was slithering through the camp.
“Isn’t the Basilisk that snake from Harry Potter?” Sean asked.
“The Basilisk is a North-African serpent and the slightest touch on it kills you.” I said. We ran within thirty yards of the Basilisk and to good effect Sean chucked his sword at it. I think he was aiming for the mouth but the sword sank hilt deep into the Basilisk’s right eye. If a serpent could scream it did. It wasn’t paying any attention to us before that but now we had got its full attention. The Basilisk hissed and came hurdling towards us. Jason called down a lightning bolt and it struck the Basilisk but it did not kill it. It just left a gigantic burn mark on the scales on the head of it. I threw fireballs at it, but I may have just been throwing water balloons at it. The Basilisk hissed in rage when I hit its mouth with a fireball. Then I could tell its good eye zeroed in on me.
“Jake, I think you’ll need this.” John said as he passed me my ring. I put it on and charged. You know, I think I’d fight death 1,000 times over facing the Basilisk again. I threw fireballs but to no effect. I summoned skeletons but every time they got to the Basilisk they touched it and were vaporized. I slashed its scales but my sword just glanced off. And every time I did it the part of my sword that touched it melted until I regenerated the Stygian Iron. I managed to stab it in the left eye. Now it was completely blind. But the problem was it could still kill on touch.
Finally I stabbed the ground and another crack appeared. The giant serpent slipped through the crevasse. Then my knees buckled and I blacked out.
over a year ago percysmile said…
Wow that is AWESOME I love that story
over a year ago eyal10 said…
i loved it and i have theories of why thalia can use more lightning than jason.

1 jason can control the winds and thalia cant but thalia is better at controling lightning.

2 children of jupiter are like jason with the powers and children of zeus are like thai.

3 maybe there no difference and im imaggining it., i thing ill make a pole about this.

anyways i loved it youre a really good writer and im gonna start reading your son of neptune but you need a little more detail in the fighting scenes.
over a year ago percysmile said…
^Adding to that thaia hates hights so she never tried and flying must take a lot out of you
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Then why does Jason not lose any energy? I think either 1 or 3 but we're not sure because R.R. never said.
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Sorry if it’s short or rushed, been kinda busy

Chapter 11

I was in a dark cave. At the very edge of the cave was a dark pit. It seemed to never end. All around me there were spirits floating saying ‘Beware’. There were two people in the cave. Or rather two voices. One was obviously a servant and the other the master.
“My lord,” the servant said, “the foolish demigods from Fort IVLIV have fallen into the trap. In only a matter of days that foolish she-wolf has trusted these demigods.”
“They will never recover the symbols of power. We can guarantee that. The son of Pluto will not be able to lead children of Pluto with the son of Jupiter. And that daughter of Venus will resort to charmspeaking, which will not work and infuriate them more.” The master said coldly. His voice sounded like a knife scraping against a stone. “Wait, the son of Pluto is here.”
“Impossible, he does not have the strength to enter.” The servant said.
“The problem is he doesn’t know his own power. The son of Pluto’s power is far stronger than you think. But he will easily join us once we offer him the power we can give.”
I woke up with my head pounding in my room. I tried to remember what happened last. The Basilisk and the crack then I blacked out. I sat up with my head feeling like a nuke went off in my head. I tried to get to my feet but I face planted in the floor. After several failed attempts I got up. I walked out of my room. I nearly tripped down the stairs and snapped my neck. Then once I got down a voice that made me nearly jump out of my skin said
“Hey, about time you got up.” It was Sean. Well, I did think the voice was creepy.
“Hey, what time is it?” It was two when I blacked out so I needed to see how long I’d been out.
“Three,” he said.
“Good, I had only been out for a hour.” I said.
“Actually a day and a hour.” Sean said.
“WHAT?” I yelled.
“Well, you did make a crack in the ground big enough to swallow like a three ton serpent.” Sean said.
“What about the quest?” I asked.
“If you woke up today then we would go today, if not we would leave tomorrow.” Sean said.
“Well, I’m gonna get Jason, Hazel and John.” I said.
“Okay,” he said. I left the cabin wondering where they could be. I didn’t see any IFCOJ (identified flying child of Jupiter) so I looked for Jason in the coliseum. I found Jason making the Mars kids bite the dust. Literally, Jason knocked them down and they got face planted.
“Hey,” he said as a hit on their head knocked down another kid from Mars. Jason spun his sword and it shrank into a coin again.
“Hey,” I said.
“Let me guess, your looking for John, Hazel and me to tell us to get ready?” Jason said. I nodded so he said, “Okay, I’ll be in my cabin.”
“Wait,” I said, “do you know where John and Hazel are?”
“John should be at the archery range and Hazel should be in her cabin.” Jason said as he left. I left too and went to the Venus cabin. Then I looked inside and Hazel was in there alone and seemed to be talking to a mirror in her hand. I decided to scare her. I walked up to her silently and tapped her on the shoulder and said
“Hey,” she nearly jumped.
“What the Venus, Jake? You should be knocked out in your cabin, not scaring people, death boy.” Hazel said.
“Well, just because I was unconscious doesn’t mean I don’t wake up. And why were you talking to a mirror?” I asked.
“It was a present from my mom for my fifteenth birthday. I ask it questions and it gives me the answer.” Hazel said.
“Do you need to talk in rhymes like in Snow White?” I asked. She laughed and put down the mirror and picked up another.
“No, but this does.” She said.
“That’s just a regular mirror.” I said.
“No, see, I’ll show you. Mirror, mirror, in my hand, show me who the cutest guy is in the land.” She said as she pointed the mirror at me. We both laughed and I kissed her. When we pulled apart I said
“Truthful mirror, and I think I need to get John.” I left the cabin and walked down to the archery range. I clearly saw John was no good at archery. He nearly hit a squirrel down from a tree. And out of the target were chips he hit off. “Hey bro, you’re eventually gonna kill something. You could actually hit a squirrel. Or me.” I called. He grinned and jogged over to me.
“So, ready to go?” John asked.
“Yeah,” I said.
“In about how long until we leave?” he asked.
“In approximately one hour.” Lupa said appearing.
over a year ago percysmile said…
Nice I love it
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
What's up guys? I realized I haven't posted in a while but I've been having writer's block and I have two other fan fictions.
over a year ago percysmile said…
That ok