The Heroes of Olympus The Son Of Neptune

daniela2mimi posted on Apr 18, 2011 at 09:22PM

last edited on Apr 19, 2011 at 10:13PM

The Heroes of Olympus 33 replies

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over a year ago daniela2mimi said…

1 Percy
my eyes fluttered open and I woke up next to a river in the woods.I was
confused and didnt even know who I was.The worse part was that there were
2 girls staring down at me.
-Whats going on?
One girl with black hair and brown eyes with a face that told me "i will
punch you in the face if you make me mad"started laughing and told me,
-We found you laying near the borders of camp.
than her expression changed.
-Now who are you and why are you here?
-I dont know who i am or what im doing here!
-Oh well Im Reyna and this is Gwen.
The other girl who had curly blonde hair and gray eyes:kind of familiar,stepped
foward and took out her hand,I reached out and shook her hand.
-So let me get this straight,you just woke up and dont remember who you are?
-Pretty much, i said.
-Well we better get you to Lupa.
I stood up still very confused and asked,
-Who`s Lupa?
She smiled and then they both turned around and started walking,i guess that
means i have to follow too,so I did still with my question unanswe
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
2 Percy
As we were walking i started trying to see if i could remember anything but
everytime i tried i started getting more frustrated and quit trying for
about 30 seconds.
Then we stopped walking and in front of us was a big house.I didnt even know
how we got out of the woods because i wasnt paying much attention but
we were in what seemed like a camp with different cabins everywhere and
buildings.But the biggest building was the one we were right in front.
But my eyes almost popped out of my brain when i saw a she-wolf come
out of the house staring straight at me.
-Hello,she said.That was another thing,she could TALK.
-Umm, hello, i said
-Reyna and Gwen you may be dismissed.
After that i saw Reyna and Gwen leave to there cabin,well i guess its
their cabins.
-So young demigod,come in
I followed her orders because i had a feeling that if i didnt,
well you wouldnt want to have a wolf for one of your enemies
even though i had a feeling the i had worse enemies but right
now i didnt want any.

Inside the house there were many antiques that looked like they might
be from a thousand years ago.I was already feeling uncomfortable.
-I know why your here! she said
-You do?Well can you tell me because i dont even know my name?
After that she transformed into a middle aged woman with black hair
and black eyes,well that made me feel only a bit more comfy.
-I can`t tell you anything just that your name is Perseus Jackson
-or Percy
-Well that sounds better
-Percy,you are greek i can also tell you that and you dont belong
-Yeah, i dont feel right here
-But you just met Reyna and Gwen and they cant find out your
greek and they cant notice your shirt now
I had an orange shirt on but i didnt notice i was too busy
trying get the confusion off of my head,Lupa than gave me
a blue shirt that read CAMP ROME.
-Put this on once you get a cabin and dont forget NOBODY
can know your greek
I nodded
-Know go and meet up with Gwen she`ll tell you what to do.
I walked ou the door and started looking for gwen.
Great i dont belong here and all i know is that im greek
and have the name percy,great.
over a year ago eyal10 said…
its ok but reyna im guessing is a daughter of mars wont give in that esily when he says i dont remember anything
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
i was actually thinking the same thing but im on chapter 9 now and when i looked back at the chapter before posting i was trying to think of something else to put but i am eager to make chapter 9 longer.
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
okay so im still a little rusty because its my first story but here is chapter 3 and 4

3 Gwen
That new boy was nice and kind of cute but i really
didnt focus that much of how he looked only that he
had sea green eyes.I wasnt really expecting him though
to come find me and tell me
-What do i do?
-what do you mean
-i mean what do i do now
-First we need to know who your godly parent is,what
kind of things do you like.
-Lets see, I dont know
That bothered me, he shows up not knowing who he is
and i even saw that he had our camp shirt folded up
in front of him like he was trying to hide something
on his shirt but why would that matter?
-So do you know your name yet?
-Is that your real name or just short for something?
-well umm my real name is...perseus jackson
-Well i like it,i rather call you that
- call him what?
Thats when a boy that looked a bit taller than me
with blue eyes and sandy hair.
-hey my name is BOBBY
-So you new?who is your godly parent?
Gwen said-we were gettingto that,BOBBY
-oh,well what does he like to do?
-well he doesnt know
-that he doesnt
-not that.what do you mean he doesnt know
-well me and Reyna found him in camp borders
and he doesnt remember anything but his name.
I hoped bobby understood all that, he is always
not paying attention to day we went
over to the theatre and he didnt even remember
what happend in the movie.
-oh well lets test him

4 Gwen
Here is what testing people means,you need to help
them know who their godly parent is right,so we
do different things like archery or things like
that to see what good they are at it and that could
determine their mom/dad.
So first we tried archery which didnt end very good,
Percy hit a tree that was ten feet away from the
target,than we tried beauty things,Percy started
saying that why would somebody wear eye shadow
to go with their clothes and than he said
to just wear a shirt with jeans and everything
will look right.while we were doing that i noticed that there
were letters on his shirt that read CAM well thats
all i read because he still had the shirt in front of him
and i also noticed he had a necklace with different
beads on them,i didnt even bother to bye one
we kept testing Percy to see what his godly parent is.
what we go was NOTHING!
Thats when the fun happened!while i was trying to find
out if his dad was mercury when...

over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
cliffhanger !!! great start and nice chapters really lked and quick question arent the roman camp shirts sopposed to be purpule not blue? nice chappies and hope u post soon??
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
blackerose12-yeah but i just wanted it to be different and thanks for liking it.

okay im on chapter 10 right now
here is chapter 5 and 6 if you want to say anything just comment

5 Percy
I saw Gwen and Bobby staring at my head and i started to get
creaped out with all the staring and than i looked at what
they were looking at and noticed a trident glowing over my
head and people started coming towards me whispering and
gasping.i couldnt even keep myself from staring.Lupa came out
of the big house and everybody bowed,Gwen gave me a look
that told me to bow too.
than Lupa said
-all hail percy jackson SON OF NEPTUNE
well that made everything even worse i still even didnt know
who neptune even is and now im getting telled that im his
son!my life keeps getting more confusing by the minute.
-who?who is neptune
everybody gasped.
Lupa even seemed a little shocked than Gwen grabbed me by
the arm and and started dragging me away saying
-he is just kidding dont worry

6 Gwen
Okay so here is the deal you cant just be laying around
the camp borders one morning and wake up without memories
and not knowing who their own dad is, seriously his
a demigod even mortals know these!so i dragged percy
to the woods and gave him what i call a "talk".
thats when i saw his face change into something that
said "oh now i get it"---finally!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter.write more
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
awesome and its good to try something diffrent loved the chappies and lol when percy is " who? who is neptune" loved cant wait for next chapter!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheRedQueen said…
haha, i like the talk that gwen gives him. lol =D
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
for anybody that usually reads this forum i would just like to say that i will be posting on mondays,tuesdays.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Avert_thy_Eyes said…
Hi Daniela,It was good,really, but there are a lot of misspelling.
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
Thank you everyone for the great comments.
Here is chapter 7.

7 annabeth
its been 2 months and we have gotten nowhere on
the argo 11.i miss percy and i cant stand it!
why is this happening to me?!i need to calm
down but i cant i just cant its just so hard!
im here laying on my desk hoping this is all
a dream but dreams are either something from the past
time or present or future.well i tried my best
to not fall asleep but my anger made my eyes close.
in my dream i was the woods:not camp half blood woods
though.i saw a girl that looked almost like me but
she even looked mad but she was only shorter by 2
cm than me and she just wasnt like me all that,i
could sense it.well the girl seemed to be yelling,
wait just a second did she say the name that i thought
she said!than a boy appeared right next to her.
that boy had sea green eyes and than i felt my
heart skip a beat.
-he is my father!poseidon
-okay lets stop gwen i need you to tell
me what to do next i mean now that you
know who my dad is

-PERCY!!!!,i yelled
i woke up
right next to me sitting in a chair was jason
staring at me in a suprised way with a laptop
in his hands
-Annabeth whats wrong?
-Spit it out
-I saw percy
-well what happend?
-First is that my laptop?
-oh sorry it has great blue prints that could
help impress the argo 11 so what happend in the dream?
i told him what happend in it exactly
-i cant stand it how much longer do you
think we have until the boat is finished
-about a year
About a year. That echoed in my head for a while
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
loved it !! cant wait till you post again !! :D
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
@blackerrose12-thanks for liking it
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
i hope you guys like it and comment to let me know if there is any questions or if you enjoyed it.

8 Percy
-calm down
she was still mad-i didnt think people
could get so mad over something like
-ok lets forget that ever happend,okay
-okay,so who is your parent
-well mine is minerva or athena reyna is
mars or ares bobby is mercury or hermes
and hazel..oh you havent met hazel follow me

SO again i get guided by gwen to somewhere
i probably dont even know about.

when we arrived we were inside a cabin.
-where are we
-we are in apollos cabin
from behind a couch came out a girl that
seemed about my age like everyone i ve
met so far except Lupa,the girl had pink hair
yes i said pink hair and hazel eyes.Hey i
just made a joke,you get it,yeah i cant
remember who i am but i still can make jokes.
oh i almost forgot i still was holding the CAMP
ROME in front of my CAMP HALF BLOOD shirt,i wonder
how i managed to keep it in front of the letters
without gwen noticing-wait,did i?
-oh um
number 1-finally found out how Gwen learned how
to YELL so loud
number 2-when can i go to the pos-neptune cabin!
-hey hazel how are you, just wanted you to meet
percy jacksonnn...she said
Than everything stopped, i could feel breathing
behind me...of something,something BIG!
neither did Gwen or Hazel move, just me.
I turned around and saw something that
would kill me in just a second if i didnt
move quick.What I saw was a cyclopes.
automatically i knew that i have been
with a cyclopes before but this
cyclopes was really big and
really scary.i was about to start
running or trying to get hazel or gwen
to move but then i remembered something.
i reached into my pocket and got out
a pen.i dont even know what im going
to do with the pen but then i uncapped
it and it turned into a 3foot celestial
broze sword.i dont know how but i just
started swinging my sword doing all kinds
of techniques.but then something
or somebody came to mind,TYSON!
i paused,i remember who he was, my
half brother, but thats all i remember.
but i had to fight this cyclopes
it wasnt Tyson,no,it couldnt.
i closed my eye and felt as the
clclopes moved towards me and than,
i stabbed him in the eye.the monster
turned into something that looked like dust
and disapeared.i heard clapping.
it was Lupa in her human form.
-good work child,you passed your
-you proved that you are worthy of being in camp
rome now resume your normal life well as normal
as it could be.
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome !!!!! You are really a great writer !! Lol when Percy is all like I don't remember who I am but I can still make jokes :) !! Can't wait till you post again !!:DDDD
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
So here is the story of Hazel

9 hazel
Some people say im loud...well yeah.i guess
its because sometimes i think people wont hear me.
i have had bad things happen to me if i dont

When i was little,around 8 or so,I was living
in camp rome already with my sister,Miranda.
She was about 12 years old,always bigger
and better than me but i didnt care-she
was my sister and she was always protecting
One day Lupa assigned us on a quest to
go and find our fathers lost lyre.
now of course our father could have
found it himself but Lupa got him
to let us find it.
Well when we went on this quest
we found the lyre in a forest near
new york.the "good news"- the lyre
was found the bad news-a harpy found it first.
It was my first fight and my sister`s,we
had swords but didnt know how to use them.
my swords name was Audacia which means
courage in latin.Well that day i
didnt have much.
You see,the harpy was trying to attack
us once she noticed us.Me and Miranda
made a plan:i would distract the harpy
while she got the lyre.
It all went wrong.
I started calling the harpy names
while running the farthest away from
the lyre and my sister,it follwed me,
I was sure we would get the lyre and
be back at camp rome,together.
Well whille Miranda tried to get
the lyre that was just next to a log,
the harpy looked back and noticed her.
But before she could do that,she
scratched me in my arm.
i tried to call at my sister to warn her
but she didnt voice was so low
because of the pain,i was hoping it was all
a dream.
my voice came out louder but when
i looked,Miranda was gone along with the harpy,
but the lyre was still there.
Tears rolled down my eyes but i needed
to focus because i had a quest.i stood up
with the pain along with it and grabbed
the lyre and went back to camp rome
with bad news in store.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
loved it . its sad what happened to hazel though. but loved the chapter and cant wait for the next one !:DDDDDD
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
here is a conversation with blackerose12-
1-Hi there blackerose12!How are you

answer-1- well hello there were ever you may be im fine and having an awesome time

2-So I would really like to say thanks for reading
my story

answer-2-your welcome and its such a pleasure to read your story !! its awesome:)

3-So I brought you here to ask,How much do you like
the PJO series?

answer-3- i love them its a really great series and and on a scale of ten i grade the series a 11 :P

4-Oh I almost forgot,I want you to meet "random guy"
*random guy comes in*

random guy-Hi nice to meet you blackerose12.Oh and
call me Markwhathisname

answer-4- nice to met you to .... Markwhathisname

5-So now that you met markwhathisname(and his not the only one you will meet,there are more next week)
Is there any other name that you would like us to
call you like randomguy-i mean markwhathisname did.?

answer-5- well lets see...... call me ..??? ummm blake

6-So thats all for this week but next week we may
talk more blaze and markwhathis name

answer-6- okay doky
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
10 Percy
Everything started moving again.gwen and hazel were both
moving also.
-Nice to meet you percy jackson,HAZEL SAID
-But you could also call him perseus,Gwen said
-I rather not,hazel said in a low voice i almost
couldnt hear which was suprising since she was screaming
the whole time the first minute i met her.
-that was horrible,i said before noticing what
I said,i guess im ADHD
-what was horrible,they said at the same time.
- i had a trial
-Well we all go through that stage sometime when we
get here Percy,Gwen said in a normal tone like it
didnt matter to her.
-Well anyways when can i go to the pos,gwen
gave me a face,-i mean neptune cabin

The p-neptune cabin was amazing.
it had sea shells spread through
the wall and it felt like
there was sea breeze coming in through the
-yeah its cool,the last time i was in a big
three cabin was when jason..nevermind
-whose jason?
-i think we have had enough umms today
-well really i dont wanna talk about it
maybe another day.Or not.
I guess i shouldnt ask anymore for a while.
-I guess i should leave now.Bye

now that i was in the neptune cabin,it gave me time to
think,like who am I?I know my name but exactly who am i?
and i havent really said this but everytime i look
at gwen i feel like she will make everything better.
She just reminds me of someone i should know.and who is jason?
I changed into my clothes and i layed on the bed and before
i knew it, i was taking a nap.

in my dream,there was a girl that looked like gwen,she was
doing what seemed like ordering people what to do to a-boat?
-DISA can you please be careful with those tools and michelle
Please dont step on that!everybody be careful!

i was confused,who is that girl?what is going on?and i still
want to know who am i?

-JASON go help out Leo
jason,she said jason,the guy who gwen said.
-well where is he,jason said
-what!justin,where in the name of hades is leo!
-I dont know! replied the boy who seems to be Justin.
-He has got to be somewhere in camp

Camp?where she was didnt look like camp,well camp
rome.maybe?no it cant be!yes it can!CAMP HALF BLOOD!
the name that was on the orange shirt i was wearing.
But where is that and where is camp rome anyway?

-Ann-thats all i could hear until my dream changed

I was standing in what seemed like a throne room
and I was just standing there in front of
some people in their throne and behind me
were ann-something,a guy half goat?and
other people that I should probably have
know but couldnt remember.

A man in the middle was asking me,asking me
if I wanted to be immortal.okay now im most confused.
than straight out of my mouth I neglected the request.
I didnt even feel my mouth open.

Then I woke up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Flashback ... Percy was this close to getting Annabeths name . So close well loved the chapter and can't wait till you post the next chapter !!:DD XD
over a year ago jenny70448 said…
big smile
I loved it!
Wow!Almost got annabeth`s name!
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
percy-cuando tu vas a poner un nuevo capitulo?

me-why are you talking spanish?

percy-yo no se.

me-i dont think some people understood that.

percy-no importa.

me-do you want people to think your hispanic?


me-ill literally tell people


me-instead of the main character of this story,youll be the hispanic new yorken

percy-that doesnt make sense.

me-ha!that was english!*starts laughing and pointing*

percy-please stop,,,well here is the next chapter.

me-hey wait...

percy-*clicks remote button*.

11 Percy
i shot straight up shivering,Gwen started shaking
-are you okay?
-OH SORRY but you were screaming NO NO in
your sleep and you were trembling and sweating!

Thats when i noticed that bobby,reyna,and hazel were in
the room and a girl i havnt met yet with a pony tail pulled
up in her hair and she was staring at me just like everyone
else.Why do i keep getting everbodys attention and why do
they stare like that?their stairs reminded me of cats
trying to decide whether to scratch you or not.
-hi im Dakota,the girl said
-hi Percy
-you could call him perseus though,gwen said.again
-i rather not,Dakota said the same way hazel had
-so percy,what did you dream because by the way of it
im thinking it was bad
i told them my dream and they were listening to it
with a stare that said,im listening.but Reyna still
had the same face as in the beginning.
-You saw Jason!Reyna said with excitement that i thought
i would never hear.
-yeah and a girl that looked like gwen anna,anna-something
-anna-something?odd name.bobby said
-well maybe we should tell you more about who jason is,who
the gods are,and more.Dakota said
-okay im going to start,gwen said,-so when jason was two he
came to camp rome etc and he was really good at training and
all his quests,he was our son of jupiter friend,we were
always hanging out and going on quests,but one day he said
that he had to go on a quest alone and since than we never
saw him,Lupa hasent worried much but she sent many search
teams that never came back with jason.
-so now you know a bit more about jason BOBBY said,- now
let me tell you about the gods there used to be greek gods
but they dont exist anymore,the roman gods do,
-but they do exist i blurted out,okay now im sure i have
-no they dont percy.dakota said
-but..,i decided to shut up
-so any ways,bobby continued with stories about roman gods
and what their like and what is going with the problem of no
sign from the gods than hazel talked to me about those tatoos
on your hands that i just noticed that you get a line each time
you survive a quest and it has your dad/mom signal on it too.

thats when...

over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
Clarrise-Have you ever wondered why your so bad at writing?

Me-no...maybe...your not nice

Percy-You could tell shes not nice from the first book.


Markwhathisname-Hey where`s Blackerose or blaze

Me-I wanted to ask him but I thought maybe its not time yet


Me-I still am thinking of what to ask because im very bad at questions.

Percy-and your bad at answering too?


Percy-Im just saying,your bad at both.

Me-Wait that gave me an idea!Bye guys!*leaves*

Percy,Clarisse,Markwhathisname-This is a waste of a post.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Nice chapter and I'm a girl just saying and can't wait for you to post again and clarissa you are mean. :DDDDD
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
Oh I know your a girl but for some reason whenever im writing something I forget to put her or she instead.
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
Gwen-Hello everyone!


Gwen-Can I please be random?


Gwen-Ill take that as a yes.


Gwen-No reaction!seriously!

Percy-Ummmm Gwen.


Percy-you do know she is wearing earplugs.

Gwen-oh.So why is she posting this.

Percy-How should I know.

Me-I know!

Jason-She was alive!

Me-I just wanted to say that the next chapter will be posted next week due to some minor advertisment that keeps getting in my way when Im about to post so Im going to have to postpone.

Clarrise-Nobody cares!

Me- your just like that because your not in the story!

Clarrise-I dont care if im not in the story.!

Me-yes you do
clarrise-no i dont

Percy-yes you do
clarrise-no I dont idiot!

Gwen-Yes you do
clarrise-shut up roman

Jason-yes you do

everyone-Yay she left!

over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
ME-time for another chapter

12 Dakota

Lupa came in.
-hello children i would just like to inform you that i would
like you guys to go on a quest
-what do you mean a quest,right now,bobby asked.
-yes,right now dont worry you wont need to pack
i just need you to,,,
-to what!reyna said
-to go to mt olympus
-wait isnt mt olympus closed? hazel asked
-yes but you can still go inside and i need clues or you need clues
-well yeah ,we all said
-than you need to go in 5 minutes
-but we are in san fransisco not new york we would take forever i said
-thats why i got you guys bus tickets
-Lupa your acting funny i said
-Here are your bus tickets she said handing them to us
-now GO

We all were waiting in a bus stop outside the city,you see,the city is inside a forest
and when you get out of that forest there is a bus stop.
-when is the bus getting here<Percy asked
-in about 3 minutes hazel replied
- hey percy whats your pen i mean sword`s name i asked
-well it says anaklusmos which means riptide
-oh so you know greek
-i guess

When the bus arrived we wll got in, the bus driver started staring at us when
he saw our matching blue CAMP ROME shirts but i just told him it was a -camp
fieldtrip for only us 6

-where do i drop you kids off again he asked
-in front of the empire state building i said
-in new york?
-well ok this will be about 7 hours when i take the short cut.

So there we were,sitting.FOR 7 HOURS!ME,REYNA,AND BOBBY TOGETHER
AND PERCY,GWEN,AND HAZEL SITTING TOGETHER.non of us dared to fall asleep
we knew we were already clueless enough and even if a dream gave
us answers we didnt want to wake up shivering and swetting in our
sleep like percy.

well 7 hours later we stopped in front of the empire state building,
i gave the driver a tip and he soon left well now how are we going
to get back!but i walked inside and there the man who was
always guarding the elavator wasnt there so we just walked into
the elevator with stayin alive by the bee jees.when are they
going to change that song?!?!

when the doors opened the wierdest thing happened a hellhound came
straight towards percy who didnt even do anything.

me-ugh that was horrible
clarrise-you got that right
percy-why do you have to make a hellhound come toward me.
me-you will see
gwen-this story makes me feel awkward
percy-its supposed to
me-yep.this story i wrote a while ago so i think i could write better by now but ill do that in the next book.
reyna-you better...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
blackerose12 pov(which means u=her)

>Percy-Hi there.
>me-how many times do you think I could go without pasta
>i mean what day was percy born?
>Percy-yeah you better remember.
>Gwen-actually i dont even know.
>u-well I guess u could at least go without pasta for a day and Gwen same here
>me-would you like candy?
>u-I <3 candy but I'm just like u I loveeeee pasta
>Markwhathisname-do you think my name is odd?
>markwhathisname-no not you her.
>me-do you like random questions?
>u- ummmmmm *shrugs*
>Clarrise-well lets finish this lame thing already.
>u- clarrise for once be quite and don't you dare hurt me
>u- okayss??
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
is this abandoned?