The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

Perseus54321 posted on Apr 19, 2011 at 10:37PM
Once again, my titles are self explanatory and if you didn't get that than it's my S.o.n. fanfiction. I'll start tomorrow, spam allowed.

Disclaimer:I do not own this
last edited on Apr 20, 2011 at 02:37PM

The Heroes of Olympus 17 replies

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over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Chapter 1

I was going out of my mind with worry. We had to get to the Roman camp by the summer solstice and that was a month away. The boat may have been almost finished but that didn’t help. I still had one thought going through my head over and over. What if Percy had gotten a new girlfriend before he got his memories back? I had tried to get help from Piper but she wasn’t exactly in a mood for it. She had her own problems, like how Jason had remembered a girl from his past, Reyna, he tried to avoid it but he was still stuck. Jason wasn’t sure if he dated Reyna but he really liked Piper.
And now the Hunters were staying here to help on the Argo II. Sure, I liked that Thalia was here but the rest of the Hunters were driving me crazy. They kept saying that I should give up on Percy and become a Hunter. But after Percy sacrificed being a god to stay with me, no way. I tried to keep myself focused on the boat but that was maybe even more difficult. Since there were constant holdbacks. I knew that we would have more troubles the moment Leo met Conner and Travis. Whenever Leo wasn’t practicing his powers or working on the boat he was making pranks with the Stolls. Every time they were in a group people ran away. Luckily, Leo hadn’t incorporated his fire manipulation into the pranks.
Now on to the boat, I was in Bunker 9 waiting for the status report from Leo. I had done this every day from the beginning to see how much longer it would take to finish the boat. I had just been standing there until I heard a swooshing and out of darkness behind me someone appeared. I whipped out my knife and pointed it to their neck.
“Can’t a guy shadow travel without getting weapons pointed at him?” It was Nico.
“Maybe if you didn’t appear out of thin air.” I said. “What do you want?” I’m normally not like this but since I was getting closer to getting Percy back I’ve been kind of easily annoyed.
“Leo just asked me to tell you that the boat will be finished in three weeks tops.” He said that in the same annoyed tone that I had used. He just traveled away. I went out of the bunker to the arena. It always helped Percy get relaxed so I figured it could help me. I don’t know how a fighting arena could help you relax but demigods were strange. Once I came in I saw Jason and Thalia dueling while Leo and Piper were watching. Leo had a look on his face like he couldn’t decide whom to cheer for. I’m sure Jason tried to explain to Leo months ago that Thalia was a Hunter and would never date him. But Leo probably had the worst case of ADHD a demigod ever had because he kept trying.
Thalia and Jason kept throwing volts of electricity at each other but they didn’t feel a thing. In the end they decided a draw and Thalia left quickly and gave me a look that said ‘Please trip Leo so he doesn’t follow me’. Jason sheathed his sword, and started talking to Leo about the boat. Piper walked over to me.
“Annabeth, can you give me some advice?” she said.
“Let me guess, about Reyna and Jason?” I asked. She nodded so I said “Piper, Jason really likes you but, he’s pretty sure he wasn’t dating Reyna but not for sure.”
“So what should I do?” she asked.
“Well, I think there are several ways. One, you could leave the decision up to Jason.” I saw that she didn’t like this idea so I kept going. “You could charmspeak him into liking you.” I saw that she found this one worse. “You also could tell him you’d join the Hunter’s if he didn’t choose you.”
“Those seem kind of mean.” She said.
“Well, you didn’t let me finish, you could try to make yourself as attractive as possible. So, you could pray to your mom for that.”
“So for the only one that wouldn’t be hurtful or that leaves it up to him without any persuasion is making me look like I have the Aphrodite blessing again. Oh, and by the way, do you normally have four plans ready?”
“No,” I said that then I smiled, ”I normally have five plans.” She smiled too and walked away. When Jason and Leo walked away from each other Jason had a look on his face that told me he had the exact same problem. Then again, he was the guy that had to choose, so I guess it would be even harder for him. Maybe I should get Mitchell to help him, I thought.
But I think I’ll get Thalia first, after all, she is his sister. She should know him best. So I walked out of the arena and went down to cabin eight. Thalia had just come out seeing that Leo wasn’t around.
“Hi Annabeth,” she said.
“Hi, quick question, what do you think of Piper?” I asked.
“I like her.” Thalia said.
“Well, can you help her with something?”
“I’m assuming this thing you want me to help her with starts with a J and ends with an ason.”
“Yeah, I thought you knew him best.” I said.
“Okay, as long as you can find another girl to distract Leo from me.” She said.
“Okay,” I said as I smiled.
over a year ago sweetieme3 said…
Pretty good. My one criticism is that there is a whole lot of smiling. I hope you post the next part soon:)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
does it really matter? but the reason is i'm trying to add more detail to my writing.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome!!!! Leo and the Stoll brothers funny!!!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile

Perseus54321, this is h-h-hilarious!!!! *Starts laughing maniacally*

Can't WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FANFICTIONS OF THE SON OF NEPTUNE, almost as great as HecateA's! You really are a talented writer, post really soon!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
RomanGreekDemi, I just posted the first chapter but thanks and it’s kind of short but I hope you like it.

Chapter 2

My life is crappy. I go from being flopped from being in Camp IVLIV to Camp Half-Blood to going on a quest to having to choose between two girls. Reyna, ironically is a daughter of Venus if my memory is correct (which it isn’t often). I definitely knew we weren’t dating, but everyone said we should. I had lied to Piper about not being sure if I dated Reyna because it postponed my decision. I knew Reyna had the biggest crush on me. I may not be a genius but I could tell that. Leo knew that, he was the only one who knew that. I lied to Piper about it and I couldn’t even tell Thalia. I mean, she would have been bound to tell Piper.
I was in my cabin still trying to decide. I’d constantly been hoping Hera or Juno or whoever she would be would help me. I mean, she was the goddess of marriage, she should have the right advice. I considered asking Mitchell but I figured he wouldn’t be balanced on it. I mean, Piper was his half-sister, he’d be bound to choose her.
I needed to make choice fast. I only had a couple weeks until we went to Camp IVLIV. I could ask Aphrodite/Venus. They were both her daughters so she would have to be fair. But how could I get to Olympus, it was closed still. I thought dad should have figured out that we shouldn’t run away from the fight.
I kept debating until dinner. Through that I kept thinking. When it was time for the campfire I didn’t go. I just went in to the forest to think. As a light I used a volt of electricity on a stick to create a fire. I just thought how depressing it would be for me to break Piper or Reyna’s heart. Then I heard a voice in my head. ‘It always helps to follow your heart’.
“Is this Venus or Aphrodite speaking to me?” I asked. ‘Both, you should know that when Zeus or Jupiter closed Olympus, he made our Roman and Greek forms stay in one place’. “Well, can you just give me advice on who to choose?” ‘That is up to you’.
This was getting me nowhere. “I wouldn’t be asking for advice if I knew you would try to get me to do everything on my own.” ‘Even if I wanted to it is the way of the Fates’. “But I thought love decisions were up to you.” ‘Jason, compared to the Fates in any matter I have a very small ability’.
Please kill me now, I thought. “Could you help me out?”
“Sure,” a voice said. But this was a male voice. I heard something hit a tree then it fell down.
“Just show yourself.” I said as I took out my gladius.
“Okay,” a baby materialized in front of me. He had wings out of his back, was wearing a blindfold and a diaper and had pink bow and arrows.
“Cupid?” I asked a little creeped out.
“Actually my name is Eros right now.” He said.
“Could you just help me out?” I said.
“Sure, which girl do you want me to shoot. You do want me to shoot a girl right?”
“No!” I yelled, then I realized that came out wrong.
”It’s okay, I’ve known a few guys like that. For example, Ganymede.” Eros said.
“No, I meant that I didn’t want you to shoot someone.” I was a little angry now. “Why are you wearing a blindfold, anyway?”
“Because love is often blind.” He said.
“Okay, what I need help with is I have to pick between two girls, but if I choose one it will hurt the other one. And by the way Aphrodite said that she couldn’t do a thing because the Fates would prevent her. So what could you do?” I asked.
“Well, I could shoot one with an arrow to make them fall in love with you.” Eros said.
“That would make it worse. I want one of them to fall out of love with me so I’d choose the other.” I said.
“I think I know what will help you. That Piper girl, she will most likely join the Hunters if you do not pick her. You will lose her forever.”
“Thanks, Eros. I know I’m choosing Piper.” I said and before I left he said
“I’m Cupid now.” Ignoring him I ran out of the forest to the cabins where I found out everybody had already gone back to their cabins. So I decided to do it tomorrow when I got to the Zeus cabin.
over a year ago eyal10 said…
i liked it its pretty good but make him not able to decide for now take a while let us meet reyna first, dont make him decide first and i dont think a god helping out is a good idea except in a dream maybe but not for a love matter like for omething important and a by the way to add the love matter
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I had writer's block, I had to come up with something on short notice. I think I'll add a flashback for it instead.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Time for Percy’s POV

Chapter 3

I was sparring with Bobby until I received the message. He was the praetor to the Herm-sorry, Mercury cabin. Fighting Bobby was only a little easier than fighting Clarrisse at my camp. Bobby and the other Romans were trained harder. I had gotten my memory back months ago. Bobby, Reyna (a daughter of Venus) and me had gone on a quest to save Hera (Juno) in New York, which Bobby told me was dangerous territory for demigods. I had learned that Juno (Hera) had swapped Jason Grace (their leader, a son of Jupiter) with me. So I was sent to Camp IVLIV and Jason was sent to Camp Half-Blood. I remember that when I got here by appearing at the borders it wasn’t to fun.


I woke up in a white room. I was in what looked like an infirmary. What happened last? I couldn’t tell, but I had a bigger problem. Who was I? I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I heard voices from out the door.
“He’s got to be the answer to the problem.” A female voice said.
“Of course that’s what you think Reyna. I understand that you’re stressing with Jason missing, but that doesn’t mean he knows where Jason is.” A male voice said. The two came in; the girl seemed like she normally wasn’t like this she this because she looked very stressed out and worried. The boy only looked slightly tense, not freaking out but not relaxing.
“He’s finally awake.” The girl said. “Hi, I’m Reyna.” She seemed to be trying to keep herself from exploding. She had straight brown hair that went over her shoulders and, I couldn’t tell what color her eyes were because they kept switching back and forth between green, blue and brown.
“And I’m Bobby.” The boy said. Bobby seemed either a little scared of Reyna or just he knew not to mess with her. He had messy black hair nearly covering his eyes but I could tell he had blue eyes. He had a familiar shine in his eye and a crooked smile that made me thinks that he would drop a firecracker down my shirt.
“Hi, I’m…” I thought hard. What was my name?
“You don’t know your name?” Bobby asked.
“I don’t remember anything.” I said.
“Okay, I’ll see if any of the aliases I use will make you remember.” Bobby said.
“Why do you need fake names?” Reyna asked him.
“They come in handy in certain situations.” Bobby said. “Let’s see, my number one is Jared Smith.” I shook my head so he kept going. “Dominic Riley?”
“No,” I said.
“How about…hmmm, Peter Johnson?” he asked. I immediately remembered something. Bobby saw that I remembered something. “I that your name?”
“No, but I know someone has called me that before.” I said. “I know they did it on purpose. I think it’s similar.”
“Okay,” Reyna said, “Let’s list some names that start with p. Pedro, Perry, Pierre, Percy-“
“That’s it!” I yelled.
“Okay, Pierre.” Bobby said.
“No, I meant Percy.” I said. As I said that I put my hands in my jean pockets and, in the right one a crumpled picture of a pretty girl with curly blond hair and stormy gray eyes holding hands with me. “Annabeth.” I said.

Present Time

I had just disarmed Bobby. His Imperial Gold sword had clattered to the ground.
“Not bad Jackson.” Bobby said. He then saw some Venus girls come by and he walked over to them and started hitting on them. Bobby was always doing that. His younger brother Dakota walked into the arena and sighed at his brother’s attempts to flirt with girls.
“You don’t think he’ll ever get a girlfriend, do you?” I asked.
“Not at all.” Dakota said. “I think you need to give him advice on that.”
“It took me four years to get one girlfriend. And Bobby isn’t that patient.” I said and Dakota walked over to his brother. Even though they were only two years apart (Bobby was sixteen and Dakota was fourteen), they were completely different. Dakota had short-cropped dirty blond hair while Bobby had messy black. Dakota had light brown eyes while Bobby had dark blue. I remembered how even though they looked different that they were a lot like the Stoll brothers. The day was very misty and it made me think as the perfect day to make an Iris Message. I’ve tried to contact Camp Half-Blood before but every time Iris wouldn’t accept the offering. Since she was Hera’s (Juno’s) personal messenger she wouldn’t let me contact them until the time was ‘right’. I had prayed to her constantly just so she could let me talk to Annabeth for a couple minutes. And I had wasted countless hours and food burning to her to let me talk to Annabeth.
The mist behind me shimmered.
“What the Poseidon?” I said. An image appeared in front of me. There was a man in a wheelchair sitting at a table with a boy about fifteen. He had short-cropped blond hair, sky blue eyes and a little scar above his lips like he jammed a stapler at his mouth.
“Chiron!” I said.
“Hello Percy.” He said calmly, although he seemed very surprised that the message worked.
“Chiron, how did you make a message? I thought that Hera/Juno said that we couldn’t until the time was right.” I said.
“Apparently Hera wanted you and Jason,” he said referring to the boy,” to contact other sides today.”
“So you’re Jason, the son of Jupiter who everyone said is missing?” I asked and Jason said
“Yeah, how is everybody? Hazel, Dakota, Bobby, Gwen and Reyna?” he seemed reluctant to say Reyna. As if he did something or was about to do something that she wouldn’t want.
“Fine and what about Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, Nico and Thalia?” I asked.
“Fine and that reminds me Percy, about Thalia,” Jason said, “she’s actually my full sister.”
“She never said anything about having a little brother. Well, actually having a same age brother.” I said remembering that Thalia was fifteen and was a Hunter and didn’t age.
“Yeah, never told anyone, actually. But aside from the point. I’m going to the arena.” And Jason left.
“Chiron, can I talk to Annabeth?” I pleaded.
“Okay, but I will be at master archery.” He turned into centaur form and left. Then in about five seconds I heard a scream. But not in terror, more in surprise and glee. A voice yelled
“PERCY!” Annabeth appeared in the message. She looked beautiful. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was smiling from ear to ear. She asked me so many questions so fast that I was more confused than when she talked about architecture.
“Annabeth, I cannot understand a word you’re saying.” I told her.
“Percy, the camp is going to the Roman Camp.” She said breathlessly.
“What? How is that possible?” I asked. She gave me the entire story of Jason, Leo and Piper with the quest and everything. “What have you been doing at the Roman camp?” she asked nervously. From the story I knew that she was worried that I had ended up like Jason with a Mist girlfriend. I told her my entire story from how I appeared to the quest then my return.
“And the name of the Roman camp is Camp IVLIV.” I said. “And as soon as I can I’m gonna fly a Pegasus to camp.”
“There’s no reason to do that, Percy.” Annabeth said.
“Because Leo and the Hephaestus cabin are making a boat called the Argo II to come to Camp IVLIV.” She said.
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, my computer deleted the chapter I almost finished. This might help you understand Reyna better


(The last day Jason was with Reyna)

We were playing capture the flag. Reyna and I were hiding in the bushes near the high tree where the blue team had hidden their flag. I was keeping surveillance of the guards, Gwen, daughter of Minerva and Hazel, daughter of Apollo. I had no clue why they had chosen Hazel. She may have been one of the best archers at camp but still, she was twelve. She and Gwen wouldn’t stand a chance against the distraction. The Mercury cabin was going into quarters and sneaking up on them with a sneak attack so Reyna and I could get the flag.
I was crouching; feeling very uncomfortable knowing this gave Reyna another chance. I had tried to explain that we shouldn’t date, but every time it was like she knew what I was going to say so she caused distractions. I knew that if she so much as kissed me, I probably would be charmed into doing whatever she wanted. And as the unofficial leader that could no happen. It made it worse that she was ‘supposedly’ helping me look over the bushes. But she was just making sure our faces were about four inches apart. I hated it when she tried to get closer to me. I just wished Reyna would get it that we shouldn’t date. But it would never work, she just kept trying.
We’ve always been close friends ever since we met but I didn’t think it should turn out like that. I always cursed Venus and Cupid for Reyna liking me. It just got in the way of things. Like if we went on a quest together, which was pretty much every summer, she would try something. I’m just glad that they’re always another person on a quest. Being completely alone with her, well that wouldn’t be very good.
“Jason, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Reyna said.
“Yeah, me too.” I said trying to ignore how amazing she looked and the urge to lean closer.
“Jason, I wanted to ask you if- the Mercury cabin!” she hissed. The Mercury cabin came from four sides and ambushed Hazel and Gwen. We ran and got to the flag, I grabbed it and we started sprinting. We made it over the creek, we had won. I’ll skip all the victory stuff. Reyna and me were in front of the Jupiter cabin.
“Reyna, I really need to tell you something.” I said.
“Me too, Jason I really-“ she was interrupted by Lupa appearing.
“Reyna, I’m afraid you and Jason must go to your cabins.” She said.
“Okay, Lupa.” She said obviously disappointed to me but not showing it in front of Lupa. When they both left I went in the Jupiter cabin and then in the morning I was on the Wilderness School bus.

Chapter 4

I was just plain freaking out, basically going insane. Nothing else went through my mind except, what if Jason doesn’t pick me? There would be nothing else left to do, except join the Hunters. I couldn’t show my face in the Aphrodite cabin. I would look like a complete fool in front of Drew, that I couldn’t stand. Sure it would be cool to kill monsters all over the country forever, but it wouldn’t be as good as being with Jason.
I had to do something before the Argo II left for Camp IVLIV. Or Jason might choose me instead of Reyna without me doing anything. But I couldn’t do that. I didn’t want to lose Jason forever; I hated the fact that I might not have a chance at all. Jason said he’s pretty sure that he and Reyna didn’t date, but he isn’t entirely sure.
“How can I get Jason to pick me when he’s barely around me?” I muttered to myself. “Every time I try, he just causes a distraction.”
“Well, you could try the forest, he goes there every night.” A voice said behind me and I jumped. It was just Lacy.
“Oh, hi Lacy, what do you mean?” I asked.
“Every night instead of going to the campfire, Jason walks into the forest.” She said. “You could find him there. Plus, the night, alone, in the woods. It practically spells romance.”
“Thank you Lacy!” I said, I was about to leave when Lacy said
“Um, Piper, could I get your advice on something?”
“Sure, what?” I said.
“There’s this guy, from the Hephaestus cabin and I really like him but he doesn’t know I exist. I try but he never stays in one place so it’s impossible to talk to him. And he never stops working with his machine.” The way she said it, I knew she was talking about someone I knew well, and he never stays still along with working on a machine. That’s obviously the Argo II and even more obviously it’s Leo.
“Well, since I think I know who you’re talking about, if he’s caught up on this machine, then start helping on it. That will get his attention.” I said.
“Thanks Piper,” she said.

(A couple hours later)

It was time for the campfire. I was outside the Aphrodite cabin, secretly looking at Cabin 1 constantly until Jason came out. He didn’t even try to fake going to the campfire. He just left into the forest. I went into the forest away from where he went in so in case anybody saw me it wouldn’t look like I was stalking him. I just barely saw his face but I could tell he was nervous.
I was keeping him in the corner of my eye. I kept my attention on everything other than him. He didn’t seem to notice me, mostly because I was silent. I nearly tripped over a root and face plant into the mud. And since I was trying to make myself more attractive, I didn’t think that would help. Jason seemed like he was in deep and private thought. I might have just walked up to him but I didn’t think that was the right way to do this
When I knew that I would get to him if I kept going in the direction I was so I just kept looking at my shoes. Finally I hit something and then nearly fell. It was Jason.
“Oh, hi Piper. What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I might ask the same to you.” I said.
“I just didn’t feel like going to the campfire.” Jason replied.
“Me too, and you haven’t felt like going to the campfire in days?” I asked.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to spy on people?” he said.
“Maybe,” I said as I very slowly got closer to him. Jason didn’t act like he noticed. Hopefully he didn’t at all.
“Okay, beauty queen.” He said, probably getting back at me for calling him Sparky.
“Jason, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“Okay, what?” he asked.
“Jason, I-“ I was cut off by Jason leaning forward and kissing me. I certainly didn’t stop. And one thought went through my mind. It’s about time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I just started to read this and it's amazing !!! Loved all the chapter cant wait for the next one !!:DDDDDD
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I'll try but I got three other fan fictions. Check out Demititans of Olympus and the Roman Titan War too. And one last thing, who thinks Nico should get a girlfriend?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Nico should definitely get a girlfriend !!:)
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
Nico is 12.

I'm 14 and I still don't have a boyfriend!
So no with getting Nico a girlfriend idea.
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
it doesn't matter, I gave up on it because not enough people were replying
over a year ago percy359 said…
no don't give up this is funny
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
are you still posting?