The Heroes of Olympus Writing game to all fanfiction writers

AmazingPercy posted on Apr 19, 2011 at 11:04PM
title: Son of Neptune Writers' Writing Game

rating: C????????

genre: romance, fantasy, adventure, friendship, etc.

synopsis: It's like all the others SoN

disclaimer: I give credit to all the things RR came up with

I just wanted to make my own writing game and see how many people will join in writing.
Anybody can post try to make it long and i probably will add more later

The Heroes of Olympus 80 replies

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over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 1
I woke up in a large white bed. I was in a room with nobody except a golden statue of a man. A big statue of a god. I looked around. The wall was the color of the sea. The statue was the sea god. What’s his name…Poseidon! That’s it! But where was I exactly? The scary thing, who was I exactly?
I got up and started to pace around. How can I not know who I am? Then there was a loud knock on the brown door. I opened the old door to a girl who looked around fifteen. She was wearing jeans and a purple parka. She had brown hair with purple highlights. Maybe she would know about me.
“Hello Percy,” she said.” I ready to go so I wanted to say bye.”
What was she talking about? Where was she going? At least I found out part of my name, Percy. I think that was a nickname so it was short for something.
“What do you mean?”
“Who am I? Who are you? Where are you going?”
“Are you sick or something?”
“No. I mean I don’t think so.”
“Are you scared?”
“A little.”
Apparently it was a big thing to be scared. She shoved me into my room and locked the two windows. Then she screamed. What could be wrong with being scared?
“What ‘s wrong with you. You know what. I’ll leave tomorrow.”
“What is going on? Can’t you answer any of my questions?”
“We need to talk with Lupa. I am Reyna Johnson daughter of Bacchus. I am going to find Jason our camp leader and my boyfriend, the son of Jupiter. You are suppose to be awake and run the camp while I’m gone cause you are the son of Neptune.”
“What? Never mind.”
“How do we know each other? It feels like I just woke up.”
You did
“And I have no idea of who I am”
That’s true too
“And now I’m hearing a women’s voice”
“Weird. Anyways my brother, Peter brought you here and you seemed to hang out a lot until he died in the war last year. Come on outside we need to see Lupa.”
I walked outside to see Lupa. At least I know some stuff about me but was it true? Outside Reyna had a tiger, a saber tooth tiger.
“Aren’t those from the ice age and extinct?”
“My father gave that to me. It’s one of his animals. He knew I would help the camp last year so before the war he gave me this as a way as transportation. Her name is Naka and she rides only two people, Jason and me.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
OHHH! I Wanna try!
Chapter 2

'Wait,' I said, confused. 'who's Jason?'
Reyna looked at me, annoyance washed over her face. 'My boyfriend.'
'So, where is he?'
'I don't know!' She screamed. 'Just get on. I need to talk to Lupa, about...about whatever has happened to you.'
I climbed onto the tiger hesitantly. It raced across the camp, in seconds we were standing in front of a large wooden doorframe.
'This is the Big house, in case you forgot-'
'I did.'

Her fingers grabed the handle and swiftly swung open the door. Inside, a wolf was waiting.
'Lupa.' Reyna greeted, bowing.
'Reyna,' She called through my mind. 'I though you would have been gone by now.'
'I thought so too.' She muttered, under her breath.
'What is the problem.'
'Percy. He doesn't remember anything! I think he may have amniesa. I'm really worried, I have to leave. I need to find Jason. Anyways, I can wait an extra day to-'
'Nonsense, you leave now. They can manage alone.'
Reyna bows respectfully, then turns to go. 'Bye Percy.' She whispered, heading for the door.
I turned as well, heading back for the cabin I was once in.
'Percy.' Lupa calls.
She looks around, insuring that nobody can hear us.
'I've never seen you before? Who are you?' Her tone is harsh.
'I said I don't-'
'Don't toy with me, boy.' She warns, inching closer. 'Who are you? God? or Perhaps Monster? How did you get through the barrier?' She wrinkles her nose, trying to identify a smell.
'I'm just a kid, and I can't remember anything. I don't even know who I am. I didn't even know my own name until Reyna told me.'
'You want me to believe that?'
'It's true! I just woke up in-'
'In where?'
'In...Neptune's cabin, remembering nothing of what happened.'
Lupa's eyes widen, her face in shock. 'You can't be. I expected someone....but not this soon. She just...only a few days ago...'
'What?' I ask, once again, confused.
She turns to me, and explains. 'Hera came to me. Not Juno, but Hera. Roman gods don't visit often. And in their Greek form, never. She had said something about a lost one coming.' She sighs. 'I guess you're the one.'
'The one?'
'The Son Of Neptune.'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Thanks for the chapie
Chapter 3 (to theonlyexception)

I was practicing with Bobby with my footwork but I still couldn't fix it after five days. I kept tripping. What would Lupa say to me? I could tell her but she would find out. I walked up to the Olympian cabin. It was one big mansion with different rooms for each god or goddess. Mine I designed cause I was the only daughter/ son of Pluto at camp but everybody else had to share a room. I had a normal size bedroom with my own twin size bed, a desk, a large window with solid black drapes, and a closet. I sat there reading our memory book Jason made for all his friends. It was filled with everything from the time we first met to embarrassing moments with Reyna to the Titan War. It even had every detail and pictures from when he was named the official leader after the war. I missed him.
I knew I had to tell Lupa about my footwork. So I walked out and passed Hazel coming out of the Minor gods mansion. I walked nervously into Lupa’s room to see Percy.
“Hello Percy,” I said. Then I bowed to Lupa. “My Lady, can I join you?”
Yes she said telepathically
“I need some help with my foot working in battle. It hasn’t improved.”
Good thing you tell me. Percy can help you after I’m done.
“I’ll meet you in your cabin later.”
Percy was lucky to get his own. All the other campers had to be in the minor gods mansion or the Olympian mansion. Only the Neptune, Juno and Jupiter cabins were separate. My room they just built it cause they found me. And his was right by the ocean.

Dakota=Ceres & Hunter
Soon to be children of Nox & Cupid
+Vulcan, Venus, Minerva, Mercury, Jupiter children that someone can add

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
ooh i'll give this a try
Chapter 4 Percy's PoV

The door made a gentle thud as the girl left.
"who's that? i don't know her"
"But she believes she knows you" Lupa responded
"the mist is powerful. In your time spent here, you will make them believe that you do know them. they cannot know anything of your" she paused "amnesia" the word was almost sarcastic.
"mist? And I'm supposed to lie?"
"we will discuss this further when the opportunity presents itself. For now, you are dismissed"
Not knowing what to do, i found my way outside. The sky was a chilly chilly grey and you could feel the ocean breeze as waves crashed against the shore. i walked along a narrow dirt path on the cliff as it ascended down to meet the beach. I found the girl who had come in earlier sitting on a stone bench, drawing circles in the dirt with a stick. Was she supposed to be my friend? Maybe if i talked to her i could find out a few names. It couldn't hurt.
"Aren't you supposed to meet me in my cabin later?" i slid on the bench next to her. She glanced up, surprised.
"yeah. well... i was just thinking"
"what about?"
"you know" she kicked the ground "...Jason..." she almost whispered the name.
"oh" i didn't have any better response.
"weren't you supposed to be going with Reyna?"
what was i supposed to say. i needed sombodie's help if i was going to pretend to be me, whoever i was.
"I.." i stuttered "I'm going to need your help"
"my help with what?"
"I dont remember you. All I know about anything is i woke up and Reyna was there. i told her, and she took me to Lupa. Lupa doesn't seem to know me from here. Then she started about me being 'The One'. she told me to pretend that I remember you all, not to make a scene about it i-" I breathed "-i just don't know what to do."
"You do need my help."
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…

Chapter 5

Something was happening around here. I could sense it and I was scared but I was going to talk to Lupa anyways. I was going on a quest to save a child of the night in New York. I wonder who that could be. Being a son of Apollo they probably wouldn't like me. I walked up to Lupa's mansion. She was standing on the front steps waiting for me in human form.
"Are you ready?"
"As I ever will be. I'll go with Patrick (Vulcan and fire user) and Vanessa (Minerva and can do telekinesis really well)."
"I want you to take someone else. I am going to plan your quest."
"I'm not going to question you."
Why was she going to plan it? I already came up with everything.
"You will go with Percy, Reyna-"
"Reyna going on her own."
"No she will be going with you. With Percy, Gwen-"
"That's more than three."
"So. There will be you, Percy, Ray, Gwen, Hazel, Vanessa, and Max (new son of Jupiter 12 years old)"
"Okay." I said sadly.
"Go tell them, and don't be sad."
“Sorry, I will go.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile


I was practicing some new spells with Vanessa. She was showing me her powers and I was showing her mine. It was pretty cool moving objects without even touching them but I could do WAY more amazing things. I can conjure up my own force field to protect me and my friends, make food grow, make anything appear really. Make things disappear are appear twice. Anything a normal magician can do but real. Besides that we are pretty smart at random facts and things we want to know. We often confuse people and stump them with choices because our mom is the goddess of crossroads too. We all are a family and take care of young demigods at camp like our mom. My cabin mates and me share a black lab, named Leslie that is very aware of her surroundings and barks when someone is near. We also love the nighttime and darkness (that is partly why I like to hang around with Gwen) and go to the Underworld sometimes. All of us have met some ghosts cause Trivia is like the Queen of them. I am also a friend with Dakota and some other Ceres children because Trivia helped find one of Ceres daughters a long time ago.
Trivia also has a group of girls like the Hunters that she started after the Titan War. They are called the Witches. I joined for a week but I missed my friends and that’s when I realize Jason was gone. All they did was hang out in the Underworld and improve their powers. She even lets mortals join and other demigods and give them a wand. If they use that wand correctly they can join. Otherwise, Trivia children already know how to wield a wand. You do have to give up boys unless you drop out and you do need to praise Trivia but you can still praise your parent too. Plus, you get to be immortal and you probably wouldn’t die in combat because you can make protective shields and there is a spell that can bring someone back to life but you need to discover it yourself and be very powerful. And have very strong emotions at that time. I did like it though. Hey, but being a child of Trivia is fun anyways
Wow that was longer than I thought. Plz comment
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 6

After I left Lupa’s I walked to my cabin and saw Gwen and Percy talking afterwards. I knew Hazel and Vanessa were practicing magic and Bobby was getting ready for his quest. I was ready for mine but I got the message that I wasn’t going. You see we don’t get prophecies, we get little messages in our minds telling us wear to go, what to do, and stuff like that. And I was getting the message not to go on this quest.
So I went to the arena to practice with someone. There were a few Mercury kids, two Venus girls, and a son of Apollo, a Bellona daughter, and three kids from the Victoria cabin. I decided to take my chances with David the praetor of the Mercury cabin. He was good but nobody can beat the second best warrior at camp. When I was done I met up with Bobby, Gwen, Percy, Hazel, and Vanessa in front of the Olympians mansion.
“Were all going on a quest.” said Bobby.
“What?” I screamed. “All six of us.”
“And Max.” Percy added.
“Why?” I questioned.
“Because Lupa said so. And it’s my quest. We leave tomorrow to find the child of Nox somewhere in New York. Three shall ride pegasus, three shall go by the water and one brave one will ride Majesty the unicorn.”
“Majesty don’t like to ride”
“But she’s fast on land and she’s going. Don’t question the voice. I think Percy should go by water and Max should go by pegasus.
“I’ll go by water cause I can make an air bubble and go really fast.” said Hazel.
“I can shadow travel.” Gwen added but she knew we needed to stick together. “ I’ll go with Majesty.”
“Okay I’ll go with the horses and Ray, your coming?” Bobby asked.
“Sure.” I replied. “And Vanessa can go by water. You can find a way tonight.”
“I already told Max so we’re all ready to go.”

We all left and went to our cabins to pack. I was kind of happy to go on the quest. I heard the voice saying that we would find more information on our new enemy but we would find something important. That had to be Jason. And The Storm was going to begin. I think that was related to the Great Prophecy.
I started to get ready for my quest when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw David from the Mercury cabin. He looked like Ray beat him.
“Battled Reyna.” He nodded.” And lost.” He nodded again.
Nobody could beat Reyna unless she was having a bad day besides Jason, and sometimes Gwen. When she’s really angry you don’t even want to come close to her cause she’ll slice your finger off. Poor Sommus kid.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“I brought something for you. I heard you are going on a quest and since you are a son of Apollo I got these.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few packs of gum.
“They’re not gum. They’re arrows. You stretch each piece back and it turns into an arrow.”
“Cool! Where’d you get them from.”
“Stole them from a hunter a while ago and was cleaning up my bed and found them.”
“Thanks. I easy to pack.”
“Your welcome.” And he left. I really did like the gift. Now I had gum arrows and my mini bow keychain that transforms into my real bow. I love magical items. Your parents might not give them to you but you find/ make better ones yourself.
I hope you'd like it.
Even if you don't plz comment
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Cool. I'm a fanfic writer but i don't know what to do for this.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Thanks it can be anything and it doesn't need to be long
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 7
(Max) I am going to change Max to a girl

I packed a few things I think I needed. This was my first quest so I didn’t know what to pack. I put in a few basic necessities and nectar, ambrosia, first aid kit, an extra dagger and my mini black computer. I had on a cameo shirt, Aero jacket and jeans. I had my hunting knife strapped to by belt. My long flowing maroon hair was brushed and I was ready to go.

Being a daughter of Jupiter was special. I heard that there was a son of Jupiter but being a child of him you still get praise and honor. My dad didn’t give me a magical item but he gave me wings instead. It was better than all the other items. I need to push my shoulder blades back and they start growing. I practice a few timed over the last few nights I was here and I was getting good at flying. My wings were 14 feet and were maroon like my hair with black on the edges.

By ten o’clock tomorrow we were all ready. We said goodbye to all of our friends and left the camp boarders. There was Percy, Reyna, Hazel, Gwen, Vanessa, Bobby, and me who is leading the quest. Gwen was already on Majesty and Reyna and Bobby were getting in their chariot.”
“You coming?” they asked
“No I got my own way.” I said. I pulled back my shoulders and my wings started growing.
“That’s so cool!” shouted Percy.
I replied,” That’s my magically gift from my dad. Now I can fly really well.”

The rest of them got into the pond and started swimming really fast. Vanessa experimented on a potion that can make them swim fast and not get tired. We would be meeting in Texas. Percy said they knew where they were going cause he was good at navigation.

I hope my potion works but it not Percy will save me. We were ready to go I dropped into the lake with Percy and Hazel. The last thing I saw was Bobby’s golden hair, Reyna’s questioning look, Gwen’s frown, and Max’s golden eyes. Why did I agree to go on this quest?

I was breathing underwater and we all were swimming really fast. My potion worked. So far, I hope it last the whole time. Or un least till we get to Texas. We started swimming from San Deigo to the filthy waters of NY. The thing that kept me questioning was why did Lupa want seven people to go on one quest to save one child of Nox. Could we be The Seven from the prophecy? Would this quest be successful? And what was Lupa hiding from us?
There's my chapter seven
I know it's bad cause #7 is unlucky for me but please comment ;{
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
Here is
Chapter 8
Being in the sky was pretty cool but this was the only time without Jason. I was so sad and holding it inside of me. I wanted to cry but a warrior wouldn’t dream of crying. Instead on that day…
I woke up at six like we did every day. Then all the campers were told to meet in front of the big house so I did. While we were waiting for her to come out I was looking for Jason but I didn’t see him and nobody else. Then Lupa came out and told us, “Jason is not here. I will not talk about this. If you have issues or concerns work it out yourself.”
So instead of crying I dashed away from the group as fast as I could. I ran into the woods and took out my sword and started slicing trees and bushes. I saw Bobby, Hazel, and Gwen hiding from me. I stopped and they came closer. After a while Bobby began to speak.
“I’m sorry Ray. “ he paused for a while.” We can tell the hunters to look for them.”
“And the witches.” Hazel chimed. “And we can go on quest. We’ll search the whole world if we need to.” I saw a tear run down her cheek.
I sat down on a bolder and they circled around me. “Something strange is happening and Lupa knows about it.”
After a while things calmed down but the rest of the day I spent in my lonesome cabin. Demigods brought me different gifts but I never looked at them that day. I was only looking at the book of memories he made for us. Now being without him made me sad but stronger. Bobby and I were probably above Arizona with Max flapping next to us. I couldn’t see Percy’s group or Gwen but I knew they were somewhere close.

Riding Majesty was really fun. All the horses I ride usually hate me and I don’t get to ride any. She was really fast and perfect for me. Majesty has a strong horn too. I liked her than other pegasus even though she wasn’t one. I knew we were all in Arizona.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 9
Now we were swimming really fast. I heard Percy say we were in Texas so we all came up for air. I came up to see everyone was there. They all looked tired. It was around noontime and we decided to take a break. Reyna was going to take the first watch so the rest of us to a break. So I dreamt…
I was in the Underworld with my mother, which was kind of weird cause all the gods and goddesses were recalled back to Olympus. She even left the Witches with the Hunters and Diana left them. My mom looked like a witch.

“Hello Hazel.” She said to me. “Jupiter might sense this but he is with the twelve. I will send you to New York. This is a harder quest than you think it is. You and your friends need to trust your heart and what you feel is right. Goodbye.”

And with that we were all in front on the streets of Time Square. There were so many people how are we suppose to find one kid. None of us have been to New York at least I don’t think so. And our rides were gone.
“We’re already in NY?” Bobby asked
“Yeah, my mom took us here.” I said.
“But we haven’t had any communication with them.” Ray added.
“Well…” I started to explain my story.
Percy asked. “Did she give you that necklace?”
“What…” I started but I saw a mini clock. “I think. It turns back time I’m pretty sure. “
“Cool. Lets look for that kid or some clues.” Bobby replied

It felt weird being in NY. I liked it but it was so dirty and I wanted to escape. Part of me also wanted to go shopping and have fun but we were on a quest and Lupa would kill us. I decided to ask anyways.
“Can we go shopping? It’s New York.” I pleaded. “Maybe it’s a girl and she’s shopping.”
“Okay.” Hazel said. “We’ll split up. I’ll go with Max and we’ll look at some stores. Bobby and Percy. Reyna and Gwen. And Vanessa you can come with us.”
“Sure.” She said.
“Yah!” I squealed. “We’re going shopping.”
“Are you related to Venus?” Vanessa asked me.
“Maybe a little.” I added.

Plz comment I want to know people are reading this or not;(
Pretty please:)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 10
I felt safe here. Everyone didn’t cause it was the gods territory but I was different.
“Bobby I have an idea.” He turned towards me. “So I want to go to Long Island cause I know something is there. Maybe it’s the kid. But I want to go to Olympus first.”
“Are you crazy!” he exclaimed.
“Maybe but I need to talk t them.”
“The closed it and they would be surprised if we come. How would we get to them? Jupiter probably put some protective seal.”
“I don’t know but we can go to the Empire State Building and request to go up. Plus Jupiter might want to see his daughter.”
“Fine we can try.” He muttered.
In the next few minutes we found the rest of the group. Then we told them the plan.
Hazel shouted. “We’re going to Olympus!”
“I don’t think that’s the smartest idea.” Mumbled Vanessa
“Yay daddy closed Olympus for a reason and I’m kind of scared to meet him.”
“I haven’t seen any of them since the war, so I’ll go up.” Gwen said
And Reyna just ran away with angry.
“She’s probably just upset about Jason. I’ll go calm her down. “ Bobby said and in a few minutes she was back and we decided to go up.
Sorry it’s short plz comment
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Chapter 11

I couldn't handle it. I couldn't. I NEEDED Jason. His smile, his eyes, the little scar above his lip... they were all parts of Jason and I needed them all.
You think that as a daughter of Bacchus I have to be happy all the time? Well, not true. I've pretty much been in the same three moods lately: upset, distracted, and angry.
I closed my eyes. Yeah, whatever. Bobby was coming, I could tell.
Sure enough, he came stepping around the corner.
"It's okay, Reyna. Jason will--"
"Come back!?" I screamed, almost in hysterics. "You--you don't know that! What if he's dead!? What if--what if he drowned? What if..."
The rest of my sentence trailed off into wracking sobs. Bobby patted my shoulder. "It's okay, Reyna, it's okay... He'll be okay, you'll be okay..."
We sat there for a while, until I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Let's just go. I'm fine." Although I clearly wasn't, I didn't want to waste any more of our precious time.
Bobby studied my face, then he nodded. "Okay, if you're sure."
We got up. As we walked back to the others, I took out my water bottle and began rinsing my eyes. As a daughter of Bacchus, I loved the theater. I had to look picture perfect, unless I was playing a specific "ugly" part. I was a little vain in that way.
We returned to our little group, and there was Max, weighed down with shopping bags.
"Max," I said, rolling my eyes. "That mortal money was going to be used for the plane trip back."
She glanced down at the Gucci and Prada bags she held. "Oops," she replied innocently.
"It's okay, I have some aurei* in my pocket. Somebody oughta pay good money for Roman coins." I inhaled and looked at the group. A few ragtag (except for Max) demigods with a few ragtag weapons.
Except for mine.
My weapon was a bow and arrow that when I stroked the bow part, it became a silver armband with a grapevine pattern. Stroking the armband made it a bow. It was forged by Vulcan himself for my 10th birthday. I was a favorite of his ever since I rescued that son of his from a watery grave. (Long story.)
I looked up at the Empire State Building. It was so tall that it could reach up into heaven.
Oh wait, it did.

While waiting for Reyna and Bobby to get back, I took out my wand and examined it. Made of sterling silver with Imperial gold capped on both ends and my name and my mother's alternatively curling around the shaft, it signified that I was the leader of the Trivia cabin. A position to be proud of.
I quietly whispered, "Flamma caerulea." A small blue flame popped out of the end of my wand. Concentrating, I wrote "TRIVIA" in the air with the flame, and the letters stayed. "Aqua," I said, a little louder, pointing my wand at the letters.
The jet of water extinguished the flame, and just then, Bobby and Reyna walked silently around the corner.
Reyna stopped short and began lecturing Max about shopping expenses. I laughed a little to myself, and stared up at the Empire State. "You were named after Rome, you know that, right?" I murmured. A cool breeze lifted the hairs on the back of my neck. I smiled. "See you--for real, this time--soon, Mom."

Hope it was good!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
It was good
The next chapter might take me a while to write but I'm starting it
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…

I'm gonna write one it's jus that I'm blank
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
Thank you so much it was perfect
Chapter 12
Olympus Part 1 [Apollo]
All of us were in Olympus. The Olympians were in the throne room and the minor ones were wandering around. Being here for a while was really boring. We did everything possible from reading all the books in the world (Athena’s idea) from playing with puppets. Now that was fun. We made puppets of our demigod children and acted like them.
Since we were here Zeus brought the sun up each morning with his power, and also the moon. That was sis’s job and mine! Dionysus came from camp and seemed happy to be away from them. Hermes couldn’t send messages or packages. Hades was with his wife and Demeter who was always in a grumpy mood. Hephaestus was playing with things and Ares was storming around and didn’t play along with our games. Aphrodite was changing her outfits and makeup and sometime ours too. Now that was really scary. Athena was arguing the whole time or stating ideas in front of Zeus’s face. Poseidon was grumbling about his son the whole time. Finally Hera showed up. I don’t think it was fair that he let his wife leave but when they walked away for a few hours we got to escape.
But now I felt like someone was coming. Someone or something good which now made me happy. And of course I wouldn’t tell this to Zeus! Hecate walked in. She came to us a lot while we were bored. She left her Witches like sis left her Hunters.
“Are you doing anything?” she asked
“Nothing much.” Poseidon mumbled.
She sat down in front of the fire. Then she did something I didn’t think she could do. She communicated to me, to us through her mind. Like Lupa.
“There’s a Roman group of demigods coming up. They are going to stop at nothing to come up. There’s my daughter, Hazel and Apollo’s Bobby, Minerva’s Vanessa, Pluto’s Gwen, Bacchus’s Reyna, Jupiter’s Max and they have Percy Jackson. Zeus doesn’t know about this but I’m going to make up something to talk to him while you transform into your Roman forms.”
We all said thanks to Hecate/Trivia and were really excited. Neptune’s frown turned upside down. My son was on a quest and going to come here. Especially with his friends from the Titan war. There was also Jupiter’s daughter so they could get in little trouble or more. And there was Percy the one who let the minor gods have more power. I wonder if he came up with any poems. Well he probably forgot them cause “someone” cough cough Hera erased his memories. But I couldn’t wait!

Olympus Part 2 [Vanessa]
We walked into the Empire State Building right after sunset. All seven of us went to the front desk where a lady was. You would think Jupiter would make it hard for demigods to enter. The lady looked at us for a while then finally spoke.
“Roman demigods.” She said. “Jupiter isn’t allowing anyone up.”
“We know but we need to, please.” I begged.
“She stared again or a while,” They were direct orders but sure.”
She gave us a key card and we went to the elevator. This was too simple. We were going to meet our parents and the gods. I hope Jupiter didn’t get too upset. The elevator opened on the 100th floor to Olympus. It was big a SO cool. I’ve never seen it before and I only met my mom twice and Mars, Apollo, Mercury, Diana, and Vulcan once. All of us were excited. Percy looked confused and was staring and thinking. Max looked nervous, I guess cause she was going to meet the King of The Roman gods AKA her father for the first time and he was going to be furious at us. Gwen, Hazel, Reyna, and Bobby had all been here before and didn’t easily get scared but they were. We all wanted to go there and we didn’t.

Part 3 [Percy]
This all looked familiar to me but I kept that quiet. Most of it was in ruins which I knew something about but I didn’t know what. We walked around a bit to look at the buildings until we reached the throne room. I was scared we all were. I nodded to Hazel and she opened the doors with her magic. All the gods were there. They all gasped at us. The first thing I noticed that Juno and Jupiter wasn’t there.
“Hi Lord Neptune.”
“No I am father Poseidon to you.”
Now I was confused. I saw out of the corner of my eye all the other parents were greeting their children. All of a sudden Venus stood in front of Jupiter’s throne and yelled. “Everyone be quiet! We will all get to say what we want till Jupiter comes in but sit in your thrones.” We al went around the room.
“We went on this quest to find a child of Nox but we want to open Olympus.” Bobby
“We all do” Mercury
“And we all say hi to are parents and of course you are all proud of us.” Bobby
“And I would like to know about all this Neptune Poseidon stuff.” Percy
Right when he was going to answer Jupiter, Juno and Trivia walked in with their faces all white. They were defiantly surprised to see us here.
He waited a while and then spoke, “Explain why you’re here.”
“We, including the gods want you to open Olympus. And we have some questions.” Percy
“So do we Percy.”

Part 4 [Hazel]
All the gods sat on their throne except for mom and Vestia on the floor. We sat with them in front of Jupiter. It was REALLY scary.
“Max Ravies, my daughter.” He paused “ Give me a hug”
That was shocking (get it shocking, cause his control lightning) but really unusual.
“I’m glad to see you. And Gwen Drawn, Hazel Aloni, Bobby Sleazes, and Reyna Johns. My son’s love.”
“Aw” I heard Venus whispered.
“Good to see you again. Vanessa, nice to met you,”
“Nice to meet you.” He was really nice.
“And last but not least Percy. I know you want Olympus open and I will make a deal with you. I will open Olympus, give Percy his memories back, and tell you that that child of Nox went to Terra’s side our new enemy. All the gods will lead you to camp a different one.”
And he left. “Percy what? You lost your memories!”
“Yeah he did and now he will have them back.” Said Juno.
“I know who I am.” Percy said.

This is the longest thing I ever written.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Thank you so much
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Yeah it's good:)
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Really good! I would write a chapter, but I'm on my pandigital thing, and it takes FOREVER! But u guys r great writers!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
anyone can write even if it's short or whatever I normally post a chapter a day so I might not post one till tomorrow. But thanks so much for replying
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
No problem!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Good night
I'll try to post tom.
even if someone else post
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Oh I LOVE THIS!! PLEASE! Someone post?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
^ People will probably post tomorrow. I don't think I'm gonna post tonight, at least. I might tomorrow.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Sorry I have to go but I'll post what I came up with
Chapter 13
Part 1
“Who are you Percy?” I asked. I was completely confused.
“I never knew any of you I am a son of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. And yes there are other Greek demigods. There at another camp for us that I let to defeat the titan lord last summer.”
“I don’t get it still.” I said and the rest nodded including Vanessa.
“You will soon.” Vestia whispered. “All of us are going to Camp Half Blood.”
They all rose from their throne except my father who disappeared. All of them were like 30 feet tall! But then they shrunk to our side. There was Juno, Pluto, Neptune/Poseidon, Apollo, Mercury, Mars, Vulcan, Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Minerva, Venus, Trivia, and Proserpina. In a blink of the eye they used their magic to transport us but I thought they were going to walk us.
We were standing on a table with a centaur, a mortal and a blonde hair girl. There were a bunch of campers looking at us like Camp Demigod. Everyone looked shocked but happy.
“Percy long time no see.” The centaur began.
“Seaweed brain.” The blonde girl ran up to Percy and kissed him.
“Annabeth!” he yelled back and they started kissing.
“Awe, love.” Venus muttered.
Percy stood up and began speaking,” It great to see all of you again. From what I know Juno or Hera took my memories but now I have them back and Olympus is opened. These are my friends from Camp Demigod: Max daughter of Jupiter or Zeus, Reyna daughter of Bacchus or Mr. D, Gwen daughter of Pluto or Hades, Bobby son of Apollo, Hazel daughter of Trivia/ Hecate, and Vanessa daughter of Minerva/Athena.

hope you like it
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
Hey that was really good, i would post a chapter, but i don't know what i would do, because to be honest, i got nothing, and am to lazy to think of someting, i'll post in the future though.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I made some Piper, Reyna, Jason action in this one
hope you like it
Chapter 14

I stood up on my table. My friends were here now. Especially Reyna. It looked like this Percy kid opened Olympus and got his memories back. Why haven’t I gotten mine?
“Jason!” Reyna screamed, “You’re here!”
She jumped on to my table and kissed me. I started to kiss her too but I then realized Piper was watching.
I saw her run to the forest so I stopped kissing Reyna. “What?” she asked
“I lost my memories like Percy so I fell for another girl. Piper, a daughter of Aphrodite or Venus to you. I hope you’re not to angry.”
“As long as you still mine.” She kissed me again. “You better explain.”
I thanked her and ran to the woods where Piper was. I still wasn’t sure whom I liked more but I already told Reyna. I paused for a moment. I could hear piper crying but I needed to think. I only knew Piper for a week but we saved each other’s life a few times. Reyna has been my long time girlfriend and has shared many memories and gone on many quest and she probably saved my life many more times. But then again she could gave been a traitor but changed. I wasn’t sure whom I trusted and loved more.

I can’t believe Jason! Well, I thought he might have another girlfriend but he would remember at least something about her and tell me. Instead she just shows up and starts kissing his new girlfriend in my face! And in Drew’s face. She would be bugging me about that later I knew.
That’s why I ran into the forest to get away. I sat on a large stone hoping that Jason would come and say he’ll be mine but nothing. I kept on crying. And suddenly Jason came up from behind me.
“I’m so sorry Piper.”
I didn’t want to talk to him but I had to, “I guess you like Reyna more?”
“For now. I still don’t know much about me but I know I can trust her.” He sat down next to me. “You’re a daughter of Aphrodite though you’ll have many different relationships. And if you have any problems she’s always here for now.”
“Do you want to go back if not I’ll stay here.”
“No go to them. I want to be a lone.”
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Awwww! That's a little bit sad for Piper, but good! I love Jiper/Pison but I don't really know what Rayna is like, so I can't say that I like Jiper/Pison better:)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
yeah I just wanted to add a twist
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
^ I do like it, though.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
this is a continuation of chapter 14
I let Jason leave. I never thought of the idea of him getting another girlfriend even though he had no memory. I could hear whispers from every table probably about them but the loudest were from the Venus table. This girl must have been from there. Oh well, Jason was mine.
"So since the couples work out their problem, and the Roman campers aren't fighting with us let the campers sit with their siblings."
He pointed us to our tables. I sat with the centaur, the girl, a boy boys and my dad who sat at the table. Appartently he stayed at this camp and the centaur was named Chiron. The girl was an oracle or someone that can tell the future and was named Rachel. The boy was Pollux and he had a twin brother named Castor that died in a war. At the table he started talking about some fun times between both of them. I didn't say that much with them but all of us were laughing.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…

Chapter 15

So the Roman girl Gwendolyn was a daughter of Pluto. I guess I had a new half sister or would it be a quarter sister cause she is Roman? I dunno? I wonder what the Romans did when they found out there was another child of the big three? But she was alive and friends with Jason. Since there was only us at my table we were the only ones talking. I told her my story and about Bianca of course.
“So there was another daughter of the Underworld, Hades-Pluto or whatnot. I’m the only one now. Lupa killed my five year old sister two years ago cause she couldn’t win against a seven year old boy. I escaped my mother before she got married and then she did. I came back to get my sister but she didn’t pass. We were in the Lotus Casino like you. But it Lupa’s orders. You can’t go against Lupa. Have you heard about Lupa?”
“Yeah Jason has mentioned a few things about your leader. All you have to do is make it to Camp Half Blood and your safe. Unless you go on some quest or get attacked or a Hermes campers *cough* Travis and Connor Stole put shaving cream on your face while your sleeping. It usually happens but at the randomous times”
She chuckled at that one. “Do you guys ever have fun?”
“When were fighting or going on quest that’s really what we do. But no we don’t do many fun things. Not even the Mercury kids.”
“You know what, I’m going make you have a lot of fun. Were going to go the carnival.”
“I’ve never been to one. My sister always wanted to but we couldn’t have gone.”
“Well let’s go now. We might not be safe but we’re going to make sure you have fun.”
We walked up to tell Chiron. We thought he would say no but he thought it was a great way to get to know the Romans so he let us go. I guess it couldn’t be a date cause we kind of had the same father but we could have a fun time as siblings.

When I walked over to the Hecate table. I think Trivia is the roman counterpart; the praetor Lou Ellen greeted me. She told me her cabin was just made cause ever since the Titan War they recognized the minor gods. That was different. Then I was introduced to my new cabin mates: Jeff, George, Samantha, Alice, Judy, Dawn and Andy. They all seemed nice. Some weren’t in the war but all of them knew the story. I told them about our view.
They seemed to listen but they had ADHD so they were a little squeamish. I also told them about The Witches group my mom formed and some of them seemed interested. I also asked them that Hecate was the counterpart. I got that right!

At the Apollo table everyone seemed cool. Thankfully I didn’t need to remember the Greek name cause they were called the same. Will Solace was the leader as they call it here. He was a tall fifteen-year-old boy with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
“Hi your Bobby right?”
“Yeah son of the Roman Apollo, praetor of the fourth legion.”
“What does that mean exactly?” a girl asked. “I’m Briana a new daughter of Apollo.”
“Nice to met you. Well a praetor is the leader and a legion is the number of your cabin.
Jupiter/Zeus is the 1st legion
Juno should be the 2nd but she doesn’t have any so Neptune’s kids step up. He hasn’t had any kids in a while besides Percy but he still has one.
Ceres or Demeter has the 3rd
Mars or Ares has the 4th
Minerva or Athena kids are the 5th
That makes us the 6th
Diana doesn’t have any so Vulcan as 7th
Then Venus, Mercury, and Bacchus and minor gods.
But after the Titan War Lupa reorganized them in so it’s
Jupiter, then Bacchus, Pluto, us, Trivia, Minerva, Ceres, Mars, Vulcan, Mercury, and Venus. “
“Interesting.” Will said. They all seemed like they wanted to know but they were kind of bored. “You know any good jokes?”
“No. Romans are really into fun riddles. But we are very smart.”
The rest of the time we told jokes and puzzles. Some of them I didn’t even know. But it was fun.

I’ll try to put some Percabeth in the next chapter
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
That was good! Liked how you made them get to know their cabins at the Greek camp :)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 16

At the Minerva or Athena table everyone was nice to me. Everyone greeted me. There was Annabeth the leader but was usually with Percy so she Malcolm was second in charge. Then there was a new girl Robin, a tall brunette called Isabella, William, Jacob, Daniel, Fred, Aiden, James, Ryan, and Madison. (I don’t know the real names of her siblings)
After a while telling them about us Romans we went back to the Athena cabin. It was pretty big but not as big as ours. They had a main room with maps and a Promethean board. Then they had different rooms with bunks. A few people shared each room but everyone had their own tables and papers and stuff.
I shared a room with Robin and Isabella. There were still a lot of empty bunks. Robin was on the top and Isabella was on the bottom. I slept on the bottom of a different one. We all got ready and stayed in our beds.
“So you’re a daughter of Minerva. I came last week and still getting us to his camp stuff. Bella came like a month ago but knows a lot.”
“Not really. I heard some rumors.”
“And she shares them to me. But you’re Roman. What’s the difference?”
“Well we’re really strong. We train everyday and never tell jokes.”
“That must be boring.”
“Not really.”
The rest f the night we stared talking about different stuff. It felt weird being around them. They were different. They like to have fun and do things other then train. Bella said not many people went on quest and they had an oracle than a voice in their head. And with that note I fell asleep.

After a few moments we both jumped off the table and darted to the beach. On our way there Grover got to said hi. Then we came to the water’s edge.
“Percy. I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I can’t believe you too. ”We started kissing each other again and again till we were stopped. Our parents were here.
“We’re leaving.” They both said. “We must thank you again Percy.
“Even I couldn’t convince Zeus to open Olympus. I guess he really likes you.”
“But not as much as his father.”
“Or his girlfriend.”
They said goodbye and faded. After a while we went back to our cabins. When I came in Malcolm was waiting. Why was he here?
“Fun with Percy?”
“Why do you care?”
“Cause I thought you would like to hang out with the new girl, Vanessa and learn about the Romans.”
“Percy is back and all you care about is learning! I will but you can’t always be Athena.”
“Whatever I’m going to bed.”
We both walked to our rooms and went to bed with sweet dreams in our heads.
I'm not going to post anymore tonite but have a good idea for tomorrow
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
cool see ya tomorrow
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 17

I was alone at my table while Jason was with Reyna. After a while I got bored so I sneaked over to another table. There was a bunch of dirty kids probably from Vulcan or Hephaestus. There was the new leader, Leo who was a fire user like Patrick. Then there was Nyssa, Chris, Harley, Jake, George, (and some other kids I forget their name and don’t want to find the book downstairs).
Leo was a new kid and went on the latest quest with my half brother. Leo, Jason and another girl that Jason fell in love with Piper, became friends at Wilderness School and found out that they were demigods.
All of a sudden Rachel the oracle, as Nyssa told me, stood up. ”I got and idea for a new game. Chiron and me will split you into teams and you will bond with them. You will have to survive and keep the people on your teams alive. Perfect for the Romans cause they have to fight for survival and it’s really fun for us Greeks.”
“Just an idea.” Chiron stated. “So tomorrow you will be divided.”
Everyone seemed to be in agreement. There were a few screams and hoorays. Then we started to our cabins. I said goodbye to the Zeus cabin. There was a huge statue of Lord Zeus and cots around it. Otherwise there was nothing else. For the king of the gods you would think they would make it nicer here. Then Jason walked in and sat on a cot mopping.
“You Jason. The one who was missing?” I said
“Yes you must be my new half sister.”
“Yeah, Maxine Rider, twelve year old daughter of Jupiter or Max for short.”
“Jason Grace, fifteen, and son of Jupiter, one of the Great Prophecy last year.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.”
“Are we Jupiter’s only children cause there was no one else at the table?”
“Sorry. Relationship issues with a girl.”
“Piper. Your friend Leo told me.”
“Yeah but I went with Reyna. Were the only children of Jupiter but I have a sister Thalia Grace who is a hunter but is a daughter of Zeus.”
“Oh, okay.”
I started to walk around the statue of Zeus. “Interesting room though.”
“Yeah, I also thought they could add more things to this room when I came.”
“I’m pretty boring.” I paused. “So who was this Piper girl?”
“She’s a daughter of Aphrodite but more like Venus. She tough.”
“Um… what magical item do you have?” That was kind of random.
“I had a coin that could transform into a lance or sword but it kind of got destroyed so Juno gave me a spear. What did you find?”
“Jupiter gave me wings.” I push my shoulder blades back and my 14 feet maroon wings popped out. My hair overlapped it and they were almost the length of the room.
“That’s SO cool!” he awed
“I know I love them.”
“So how are my friends?”
“There good. Bobby led the quest here until we found out that our quest to find a child of Nox failed when they went to work for Terra.”
“Oh well. “
“Yeah. It’s late and I’m tired so good night.”
I got ready to go to bed and fell asleep in one of the cots. Jason and his friends were nice.
Yah, I finished one chapter from one PoV
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
sorry it's kind of short but I wouldn't be posting tom cause school concert so i hope this makes up
Chapter 18

Nico and me had fun at the carnival. We went on the Ferris wheel and played skill games, ate cotton candy, and what everyone else did. It was the first time I really had fun. When we got back it was dark and we could see Percy with another girl walking back to the cabins. The both of us walked to our cabin Nico designed. It was made of obsidian and had torches of Greek fire he said. We had a great time. I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

After all the jokes and riddles we marched back to our cabin. We were the only ones cause that’s what we did at Camp Demigod and they wanted to make a joke of this. I enjoyed it. I liked hanging out with these Greeks. We were all one big family.

After dinner we went to our cabin. It looked exactly like ours. Strange. We all got in bed and started practicing spells while we were sharing stories about how some of our spells messed up. Not many of mine did. I was having a blast.

I went back to my new cabin to sleep. Pollux decorated the room after their war last summer. I had bright dark purple wallpaper and wooden floors. There was a couch with grapes on it and a coffee table with some magazines. There were two bunk beds for us. One he already had his stuff on so instead of going on the top of his I went to the bottom of the other. And fell asleep easily.

I walked back to my cabin. It was good to be back and especially see Annabeth. I missed all of my friend and I was glad to see most of them. Except being in the Poseidon cabin made me miss Tyson. He made the Ponies from the ceiling. I found my shield he made. And everything else. He was still looking for me. Maybe I should Iris message him but he would probably be asleep unless he says awake looking for me. I was going to talk to him but another I-message showed up…
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Awesome! Im first reply!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
It's really good!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
thank you
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Will someone post?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
sure I'll work on a chapter and try to post it 2nite if not look for it tomorrow
I was going to start writing a new one 2nite but I'll start that l8er
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Ok thanks:)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
your welcome