The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune-My Fanfic!:)

Thalia67 posted on Apr 20, 2011 at 12:53AM
So, just to say, this is my first fanfic ever!! Isn't that great for me?:)So anyway, I would really appreciate feedback on my writing and everything. And second, I really appreciate you reading this, and for those of you who skip these, well, I can't blame you cause I do the same thing:P Anyway, on to my first chapter!!


Chapter 1


Rain. That was her first thought as she walked out towards the beach. It might seem normal to most people, seeing as it was just water, but at The Legion, it was far from it.

It wasn't even just sprinkling, which could happen if some creature decided to cause a big splash. No, it was pouring down, drenching her straight through. It made her shiver, but Reyna kept walking towards the beach. For some reason, she had a feeling that it was where she needed to be. Right now she should be in trianing, but everyone understood Reyna needed a break every once in a while after what had happened with Ja-no, she couldn't even think his name.

Arriving before the water, she looked up to find that this was the spot where the rain seemed to be the heaviest. This baffled her. It never, ever rained. Lupa controlled the weather here, and in the 9 years Reyna had been at Legion, Lupa had never once had the camp be rained on.

Furthermore, this was unnatural. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. All Reyna could see was clear, blue skies all around.

Just as she was about to go and get Lupa, a wave rose out of the ocean. It was probably two stories high, and it could topple over the whole place.

But Reyna stood her ground. There was no where she could run fast enough, so she might as well stick it out. The wave was getting closer by the second, and when it was getting ready to crash over her, it crashed on itself, and receded as if it had never been there.

The rain stopped, and no one would be the wiser as to what had happened. The best thing I can do, Reyna thought, is to go to Lupa and tell her what I saw. But as soon as she started to turn, there in the water she saw something.

Floating face-up, in the water, was a boy in an orange t-shirt. He was just a few feet out, so she ran out in her shorts, and grabbed him. With all the weights that they did at camp, she had no problem lifting him up and taking him back to the beach.

Something she noticed about him though, was that he wasn't a bit wet. Even though he had just been floating in water, there was no evidence of it anywhere on his body.

When Reyna had gotten him on the sand, she bent down. His chest was moving up and down, so he was obviously breathing, luckily. She had no desire to try and give him mouth to mouth resuscitation. Not some stranger that could be an enemy for all she new.

For precaution, she took out her knife from her belt, and kept it behind her back. Slowly, Reyna leaned the guy up against a rock, and for the first time, she looked at him as a whole. His upped body was muscled, and it looked as if he trained on a daily basis. His hair was ink black, but it had a few streaks of gray in it. He seemed handsome enough, but she didn’t think of anyone that way, save for Jason.

“Hey, hey kid. Wake up,” Reyna said loudly. He seemed about her age, so she shouldn’t be calling him kid, but still, she was one of the top people in this camp, so she could call anyone she liked ‘kid’. Luckily, after a few more tries, he finally seemed to be coming too.

Blinking a few times, he seemed to get aware of his surroundings and a look of bewilderment shot over his face.

“Now that you’re awake, maybe you can tell me who you are and how you got here,” Reyna said pulling out her knife. She stuck it close to the boy’s throat, which she knew would emphasize the seriousness about the matter. His eyes widened at the knife, and he looked like a scared little puppy. But no matter what he looked like, she wouldn’t pull back.

He seemed to think a moment before answering. “I-I don’t know. My name...I can’t remember. I don’t remember anything,” he told her, his voice wavering. She didn’t believe for a second that he didn’t know anything.

“Empty your pockets, kid,” Reyna commanded. Though he gave her a glare at her calling him kid, he obeyed without a word. He pulled out a pen, a necklace with an owl on it, a crumbled piece of paper, and, bingo! A wallet! Reyna snatched it from him and opened it up. The first thing he noticed was a picture of this kid and a girl with blonde hair in the side. Then, he saw what he was looking for. Driver’s license.

Turning to him, she glared through squinted eyes. “So, your name is Perseus Jackson and you are 16 years old,” Reyna explained. That was the only part of it that was legible. It would seem that this was one item on him that had gotten wet from the water. Go figure, it was the one thing that could help them.

“Percy, call me Percy,” he added quickly, but right as he said this, his face scrunched up, as if he had some serious thought on his mind.

“So now you remember your name?” she countered, suspiciously.
He shook his head. “When you called me Perseus, I just knew that I was always called Percy.”

“Well Percy, you are trespassing here. And you know what we do to trespassers?” Reyna asked rhetorically. For her answer, she took her knife, and extended it. Yes, extending it. It was her magical item, and by touching the hilt twice, it could extend to a sword. A gift from her dear old father, Mars. Percy, without thinking twice, stood up and reached for his pen that Reyna had thrown in the sand. Uncapping it, the pen became a sword.

If Reyna was dumbfounded by his sudden memory, then that was nothing compared to his expression. Well, if he was going to fight back, then she would give him a run for his money.

“I don’t even know how I did that. I mean, what are you? Knives, swords, what’s next?” Percy said as he fumbled with his sword. Reyna didn’t waste a moment, she swung at him, but he dodged by backing up. Three more times she did this before he was back in the water. A strange look overcame his face. He got a good grip on his sword, and the next time Reyna’s sword swung at him, his met it. Before she knew it, her sword had flown out of her hand, and his was at her neck.

By then a small crowd had formed, which obviously meant that her absence had been noticed. There were some gasps throughout the crowd as they saw who had pinned who. Reyna was easily the best swordsman, well, besides Jason, but now, she was the best there was. And no kid who didn’t even remember his own name should be able to beat her. But he did. What in Hades was going on?

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