The Heroes of Olympus Child of Neptune xD

toxic_child posted on May 05, 2011 at 01:09AM
Rating: C
Type: adventure, and Romance.
Disclaimer: I do not own percy jackson and the olympians or the heroes of olympus. All rights go to Rick Riordan.
Characters: (I used most of Rick Riordans Characters but i made a couple up but the only main Character that i made up will be Arielle.)

last edited on May 05, 2011 at 04:01AM

The Heroes of Olympus 129 replies

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over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 1
I woke up suddenly to a loud noise, I sat up in bed and looked around the brightly lit room I didn’t know how I got here and I didn’t even know my name. I saw a boy who was up doing work at a table, he looked up and saw he and said
“good your up were going to be late for the trip.”
“ What I said who are you?”
“ haha funny Percy!”
“What are you talking about how did I get here, And why can’t I remember anything.?”
“ You got sent here by your parents because you were too much for them to handle, this is a school for delinquents .”
“ No I just woke up here and you think you know me!!”
“ I do Percy, my name is Travis and we have been roommates for 3 months now.”
“ oh I don’t remember you, but I don’t seem to remember anything.”
“ oh we better get going we can’t be late for our trip to Celtic, Mrs. Lilly doesn’t like when people are late we get detention if we are.”
“okay” I said as I got up and looked outside and saw a huge school in front of our balcony. Travis was starting to walk to the door and I followed him after a few minutes of walking we got to the doors that leaded outside. It was bright when we first got outside but now I could see all the kids running so they would not be late for class.
Once we got to the front door and walked in there was a class and the teacher started walking over, she had dark brown curly hair with deep green eyes and she walked with a sort of limp.
“ Finally, you have made it Travis but who is your friend is he new?”
“ no, this is Percy he has been in your class since the beginning of the semester.”
“ no I would remember a person that smelled that this strong”
Mrs. Lilly walked away before I could say that I didn’t have time for a shower when I woke up.
“ I don’t smell to bad do I.” asked percy.
“ no you don’t smell bad and I don’t know what her problems is today.”
The bus came and people started getting on the bus after me and Travis got on we sat at the back of the bus together. Once I sat down I realised how tired I was, I started to fall asleep.
I dreamt of a women made of dirt asking me if I would join her.
“ I have no memory so I will not join you.”
“ oh yes you have no memory poor child, Hera stole your memory’s in a dangerous plot to try to save the world.” Said Gaia
“What plot?”
“ I can not tell you right now young hero, it is not time but you can join me and you can gain all of you memorys.”
I had a bad feeling in my gut” no I will not join you!”
“so be it child”
My dreams were quiet for the rest of the ride until Travis woke me up yelling about huge black dogs. I jumped right up and looked out the window that I was using as a pillow, I saw Mrs. Lilly fighting with the group of 5 big black dogs. I got up and started running to the front of the bus to go help Mrs.Lilly because everybody was acting as calm as could be like they didn’t see the big black dogs.
“what are you doing” asked Travis
“Going to help!” I yelled back
Now everybody that was on the bus was staring at me like I was crazy, I just ignored them like it was a normal thing. All I could think about was helping Mrs. Lilly, I ran to the front of the bus and got out the door. When I was outside the dogs looked bigger than they were before, I took a pen out of my pocket and uncapped it .
“wow, where did you get that?” asked travis
“I am not sure but we need to help.”
I yelled hey ugly at the biggest dog and it came running at me, but I stood my ground and stabbed the dog in the chest and it turned to dust. There was a dog attacking Travis, so I changed at it from behind and stabbed it in the back, it turned to dust and it went all over travis.
“Eww what is that stuff and what are these things?” asked Travis
“They are called Hellhounds yelled Mrs. Lilly”
Yeah that sounded right I thought, but as I was thinking a hellhound was changing at me and as it came close I put up my sword and the dog jumped on it and turned to dust. I looked up and Mrs. Lilly had killed one of the hellhounds and the last one was trying to eat her and Travis was throwing rocks at it. I ran behind the hellhound and jumped on its back and stabbed it, it turned to dust and I fell on the ground. I got up and put the lid on my sword.
“ Come with me I need to get you to the city it’s the only place you to be safe.” Said Mrs.Lilly
“why should we trust you?” asked Travis
“ I am trying to help you so you don’t get killed, I am a faun I go to places and find half-bloods and take them back to camp.
Mrs.Lilly took off her shoe’s and there were goat feet! We started walking for a while before we sat to stop for a break, Mrs.Lilly whistled 3 times and nothing happened. After a couple minutes i could see something flying in the sky and there were 3 of them.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
this is my first fanfiction so it might now be good ,plz leave comments
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 2
“They are called pegasi, and they will be our ride to the City.” Said Mrs. Lilly.
“oh that will be fun.” Said Tavis.
First the black pegasi came to the ground. “This is Atlanta, The brown one is Tyson, and the white one is Snowball. As the pegasi were grazing as we were asking questions.
“What is a half-blood?” asked Travis
“Half-blood means you’re a child of a god like the roman ones and your other parent is human.” Said Mrs. Lilly
“What about the greek gods” I asked
“They dyed years ago when the Romans defeated the Greeks, and the romans gods took their seat of power .” said Mrs. Lilly
“Who’s my godly parent?” asked Travis
“I can’t tell , What parent did you grow up with?” asked Mrs.Lilly
“My mom .” said Travis
“ I wish I could remember who my human parent was.” Said percy
“ You will remember, don’t worry” said Travis.
After the talk Travis decided he was going to ride Tyson, Mrs. Lilly got on the back of snowball so that left me with Atlanta. We were in the sky flying fast and it was already dark out so I couldn’t tell where we were, after 2 more hours of flying I started to lower to the ground.
“Here we are, the city!” said Mrs. Lilly.
It was too dark to see anything, I just kept following the sound of Mrs. Lilly walking. After getting out of the forest we started walking up a steep hill, when we were up the hill I could see a faint shape of what looked to be cabins.
“You both will be staying in the Mercury cabin .” said Mrs. Lilly
We walked through what looked to be a dining room outside with picnic tables, We came up to the cabins and they looked bigger now that we got closer, we walked past 3 cabins before we stopped and Mrs. Lilly knocked on the door to the cabin. A sleeping looking boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes was at the door.
“ Oh hello Lilly, these must be the new campers that Lupa was expecting you to come with.”
“Yes they are I’m going to the house to tell Lupa we have arrived, Percy and Travis have a nice night and you will be tested tomorrow after lunch is over.” Said Mrs. Lilly.
After Mrs. Lilly went to the house to talk to lupa, the boy at the door opened it and let them in. He lead them out of what looks like a living room into a room full of beds.
“My name is Dane I am the leader of this cabin, those are your beds for tonight because you will be claimed sometime tomorrow by your godly parent.” Said Dane.
Travis and I started to get into the beds that we were given that already had pillows and blankets on the bed. I took the bed on the left, I decided to keep my pen in my hand because I was not having a good feeling about being here. Then I fell asleep and had a dream about a girl with blonde hair and gray eyes, we were underwater kissing. That dream haunted me all night. I woke up to the sun in my eyes and everybody around me was waking up for camp activities.
“Travis and Percy you too are both to go see lupa about your tests, but don’t show any weakness or she will eat you.” Said Dane
“Okay” said Travis
“Where are we supposed to meet lupa?” I asked
“She will be waiting for you out side of the big house, before you go make sure you have everything you will need for your test.”
Travis and I walked out of the mercury cabin and started heading to the biggest house on the top of the hill, once we got further up I saw a big gray wolf outside of the house looking at us with big brown eyes.
-----------------------------------------­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­---­-- this is my first fanfic so it probubly sucks, but comments are wanted if i dont get any comments i will stop wrighting.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
It was awesome!!!! I like how you focused on that maybe Percy woke up at a school, like Jason. It's well written.
A few points of constructive criticism: punctuation. Make sure you have all of the little details in place. Also fauns/satyrs are exclusively male. Nymphs are the female.
Excellent! Please continue!
over a year ago toxic_child said…
yeahh i knew they were like that but i thought it would be different if i made it a girl.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
very good so far! please keep posting!
over a year ago toxic_child said…
thanks, i will post after i am done my homework.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
These are all from Percy's pov if i change it i will tell you.

Chapter 3
‘Wow is that a wolf” asked Travis
“yes I think it is , don’t show any fear.” I said not knowing now I knew.
We were almost at the top of the hill where Lupa was sitting, as we kept walking I saw a girl with dark black hair and light blue eyes. She was being walked by a girl with black hair and deep brown eyes, the girl with light blue eyes smiled as she saw me looking. Once I got closer to Lupa I felt like I shouldn’t be here, We got to Lupa and she was looking at the girls that were coming up to her.
“ I’m back Lupa and I found a demi-god in the hotel that makes time stand still, she was the only half-blood me and Henry checked everybody there.” Said Hazel
“Good, has she shown any sign of who her parent might be” asked lupa
“ No not yet, my name is Hazel and I am a daughter of pluto” Hazel said looking at me and Travis.
“Go back to you lessons now young hero, as for the rest of you im going to get your tests ready.” Lupa said as she started to walk away.
“ Hi I’m Percy, and this is Travis.” I said to the black haired girl.
“Hello, my name is Arielle, who are your godly parents” asked Arielle
“ We both are undetermined, what about you?”
“no not yet I have just been told that I smell like a powerful demi god.”
“Heroes are you ready for your tests, you will be doing then as a group.”
“yes” I said as I started to walk after her, Arielle and Travis started to follow into the forest, it was after lunch and I was getting hungry. We came up to this big arena, there was a table outside how weird.
“Pick you weapons” lupa said as she pointed to the table. Arielle and Travis walked to the table as I walked up to lupa.
“I already have a weapon” I said
“good lets wait until the other two have picked out there weapons” said Lupa
After a couple minutes they both came back over with swords. We followed Lupa into the big arena, she shut the door after us before we could say anything. Travis, Arielle and I were looking around when a door started to open and 6 hellhounds started running out of the door followed by two Cyclopes and a chimera ran out after them. I grabbed my pen out of my pocket and uncapped it, I looked at my friends and they were ready for the upcoming fight. A hell hound came running at me so I jumped to the left and stabbed the hellhound at the same time then it turned to dust, I looked over and saw Arielle fighting a Chimera and Travis was fighting a Cyclops that was throwing fire at him. In ran and jumped on a hellhound that was just going to jump on Arielle and I stabbed it in the back and it turned to dust, Arielle turned after the Chimera had turned to dust than smiled at me as a thank you for the help. I turned to see a hellhound jumping at me and at the last second I put my sword up and stabbed it threw the stomach, I looked around and saw that there were 2 hellhounds left and they both were surrounding Travis, the only Cyclops that was left was attacking Arielle. I ran at one of the hellhounds and I stabbed it in the back and it turned to dust. I turned and looked around and the Cyclops was gone and turned to dust. I saw Arielle protecting an unconscious Travis as I started to come over I tripped, by the time I was up Arielle had already killed the hellhound and was trying to help Travis up. I ran over and helped her carry him to the door where Lupa, a boy named bobby who started healing Travis and the same girl that brought Arielle earlier. I think Hazel was her name but i couldn't remember.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 4
Travis woke up after bobby the leader of the Apollo cabin came and healed him.
“ You have passed your tests and now it is supper time, Bobby and Hazel please show them to the Mercury cabin.” Said Lupa
Travis, Arielle and I followed bobby and hazel out of the forest, everything in the forest looked the same to me. After 5 minutes of walking we got to the cabins, but we walked up the big hill past the cabins. Once we got up the hill I could see 15 tables with lots of people at them, bobby showed us where we were to sit then left for his table. Dane looked at Arielle and smiled.
“hello , you must be new I would remember you.”
“ yes I just got here this morning.”
Fauns started walking around giving people food, but after they got their food they got up and started to walk over to the fire and would scrape food into it and stand and it looked like they were praying.
“ Gods like it when their children burn food for them, so we pray to them for things we need.” Said Dane
After we got out food me Arielle and Travis got in line.
“What should I ask for” asked Travis
“You could be asked to be claimed.” Arielle said
“That’s a good idea!’ me and travis said at the same time.
Travis was in front of me, he scraped food into the fire and looked down for a moment. I saw a floating picture of an owl above his head.
“We have need campers Arielle, Percy and Travis here today, Travis has been claimed by Minerva Jen please show your brother to your table.” Said Lupa
I was next I walked up to the fire and put in my vegitales and prayed for my godly parent to claim me. I tuned to go sit back down and everybody was staring at me face, was something on it.
“Ah a son of Neptune, Dakota please come show your brother where you table is” said Lupa
I felt bad because I was leaving Arielle in the Mercury cabin alone without me or Travis, I looked at her and gave her a look saying I was sorry. I was lead to my table by my sister Dakota, which I was still feeling unsure about. I kept looking at Arielle to see if she would get claimed yet, hopefuly she isn’t a daughter of Neptune because I thought she was hot.
“ Camp fire will be held in 20 minutes, at the fire pit outside of the cabins. Cabin leaders with new campers please show they to the cabin and show they what bed is for them to use.” Said Lupa
“ Come with me and I will show you where our cabin is.”
I followed her to the end row and I saw a big blue cabin and when we walked in there was sea shells all over the room and a pond in the room, I loved it hear already.
“ The door to the left of the room is for male cabin mates, you can pick any bed because we are the only children to Neptune I’m going to the camp fire now im sure you will be able to find it .” said Dakota
After I looked around the cabin the more I felt at home, I walked outside to see Arielle walking from the Mercury cabin which was 3 cabins down form mine.
“hey” I said
“hey percy, how is the new cabin?”
“ Its awesome and it has shells and it smells like salt water.” I said as we were turning the corner form the camp fire pit. We saw Travis sitting down so we both joined him and we were talking. Than everything got quiet and everybody was looking at us, once again did I have food on my face. I looked up and saw a scythe about Arielle head I gasped and jumped up I remembered that symbol from somewhere and I know that it is not good.
Lupa looked shocked as she said “Arielle you have been claimed the the titan Saturn.”
“But how?” Dakota asked
“She was found in the lotus motel, gods now how long she’s been trapped in there.” Said Hazel
I felt bad for how I reacted and how all the other campers were acting towards Arielle just because she was a child of Saturn. Then I had a memory of me and a blonde haired girl with gray eyes and a boy with blonde hair and a scar on his face, me and the blonde haird girl were fighting the guy with blonde hair. Than he told me to give him the knife I was holding to him so he could kill himself, and the blonde haired girl was cying. Arielle was looking like she was about to cry because of how I was staring at her with my sword pointed at her, everybody was looking at us so I sat down.
“ I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry I acted that way I don’t know what came over me." said Percy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago toxic_child said…
if nobody relpys with there oppinions of my writing,then im not going to post anymore becuase i wont know if anybody is even reading.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thilahector said…
hi i now started reading our fanfic i love it it's cool
hurry up an post plz i would like to know what is going to happen next.
over a year ago precious211 said…
hey this is really good, but could you slow it down just a notch, if you do that i will be phenominal
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
OMG this is great, keep writing!!!
over a year ago toxic_child said…
I will post soon, sorry i didnt post last night like i planned but i got sick so i didnt write or post so it will be up later now that im feeling better.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 5
Leo’s POV
I was just walking to my cabin after doing a long day’s work on the boat that was almost ready it would be done in about a week if no more walls fall over. Annabeth was walking over with Nico who I was introduced to yesterday as a child of Hadies.
“Hey Leo do you need more help on the boat?” asked Annabeth
“Yes we always need more help on the boat, we are starting on the inside now just adding tables and beds into rooms painting the wall’s ,and putting up the doors for all the rooms and fixing the wall that broke last night and tables.” I replied
“Okaay, I’m going to find Piper so that we can get some ideas for colour and furniture, and see what she thinks about each room to see what they should be used for.” Said Annabeth.
“ Nico can you shadow travel the newly built wall into the boat so we don’t have to take it apart and re build the wall inside.” I asked.
“Yes I can I will go do that now, you should get some sleep you have been working on the boat for 2 days now.” Nico said .
“Alright I’m going there now anyway I’m so tired, if you have any questions about the boat ask Nyssa” I said.
“ Okay see you tomorrow after breakfast” Nico said as he truned and started running to the bunker where the boat was being built. I started walking back and Clarisse came walking up with a box of weapons.
“ Hi Leo I’m getting weapons for the armoury in the boat, me and the Ares children are looking for more armour for the trip but what room was picked for the armoury room?” asked Clarisse
“I’m not sure yet Annabeth and Piper are talking about that and colours for rooms, you could talk to them to see if it had been figured out yet.” I said.
After Clarisse walked away I started walking to my cabin, but when I got there nobody was there and it was quiet it looks like im going to have a good sleep tonight I said to myself as I waked over to my bed and laid down and fell asleep.
I dreamed and it was about a camp there was a boy with black hair and green eyes I guessed that was Percy from what Annabeth has told me, he and the girl were talking then there was a symbol of a scythe that appeared over her head. Percy jumped up and took out him pen and uncapped it she looked at him like he broke her heart, A big gray wolf stood up from laying down and the wolf looked shocked as she said that “Arielle was claimed as a daughter by the titan Saturn.”
Everybody was looking at how Percy had him sword at Arielle’s neck, Percy recapped his sword and said he was sorry and he wasn’t sure what came over him.
My dream changed and I was underground in the corner, I saw a women made out of dirt witch was looking at me.
“Gaia , what do you want?” I asked as she was walking closer to me, I tried moving but I was stuck in dirt that was up to my knees.
“I want you to join me” said Gaia
“I will never join you.” I said
“ If you want to be on the winning side you will, I have seen the future and I will win and throw the god off their thrones.” Said Gaia
“ How do you know that us chosen 7 will lose and not make you fail and make you fall back asleep?” I asked.
“Let me show you.” Gaia said as my dream changed location back to the other camp, It was dark and I couldn’t see anything but I could hear talking from around the corner and I didn’t see Gaia anywhere.
over a year ago thilahector said…
thnks 4 posting i love it.
can't wait
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 6
Leo’s POV
I followed the voices and came up to Nico and Percy talking , when I got closer they were talking about the fight with Kronos that was at Olympus. Percy looked mad, I looked to my left and there was the girl that everybody was calling Arielle. I looked back over at Percy and Nico they looked over and saw Arielle, Percy looked mad and ran over to attack her. As Percy seemed to get closer to Arielle he slowed down, I saw Nico shadow traveled behind her he pulled out his sword, I Yelled stop as I saw him stab her in the back.
“See you seven will never be able to work together and stop me from rising, the only way you will stay alive is if you join me,” said Gaia
“Never” I said
“Fine you will find out that you were wrong to turn up my offer. Said Gaia
I woke up and it was morning, the first thing I was going to do was find Nico and Annabeth to tell them about my dreams. I walked out of my cabin and went to the Athena cabin and knocked on the door, Annabeth opened the door with a book in her hand.
“Hi Leo, Do you want to see the plans me and Piper made last night?” asked Annabeth
“No I had a couple of dreams I need to talk to you , Nico, Piper and Jason in the big house with Chiron, could you find Nico and Piper for me and I will get Jason and meet you in the big house.” I said
I went to the Zeus cabin and knocked on the door hoping he was there, Jason opened the door.
“Hey Leo, Whats up?” asked Jason
“ I had a dream and I need to talk to you, Chiron, Nico, Piper, and Annabeth. Annabeth is going to get the others and meet us there” I said
“ okay lets get ready go to the big house then “ said Jason as we started walking away from the cabins towards the big house, we were half way there and Piper ran up to us just as we were going to walk in.
I left Jason and Piper to talk when I went to talk to Chiron who was sitting at a desk reading something.
“ I had a dream and it was about Gaia and a new demi-god out of the seven, Piper and Jason are here and Annabeth is getting Nico and meeting us here.” I said
“ Why is Nico coming ?” asked Chiron
“ I will explain when everybody is here.” I said
Me and Chiron walked over to Leo and Piper who were talking just as Annabeth and Nico were walking in the door. I couldn’t help but looking at Nico differently.
“ As you guys have been told I had a dream last night and it was about another one of the seven that will have to help us take down Gaia, But when she was claimed in my dream she had a symbol of a scythe above her head.”
“That might be the symbol of Kronos” said Annabeth
“ I’m not sure but a big gray wolf said that she was a daughter of Saturn.” I said
“That is Kronos’s roman equal.” Said Jason
“But how is that possible Chiron?” asked Annabeth
“I’m not sure, I didn’t even know he had any demi-god children.” Said Chiron.
“ After that dream I had one with Gaia in it and she was asking me to join her and I said no how do you know we won’t stop you and put you back to sleep. She said that she had a vision of the future and it is of Nico telling Percy about the fight with Kronos, Percy attacked her and she slowed him down but nico shadow traveled behind her and killed her.” I said
“Nico you will go nowhere near the other camp and none of you is allowed to try to contact him anymore, If he remembers to fast he might kill her still then Gaia will rise and take Olympus for herself. Now everybody go back to work on the boat.” Said Chiron
We all left and went to bunker 9 and started to work on the boat, as Annabeth told the other people helping about the rooms and everything that are going to be needed in the rooms and what colours to paint it and what room is what. I decided to go to in the boat to see how everything was going along, People were painting rooms with symbols of gods and whatever colour piper picked out for the room. As I walked past all the rooms I saw the Armoury and the mars cabin had it done already! There were swords, knives, spears and bows and arrows on the same wall, and armour hanging up by nailed in stands. Each one had their own wall, Annabeth came up to me.
“ Leo should we make a room for the child of Kronos” She asked.
“Yeah I think we should she is one of the seven.” I said
“ okay but we need to find a room there’s a room of war plans and books about every monster or legend we might run into, we could put that with the weapons so she has a room.” Annabeth said hesitantly.
“Sounds good since there’s nothing in there other than weapons on the walls, are any of other rooms done yet?” I asked
“We had the war plans room done and my room but it only needs a bed, me and Piper stayed up late working on our rooms” Annabeth said as she was making changes to her plans in a big black book.
“Alright could you tell Clarisse about the change in the war plans room, and could you get the Ares cabin to help with that then after bring all the beds into the rooms and the infirmary . I’m going to tell Piper about the extra room, then I get Jason and tell him we need help lifting the mast on the boat.” I said as I was already walking away. I walked by the Aphrodite room and saw piper painting her room white.
“Hey” I said
“Oh hey Leo, What’s up?” Piper asked
“We are making the War plan room into a room for the daughter of Kronos so could you design it I didn’t find out anything much about her other than she was wearing a purple tank top with a black skull and she was wearing black pants, and everything from the war plans room is going into the Armoury. Now I’m going to find Jason. I said
“Okaay. He was helping put on the mast when I came in so he should still be inside. She said as I was walking away to find Jason
over a year ago toxic_child said…
plz comment
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 7

Arielle’s POV

“Please wait for me after everybody has left the camp fire” said Lupa.
Almost everybody had gone to bed, including Travis and Percy. I was sitting on a log looking at the fire and all I could think about was how scared I was when Percy had his sword at my throat. He was one of my only friends at this camp and he tried to kill me. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up to me.
“Hey, My name is Reyna I’m daughter of Jupiter” she said.
“ Nice to meet you my name is Arielle and I am a daughter of Saturn, whoever that is” I said rolling my eyes.
“ He is the titan lord of time, everybody is giving you weird looks because he tried to take over Olympus, but Lupa has told everybody not to not to tell Percy because he has no memory and from his reaction he knows about the war” Reyna said.
“Why don’t you hate me?” I asked
“Well I was trapped in the lotus casino by my dad when I was younger and I was found by Jason when he was on the quest” Reyna said.
“What is the lotus casino? Everybody keeps saying they found me there, but what is that place?” I asked
“It is a place with games and everything and time goes fast but you don’t even know about it, but you always stay the same age and time goes by fastervthe longer you are there. You were found there by Hazel because she was on a trip to find one of the seven for the prophecy” Reyna said.
“Am I one? What is the Prophecy?” I asked.
“Yes we think you and Percy are two of the seven from the Prophecy, the prophecy is :
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear, arms to the doors of death” Reyna said
“Why do you think I am one of the seven?” I asked
“ You are a child of a the titan lord and a human, no titan has done that before that I know of.” Reyna said as Lupa was approaching.
“Arielle, we do not have a cabin for you so you are welcome to stay with me in the big house or in one of the cabins that will let you stay with them.” Lupa said
“She can stay with me.” Said Reyna
“That is kind of you young hero, will you show her to you cabin and to her room.” Said Lupa
Me and Reyna started walking to the Jupiter cabin, when we walked in I could see that there were 5 beds in the she walked me over to one that was by her bed. Then she showed me a bed that belonged to Jason.
“Who’s Jason” I asked
“He is my half-brother from Jupiter’s side but he is also leader and missing for almost 3 months now.” Reyna said sadly
“Oh I’m sorry to hear that.” I said as I was getting ready to get into bed, God I was so tired and ready for bed.
“Get a good sleep because tomorrow you have to fight with Percy and Travis, and all the legion leaders. Legion leaders are the strongest of their cabin so I’m in legion 1 because this is cabin 1. You will just have to fight the legion leaders since you don’t have any siblings, then you will be placed with whatever leader you can’t beat.” Reyna said as she was lying in bed. I had a dreamless sleep, when I woke up Reyna was awake and cleaning her sword. I got out of bed and got ready for all the fighting I was going to have to do, after me and Reyna ate we went to a huge coliseum were everybody was gathered. First I had to fight Travis because Percy was not there, I twisted his sword and disarmed him and I was done as easy as that.
Percy walked in and uncapped his sword and came at me I wished time would slow down because he was coming fast and he seemed to slow down I was impressed so I kept willing this to happen, I ran up to him and did the disarming thing again the kicked his knees so he was on the ground and I put my sword to his neck and let time go back to normal.
“Wow that was like it happened before but it was fun.” Percy said as her was getting up off of the ground.
Next was fighting the camp leaders and that was easy for me and Percy because we both beat everybody.
“We will make a combined legion with Percy and Arielle in it with Reyna and Hazel, and Dakota. You all will have an hour in the morning and night to practice you power, but other than that you will be doing archery and sword fighting and practicing the rock climbing wall. “Said Lupa.
Everybody went on training as normal and headed to where they should be, me and Percy walked over to Dakota and Hazel who were talking about how we should practice using powers and where.
“The lake by the forest should work.” Suggested Percy.
“That would work for us but what about them.” Dakota said looking at Me, Hazel, and Reyna.
“They could work with us trying to stop us from using our powers.” Percy said.
“That sound fun.” Said Hazel with a big smile on her face.
We started walking over to the lake and Percy kept looking at me and I wasn’t sure of what to think about him anymore .Once we got to the lake Percy was making a wave and I was willing it to come slowly or stop completely, when no wake came a big smile came on my face. Percy and Dakota started using their powers to call waves to come at us, once again I willed the waves to stop and never come. I felt a tugging feeling in my stomach but no waves came, I was happy that I could control my power when I wanted to.
“Why didn’t any waves come?” Reyna asked
“We summoned them but we thought you guys stopped them because they never came?” Percy said
”I stopped them.” I said as me and Reyna were walking away to go to archery practice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thilahector said…
i love it u really hav a actibve mind
over a year ago toxic_child said…
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 8
Percy’s POV
I was walking after Arielle and Reyna to the archery range and I was walking with Hazel and Dakota, it was hard to think that Arielle had stopped me and Dakotas waves before they happened and I was summoning the biggest wave I could and she still stopped it. I will not think low of her powers anymore, for some reason I know that her powers are still growing it’s a felling I have inside but I don’t know how I know this.
“Grab a bow and arrow from the other people that were using them, pick a target then start shooting” said Dakota.
I grabbed a bow that was on the ground and went over to the target beside Arielle, who was looking at the bow like it wasn’t something she was conferrable using it. Arielle shot of her fist arrow and it hit the target in the middle, she was smiling as she walked to retrieve it. I loaded my arrow and shot is as Arielle was turning around, my arrow went way off course and was heading towards Arielle. Right before it was going to hit her she froze time and got out of the way so it would hit her target.
“ Nice shot, next time aim for your target” she said as she walked back with her and my arrow and handed it back to me. I laughed and told her that I knew I wasn’t good at archery.
“So you’re getting some of your memory’s back” asked Arielle
“Yes but so far none of it is good, I have been remembering a camp like this but with Greeks not Romans like here.” I said
“ I have had a similar dream but it was about the a camp and people making a boat that fly’s and floats on water, I saw a guy with blonde hair and he was called Jason like the one that’s missing from around here but in my dream he said not to tell that I saw him. There was this girl with blonde hair and gray eyes saying that she hoped you were okay, and that soon they are coming in the boat to get the 3 of the seven that are in the prophecy” Said Arielle
“I have had dreams about her to and her name is Annabeth I think we were dating before I lost my memory but I’m not sure” Percy said
“ From how she acted in my dream, yes it seems like two were dating.” Said Arielle.
“What about the boat did they say when they were going to be coming.” I asked
“They said it will take about 5 more days to finish everything, then they are coming to get you and the other two from the prophecy and that will take about a day and a half of travel to get here.” Said Arielle
“ I wonder who the other one is.” I asked
“ I believe it might be Hazel, do you know who the other two of the prophecy are?” Asked Arielle
“ You and me are the two that everybody know of for sure, I heard Dakota talking about it last night with Hazel and Reyna, Reyna said that she knew that when she first saw you and invited you to stay with her. I said
“Yes she was the person that told me about the prophecy and how she thought we were two out of the seven.” Said Arielle
“Guys it’s time for lunch and we will meet up after for sword fighting.” Said Dakota
“Alright.” I said as Arielle and I shot are last arrows hers landed on her target and mine landed in the grass between to two targets.
Me and Arielle were the last two out of the training group to start walking to the arena for sword fighting, when we got to the arena Dakota and Reyna were having a sword fight and Hazel was sword fighting with Travis who got left out of training with his group due to lack of people. I was taking out my pen and uncapping in then I turned to Arielle and saw that Arielle had her sword ready this time I was not going to let her win, I ran at her and she didn’t even try to slow me down I went up to her and went to hit her arm to make her drop he sword. But that didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to she met my sword before I could hit her, I was going to try disarming her but she was ready for that and she tried to disarm me by putting weight on her sword. I jumped back and stabbed her in the side that she wasn’t blocking, She started trying to stab me but I kept blocking her. Then she got me right in the stomach, I looked down thinking I was going to be bleeding but there was nothing. Arielle was looking at me weird, then she smiled.
“You have the curse of Achilles, you bathed in the River Styx.” She said smiling.
“How do you know about it?” I asked\
“ I know about it because Achilles was dipped in there, and I was born in there my father did it as a test to see if I was worthy of living.” Arielle said.
Plz comment
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 9
It was sunny out as I woke up in my room on the boat, gods I was up working to late on the rooms and fell asleep. I looked around at my room which was done yesterday; it was blue with pictures of bands I like and a couple pictures with me and my dad and of course a bed. Yesterday I finished on the Hade’s room, and the Poseidon room. Today I’m going to be working on the Kronos cabin today and hopeful I will get it done today, but I saved this cabin for last because nobody knows anything about her other than what she was wearing but Leo seems to be impressed by her. I started by painting the one side of the room black then I had to move the bed and dresser that was put in the room to the middle, I painted the other walls then moved the bed and dresser back to where they belonged. I went to the Aphrodite cabin and asked the them if they had any clothing they didn’t want any more, Drew brought a big pile to me and same with the other girls they boys made a bad full of stuff for Percy to wear because in his cabin there want any. I went back to the boat and walked past all the rooms with working people in them, I went back to the Kronos room to see that Leo was there looking around I walked in and put the girls’ clothing in the dresser for her to use them when she got her.
“Hey Piper, it looks good in here.” Leo said
“Thanks I tried my hardest, I’m going to go put this bag of clothing in the Poseidon room.” I said as I was walking away
“Okay, I’m going to help the Apollo cabin stock the infirmary with ambrosia and bandages.” said Leo
I walked into the Poseidon cabin and Annabeth was sitting on the bed crying.
“Hey its okay the boat is almost done , then we can go get him.” I said
“I know but what if he doesn’t remember me?” Annabeth asked
“How could he not remember you, Jason remembers a girl named Reyna that was important to him and now he says that we should stay friends until he remembers everything so he will remember you.” I said
“Im sorry to hear that but thanks piper” Annabeth said as she was walking away.
I heard noises from outside, the campers talking loudly about something I decided to go see what was going on after I put the clothing for Percy away. I walked out of the boat and to Leo who was talking to everyone.
“Hey what going Leo” I asked
“The gods have helped us with the boat” he said as he was pointing to the upper half of the boat, the flooring was down and the rails were up there were glowing and seemed to be enchanted by magic.
“Wow I said, that must put us ahead of schedule.” I said
“Yes it does, everything is done other than checking to see if we got everything were going to need on the boat. We can finish today then we can be going tomorrow in the morning if we wanted to.” Leo said
“Okay sounds good I will make sure that the rooms have everything they need in them for the trip, but won’t we need a quest to be able to go?” I asked
“No I don’t think so because we have known that we had to do this since we came to camp.” Leo said
“That’s true but how do we know that they will want to help us?” I asked
“That’s why we have Jason he will be able to make then listen.” Leo said
“I hope they do.” I said
“don’t worry piper Jason wont let anything happen to us and neither will Percy because he will want to protect Annabeth.” Leo said
“Hopefuly we should go tell Jason, Annabeth , and Chiron that the boat is almost ready.” I said as we started walking to the big house. Annabeth and Jason were talking by the river so I ran over to them as Leo kept walking to the big house.
“Hey we need to talk with Chiron at the big house lets okay.” I said as I was turning away, they followed me to the big house and we told Chiron about how the boat was a head all ready exept that people are making sure we have everything we need.
“That’s good soon we will be able to unite the seven of you to win the upcoming war, you can leave in the morning but now it is time for supper.” Said Chiron
We all walked out of the big house and went to the dining area to eat, I got my food and put the biggest piece of chicken in the fire and prayed to my mom for help with the upcoming quest we were going to be on.
over a year ago thilahector said…
amazing you post really fast it's hard to kep up can't wait 4 ypoou to post again
over a year ago toxic_child said…
yeah thanks i have up to chapter 20 done already and i working on 21 now so i just randomly re read them for mistakes then i post so i dont have so much writing on my work document :P
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
big smile
Pls pooooost.
Its waaaaaaaaay beyond e p i c
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
^^^ I agree
it is awesome!!!!!!
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 10
Arielle’s POV
I woke up to Reyna freaking out with excitement, There was a picture in the mist of the boy in my dream Jason. I got up and walked over to Reyna.
“What is that thing?” I asked
“ It’s an iris message, you use it to contact other half-bloods , This is Jason,” Said Reyna.
I looked in at the message to see two guys looking at me.
“Oh sorry Reyna, um hi my name is Arielle.” I said looking at the iris message.
“My name is Leo, I’m a son of Hephaestus who is your godly parent.” The other guy said.
I looked at Reyna to see if I should tell them and she nodded her head.
“ I am a daughter of Saturn.” I said
Both the boys looked at each other and smiled then looked back at me. Then Jason started talking to Reyna when Leo was talking to me.
“We are leaving on a boat to come get Percy and you and the other child of the seven in the prophecy to stop Gaia from rising, after we accomplish that we will take Percy back home.” Said Leo
“Okay and when will you be coming.” I asked
“We are leaving today after everybody is ready it should take about a day and a half and maybe more depending on how many monsters we come across.” Said Leo
“Is there going to be enough room on the boat for everybody?” I asked
“Yes everybody has a room made for them including you and other gods because we don’t know who’s child the last one will be.” Said Leo
“How did you know about me? I think it is Hazel a child of pluto.” I said
“ I had a dream about Gaia telling me about a possible problem we could have and we could have been part of it,” Said Leo blushing a little bit.
“Oh that’s interesting, but how did she even know about me did she tell you if she knows about my powers.” I asked
Both Jason and Reyna became quiet and looked at me after I said this, Reyna was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. I walked over to answer the door and it was Percy, I walked out of the cabin to talk to him alone.
“Hey what’s up?” I asked
“ I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk with me to the river since we don’t have training today?” Percy asked
“Yeah it sounds like fun, and I wanted to talk to you.” I said
“Okay,” he said as we were walking to the walking towards the water. We stopped at the water and he looked at me.
“ I think I can control more than just time, I can go anyplace I want by just thinking about it and I can touch something and if they have had something bad happen near them I can see what happened. I can stop a demi-god from using their powers against me, I also can sense a fatal flaw in someone.” I said
Percy looked at me funny.
“How do you know about them?” Percy asked
“ I have always know about the time control and the sensing a fatal flaw in somebody, I figured out that I could stop a demi-god form using their powers on me because a child of trivia tried turning my hair blonde and when I got my sword I saw all the past battles that it had gone through.” I said
“ Oh wow that’s cool ! “ said Percy
“No its not it will make people hate me more than they already do, please don’t tell anybody about this you’re the only person I trust with it.” I said
“Alright I won’t say anything,” Percy said
“Thanks, oh and your friends from camp are coming to get us in a boat they are leaving today and said that they should get her in a day and a half maybe more depending on how many monsters attack them on the way.” I said
“Hazel is one of the seven she told me that she had a dream about Terra asking her to join her she said no.” said Percy
“Good now we know everybody that needs to go, we should go talk to Lupa about this,” I said
Me and Percy walked up the big hill to the house where Lupa stayed we knocked on the door and she came out in her goddess form.
“Hello young heroes what brings you here?” asked Lupa
“The other camp is coming for our part of the seven that is supposed to stop Terra, they are coming in a big boat.” I said
“How do you know about the Greek camp?” asked Lupa.
“Jason is there and I have been having dreams about the people there and I think Percy is from that camp 2 because they are talking about their missing camper named Percy,” I said.
“When will they be arriving?” asked Lupa
“They are leaving sometime today and it will take a day and a half to get here if no monsters attack.” I said
“Do you know who the campers are from are camp?” asked Lupa
“Yes it is me, Percy, and Hazel” I said
“Percy go tell her about this, and be prepared to go. Tonight at the camp fire I will be telling the camp about what is happening and how we need to work together to win this war.” Said Lupa
Percy walked out of the big house, I was about to walk after him.

“Please stay we need to talk about this quest.” Said Lupa
I turned to her “ What do I need to know?” I asked
“Not many people will be welcoming you because of your parent, last year he tried to destroy the Olympians thrones and over throw Olympus.” Lupa said
“Oh so that why everybody looks at me like they do, Percy had something to do with stopping Kronos right?” I asked
over a year ago thilahector said…
cool i like it
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 11
Arielle’s POV
“Yes I believe so, but I am not sure Greeks and Romans have been apart for so long.” Lupa said
“I thought so by the way he acted when I was claimed, why have Greeks and Romans been separated?” I asked
“Every time Greeks and Romans are together it’s a blood bath.” Said Lupa
“By why ,we are all the same other than what form of god that is our parent. How can you tell the difference between Greek and Roman demi- gods?” I asked
“Romans are born able to speak Latin and Greeks speak ancient Greek.” Said Lupa
“Are all the campers here Roman other than Percy?” I asked
“Yes out of everybody I have checked which is everybody except for you Percy and Travis “ said Lupa
“What if one of us is Greek?” I asked.
“I could tell just by talking to them.” Said Lupa
“Oh well that makes sense.” I said
Lupa looked at me confused.
“I was just talking to you in Latin and in ancient Greek and you talked fluently in both” Lupa said
“ Oh, how is that possible?” I asked
“ I am not sure but there was a prophecy about a child of both Greek and Latin origin.” Said Lupa
“What is the prophecy?” I asked.
“A single child from Greece and Rome with powers strong
Will find true love from the forbidden land
And unite two forces that once stood alone
But in the end will stand alone.” Said Lupa as he horn for supper went off.
“Go young hero and eat.” Said Lupa
I turned away and started to walk out the door, I got outside to see the sun starting to set. I couldn’t help but think about the prophecy that Lupa just told me, I don’t like the last line that says I have to stand alone. I got to the Jupiter table and sat beside Reyna.
“Sorry about earlier, it was the first I have heard from Jason in a long time and ever since he went missing I was so worried about him” Said Reyna.
“It’s understandable, sorry I interrupted your conversation when I woke up.” I said
“It’s okay I was going to wake you up because I was telling them about how Lupa is letting you stay in the cabin with me and Jason wanted to meet you, I never thought you could be one of the seven that was going to have to save the world” said Reyna.
“Well it seems I have no choice in the matter.” I said
“No once a prophecy is made it is going to happen no matter what,” Said Reyna.
Once I got food I walked over to the fire that was going and put some of my food in it and prayed to all the gods for help with the upcoming war. I walked back to my seat and ate the food on my plate, since I was late coming in everybody was gone by the time I was half way done eating. Percy came over and sat beside me.
“Are you going to the camp fire tonight?” Percy asked
“I’m tired so I think I’m going to bed after in done eating,” I said.
“Before you go to bed I want to show you something,” Percy said.
“Okay, but what do you want to show me?” I asked.
“It’s a surprise when your done eating I will show you,” said Percy.
I finished my supper and Percy lead me down the hill; it was dark so I couldn’t see anything. When we got closer I could see that it was the stables, We walked inside and he walked to a black horse in the back of the stables the pen didn’t even have a name or the owner on it yet.
“His name is Black jack I found him wandering around today and brought him in with Hazel who is up talking to Lupa, I think that I remember him from my past. I remember saving him from a ship with a blone boy with a scar on his face” said Percy
“Wow that cool,” I said. Percy was looking at the horse funny.
“Who is that.” Percy said to the horse, was he seriously talking to a horse.
“I am a son of Poseidon and he created the horse and blackjack is a Pegasus so I can talk to him, Blackjack said that the boy I saved him from was Kronos but who is that?” Percy asked.
“That is Saturn’s Greek form,” I said hoping he wouldn’t try to kill me. But after I said that the horse started freaking out.
“Whoa blackjack it’s okay calm down, but I thought he was put in Tartarus ” Percy said.
“He was but from what I have been told he came to life somehow by taking somebody’s body after that he tried to break the crones of the gods and take over Olympus.” I said
“Did you help?” Percy asked
“No I was in a place called the lotus hotel, I was just told about this today by Lupa.” I said
“Okay, would you like to pet him?” Percy said pointing at blackjack. I was relieved to know that he didn’t hate me for what my parent did, from what I have heard about and what he has done I don’t like him either.
“Sure” I said as I walked up to the black horse, I was scared that he was going to hurt me but when I went to pet him he was okay with me. Percy held out a handful of sugar cubes of all things and he gave them to the horse that ate them quickly. I turned to Percy.
“I’m going to bed goodnight,” I said to Percy and Blackjack as I started walking outside of the stables. It was completely dark outside and the camp fire was already out, I walked up to the Jupiter cabin and walked in to see Reyna talking on an iris message again. I tried to sneak in but Reyna said she just came in, I walked over to see who was on the message and it was Leo ,Jason and a girl with brown hair and her eyes kept changing colour, there also was a girl with blonde hair and gray eyes.
“Um hey Reyna I was just about to get ready for bead,” I said.
“Just talk to the first,” said Reyna
“Alright I said.” I looked at them and Jason stepped forward.
“We are on our way and we have had no problems so far so were going to be there around lunch tomorrow, have everybody packed and ready for are arrival we will be coming in the City but not for long.” Said Jason.
“I can have everybody Packed but I don’t have any clothing except for the ones Lupa gave me, I was stuck in a hotel so I don’t have anything sorry.” I said
“I’m Piper and don’t worry i got some clothing from my sisters that you can have.” She said
“Thanks” I said as I yawned.
“Please tell Lupa that we will be coming, and that we will be flying the boat,” said Jason.
“Okay I will in the morning,” I said as I turned to walk to my bed as Reyna talked to Jason in private. I fell asleep almost instantly and had a dreamless sleep.
over a year ago thilahector said…
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 12
Annabeths POV
We had a good day of flying on the boat, and no monsters had attacked and we also got in contact with the roman camp. Piper looked better now that she knew Reyna was another child of Jupiter, it was good that we were able to talk to Arielle who was one of us seven. She seemed alright for a child of Kronos, everybody was asleep but me I couldn’t sleep I missed Percy too much. I hope he will remember me, I decided to go on the upper deck and look out into the ocean because it reminded me of Percy.
When I got on the deck I saw somebody standing at the side of the boat, I walked over to see who was awake. I saw a women that was beautiful I couldn’t make out her eye colour it always changed when I tried to find out.
“Hi Aphrodite, what brings you here.” I asked
“I can to see how my daughter was doing and to warn you to be careful at the roman camp, if love doesn’t form than we are doomed.” Aphrodite said
“Who’s love, mine and Percys?” I asked
“No he remembers you it’s not your love I’m worried about; it’s a love that hasn’t formed yet.” Aphrodite said
“But how will I be able to make that happen?” I asked
“ I can influence that a little but for now I have to go, Zeus will be wondering where I am Close your eyes.” Aphrodite said as she changed form and was gone. I opened my eyes after the light was gone and was staring out into the ocean, I could hear humans partying at the beach still. I decided it was time for me to go back into the boat and do some reading to find out things that may make what Aphrodite said make more sense, hopefully I could find a prophecy or a spell that would be able to help me figure something out. I was walking quietly past the bedrooms and walked into the war room, I went over to one of the book cases to see if I could find something in the book of prophecy’s that Chiron had made and gave to us just in case we needed them in case of an emergency. I read through the first couple prophecies and after the 13 page I found one that sounded like it could be right. It said A single child from Greece and Rome with powers strong, Will find true love from the forbidden land, And unite two forces that once stood alone, But in the end will stand alone. I decided to get a drink from the fridge but when I walked by Leos boor there was talking, one voice was Leo and the other sounded like an older man.
I walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the fridge and took a cookie that the Apollo kids made for us before we left and sat at a table. After I finished my cookie and water I was about to go to my room and get some sleep when Leo came into the room and looked at me.
“Sorry did I wake you?” Leo asked.
“No I haven’t gone to bed yet, but I heard you and someone talking.” I said
“Sorry that was my dad coming to talk to me, I was going to ask you in the morning but could I tell you now?” Leo asked.
“Yeah that’s fine, I have something to tell you 2.” I said as I sat back down at the table.
“I got visited by Aphrodite and she said that if love doesn’t form were doomed and it’s a love that isn’t formed yet.” I said
“Alright but that could be anyone,” said Leo.
“ Yeah well I looked threw the prophecy book and found one and the prophecy is: A single child from Greece and Rome with powers strong
Will find true love from the forbidden land
And unite two forces that once stood alone
But in the end will stand alone,” I said.
“That might have something to do with it, we should tell the others in the morning,” Said Leo.
“What did you want to tell me?” I asked.
“My dad said that we need to be careful when they are there, they don’t like the concept of Greeks so we need to stick by Jason when we are there.” Leo said
“Alright but Jason was there leader so he will be respected there and hopefully they will listen to him,” I said.
“Yeah hopefully you’re right,” Leo said.
“I’m going to bed.” I said as I was getting up to go to my room to go to bed. On the way I was thinking about how Jason iris messaged Reyna at the camp, What if I could do that with Percy. I walked into my room and into the bathroom that was connected to my room, I turned on the shower and took out a drachma and threw it into the rainbow that was made and said Percy Jackson The camp. The next moment I saw Percy in his boxers and he looked up and jumped and grabbed a blanket looking embarrassed.
“Hey Percy” I said
“Annabeth, iv missed you” Percy said, I was so happy to hear that.
“I have missed you too.” I said.
“When are you coming to get me?” I asked.
“We are on the way and were docked for the night and were taking off in the sky when Jason is awake so we should be there tomorrow around lunch.” I said
“Okay will I have to be packed by then, or are we staying for a little bit?” I asked
“We are going to stay the night then fly the Greece to stop Gaia from raising her Greek kids, we will have to fight them by we got lots of weapons and ambrosia.” I said
“So all you need is me Hazel and Arielle, then who are they others the seven?” I asked.
“We have them with us they were from camp half blood and I am one of them, you will meet them when we get.” I said
“ I will , but I will be happier to see you.” Percy said
“Well I’m going to go to bed now good night.” I said as I broke the iris message. I walked into my room and fell, and laid on my bed. I fell asleep almost instantly and I had no dreams.
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
that was just awesomegreatcoolnowordscandescribeitrighte­nou­ghg­ran­dep­icw­aaa­aaa­aaa­ayb­eya­nda­wes­ome­lye­pic­and­awe­som­lyg­ran­dan­dex­cit­ing­. = } ^^ >_<
please keep posting and keep up the good work.
But maybe i wont be able to read the next chapter coz ill be busy for awhile ~,~
so dont be offended if ever
oh yeah, and nice prophecy!!!!! o_O
just one thing though, i thought nobody could iris message each others' camps, otherwise,
annabeth would hv done it long long ago!
But its your fanfic so your the one who decides.
I was just thinking alright?

But other than that, your fic is just awesome!!!! = ]
over a year ago percyrules120 said…
big smile
Just awesome!
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Thanks for the amazing comments (:

empousa1robo :
yeah Annabeth did send iris messages but Chiron told them not to, But after they left camp they were able to contact the Roman camp so they would know they were coming on a boat so there wouldnt be as many problems..
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 13
I woke up to the sun in face and I was excited that I was going to be able to see Annabeth today. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom in the cabin and decided to have a shower, the water from the shower woke me up so I was ready for the day. After I got dressed I decided to go tell Lupa that they were coming today and should be here around lunch , than I saw Arielle at the Pluto table talking to Hazel. I walked over to see what they were up to.
“Hey guys, we need to go tell Lupa that the boat is going to be here sometime today,” I said with a big smile on my face.
“Yes I already know that they are coming Reyna got an irirs message from Jason and when I got in the cabin last night they wanted to talk to me.” I said
“Alright lets go tell Lupa.” I said
Me, Arielle, and Hazel started walking up the hill to the big house, when Travis ran up to us to tell us that he got a girlfriend named Alex and she was from the Aphrodite cabin.
“That’s good,” I said
“Yeah I think it is,” he said
“Well were going to the big house to talk to Lupa, so I will see you later,” I said as we were starting to walk away. Travis gave Arielle a hug before he ran off to see Alex, I wasn’t sure why but I couldn’t wait until I could leave this camp. It’s not that I don’t like it it’s that I am remembering the old camp and my friends so I miss it, but when I go back to my camp I will miss Travis , Arielle and my sister Dakota.
As we got to the top of the hill we could see Lupa waiting for us she was in the same spot that she was in when she was getting us ready for our tests.
“Hello heroes, I was expecting you lets go inside,” said Lupa as she was walking to the front door. I couldn’t help but wonder how she could open the door when she was in wolf form, Hazel opened the door before Lupa got to the door. We all walked in after Lupa.
“Please close your eyes,: Lupa said.
We all turned our heads so that she could turn into her goddess form which she didn’t take often.
“You may open your eyes now young heroes and please sit,” Lupa said as she pointed over to a table at the far side of the room. We all walked over and took a seat to see what Lupa wanted to talk to us about.
“As you know Greeks and Romans don’t normally get along, I have told that camp that Jason will be coming back with Greek campers that are part of the seven in the prophecy.” Lupa said
“Okay that’s good then they will be expecting to see them, they are coming sometime today and they were planning on staying here for a night but im not sure if that is going to be a good idea,” I said
“No I think it is a wise choice to leave before tonight so we don’t have any problems and so nobody gets hurt,” said Lupa
“Yes, we will be packed and ready for when they get here,” I said.
“Good choice, please tell them that it is not wise to try to stay here for they night.” Lupa said
“I will tell them when they get here,” I said
“Who are the other of the sevens godly parents,” Lupa asked
“From the iris message I saw I think that one is a daughter of Aphrodite, a guy named Leo said his father was Hephaestus, and Jason who is a son of Jupiter but I don’t know who the other girls godly parent is,” Arielle said
“She is a daughter of Athena,” said Percy
“ Go back to camp activities after you are done packing, you are dismissed of activities after Jason and the Greeks get here,” said Lupa.
We all walked out of the big house, Hazel ran off to go see her boyfriend and tell him what was going on. I walked with Arielle to the Jupiter cabin and was going to wait outside for her until she asked me if I wanted to come is, as I walked into the cabin I could see thunder coming out of the roof.
“How can you sleep with that thunder and lightning,” I asked.
“After a couple days you get used to it and just sleep threw it,” Said Arielle. As she was grabbing the hairbrush Lupa gave her and her sword, She looked around the room.
“That’s everything I have,” Arielle said putting them in her bag that she got from one of the Aphrodite kids gave her. We walked out of the door of the Jupiter cabin and we started walking to the Neptune cabin so i could grab my things, when Dakota ran up to me and gave me and Arielle big hugs. I guess she know that Greek campers are coming already, She turned to Arielle and gave her something that looked like a bracelet.
“This is a shield, press the charm of the heart and it will turn into it,” Dakota said well she was smiling at Arielle.
“Thank you so much this will come in handy for the quest ahead,” Arielle said smiling back at her.
“Well I got to get to archery before Lupa finds out I was late,” Said Dakota
Dakota ran off and I started laughing at because Arielle didn’t need a sword because she was born in the river Stynx.
“What?” Arielle asked.
“I just find it funny that she gave you a shield when you are unhurt able like me,” Percy said
“yes, but you are the only person that knows that about me,” Arielle said.
“Where is your Achilles heel?” I asked
“Well it could have been the umbilical cord that connected to that so I guess it was that but since you lose it when you’re a baby I don’t think that I have one, where is you Achilles heel?” Arielle asked
“It is on my lower back, would you like to come in,” I asked as we walked up to the Neptune cabin doors.
“Sure, I have never seen this cabin before” Arielle said as we started walking in to the cabin. It was quiet as I packed up my stuff because Arielle kept looking around at all the things that were from the ocean.
“Wow, this cabin is so cool looking, “Arielle said
“Thanks, it makes me feel like I’m at home” I said as I started walking to the door.
“We should get to archery practice” Arielle said as we were walking out the door. We walked over to where the Archery grounds and out training group wasn’t there we missed the whole practise I thought as we changed direction to go to the arena for sword practice. Once we got there everybody had partners which wasn’t a big deal, the only person that put a chance of winning a sword fight with me is Arielle.
I was about to uncap riptide as a bell went off, everybody started to run out of the arena. I ran after everybody to see what was going on and in the lake there was a big boat with a dragons head on the top of it. There here I thought as I ran up to the boat.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 14
Leo’s POV
I landed at the camp in the river that was just big enough for the boat to fit in, a bell went off when we landed. Everybody started running towards the boat, People has arrows in their hands and swords It looked like they were about to attack.
“Put you weapons down,” I heard a big gray wolf say. I was guessing that was Lupa. I looked over at Jason who was looking off the deck at everybody, a boy with black hair and green eyes ran up to the boat with the girl named Arielle following him.
“Percy!” Annabeth yelled when she saw him. Percy looked up and smiled at Annabeth, Percy started to climb up the latter on to the boat.
“Everybody go back to training and the newly made training team will be changed back to what it was until Arielle and Jason return to camp,” Lupa said
Everybody started running back to where they were before we came, Percy got on the deck and looked at Arielle and gave her a hand up. Once they both were up they walked over to us, Annabeth ran up to Percy and gave him a hug.
“We are supposed to leave by tonight Lupa doesn’t want there to be any problems or fights to happen,” said Percy.
“That’s fine , I got you that’s all I need,” Annabeth’s said before she kissed Percy. A girl cleared her thought and she just got on the ship, Jason Lupa wants to talk to you Arielle and Percy Lupa wants you to grab your things from your cabins. She also would like they Greeks to stay on the boat so there are no problems. She said with a smile.
“That’s Hazel,” Percy said he was getting down from the boat. Arielle and Jason were about to climb down the latter to get to the ground, Jason grabbed Arielle and flew them down to the bottom. Annabeth looked at me like she was trying to hint at them being the people that are supposed to be in love. I hoped it want them because I thought the Arielle chick was hot, I looked over at Piper and she looked like she was mad.
I moved closer to the side of the deck to look at the camp better, I was a lot like camp half-blood other than it looked more Roman than Greek. I saw Percy and Arielle heading back it looks like they were already packed and just had to grab their bags. I saw the girl that Percy called Hazel and she was kissing a boy that looked like he could be a son or Ares.
After Arielle, Hazel and Percy were back on the boat. Piper walked up to Hazel and started talking to her and walked off to go see her room, Annabeth went to show Percy. I walked up to Arielle and told her that we had a room for her.
“Would you like to see it ?” I asked.
“Yes I would love to,” Arielle said as she picked up her bag and smiled at me. I started talking to Arielle about all the rooms and showed her as we passed them, this is my room I pointed come get me if you have any questions. We walked past two more doors before we got to her room, I opened the door to let her in.
“I love it,” Arielle said as she put her bag down. I looked at the bracelet that she had on her arm, it only had one charm on it and it was a heart it looked old and like the metal was about to rust away.
“I got it from Dakota a child of Neptune,” Arielle said as she pushed the charm it turned into a shield but it was partly broken.
“I can fix it for you,” I said
“It’s not a big deal I won’t be using it as a shield anyway,” Arielle said
“Why?” I asked
“Well its broken and I have the curse of Achilles,” Arielle said
“I could fix that, oh you bathed in the river stynx?”
“That would be nice, yes sort of. Could you show me around the rest of the ship?” Arielle asked as she changed the shield back into a bracelet and took it off of her wrist and put it in my hand.
“Yes I can where would you like to…” i started to stay but got interrupted by fighting outside. We ran to the top deck of the boat and saw that it was Ares kid trying to fight with Jason and he was calling him a traitor. I was about to run down and stop the fight but Arielle got to that before I did she was already jumping off the boat and into the water. I hope she can swim I thought, but then I saw that Jason and the Ares kid were moving in slow motion like in the movies. I presumed that was Arielle bending time, I looked over and saw her trying to get out of the water. Percy and Annabeth ran outside to see what was going on, Percy saw Arielle was having trouble swimming and making them stop moving. Percy looked like he’s was concentrating and said crap, then he jumped into the water and swam up to her slowly. I thought being a son of Poseidon he would be able to swim faster.
“What’s wrong?” Annabeth yelled at Percy
By now Arielle and Percy were underwater and both Jason and the child of Ares still frozen, Jason looked like he was concentrating on using his powers.
“My powers aren’t working,” Jason yelled
I looked back to see Percy pulling Arielle out of the water it looked like she wasn’t breathing but then she got up and walked over to Jason and the Ares kid.
“Stop what you are doing there is no reason to fight Greek half-bloods and Roman half-bloods are both the same.” Arielle said to them.
The Ares kid hit Arielle I was expecting her to get hurt from this but she just stood there and laughed. Lupa started running down the hill to the fight that was trying to happen, but she turned by the trees and turned into her Goddess form. Then came back out and walked down the hill to the fight that was going on but wasn’t because Arielle froze time for them and they were just standing the same way they were before.
“Please unfreeze them Arielle,” Lupa said. Jason and the Ares kid unfroze and went to fight but the noticed Lupa was there and stopped. Arielle looked like she was frozen because she kept on shaking, Lupa told the Ares kid to go back to his activities.
“Lupa my powers aren’t working I tried to summon lightning but it didn’t work,” Jason said.
Lupa looked at Arielle and asked her to concentrate then told her she should go back to her cabin and lay down before we took off.
“Lupa were getting ready to leave now, she can get dry clothing and get warmed up on the boat as we are going,” Jason said.
Arielle, Jason, and Percy were walking towards the boat and Arielle looked as white as a ghost. Once they got close to the boat Jason grabbed her and flew her to the boat, she was shivering.
“Where is my room I can’t remember?” Arielle said
I said I will show you before anybody had a chance to show her.
“Do you get heat in here?” Arielle asked
“Yes but it takes a while to warm up” I said as I was willing my body to get warmer. I went up to her and gave her a hug; she instantly rapped her arms around me to warm up. After she stopped shivering I showed her to her room.
“I’m going to change then go to bed, I used up to much power when I was trying to stop that fight” Arielle said
“Why didn’t any of their powers work?” I asked.
“I have the power to stop other demi-gods from using powers and now it’s gotten stronger so I can stop them from using their powers in general. When is the boat going to be taking off” Arielle said
“Wow that’s cool, it already did when I was hugging you to warm you up. Goodnight,” I said then I shut the door and headed to talk to Piper.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 15
Percys POV
After Leo left to show Arielle back to her room. Jason started lifting the boat with winds and Annabeth was in the control room. We were in the and Annabeth came back from the control room.
“Who is flying the boat?” I asked
“It has a navigation system I just tell it were to go and hit auto pilot and it fly’s its self” Annabeth said.
Leo came onto the deck and Annabeth walked over so I followed.
“Hey, I started the Auto pilot and were on our way to Greece” I said
“Okay great,” Leo said
Annabeth and Leo started talking about a prophecy that sounded like what Aphrodite was talking about. I decided I wasn’t going to ask about what they were talking about, I decided to go check on how Arielle was doing. She looked bad after stopping the fight between Jason and the child of Mars that I didn’t know. When I knocked on the door I didn’t hear anything I thought she was asleep, I decided I should check on her because I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I opened the door to see her lying on the floor unconscious, I picked her up and was going to take her to the infirmary but I forgot where it was. I started walking to the left and heard people talking, I ran over to the room. I saw Jason and Piper talking.
“Where is the infirmary” I asked
“Down the hall and it’s the last door on the left” Jason said as he was getting up to see what was wrong. I walked as fast as I could to the infirmary; I put Arielle on the bed. I walked over to the cabinets and fond a cabinet full of ambrosia, I walked over and started to feed her some. I turned and almost got knocked over by Piper and Jason.
“What’s going on” Jason asked.
“I went to her room to see how she was doing, but when I walked into her room I found her on the floor” I said
“She looked bad when I flew her up onto the boat” Jason said, as I was giving Arielle more ambrosia.
“Maybe we should go ask Hazel and Annabeth if they could know what’s wrong” Piper said.
“You guys go get them and I will say here” I said. They both ran off to go see if either of them could help. I fed Arielle more ambrosia and her eyelids started to flicker, Annabeth ran into the room with a book she must have got from the war room. Jason and Hazel were right behind her, Hazel walked up and touched Arielle’s face and concentrated.
“A child of Trivia has put a spell on her, this must have happened during the fight she stopped” said Hazel
“We should iris message Lupa” said Jason.
“Yes we should, what can we do to help her?” I asked Hazel
“I’m not sure, I can’t even tell what spell was used to do this on her” said Hazel.
“Alright” I said, I turned to look at Annabeth. She was looking at a book, and then she turned and ran out of the room. Arielle was still out but looking a bit better, I got mad that I couldn’t do anything for her. Annabeth came running into the room, with a new book in her hands.
“I think I might have something, in this book it says water can heal. Percy maybe you can heal her with water” Annabeth said.
“We can try, but where are we going to find water that can do that,” I asked.
“It doesn’t say it just says water can be healing against magic, we could also pray to Apollo” Annabeth said.
“Jason I need you to help we need to land,” Annabeth said.
Annabeth and Jason went to find some water; I don’t know why they think that I can help her. But I will try, I was going to go find some food to burn and pray to Apollo with. I walked off into the kitchen to get some food that I could burn after we docked, as I was walking back to the infirmary I heard somebody talking. I walked in the door to see Leo talking to Arielle and putting something on her wrist.
“What are you doing?” I asked
“She asked me to fix her bracelet, so I was just giving it back to her” Leo said.
“Alright do you know when we will be docked?” I asked.
“We are now; I came to tell you to bring her” Leo said.
I handed Leo the bag of food, then I picked up Arielle and walked her to the top of the boat.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
ill post later, sorry i havent been posting this weekend. One of my family pets died on friday so its been hard to find a time to post.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter: 16
Arielle’s POV
I was asleep or sort of and I was dreaming of a dirt lady and a child of Trivia that I saw at camp.
“Come join us” said the dirt lady
“Who are you?” I asked.
“ I am Terra or Gaia depending on which you prefer to call me” said Gaia.
“I will just call you Gaia it sounds correct” I said.
“Come join me the people you are with, don’t care about you because you’re a child of Kronos” Said Gaia.
“Percy trusts me” I said
“Are you sure about that my dear?” Gaia asked
I thought about it and he didn’t seem to care about me as much since he started remembering his friends at camp.
“I am not sure” I said
“Even more reason to join us, you won’t have to die in the fight against us” Said Gaia.
I started to think about joining her, when I got a cold shock. I opened my eyes to see everybody that was on the ship looking at me but Percy wasn’t there, it’s good that I got woken up before I said yes to them. I looked down to see that I was in the water and I started to freak out, but then I felt arms around me. I turned around to see Percy looking at me; I started to relax as we started getting closer to dock.
“What happened?” I asked.
“I’m not sure, but I found you on your room floor when I went to check if you were okay” Percy said.
“Thanks, I’m okay now” I said
When we got close to the dock, Piper helped me out of the water and Annabeth handed me a towel. I went to dry myself of when I saw my bracelet back on my arm with new charms on it; there was one and it was shaped as a heart, and the other one was a star. I loved it looked in much better shape now; I walked over to find Leo who was walking to the boat. I looked down at and saw a fire going over in the grass, I started walking to the boat when I saw Annabeth and Percy walking away holding hands.
“We will be back soon, don’t leave without us” Percy yelled to me as he was walking. I was just going up the latter to the boat, when I saw Leo and Piper flying down from the top of the boat.
“Were going out for a walk we will be back soon” Said Piper
“Okay have fun” I said as I continued climbing onto the boat. Hazel was now on the deck laying, I walked past her and she didn’t even move maybe she was sleeping. I was trying to find Leo so I decided to look in the control room first, he wasn’t there so I decided to look in the kitchen. He still wasn’t anywhere to be found , I was sure that I was him walking to the boat. I decided to check to see if he was in his room, I decided to go back to my room, I stopped to look at my door. It had a symbol of a scythe; I decided I wanted to paint over it. I went to my room and changed out of my wet clothing; once I was done I left my room to look for Leo again. I went to his room and I heard what sounded like hammering, I knocked on the door hoping that he could hear me. I heard the hammering stop and heard Leo walking to the door, he opened the door and greeted me with a big smile.
“Thanks for fixing my bracelet, I love the new charms that you put on it” I said.
“ I wasn’t sure if you would like them” Leo said well we was blushing.
“I love them, I was wondering do you have any paint?” I asked.
“Yes I think we do, but I’m not sure what colours we have left” Leo said
“It doesn’t matter what colour it is” I said
“What do you want to paint?” he said as he was walking out the door.
“The symbol of the scythe that was put on my door” I said.
“Okay” Leo said as we walked into a room I haven’t been in yet.
“What is this room?” I asked
“This is where I fix and make thing” Leo said
“That’s cool” I said
“Yeah it keeps my mind off of stuff, we have purple, blue and green” Leo said.
“Off of what stuff, Purple” I said.
“Like when something is bugging me I come here and make things, it take my mind off of things” Leo said.
“ That must be nice” I said
“Yeah sometimes I need it” Leo said
“Would you like to help me paint” I asked
“ I would love to but Jason will be wanting to take off soon: Leo said.
“Him, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy all went out for walks with each other”
“Then let’s go paint” Leo said.
“Okay” I said with a big smile. We started walking to my room and all I could think about was that I think I liked Leo, but I didn’t have time to have a crush on anybody right now. We stopped at my room and opened the paint; I started to paint the door when Leo was getting paint on his brush. Once we were done and put the paint away, everybody was back and it was getting dark out.
“I’m going to start flying, Jason can you help me get it off?” Annabeth asked.
“Yeah I can we better get off before it gets to dark” Jason said.
Piper and Hazel went to go cook some food for us all to eat. Leo and I went on the deck to see the boat take off, and being afraid of heights is not a good thing when you are doing that. After we got into the air Piper came out to tell us that the food was ready, that was fast I thought. When I walked into the kitchen there were TV dinners and minute made rice. I got some food and went onto the deck to eat, there wasn’t much wind even thought we were in the air. Everybody started making offerings to the gods , I was going to but I didn’t know who to ask help from. I decided that I was going to make and offering for Apollo because it seems like they asked him for help when I was sick. I walked over to the fire and put my rice in the fire, I thanked Apollo for helping me. Then I walked and sat down where I was sitting before, I took my time eating because I was thinking about the prophecy that Lupa told me about. What if Leo was the person I was supposed to fall in love with, after I was done eating I looked up to see that everybody had gone to bed but Leo he was making something but it was too dark to see.
“What are you making?” I asked
“I’m not sure, sometimes I just get working with my hands and make random things” Leo said
“That’s cool I could never make anything that worked even if my life depended on it” I said
“I’m sure you could if you tried” Leo said.
“I don’t think I could, I’m going to go to bed” I said
“I am two, I will walk you to your room” Leo said
I started walking with Leo to my room; I could hear Jason snoring in his room as we walked by. When we got to my room I opened the door, then I turned around to say goodnight. When I turned around Leo kissed me, his kiss was so soft like he was trying not to hurt me. I turned and walked into my room, I was so happy with what just happened.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 17
Leo’s POV
I was sitting down eating cheese at the kitchen table, and I was thinking about how I just kissed Arielle. I wasn’t planning to do it but I wanted to, it was hard to resist doing it when I was around her and she just looked so beautiful. I had to concentrate and be soft when I kissed her; I was excited so I saw starting to smoke. From the way she acted after I kissed her it seemed like she didn’t like me, I hope she didn’t hate me for this. I looked up to see Annabeth looking at me.
“What are you thinking about?” Annabeth asked.
“Nothing, I thought you were asleep” I said.
“I was trying to but I couldn’t sleep” Annabeth said.
“Why, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“I’m worried that Percy doesn’t want to come back to camp with us” Annabeth said.
“Why would you think that?” I asked.
“He said that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go back because he didn’t want to leave Arielle at the roman camp” Annabeth said
“I’m not sure maybe he likes her, but when I ask about her he says that they are just friends” Annabeth said.
“Then they are just friends, Percy is a nice guy if he liked her he would tell you” I said.
“What if they are the two that fall in love like the Prophecy says” said Annabeth.
That was a thought that didn’t occur to me, what if Arielle was the one in the prophecy. That thought never crossed my mind.
“Be quiet” Annabeth whispered. I stopped and listened, I could hear to people talking and it was getting closer. Percy and Arielle walked into the kitchen, Percy smiled and walked over to Annabeth and kissed her. I wish I could have been able to walk up to Arielle and kiss her, like Percy did with Annabeth. Arielle walked over to the fridge and got a Pepsi, she started to walk away when she turned around and smiled at Percy and said thanks for listening. She started to turn away but smiled at me before she started to walk off, I decided I was going to follow her so I could talk to her. I got up and talked to and followed her, as I turned the corner I walked into her.
“I’m sorry about earlier” I said.
“That’s okay” Arielle said as her face turned red. Was that a sign that she liked me back, wow that would be a first I thought.
“I thought you were going to bed” I said.
“That’s what I thought two until Percy came and told me he had something to show me” I asked.
“A friendly hellhound” Arielle said. As she started to say as she started to walk down the hall. Did she want me to follow her I thought to myself?
“But what took you guys so long to get to the kitchen?” I asked.
“Well I told him something Lupa told me, and I showed him something but it drained my power and I’m tired” Arielle said. As she turned to look at me, she walked back to me and grabbed my hand; my heart started beating faster because she was holding my hand. Does she like me back I was thinking, hopefully she does. She held my hand all the way to her room, I didn’t want to let go of her hand to let her so to her room.
“I like you, but I just need time to think” Arielle said as she smiled at me. She does like me back that made me feel better, but how could she like me I’m not the best looking.
“You can have all the time you need to think, I’m not going anywhere” I said.
“That’s good, I wouldn’t want to have to go find you” Arielle said jokingly.
“Yeah but what did Lupa tell you that you told Percy” I asked
“I told Percy about a prophecy that Lupa told me about” Arielle said.
“Does it have to do with what is going on with Gaia?” I asked.
“Yes it does, Lupa was convinced about it?” Arielle said.
“What was the prophecy about?” I asked.
“I can’t remember it completely but it has something to do with standing alone” Arielle said.
“oh I think I have head of the prophecy from Annabeth, she got talked to by Aphrodite and she said something and Annebth found the prophecy from a book Chiron gave us” I said.
“That could be it the first line is how Lupa knew that it was me, A single Child from Greece and Rome. Arielle started to say but I interrupted her.
“How do you know it’s you they are talking about” I asked.
“ I am both Greek and Roman, I can speak both. That’s why I don’t get confused when Hazel and Jason talks in Roman or how Annabeth and everybody” Arielle said.
“How can you be both?” Leo asked.
“I’m not sure, all I know is that Lupa found out that I both” Arielle said.
“oh well maybe we could talk to Annabeth she might know something” I said.
“I told Percy about it and that’s what he said” Arielle said.
“I’m going to bed, we can talk more in the morning” Arielle said before she leaned forward and kissed me. I wish she would have never stopped, but as she backed up and I could see that her face was red. After she went into her room and heard her get into bed did I leave, I went to the kitchen to find Annabeth and Percy. When I got to the kitchen Annabeth and Percy were talking.
“Hey Leo, Why are you blushing” Annabeth asked.
“No reason” I said.
“Well we were just talking about they prophecy that I found, but we don’t know who it could be yet” Annabeth said. I looked at Percy,
“You didn’t tell her” I asked Percy.
“No I was told not to tell, how did you find out?” Percy asked.
“Arielle told me” I said
“What are you talking about?” Annabeth asked. Percy turned and looked at Annabeth.
“Arielle told me about a prophecy that Lupa said was hers, but she couldn’t remember all of it she said she would have to stand alone” Percy explained.
“But how can Lupa be sure that it is her in the prophecy?” Annabeth asked.
“Arielle said that Lupa told her that she was Greek and Roman” Percy said.
“But how is that possible?” Annabeth asked.
“That’s why I came, I was going to ask you if you knew how that was possible.” I said.
“I don’t, but who is the person she is going to fall in love with” Annabeth asked well looking at Percy.
“I’m not sure she never really talked about liking anybody, but were just friends” Percy said.
“So then it’s either Leo or someone we haven’t met yet” Annabeth said.
“Well we should find out soon enough, I’m going to bed” I said as I started walking to my room. I never thought it could be someone that we haven’t met yet, I hope it wasn’t I wanted to be with her. I walked into my room and laid on my bed, I fell asleep slowly and I had a dreamless sleep.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
im not posting again until i get some comments.
over a year ago OceanaMist said…
big smile
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
It's really good! Common post I'm kinda new on ur fanfic but I jus havent commented keep posting it's good!!
over a year ago LeoValdezRulz said…
HEY!!!! this is pretty good!keep posting!
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
Cmon toxicchild!!!! Plz post.plz post.plz post. PLEASE!!!! you are very good at making this fanfic.
But, i gotta say, i thought annabeth was, well. Braver? Stronger? ah well. Im just voicing my thoughts but its your fanfic. -,<
happy posting!
over a year ago toxic_child said…
i got the flu but i will post later, when my medication kicks in.
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 18
Hazel’s POV
I woke up to a crash in my room; I grabbed my sword and jumped out of bed. I walked over to where I heard the sound, there was a boy lying on the floor and he didn’t look hurt. I turned to see Annabeth come in my room.
“Is everything okay”Annabeth asked.
“Yes, but some boy is in my room” I said as I pointed to the boy laying on the ground.
“That’s Nico a child of Hadies “ Annabeth said as she walked over to the boy.
“Hey Annabeth” Nico said.
“What are you doing here?” Annabeth asked.
“Chiron got word that there has been sightings of Cyclops’s and other monsters in Rome, Chiron thinks that’s were Gaia is now” Nico said.
“Then we need to change destinations” I said.
“Nico if you are tired there are extra rooms with beds in them” Annabeth said.
Me, Annabeth and Nico walked out of the room, we walked down the hall.
“Pick a room out of these, all of them are empty but one” Annabeth said.
“Okay” Nico said.
Me and Annabeth walked to the navigation system on the boat, we changed the settings so that we were on our way to Rome so we could find out with Terra was doing. Once the settings were changed I went to bed, I dreamt of Terra.
“Join me!” Terra said.
“No” I said.
“You and your family will be safe during the war if you join me” Terra said.
“No, leave my dreams” I said.
“You will regret all of this” Terra said. Terra left my dream and I woke up to Arielle screaming. I ran to her room, and I saw that a hellhound was in her room attacking her. I drew my sword and ran at the hellhound.
“Stop” Percy yelled.
“But it’s going to kill her” I said.
“No its, not she is my pet” Percy said.
“Oh sorry” I said.
“I didn’t mean to scream but when a hellhound randomly shadow travels to your room when you’re sleeping you don’t think about it” Arielle said.
“I should have told you I was going to bring her” Percy said.
“Okay, night” I said as I started walking into my room, now I was exhausted and ready for bed. I jumped on my bed, and fell asleep once my head hit my pillow.
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
Awwwww. Im sorry to hear about ur flu. I hope you get better!!!!
YAY YOU POSTED!!!!!!!!!! =D
over a year ago toxic_child said…
Chapter 18
Percy’s POV
I woke up to the sun in my eyes; I climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Once I got there I saw Nico and a new guy, I wonder where he came from.
“Hey Percy, this is Daniel” Annabeth said.
“Nice to meet you” I said to Daniel.
“Where did you find him?” I asked.
“He was on an island that we passed by” Annabeth said.
“How did you get him with the boat moving?” I asked.
“Nico shadow traveled us down there to get him” Annabeth said.
“Oh, Why is Nico here?” I asked.
“He was sent by Chiron, there has been siting of Gaia around Rome we are sailing there now” Annabeth said.
“When will we get there?” I asked.
“In a couple of days” Annabeth said.
“Do you have an attack plan?” I asked.
“Yes, send our best fighters in fist and the others attack from around back” Annabeth said.
“How are we going to pick the best fighters?” I asked.
“We will take turns fighting each other and the 3 people that beat the most people will enter first” Annabeth said.
“Where would we do it?” I asked
“On the deck whenever you are ready” Annabeth said.
“Don’t we have to get to other crew members” I said.
“No everybody woke up early but you” Annabeth said.
“Let’s go than” I said as I was finishing up my orange juice. I walked over to the dish washer and put my dishes away, I don’t know how we get water on this thing. But the showers are nice. I grabbed Annabeth’s hand and walked like this all the way to the deck. Once we got out there I saw a chart with all of our names on it, must have been Annabeth’s way of keeping track of the wins.
“Me and Percy will start then I will challenge you in the order of you names on the bored” Annabeth said. Annabeth grabbed her knife and ran at me; since I didn’t want to hurt her I just summoned a wave. Then was over her with my sword, one thing I learned from training at the Roman camp is that they always get up.
“I give” Annabeth said, as I reached down and helped her up. Annabeth got up and walked up to Arielle who was raising her sword with a smile on her face. Annabeth ran up to Arielle and stabbed her in the arm, it bounced right off. Annabeth looked at Arielles arm for a second then got kicked in the legs and fell to the ground. Annabeth gave up fighting her after that, Arielle walked over to talk to me after she helped Annabeth off the ground.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt her” Arielle said.
“I know, so have you met the new demigods yet?” I asked.
“Yes Leo introduced me to them” Arielle said.
“So you and Leo are getting close” I said.
“Yes he is a nice guy?” Arielle said.
“Yes he does seem to be” I said.
“Percy it’s your turn to fight” Annabeth said.
I walked over and fought it all was too easy, but when I got to Arielle that was fun. She didn’t stop time like I thought she was going to, she just decided that she was going to turn off my power over water. We fought for a while but we decided to call it a tie because, we both just got tired. I couldn’t stop thinking about why Arielle just didn’t stop time around me it would have been easier, I was off to lay down I got so tired after all of that fighting. I went to bed and laid in my room, the sun was bugging me and I thought I would never get to sleep.