The Heroes of Olympus The Daughter of The Huntress

Smile365 posted on May 07, 2011 at 03:44PM
Hi everyone hope you'll like my story!
last edited on May 14, 2011 at 06:59PM

The Heroes of Olympus 33 replies

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over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov

I was on my way back home after volenteering at the Animal Hospital. I really love animals. It sometimes reminds me of my mom for some reason. When ever i'm close to nature it reminds me of her. My dad never likes to talk about her since she left me and my dad one day. Sometimes I always wish i could see my mom, but she never comes. When I finally got home my dad was sleeping on the couch again. He always comes back from work and falls asleep on the couch. Sometimes its funny and sometimes its anoying bacause he snores so loud. I went up stairs started to play with this bow and arow my mom gave to my dad for me. Its the only thing i have from her, not even pictures. I was making dinner when the phone wrang. I picked up the phone and said, "Hello?" "Where coming to get you daughter of Artemis." "Who is is this!" The phone went dead. The voice made my back shiver. Why did they call me daughter of Artemis? Who is coming to get me? Finally my dad woke up." Scarlet, I think I fell asleep on the couch again." "Uh, ya dad I'm done with dinner. lets eat." Ok. I was wondering should I tell my dad about the phone call or not. When we were done eating dinner I went up stairs and fell asleep. I was still thinking of the phone call. "We are coming to get you daughter of Artemis." It kept swirling in my head. I couldn't go to sleep. I had a dream were i was captured and tied up. I didn't know were i was. " Let me go!" I said. "Daughter of Artemis you should have never been born." Who are you!" Do not worry daughter of Artemis we will meet again and you will know the truth." When my dream faded i woke up. Who were they? I tried to fall asleep but i couldn't. Finally morning came. Like always my dad had to go to work in the morning. He is a hunter. Thats how my mom fell in love with my dad. I started to make breakfast. When I looked at the time, I was late for school! I had to hurry up so i wouldn't be late for the bus. When I finally got to my school. Southeast High School in New Jersey. I met up with my friend Tyler. He is in crutches, I always ask him how he got them but he always gives me the same excuse, "I fell of a cliff." We started to get to class. I had P.E. Tyler Is realy lucky because he doesn't have to do it. Whe we started playing dogeball. Everyone went silent. We heard a growling sound. Out of nowere a big huge dog came in. The whole class started to scream and headed for th exits. I started to run, I was freaking out. Then i relized that the dog was following me! I started screaming. Then Tyler started to play some music on a reed pipe. Then i relized he didn't have his crutches and instead of feet he had hooves! When the dog got closer I fainted. When I opened my eyes everyone was gone even the big black dog. Except Tyler was still here and this girl with blond curly and grey eyes and this boy with black hair and sea green eyes." Hi, You fainted when the hellhound got close to you."who are you?" "Oh, sorry I'm Annabeth daughter of Athena and this is Percy son of Poseidon." After that I faintd again.
over a year ago OceanaMist said…
big smile
omg i loved your writting it was so awesome! keep writing even though no one is replying
over a year ago Smile365 said…
thx u know that u can write chapters to right
over a year ago OceanaMist said…
Scarlet pov (Chapter 2)

When I woke up I was in the infermary. Well i think it was. Then Tyler came and sat next to me."Scarlet are u ok?" Ya i'm fine. What is this place? The infermary, you fainted after you were talking to Annabeth. Oh, my head really hurts. I can't skip school. We have to go."You can't leave this place." Why not? "this is were you belong, all of us." Where are we? "We are at Camp Half-Blood. This is were all of the demigods come to train. But i'm not a demigod. "Yes you are, but we don't know who your godly parent is yet." This has to be a mistake I can't... " Hey Scarlet you ok? You fainted after are conversation." Ya i'm ok. "So lets give you the tour around Camp Half-Blood." Ok. I went with annabeth who was giving me the tour. We were looking at the cabins. "So Scarlet do you have a mom or dad?" Oh, I only have a dad, my mom left me when i was a baby. "Ok so your godly parent might be goddess. "It might be Aphrodite, Athena,Demeter, or Hecate.When we were almost done looking at the cabins one of them caught my eye. The cabin had a Cresent moon on it. Hey Annabeth whose cabin is this? "oh that Artemis's cabin but she doesn't have any children." Oh. When I saw the cabin it reminded me of the phone call and my dream. "Where coming to get you daughter of Artemis." I didn't know if i should tell Annabeth? "Well lets go to the pavilon maybe your mom will claim you." Ok. " Everyone this is Scarlet Jones!" I felt embaressed when Annabeth said that. Everybody was crowding me when everyone went silent. What? Why is everyone looking at me! I said out loud. Then i looked above my head and I saw a cresent moon.
over a year ago OceanaMist said…
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov (chapter 3)

Whats happening! "You are being claimed Scarlet!"said Annabeth. "Chiron you are here." Yes, and Scarlet you are daughter of Artemis! I am. Everyone gasped. "Chiron I thought Artemis is a maiden?" "She is Annabeth.""We have to go into the big house now!" I am daughter of Artemis? When we got to the big house Percy and Tyler was there too. "Chiron,if she is the daughter of Artemis she is in big trouble." "Annabeth I know" Why am I in big trouble. "Scarlet, Artemis is suppose to be a maiden, she took and oath." So whats going to happen to me. "I don't know?" "Percy take Scarlet to her cabin please." "Sure Chiron." "Come on Scarlet lets go see ur new cabin." ok. When we got there I felt like I was at home again. So your name is Percy? "Ya i'm son of Poseidon." Can I call my dad so he won't worry about me. "Oh sorry Scarlet we are not aloud to have phones because thats how monsters track us down." But I need to call my dad. "Um use an Iris message." Um ok? "I have to go now its almost curfew, oh and Annabeth will come to give you clothes." Um ok thanks. After Percy left I new I was in big trouble. I was daughter of Artemis! Artemis is not suppose to have children! Thats why the person in my dream tolled me i should have not been born. When I was finally done thinking Annabeth came in. "Hey Scarlet heres some clothes for you. "Annabeth theres something bothering me." "what is it Scarlet." I was thinking should I tell her? Um that would monsters come and find me. I was thinking, that was stupid to say. "I pretty sure cause some monsters come for demigods." "Well Scarlet you should go to sleep now its going to be curfew now." Ok bye. "Bye see ya in the morning." When I fell asleep I had the dream again. "Daughter of Artemis if you tell anyone about this you will suffer." Let me go! Who are you! "Don't worry daqughter of Artemis soon we will come for you when you least expect it." After that my dream faded. I woke up all sweating. I prayed to my mom this won't happen. Then morning came.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Chapter 4

When it was morning I started to change in the clothes that Annabeth gave me. I didn't really feel comfortable but it was the only thing I had since I was only wearing my gym clothes. Then Annabeth came in. "Hey Scarlet lets go find you a weapon." Um ok. "I think we should give you a bow and arrow since your daughter of Artemis." Oh I already had one that my mom gave me but its at home. "Ok but lets find you a new one." ok. " How about this one?" OK . "Now that you have your weapon lets go train you." " Hey Will can you help Scarlet with archery." "sure Annabeth." "Scarlet, Will can help you with your archery. I'll come back later." OK, bye Annabeth. Hi, i'm Scarlet. "HI, i'm Will i'm going to help you with your archery."

Annabeth pov

When I left Scarlet I went to go talk to Chiron. "Chiron what going to happen to Scarlet." "I don't know Annabeth she will attract lots of monsters. And Zeus will try to kill her." "We can't let that happen." When I was done Percy came in. "Percy your here!" "Yeah." "What were u guys talking about" Percy asked?We were talking about Scarlet and whats going to happen to her. " Take her to the oracle Annabeth." "Ok Chiron." When I came out of the big house i went to go find Sacrlet. "hey Scarlet how do you like archery?" Its awsome I love it! "Ok so its time we should take you to the oracle." "Um,ok." When we got to the cave I took her to Rachel. "Hey Rachel this is Scarlet dasughter of Artemis." "HI, i'm Rachel and isn't Artemis suppose to be a maiden?" Um yay. "Ok" "Why is her eyes turning... " The daughter of the Huntress shall find her way
To seek the one who will like it her way
And shall loose one who will save the day.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
It's a really good story.
Constructive criticism time!!! You guys could make sure and use punctuation, spelling is okay. Also, make sure you aren't going too fast. If you go too fast, your readers won't stay interested.
Keep writing! I'm looking forward to where you'll take this.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Also, I have a daughter of Artemis story as well! It's called Forbidden. I think OceanaMist has read it, idk if smile has. But I think you'd like it if you like daughter of Artemis stories!
over a year ago Smile365 said…
big smile
K thx, awesome I do love Artemis stories she is my favorite goddess.
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov

"After I heard the prophecy I went to the big house with Annabeth." When we got there, we started talking to Chiron." "Chiron, Scarlet has gotten her prophecy." "Very well you may have to go on a risky quest to find the person she seeks." "Scarlet choose two conpanions to take on the quest." "Um, I choose... Annabeth and Tyler." "Very well, you will leave in the morning, now go back to your cabins and rest." "Thank you Chiron." Annabeth said. "Me and Annabeth were heading to our cabins." "Annabeth?" "Yes?" "I'm kind of nervous on going on this quest, I never been on one." "I know it might make you nervous but its very exciting." "K thx." Hey don't forget to tell Tyler about the quest." I won't then Annabeth went into her cabin, I went into the forest and sat on a rock and looked at the stars. "I have always liked staring at the stars with my dad." "I always thought the stars were just amazing." "After staying in the woods I heard someones voice." "Wake up, wake up its morning you fell asleep." "Oh hi, why am I still here?" I guess you fell asleep, I'm Isacc son of Hermes." "Oh hi, I'm Scarlet daughter of Artemis." "Ah, so your the new girl whos mom is Artemis." "Ya I'm her and I have to get going I need to go on a quest!" "I started running back to the cabins." "Well it was nice to meeting you Scarlet."

Annabeth pov

"Were is Scarlet she should have been here by now and were is Tyler." "Don't worry Annabeth they'll come soon bye now." "I hope so Chiron." "After that I saw Tyler training." " Tyler were are your things for the quest." "What quest?" "The quest that Scarlet told you about last night." "She never told me about any quest last night. "Oh my gosh so you don't know about the quest we are suppose to go on." "NO don't know anything about a quest." "We have to go find Scarlet." "Wait here she comes." "Sorry I'm here now." "Scarlet your're late." "Sorry I over slept." "Where were you?" "You didn't even tell Tyler about the quest." "I'm sorry I went to the forest and I guess I fell asleep but Isacc woke me up." "Ok lets just get ready and go." "ok."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Hoped you guys liked it and sorry i'm going to fast on the story.
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov

"When we were off we didn't have any idea were to start." "Were should we go?" "I don't know Scarlet." "Maybe we could find the huntresses." said Tyler. "Thats a good idea Tyler maybe we should go find them and see if they know the one we are seeking." "Who are the huntresses, Annabeth?" "Oh they are the maidens of Artemis." "My mom has maidens?" "Yup, I even have a friend her name is Thalia she is daughter of Zeus." "Well how are we going to find them?" "We should follow the Orions belt because were ever the stars lead we will find the huntresses, maybe i'm not sure, but lets at least try." "Ok so now we have to wait for night fall."

Hoped you guys like it even if its short
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
This is a great idea.

For a suggestion, when you do dialogue, make it a new line like,

'Where should we go?'

'I don't know Scarlet'

'Maybe we could fid the huntresses!'

Like that, cause its easier to read and makes your thing longer. You don't have to, just a suggestion. Like I said,the storys great
over a year ago Smile365 said…
K thxs
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov

When night came we started walking into the woods. After a little while we stoped and took a brake. "We can't go any farther we need to rest." "Alright then lets make a camp."said Annabeth. "Whose taking first shift?" "I will since i'm the protector." said Tyler " Alright then lets set up for camp Scarlet." "Already done." "How did you do that so fast?" "Well I guess since i'm daughter of Artemis I know about the wilderness things and how to survive." "Well lets go to sleep now." When we finally went to sleep I had the dream again. "Daughter of Artemis you will not see us coming we will come for you." "Who are and what do you want from me!" "We can not say anymore but soon we will come for you and make you suffer." "NO!" I will find you and make you suffer instead of me!" "Choose you words wisley on you journey we will have a few surprises for you." "What, what are the surprises!" "Goodbye daughter of Artemis." "No don't leave we haven't finish talking!" "Who are you and what do you want from me!" After that my drean faded and Tyler was shaking me. "Whats wrong Scarlet I heard you saying things and saw you sweating." 'Nothing, nothings wrong." "That doesn't look like it." "Hes right Scarlet whats wrong?" "Nothing wrongs." "Please tell us Scarlet we're your friends you could trust us." "Okay I'll tell you. it all stared when I was at home I was making dinner when the phone wrang and someone was calling me daughter of Artemis and that they were coming for me. Then I had dreams that I was tied up and I didn't know were I was. "I should have told you since I came to camp." "Its okay Scarlet don't worry." "Oh sorry left out a part the person said that she has some surprises for us on our journey." "That is not good." said Tyler." "We should get going now we can't loose anymore time."said Annabeth.
over a year ago Smile365 said…
big smile
Hi people hoped you liked it
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Sorry don't know when i'm going to post still thinking on the next part.
over a year ago Smile365 said…
I made a new forum call The Adventures of Thalia Grace if you want to read it.
over a year ago OceanaMist said…

Tyler pov

I wonder what is coming for us now. What are we going to do when that evil lady comes for Scarlet. She is my best friend. I don't want to see her suffer. "We should go to Aleous he knows everything, maybe he could tell us about her." said Annabeth. "First we have to go find the huntresses." said Scarlet. "Okay lets go but we need to find a ride."said Annabeth. "Hey guys I foun a mustang." said Tyler " We need the keys to go in and beside we can't steal it."said Scarlet "WEll we have to Scarlet its the only transportation here."said Tyler "Okay then." "There I got it to start."said Annabeth "Wow how did you do that so fast?"said Scarlet "Oh I don't know."said Annabeth "Well lets go now."said Tyler
over a year ago Smile365 said…

Percy pov

(Back at camp) Uh, I miss Annabeth so much. "Hey Percy."said Issac "Hey Issac." "Whats wrong Percy you seem kind of like a downer." "Sorry it just that I miss Annabeth." "It'll be okay man she'll come back." "Hey, thanks Issac that makes me feel better." "Hey Percy can I tell you something." "Yay sure what is it Issac?" "Okay but don't tell anybody." "Okay Issac just tell me." "I like Scarlet a lot." "Oh." "She makes me feel happy inside and I really like her." "Well just tell her that." 'I can't its too embaressing Percy." "Well then try to know her more try to be her best friend thats how me and Annabeth fell in love with each other." "Okay i'll try to be her friend but promise me you won't tell anybody esecially her." "Okay i'll keep you secret." "Thanks Percy I should be heading towards sword fighting now, see ya later Percy." "See ya Issac."
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
amazing. i love it. i would like to post a chapter, but i don't have time! (for once, i kinda want kronos here.)
over a year ago Smile365 said…
big smile
over a year ago OceanaMist said…
hi people
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov

I kind of felt better when I told Annabeth and Tyler about my dreams. I felt like I wasn't hiding anything. Then something bad happen. "Helhound!"scream Annabeth. We started running and I was shooting arrows at it but it was no use. It kept dogging every one I shooted. I couldn't run any faster and I trip and twist my ankle really bad. "Tyler! Annabeth!" "Oh no Scarlet! Annabeth stop we need to go get Scarlet."said Tyler. "Okay, I'll go distract it while you go get Scarlet.'said Annabeth. "Hold on Scarlet we're coming." I couldn't move my leg it hurt really bad and I don't know what I tripped on. "Help please!" Then the helhound got so close that I could hear it right behind me, I thought I was a goner. Then Annabeth came in and started to attack it. "You okay Scarlet?"said Tyler. "Yea i'm okay but it really hurts and I can't move." "We need to get you some were safe." "Tyler I need yoor help please."said Annabeth. "Okay hold on." They started fighting and I felt so helplss I couldn't do anything to help them. Then I got my arrow and aimed for one spot of the helhound's back and shooted my arrow and the helhound became to dust. "Wow what you do Scarlet!"said Tyler. 'I just shot an arrow on a spot of its back." 'Well what you did now its gone"said Annabeth "We should get you some ambrosia." "Whats that?" "its the food of the gods it'll make you leg feel better but if you eat to much you'll burn up."

over a year ago Smile365 said…
hope you liked it
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Hi everyone
over a year ago Smile365 said…
i'm bored
over a year ago Smile365 said…
Scarlet pov

"I feel much better but it still kind of hurts." "Well we better get going before something else happens."said Tyler. "Okay but can someone help me out." "Sure." After walking for hours we stoped and went to Subway to eat. "I love Subway's sandwiches."said Annabeth. "Hey Tyler stop eating the napkins they'll think something is going on." "Fine but they are so good and delicous." "We have have to go now before we loose time." "When are going to find the person who wants me?" 'I don't know Scarlet but we have to go." After we left I heard something in my head, "We are behind you daughter of Artemis we can see you but you can't see us." "Were are you! Stop following me and leave me alone!"I said out loud. "Whats wrong Scarlet?"said Annabeth. "They are behind us!" "Who?"said Tyler. "Them!" We turned around and saw these thing I didn't know. "Everyone run!"said Annabeth. I couldn't run after I twisted my leg so Tyler carried me as he ran. "Man Scarlet you are heavy!" "Sorry." "In here!said Annabeth." We went in this alley way and hid there. "Can I let you down Scarlet." "Oh yea sorry Tyler. What were they?" "I don't know but what ever they are they'll try to come back." Then seem thing weird happened. 'What is that?"I said. "Its an Iris message."said Annabeth. "Hello?"I said. "Hey Scarlet its me Isac remember" "Oh hey Isac." "So how is your quest?" 'Its going great but we just out runed these things I don't know." "Oh well I hope your fine now. Oh and Annabeth,Percy said he misses you." "Really, he misses me." "Yea we all miss you guys. Well I have to go now bye Scarlet try not to get your self killed." 'Uh thanks. Bye." Then the Iris message ended. Then Annabeth and Tyler were looking at me. "Why are yous guys looking at me?" 'Oh nothing Scarlet."said Annabeth. "Nothing at all."said Tyler. "Tell me why you guys are looking at me!" "It seem that you like Isac."said Annabeth. "No I don't, I like him as a friend nothing else." "Okay what ever you say Scarlet."said Tyler. 'Stop it! Why do you think that I like Isac?" "Well you were happy to see Isac and he said good bye to you and only you."said Tyler. "That doesn't mean anything." "Okay what ever you say Scarlet." After our conversation we started walking to the park. I was thinking, why did Annabeth and Tyler think I like Isac? He is just a friend I barley met at camp. Then again, I felt like I knew him for years. I didn't know what was I thinking. Did I like Isac or not. I wasn't sure btu for some reason I miss him so much. I gotta stop thinking about this. I'm on a quest and have to find the person who is following me.
over a year ago Smile365 said…
don't know when i'll post?
over a year ago Smile365 said…
sorry been to busy to post.
over a year ago Smile365 said…
sorry for taking a lot to post
over a year ago Smile365 said…
i'm finally back now