The Heroes of Olympus Son Of Neptune

NykM posted on May 15, 2011 at 07:34PM
Grover Underwood
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jason Grace
Piper Mclean
Leo Valdez

Disclaimour: Rick Riodran owns all rights to Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus.

The Heroes of Olympus 9 replies

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over a year ago NykM said…
Percy's POV

i woke being dragged into a jail cell. Not knowing where i was i pretended to act like i was still unconscious. when they put me up against a wall. i woke up and startled the two teenagers. before i could get up both the guy and girl pointed swords at me. they both started to say stuff in Latin. Who are you the girl demanded. i responded i would feel more comfortable answering if swords were not being pointed against my chest. she looked over at the guy nodded. fine she sheathed her sword. now answer she growled. i was about to answer when i realized that i didn't know my name much less my past. a calm male voice spoke inside my head. your name is Percy Jackson my son. i replied to the girl saying that i had no memories and some person spoke in my mind saying that my name is Percy Jackson. the girl took out her sword and tried to slash at me but i was fast and dodged her. STOP lYING she said. i am not i replied in a calm tone. Reyna enough. she looked startled and saluted the figure in darkness. so did the guy. the figure came out of the shadows as a woman and said he speaks the truth. yes lady Lupa. Percy please come with me. i got up and felt something in my pocket. a pen. great i thought, now i can cuddle with a pen to sleep. i walked out and Lupa told me to uncap it. i did with a confused look on my face and did as i was told. i almost jumped when the pen turned into a bronze sword. she looked at me with a sorrowful face and said. Saviour of Olympus, do not correct names of the immortals. i replied saying what. and she disappeared and there was a note on the ground in ancient Greek and surprisingly i understood . it said Percy, go to the arena. i will be waiting there for you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NykM said…
Percy's POV

i was nervous walking into the arena. I didn't know what to expect. all i know is that something bad is going to happen. i was on my way to the arena. when i got to the gates everything looked strangely familiar. i had a memorie of opening a gate and some huge black animal came out of no where and attacking me. i massaged my temples to soothe the pain before i opened the gates and walked in. It was a long and dark hallway. i walked through slowly and i saw a door half open and there was light. i walked in and lights were everywhere. lots of people filling in there seats. i was wondering what was going to happen when out of no where Lupa spoke you have to pass test on reliability and strength. you will fight monsters and then our praetors. the first monster that came out was a hell hound. It lunged at me and i dodged. i looked for my pen but it wasn't there. so the whole time i had to dodge the hell hound. right before the hell hound lunged i stepped forward and grabbed its neck and threw it across the stadium. thank the gods it was only a small one. i looked over and i saw a bunch of weapons stacked next to a gate. and unfortantly that gate was behind the hell hound. i sighed and ran forward. when me and the hell hound were close i jumped on its back and made it to the gate to grab a sword and turn in time to gut the hell hound. you fight well with out a sword and you are a clever fighter. but how do you fair against our praetors?
Praetors of all legions Lupa shouted. make your way to the arena fully armed and magical weapons are allowed. there were to many praetors to name. i was guessing the first few praetors i had to face were son's and daughter's of some minor god. the first many demi-gods were a breeze. once i started to get to the last 8 is when things started to get a little tricky. when i got to legion 8 is when it started to get nuts. i had to fight a son of mars and took him down in less than 25 seconds. i past Apollo and made my way to Legion 1. i had to fight Reyna. daughter of Bellona. i wondered why i had to fight her if her mom was a minor. i shrugged and made my way to face her. everyone started to laugh at me knowing that i'm going to get my but whipped by here. Lupa said fight and our swords clashed. it was about a one minuet solid fight until i had her at sword point. she glared at me and grabbed my sword and threw it somewhere in the stadium. her hands were bleeding and she started to run for her sword. i tripped her and grabbed the sword from her and yelled yield or die. the stadium went quiet. she shook my hand once her hands were cleaned up from the blood. she congratulated me on my win and told me to go to the big house
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NykM said…
Percy's POV

I went on my way to the big house and on the way people were glaring at me. i wonder why they hate me so much. like, what have i ever done to any of them. it makes no sense. i just ignored the glares and kept on walking. when i got to the big house i knocked on the door. Lupa opened it (woman form) and told me to come in. she brought me to the derector room. she told me to sit down and i took a seat on a beanbag. Congradulations percy on your win against all the prators lupa said. thanks i said. i took my chance to ask her about my past. lupa's face hardened and i can tell she did ot want to talk about it but she did. Percy she said half-heartedly. all i am allowed to say is that juno but as you know her hera took you and brought you here. you are also greek so i pray and you better pray no one finds out untill it is time. OK i said thinking of why hera wants me but when i thought if her i got anger in side of me.thank you for your time Percy and go to bed. before i walked out the door lupa called me. i looked at her and she said Percy, you are now a consol to demi-gods. tomorrow you must prove yourself in order to be respected she said. i nodded and said thanks and walked out the door. i headed to the mercury cabin. i was walking in the hallway to go to bed when Gwen turned on the light. she said where were you. i was in the big house with lupa and goodnight. i was about to walk past her when she took out her sword and tried to attack me. i uncaped my pen right away and disarmed her and had her at sword point.she looked at me and said go to bed. i waited for her to walk down the hall and into her room. i walked at the very end of the hall and entered a room. i jumped onto the bed and fell asleep immeadatly. the next day i went to the big house. i met lupa right on scheduale and she walked me to the amphitheater. everyone was in there. Lupa tole me to stay in the front row. i did and gwen sat next to me and appologized for her attacking me and left to sit somewhere else. when everyone was in there seats Lupa said we have a new consol to demi-gods today. she said Percy Jackson and i walked up to the stage. People were giving me a glares of hatred from all angles. i walked to lupa and said thank you. she said he is emperor curently untill jason comes back and there were many boo's. she dissmissed us all and when i walked out people started to confront me with hands on there swords. i walked away and went ot the river. i sensed many people behind me and dove into the river and waited for them to pass. they eventually did and i got out of the river and walked to the big house. people started to try to attack me and i sprinted to the big house. Lupa informed that all of the demi-gods will be in the camfire site soon and suggested i go to prove my self. she told me that there is a little forge behind the campfire and in there is a long piece of gold in the flames. it's magical and on first touch it tattoo's you andtells you who is your godly parent.i went to the camfire and and snook around to get the gold. i walked out and yelled Demi-gods. everyone started to boo me. i command you to be quiet and listen. Someone yelled Why should we listen to you. your a no body. o really i i grinned. i showed the crowd the metal and pressed it against my arm. everyone gasped looking at me that i am not even in pain. i willed the creek to make a water prison and everyone screamed as how only there neck is above water. i yelled this is the wrath you will face if you do not obey and i let a huge wave crash on everyone. Lupa said hail Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune, God of the sea
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NykM said…
will be posting on Friday everyone
remember to please comment!!
over a year ago bstras said…
Cool... Can you check out my stories (I got four) 2 completed, and two working on. Here are the links:




over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I like it it's just that can u put some para thesis or mark, paragraph to show the words,kinda confusing
over a year ago NykM said…
yea sorry about that. i do everything on my iPod but i will go on my computer to write more.
@bstras: i will check you links later on
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Awesome it was really good :)
over a year ago NykM said…
very sorry guys, i have been busy all weekend and i promise 2 chapters by 2morrow