The Heroes of Olympus Mi verison por Son of Neptune

precious211 posted on May 16, 2011 at 01:21AM
Hi everyone, i'm precious211, and i am an obsessive percy jackson fan, who reads fanfics to come herself down, but all the writers are taking too long to post, no offence guys, but seriously it takes way toooooooo long,so i decided to write my own fanfics, since i have a ton of ideas for my own fanfiction.
Disclaimer:i definetly dont own any of the pjo or hoo series, those all belong to rr. who i hope will hurry up for the son of neptune
Another disclaimer: there is probably going to be tons of spam in this fanfic, since i like to talk alot.
Oh, and can we get some things straight, I AM A PERCY JACKSON LOVER AND A JASON HATER, so in my fanfictions some situations will be biased,like i'll make percy look like the hero he is, and jason look like the Jackass he is. I'll try not to do that, but no promises, you have been warned.

I finally figured out who the characters are
and a bunch of others i will be adding on as i get ideas for this fanfiction, like i said, i don't know where mine is going.
last edited on May 25, 2011 at 10:59PM

The Heroes of Olympus 50 replies

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over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
This event happens minutes after lady hera was freed from her cage by Leo and piper. Then Poyrphion the giant king escapes.
Chapter 1. Nobody's pov in particular
As he escape from that scene, all thoughts ran through his head, particularly of him being defeated by three worthless demigods. He was so sure that he was undefeatable, unstoppable, that not even Zeus himself could beat him, then he suddenly got beatened by three underage demigods? Not exceptable, not exceptable at all. He shook those thoughts away, first thing first, he told himself, "I have to talk with mother Gea. She'll know what to do, and hopefully find away to beat those mediocore brats." Immersed in his thoughts, he didn't realize that he had arrived in his destination, until he found the ground shaking, and trumbling, and in the midist of it all, was a lady dressed in all brown, her face greatly terrible and scary, but made even more scarier by the fact that her eyes were closed.
"You have failed me, my son, the dirt lady mused.
"Yes, mistress I know, and I am deeply sorry," he practically stuttured."I have deeply disgraced you", then he kneeled down by the dirt lady. Hoping against hope, that she would forgive him for his incompetence,and give him a second chance.
He was granted his wish fortunetly,she suddenly smirked and said,"rise my son, yes, your performance was unforgivable, but I will let it slide, since you are not the only part of my plans, to topple the olympians, once and for all".
He blinked at her confused, "I peg your pardon, my lady, but what do you mean"?
Then she laughed an insane manic laugh. "Did you really think that you were the only one that was part of my plan. Why I have a backup plan, just incase something like this would happen".
"You do"? He asked her quizzically, his eyebrows shot up.
Her laugh again, her laugh that sent shivers through his thirty foot long spine. "Of course I have, infact it is taking into affect right about NOW!" Then the whole world started shaking, Poryphion himself felt that he was going to collapse, it went like this for a few more minutes, until everywhere was still and silent again, back to normal. Except for the thirty feet giant standing facing him and Gea now.
"Hello, again mother, hello brother". He smiled, showing his dirty yellow teeth, filled with blood, and debris from remaining meals.
"Welcome my son, you will join me and Poryhion, to destroy the gods once and for all," Gea commanded.
"Of course mistress", he then bowed causing the sea to shake.
Gea smiled, a smile that was creepier than her laugh. "Now, with both of you combined, we will surely not fail. Even with that sea brat in our way Perseus Jackson.I stopped and stared at her blankly.
"Perseus Jackson, you say, Poryphion asked, the demigod who defeated your son Kronos?The one who is the savior of Olympus". He swallowed hard, thinking how hard it would be to defeat him.
"Yes, that demigod, she said distatefully.But don't worry, even with him in our way, we will surely prevail.Especially since he has no memories now. I give my thanks to Hera for that, she raised her hand to Hera in mock salute.Without his memories Jackson is no threat,and besides,I have a little surprise welcome present for him, one that will make him think twice about facing us in the future."The whole world started to shake again,then suddenly an earthquake happened,then as quick as a flash, it seceded, and everywhere was the same again, except there was a twenty feet crack on the ground now, and coming out of it, very slowly and loudly, came a monster that Porphion never thought would see again, since the ancient days.
Gea said,"Go, and fullfill your mission".The creature nodded, then dissappeared, ready to do his evil mission.Then all three of them laughed, a laughed that combined would surely shake Olympus herself, then Gea waved her hand, and they vanished from where ever they were.

Side note: This is my first time writing a fanfic on fanpop, i hope you like it, i will keep posting more if i get five responces by wednesday. also i will probably post every single day,since my life is on the computer. Oh, and one more thing, spamming is required, since there is a hundred percent chance I will end up spamming alot.
oh and i will post half a chapter tommmorow morning if i get at least one reply, oh and the next pov will be percy's sorry about starting like this, but i wanted mine to be different from everyone elese's own.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Oh my gosh!!!!!!! U have a fanfic!!! I sooo will read this!!! I luv it! Luv it!! This is all the words u sai on newbees fanfic!!! Don't be like mine might be weird because I started it different! That makes u unique!!!' are you Spanish??? Also spam!!! Im a spammer so ill so me spam a lot!!!!!!
Also can u read my fanfic that I haven't started that long ago and that I havent writing all the chapters yet?
Here's the link: I hope u allow this kinda spam
I hope u like it I don't even spam on it wen I allow it!!!
Luv ur fanfic
Keep writing
over a year ago precious211 said…
Sorry it took so long to reply, believe it or not when I said i would post it in the morning, my mom band me from using my laptop in the morning, ironic huh?Any way, believe it or not I am all black. I use spanish words because i have a spanish exam coming up in June 4 and i have to start practicing for it, plus i already read your fanfic, and i am pretty sure i commented on it, and if i didn't sorry I will do it right now.
As I said before I will post half a chapter if at least one person post by today, so that's what I will do, hopefully since I only have fifteen minutes before my bus comes, but i will try.
Chapter 2. His pov
Men,that was insane he thought, himself still half asleep.
Wait a minute what was insane, he thought to himself. He finally woke up his brain, but now that he did, he was sort of angry that he did. Thoughts started racing through his head, what just happened, what am i talking about, and a bigger question was who am i? He tried to recall the events that led to this, any leads to how this happened to him, but all that came was a sense of dread and foreboding that washed through his body.Okay come down he told himself, don't panic, even though his entire body was starting to panic. First thing first, let me figure out what my name is, he thought to himself, was it Paker, Piper, Poodle? He shook his head, he was definetly sure that wasn't his name, especially Piper, since he had a definite sense that he was a guy. He did know however, that his name definetly started with a P, he could feel that much, so to figure out what his name was, he'll go through all the P names he could think of. He knew it was a dumb idea, but he was pretty sure he remembered the alpahbet,and he had a feeling this wasn't the dumbest thing he had done. So he thought of all the P names that he could think of, and all of them felt wrong, until he got to the name Perseus. Perseus?He shook his head, that Could not be his name, it was too dorky, too lame, only a nerd would bear that name, maybe he was a nerd.Again, it didnt feel right, he could feel he wasnt smart enough to be a nerd, but the name Perseus, it felt right, so Perseus, he decided was his name.Except he wouldn't be called perseus, but would give himself a new nickname percy, yeah he knew that was still a dorky name, but heh, it was waaaaay better than being called Perseus.
I have to go now, i'll finish the chapter at school, if i have any time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
awesome and thanks for commenting on my fanfic, guess what! im in study hall again!!!! actually drama study hall!!!! and Persues dorky? i agree but thats good!!! love the first part!!! and also i don't take the bus, my mom well drives me, and i don't even have a laptop so i borrowed my dads Ipad, i cant believe he has an ipad, i only use my ipod, more spam!!!!!!! common people comment!!!!! this is sooooooooooooo good!!!!! also not starting with Percy but third person!! nice! keep going love it!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
I think that it is totally bogus that I got sixty views, but only one person commemented, not that I am upset about it, since green-art-ac-pj you were the one that commented. Anyway I am a spam person, and to answer your question i already said that i am a black girl living in Illionis.And unfortunetly I posted the other half at school through the library computers, but unfortunetly i forgot to actually post it, since I had to go to lunch, so I am posting it now.
Continutation of his pov
Now that one thing was settled, he just have to figure out all the other answers to the other hundred and so questions that were popping in his head, but before he could process those questions into considerable answeres, he heard voices.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"An anxious voice said, it was stern, yet soft at the same time, like she actually cared about him
"Of course he'll be alright," a male voice said, "he's percy, men".Ahah?So he was right, percy was his name, although he sort of wished he guessed wrong, because again his name sounded lame.
Percy tried to stay still, who knew, who these people actually were, better to make them believe he was still asleep, infact they could be enimies in a terroist camp,he knew that was a far fetched idea, but heh it was possible, he didn't remember anything after all.
"I don't think he's actually you know asleep, I mean just because i through a coconut on his head, dosen't mean he'll be in a coma for that long".Wait, did she just say COCUNUT?What the hell is happening he thought to himself, then out of nowhere he felt a sharp pain in his left thigh.He couldn't suppress yelling at that moment so he screamed,"Oh WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!", he then took long deep breaths and calmed himself down, but he was still glaring at the girl who just did that.She had curly brown hair, with a stern face like that read,if you mess with me your dead, except for the fact of how her eyes looked. They were strikinly blue, and if he didn't know better, sparked with electrictity, but they still looked friendly and humerous, like she could actually have fun. He was taken out of his thoughts AGAIN when blue eyes suddenly grinned.
"I told you guys,he was faking", then she turned her gaze to the oppostite direction, in which he followed her gaze, and his mouth dropped open. Standing there was the most beautiful girl Percy had ever seen,( but of course he couldn't judge that because again memory lost).She had beautiful wavy blond hair that reached past her shoulders, with streaks of red going in between, she had an amazing tanned figure, and her face,WOW!Was all he could say, I mean she had stunning cheekbones, and her eyes they were a beautiful cozy brown, all in all this girl was hot. Then his eyes drifted toward the guy that was standing a few feet away from her,was a guy that was about four feet high, he had a wheel chair, and he had a curly goatee, that basically covered his entire face, except for his eyes, which were a forest green type color.They both burst out laughing, for reasons percy didn't know why.
"Men, Alexis, you were totally right,our friend Percy was just teasing us, again", dude with the funny goatee asked.
This is all i can post because my sister wants to go on my laptop so i'll post more tommorow morning, and hopefully at school, oh andi wish more people would post because then i feel that my fanfic sucks, oh and those of you who are wondering where the location is, it will be revealed when i finish this chapter, which will hopefully be tommorow morning, then we will get to the plot.Keep cool guys, and don't do soccer make you phat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Ha ha ha nice actualy thats wat happened to my fanfic first because no one wants to read it an I practically spam on there so don't be offensive against them some of them don't even have accounts that was me for many months and now I have a fanfic on here and I jus posted the next cahppter and no one posts or comments it is unfair right but I guess we have to deal with it
Heh so ur from Illinois?
I live in la California born in la an still do live there.
I'm not black but I'm Chinese don't start saying stuff like ching chong because those are not even words an I'd ripe off peoples throats if theydo! A phrase of words on how I'm so annoyed I annoy them back

Sooooo post soon it's really good!!
Every fricken person out there, that reads this at least comment, your making her feel bad and making me feel like I'm a loser! So fricken get ur butts on ur seats and post comments
If no account then make one!!
At least do something!
I shouldn't be the only one cuz this is a really good fanfic!! Ill go to u readers and smack ur butt if u don't comment!! Not really but do something!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
Men, I need more time to post,but let's cut to the chase, this will be i hope end of chapter one, but no promises since i only have about thirty, maybe forty minutes before 7:15,but le'ts continue
Percy stared at them blankly,"who the heck are you guys", except he said it a little politer, just in case. He expected them to take it seriously, but they just laughed
"Really Percy, really out of all the best knocked out by a cocunut joke, you chose to use this joke instead, that is sad,the girl with electric blue eyes who he guessed was Alexis,said.
"Yeah men, you loosing your touch, did that cocunut damage your brain or something?"Wierdo with the ugly goatee said.
"Oh please, to be able to damage your brain,you have to actually have one," pretty blonde said. He couldn't tell if she was teasing him or not, because of the tone of her voice.Before he could ask her if she was being serious, all three of them burst out laughing.
Now percy was getting frustarated, they didn't believe him, they thought he was making some stupid joke, but he wasn't.
"You guys, whoever you are, I seriously don't know who I am, who you are, anything except my name", his voice sounded whiny and panicky, but he didn't care that much right now.They finally stopped laughing, and looked at him seriously.
"Guys,I don't think he's joking, look he's not grinning", the girl named Alexis observed.
"Yeah,i think your right,Alexis", wierdo with the funny goatee stated.
"Okay,i'll explain it to percy then,"wierdo with the funny goatee stated.He then started rolling his wheel chair toward where percy was standing, and stopped right in front of him.He then proceeded to take out a little book of such, it looked like one of those year book thingys, kids get every year.he started flipping the pages, as if he was searching for something,Percy guessed that he found it.
"There we are men, best buds for ten months now",wierdo dude said.
"Oh, i should have introduced myself,hi am Dakota, your best bud,pretty girl over there is Ivy, and well brown hair over their is Alexis".
sorry guys again, i have to go my bus will come in about two minutes and i have to hurry, i'll post more at school if i can.

over a year ago precious211 said…
Guys i am reading my fanfic on the school computers shush don't tell anyone, and i realized i had messed up on my fanfic, adn i can't access my account right now, so'll i fix it when i get home, which will be about four or five ish maybe six?
over a year ago precious211 said…
Men this computer is bogus, but i shouldnt have expected anything since am using air proxy to get on fanpop.Fingers crosses that this might actually get posted, and not mess up like above.
Contiution of his pov
he then raised the purple book and percy was surprised that their was a photo of a green eyed guy, with unruly black hair, and gray streaks running through the sides. He had a rebellious pale face that immedietly pegged him out as a trouble maker,and it was grinning,adn had it's arms around Alexis and Ivy, with wierdo dude with the goatee(he rather call him that, instead of his real name)in front of them all. With a start, he realized that this guy was him. He felt it was pretty wierd, since he had a feeling that he had never met these people before in his entire life.Yet, they were claiming that they actualy knew him, and were his friends.
"And you are percy jackson", wierdo with goatee said, driving him out of his thoughts.
"YOU are percy jakcons, the kng of pranks, the mother of all jokers, and the most hard headed guy I have ever met," he finished out of breath.
"All of us go to the Lincoln Military school, a school that parents send their kids to if 1, they have trouble with the police,( I heard some muttering from one of the girls, but i decided to ignore it) or two your parents just don't want to put up with you,(again, heard some muttering, and agian decided to ignore it). Any way they teach you valuable life skills like chopping down tres,the way he said it obviously showed that he was disgusted about it, (he was guessing wierdo dude was one of those anoying save the earth dudes), how to strangle a bear (heavier distates), and how to run laps on dry turrains just like this one." That's when Percy finally noticed his surroundings, now you would think that he would have noticed it sooner, but apparently that wasn't so. Now that he actually noticed it, he was hit with a feeling of intense heat, and immedietly started sweating.

sorry guys another short chapter but you see it's time to leave school, so i'll finish it when i get home.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Awesome!!!! I cant check during schools cuz of testing and i guess ur school comp doesn't work cuz look at how many times u posted the same thing 4 times.
wow!! but luv it!!! well its 4 44 for me!! hope u post soon!!! i luv it! ur should post a chapter each day not a part of a chapter cuz its kinda confusing when u read like 17 fanfics a day thats me other then doing homework... good thought, isn't that other dude a satyr? and also why is he around like 3 girls
he must be one sort of flirt.
Guys comment i am a loser i guess but soo many people read but one person commenting and thats me!!! Im mad at u people!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
1 shout out to mrs. mchmachon i hope you have your baby
2, happy late birthday to liane, i'll get your headphones soon
3, weep weep, one of the guys from cali swag district got shot, am crying right now, whose gonna teach the world how to dougie?Why couln't have taylor swift, or j.k rowling die, the world isn't fair.
4, i couldnt post yesterday because as soon as i got home i crashed, and by the time i actually woke up it was eight.
5. guys to be honest i don't know where i am going with this story, just like other stories i have written. i don't make a plan i jut write it at the spot, it's more spontaneous and in my opinion forces you to put your personality and style of writing into your story.
6. i am one of those people that only read romance book, and feel that a book isn't complete with out a little romance good or bad(don't believe me check my profile, most of my books are love is a wonderful thing, love changes everthing, princess diaries, ect. so i have to put a little romance in my fanfic to make me feel that it is complete, but i am a PERCABETH fan all the way, so nothing will disrupt theri relationship.
7. when am finally done with this chapter we will travel to camp half blood, am going to try to avoid doing jason and piper pov, because i don't like them. if this was my story, i would make Jason and piper die, that to me would be a great accomplishment.
8. i wasted all my time typing this so now i don't have time to actually write more of this chapter.
over a year ago precious211 said…
Now i am soo pissed off, i just finished typing the end of this chapter, and my bitch of a little sister, thougth it would be a good idea to play with my laptop, and erase everything i just did, so now i have to start all over again!I was so pissed i slammed her head on the door.i am stil mad!
Anyway i'll try to do the best i can
Continuation of his pov
Through swelting eyes i finally noticed the landscape of well, where ever we were. It was one of those beachy landscapes, filled with coconut trees(he understood where Alexis could have gotten the cocunut she apparently threw at his head, and knocked him out) and the ground was basically all sand,and the sky was a clear blue, with barely any breeze blowing,and to the south there was a huge beach, and about a few miles away from that, a huge forest. In all it looked like what people imagined what Hawaii would be like. There was only one exception, the big old brown building, that looked like it was tearing apart, that towered over all of the other landscapes.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you were we are,"Dakota said.
"Believe it or not we are in the alsome state of california",he said.When he said California, Percy, was immedietly filled with a sense of unsaftiness,and uneassiness, like it was a really bad idea for him to be here.The worst part was that he didn't know why he felt that way, so he tried to shrug that feeling off, and not worry about it, until later. That's when Percy suddenly realized something wasn't right.
"Wait, forgive me if i am wrong, but aren't we supposed to be in school?" They nodded, and shrugged, Percy waited for them to answer his question, finally, one of them answered.
"Men, dude, you really did loose your memories, you would never ask us why we are skipping school,"Ivy exclaimed.
"Yes, this is all very interesting guys,"Alexis said,but what are we going to do to fix Percy's memories.
"We'll figure something out, Dakota answered, but first, we have to answer why we are not at school, to percy".
"You see Percy, school and us just don't mix.Everyone of us, except me of course, has Dislexyia,and are diagnosed with Adhd.So put those two things together, and it makes it very hard for us to learn, and actually do good in school, even if we try our hardest. So we don't try, we just skip school for a few periods, if we don't feel like attending."
"Not that the teachers actually mind,"Ivy exclaimed.
"Infact they are actually really relieved when we are not in class, they consider us trouble makers, especially you Percy, and rejoice whenever they see we are not attending class.To make sure that they won't get in trouble with you know the school boards and stuff, they pretend that we are in class, and give us a C-, whenever we are not in class.So at the end of a trimester, are grades don't suck, tha much."She said.
"It's a win win,"Dakota said.
"Okay guess now that we have explained all that to Percy, we are now faced with a bigger situation in our hands,Alexis said.
"How are we going to get Percy's memories back?"She said.
"I don't know",both Dakota and Ivy frowned. They all sat down on the soft sand to think, coming up with absoultely no idea, five minutes later. They didn't give up however,and sat their for a few hours, until the sunset, and they heard a very loud bell that rang from the school
"Come on guys, let's go in,"dakota started rolling his wheel chair toward the big, brown, brick building.
"I thought you said that you guys skipped school?"Percy asked skeptically
"We do,"Dakota replied, "but school is over, it's time for us to enter into our dorms and take a nap. it may be okay to skip class, but it isn't okay to be out here after curfew, they send the hounds to hunt for any kids that are out here after7:00.
Percy shuddered, what kind of nut case school was this?Not wanting to get hunted by hounds, he started walking toward the school, totally oblivious to what he was doing, until Dakota suddenly cried."Dude, watch were your going to step". Percy suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, expecting to see some dog poo, or a posinous spider that was ready to bite him.But all he saw was a small ugly plant.
"Dude why did you tell me to stop, Percy whispered softly to Dakota.
"Because you were going to step on this plant,"he called back.Then he rolled his wheel chair toward where percy was standing, and pointed at the plant.
"You were going to step on this plant", he exclaimed.
Percy rolled his eyes, and said," you stopped me, because i was going to step on a stupid plant?" Anger filled Dakota's eyes,"this is not just a stupid plant for your information, he practiaclly screamed, this is part of nature and you should treat it with respect cause-
"Dude, shut up with your stupid nature obsession!" Alexis exclaimed. The girls had finally catched up to them.
'Yeah, if you love nature so much why don't you just marry it," yelled Ivy. Percy could have sworn that he heard dakota mutter, "but am too young to marry her yet",but he was pretty sure, or just hoping that he was just hearing things.

They started walking again, occasionally teasing him about his nature obsession, when they finally reached thier destination.(A skinny tunnel that led into the school's dorm,that teachers never noticed, because it was always covered up with grass. kids always used this tunnel to sneak out at night, since it had a direct passage from the outside of the courtyard, to the dorms, and it was really easy to reach the dorms, since the dorms were only located in the first floor.)they were about to go inside the tunnel, when they heard an enormous sound.
"Hounds?"Percy whispered panicked. Ivy, Alexis, and Dakota shook thier heads. "They don't sound like that," they told him.
"What could it be then?"He asked, his voice barely audible now. They all shrugged, Percy could clearly see that each one of them was clearly as panic as he felt, though they were trying not to show it.
They stayed queit, hoping that what ever thing that was (a lion, a bear?) would just go away. No such luck, infact by the sound of it, it was even closer.but only when it was only a few hundred meters away, did they see what they were actually facing, and let's just say,it scared Percy a whole lot. Now you would think that because it was night, they wouldn't be able to see it, but apparently it wasn't so. This thing, whatever it was, illuminated it's own light, making it even scarier, than it was already. This thing was about fifteen feet tall, purple and slimy, with the head, body, and tail of a fish, and smelled like uk, fish too, but it defiently wasn't a fish, seeing as how it had about fifty or more hands on it's chest. Percy defiently knew this wasn't a fish however, when it suddenly opened it's mouth, and said, in a deep raspy voice that made his back's hairs stand up.
"my mistress sent me here, to get rid of thee demigods?" Demigods? What was this monster thing talking about? The word seemed familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Now wasn't the time to think of this, he decided, seeing as how it looked like he was about to get killed by some sea monster thing. He had to figure out a way to beat this thing, before it beat him and his friends. He was about to ask what they should do, when he heard something coming from dakota's mouth.
"Oh, no not again"Dakota groaned. Then he proceeded to do somehting that percy thought was impossible, he stood up from his wheel chair, that wasn't the amazing part though. The amazing part was that he took off his pants, to reveal not feet, but fur, his lower part looked like a goat. To further confuse things,he then picked up a small thing from his wheel chair, picked it up, flicked it, and it suddenly grew to a three feet long bat, made of some kind of gold,(Percy had a feeling it wasn't supposed to be gold, but bronze, again he didn't know why.) He then yelled, bring it on fish head, and did some kind of stance, that percy felt was done all wrong, again didn't know why.
Suddenly Percy's world turned upside down, and he started to feel really dizzy, something dawned on him, something he didn't remember until now.
"Your a satyr," percy realized. He saw the confused look on Dakota's face, and heard the words, "am a faun dude,"before he passed out.
Okay guess, am going to stop there, men i actually made it, next chapter will be on Nico's pov in camp half blood. Also i have to ask two questions.
1. is that how California like? Because i have lived in the north of America for all of my life, from New York to Illionis, and i have never been to california. Also is any one else's weather wierd, that you still have to use a winter jacket?
2. How do you say satyr out loud, cause i have always said it as stayr, and that is apparently wrong?please comment, i would like to know. oh one more thing, i will not post until saturday if i don't get more than one comment from somebody other than grean ac.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Okay that's awesome!!! Can't wait for next post! I hav a Sis too! But wat else? She's two and she's a twit, I hate her, and also I hav hw now so ciao!
Keep posting
over a year ago precious211 said…
i just finished editing now, so you could actually go back and read more, i just posted it without finishing it then, to make sure my sister dosen't make me have to start all over again, agian.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
ohhhh your sooo mean!!! joking i jus really want u to post again.
also California. I live in Southern California and its HOT!!! For some reason it was raining for two days straight but it ended i guess weird weather. And California is not that cold. But sometimes it is cold and windy. I went to Monterey in the beginning of April and it was kinda cold. and windy. so not winter jacket but just a jacket. so thats what it is in California. Sometimes its even SCREAMIN HOT!!!!! 113 deggrees before. thats how hot the fricken with waz. so thats your weather news reporter today by Andrea Chau
jk jk jk
seriously i hate science soooooo much thats pretty much why i began my story that way basing it on my life then twisting it back to origin.
keep righting
common kelp heads or readers u beta get your stink in hands on those keyboards and saying at least a few comments. common!!! EVERYONE!!! seriously
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
satyr is Say---- ter but i say it as Satcher
over a year ago precious211 said…
i am seriously so pisst. Does my story suck that much that people just don't want to reply, all accept green art ac who is just posting because she is nice? Is there a way to delete a forum, because i want to delete mine. Iam a huge failure.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Plz don't! Prob some peeps hav no account!! I was like that and also how bout u post a chapter not bits of chapters, thats how u get people to comment, and also try to put more action. If I didn't hav an account I'd want one to comment, and probably advertise on the front. But give ten points to precious. Also try to comment more on other people's fanfic, other than new bees and mine.
I'm in science right now, shhhhhh!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
Hi I LOVE your story
I'll give you some props
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Therenu go precious t
And thank u amazing Percy cuz I reallynluv her story
over a year ago precious211 said…
Sorry i haven't been posting guys, i was really lazy about posting. Plus i was behind on every single class,especially science,and math, also it was my dad's birthday one day ago. Question:Does anyone know how to solve a slope word using the equation y=mx+b, i would really appreciate it, if someone did.
oh, one more thing. Guys i am just winging this story, i honestly don't know where i am going with this. I mean i know they will get to the roman camp,and how they will get claimed,(am going to use newbee's idea for that one)and they will probably get a quest, but that's all i basically don't be angry if it isn't good, am making this up off the top of my head.not much happens in this chapter and it will be pretty short,but i will edit it on saturday cause i don't have time today, i have five projects due soon, and you know homework comes first. Wow! I never thought i would say that in my life, i'm usually a procrasanator for every class except reason,you know, i HAVE to do every single homework assighnement in that class, in order not to do the end of the year reading exam that covers everthing from day one. Wow men am i a spammer.
C chapter three:Nico's pov
He couldn't believe this was happening, he just couldn't believ it. His closets person to a friend,aside from Thalia, Annabeth, and Grover, was gone. Why do all the people he care about, end up leaving him, first it was Bianca, now Percy. He knew he and Percy had thier differenes, meaning he used to hate Percy, and blame it on him his sister died, but now they were really good friends,or at least that's what he thought, he didn't know how Percy felt though, since he was obviously not him.
Ever since he found out what had happened to Percy he felt a hollow pain of sadness and grief, he had never experienced this feeling except when he first found out that his sister,Bianca had died. Wow. If he only felt that much, he could just imagine how
Annabeth felt. Percy was her boyfriend, and her best friend, they had gone through so many quest together,and known each other for five years at the least. If anyone should grief about the situration concerning Percy, it should be her.(Am trying not to say what happened, because i don't want ot ruin the lost hero for anybody)As he thought this, he got himself ready for the exciting process he called Shadow travel, it was a waste of time to keep looking for percy, since he knew that he would probably not find him.That's why he would be going to the place that he felt was almost friendly and homy, camp halfblood, it especially felt more homy, after they added a cabin for hade's children, and seeing as how he was the only one so far, he got the entire cabin to himself.
Destination set, and him relax, he started shadow traveling. He was immedietly hit with the effect that his face was peeling off, and saw creepy shadows fo those lurking in the darknesss, with the fact that he was in total darkness, this was his kind of sport. As he was reaching the end of his destination, he sensed another presence close to him. This was nearly impossible, since he was pretty sure he was the only one in here, and the presence couldn't have been from the shadows, they don't hve presence. He pulled his stygian iron blade out, and looked carefully around him, hoping that he would spot the presence. it was impossible to however, seeing as how it was pitch black, but it gave him a comforting feeling. He looked around for a few more minutes, searching for anything, but the presence suddenly vanashed. He breathed a sigh of relief, it probably was just something un important like a squirrel or something. He put away his stygian iron sword, and started preparing for in his mind, the most exciting part of shadow travel, the time of the arrival, when suddenly thier was a bright light that feeled, whereever he was at. this was seemling impossible seeing as how,when shadow traveling you don't see any lights whatsover, but thier i was a huge brigt light.
B before he could react, or even process this, something huge and heavy hit him in the head, and he pased out.
Yeah guys i know this chapter sucks, i hate it too, it was so boring an dvague, ha tyou cna't get an image, but as i said i am relly lazy right now an dwanna post somehting, i'll probably edit it on saturday if all goes well.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
Thanks whoever you are!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
my name is right there
over a year ago precious211 said…
Fine if you want me to write it then fine PersesJr.See i wanted hat name, but apparently i couldn't because it was already taken you know?See, am already spamming for no reason.Anyways thanks.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
lol u welcom and u can call me perse
over a year ago precious211 said…
Fine i'll call you percy, but didn't you say that in newbee's forum too? Or was it another person?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
You know what guys i think am going to post another chapter it's like 11:09 here and i should be doing my homework, since i have a lot, but am to lazy so i am going to post another chpater if that is okay.
chapter 4. Nico's pov
When Nico suddenly regain consciousness, the first thing he noticed was that he was no longer shadow traveling. Instead he was in a, wait, where excatly was he? The place was basically, he didn't know how to describe it. It was basically blank, white, empty?He didn't know, there was one thing he did know though, it looked like what people imagined nowhere to look like. If there was even a such place as nowhere?
He couldn't tell if this was real, seeing as how it felt like he was ther, but at the same time not there. To figure out where the heck he was, he started wondering around this place, much to his surprise he found that he could walk in this place, not onl walked but jump, skip, until if that made any sense," could you do things like that if you don't have a specific location?"
"Never mind,"he told himself.Then he kept on wondering, trying to see if there was any clue to where he was.
He had searched everywhere of this place, ntio he got cut in a dead end.Was it even a dead end he wondered? He meant this place was nowhere, so how could there be a dead end, if the place wasn't anywhere?He shook his pale head,'i'll figure this out later", he told himself. Then he stared at the white(or blank)wall standing in his way, it looked like all the rest of the white he saw in this place, the only thing that was different was that this white was impenertrable, he couldn't get passed through it if he tried.Frustrated he sat on the ground(at least he thought it was the ground)begging himself to come up with a way to get out of this place. He thought of nothing. He sighed, so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't notice yet that there was a huge,massive,bronze door, that was appearing in front of him, out of thing air.
When he finally did notice however he jumped up so hard, he banged in head on white, if that made any sense. But that didn't stop him from opening the door, and stepping through it. He knew that this was not safe, you watch enough halloween movies to know that if you see a door that appeared out of thin ear, something bad layed beyond it.But he was drawn to this door, and felt a sudden urge to open it and find what was inside.To him this door felt safe,warm,happy,what he imagined how a family house would feel like.He opened the door very slowly and calmly(even though that was the opposite of his emotions), and it appeared that he was inside a living room.Though calling it a living room was an total understatement, this living room was huge,about the size of a palace ball, and it was decorated with luxurious things that not even the rich themselves could afford, like gold,silver,emerald,diamonds,rubies,basica­lly anything that was expensive and scarce.
Sitting in one of the cotton couches in that living room, was none other than the queen of the heavens herself,Hera.Now he didn't like Hera, considering the fact that she was kind of the one that almost got him sold to kronose's army a couple of years back,and he didn't exactly forgive her for that.(It wasn't his fault though, since children of Hades fatal flaw, was holding grudges,and though he was getting better at coping with it,he couldn't completely forgive someone yet.)So you can imagine how he felt when he saw her sitting on one of those extremelly comfy and expensive couches, reading a parenting magazine.He was going to turn around and walk out of this room,through that door, when he suddenly realized it wasn't there anymore.
"Yes,yes,I will send you back,to where ever you were going", said Hera in disgust,not even bothering to look up from her magazine.
"But first I need to talk to you about more important issues that we need to discuss first", then Hera waved her hand, and one of those couches she was sitting on, appeared from nowhere,and next thing you know,Nico found himself sitting on it.He had a huge desire to fall asleep on those couches,if only for a few minutes,but shook his head and turned his attention toward Hera,who seemed to be watching him very carefully.When she thought she had his full attention,she went on.
"As you know, the giantes are now rising once more, as they did thousands of years ago."He only blincked at her,no he didn't know, he hadn't been to camp halfblood in a while, he was too busy searching for percy.but now that he found out there was a new threat that was rising, he really didn't care.Why should he care?It's not like he was concerned at stopping the new threat, just like he wasn't really included in the great prophecy,concering the titians rising and trying to take control of Olympus.
Hera repressed a smile," aah, but you should care, since you are going to be one of the seven to stop the giants, and gaea herself from rising, again."
He only blincked at her, she must have been mostly totally mistacken, he couldn't be one of the seven, children of hades were never the saviors of Olympus,there wasn't a story he heard, where a child of hades was the hero, but now Hera was telling him, that he was going to be one of the seven heros, that Olympus depended on, to stop the new threat. (He didn't have to hear the new propecy, since he was there when rachel said it, if you don't believe me, reread the last olympian.)
"As i was saying,"Hera continued,driving him out of his thoughts, the new threat are the Giants, and ultimetly Gaea herself.They will be the toughest ones to be, three times worse than the titains themselves. They can only be beaten by a combination of demigods and gods working together, but unfortunetly Zeus(she said his name with disgust) has decided to shut Olympus down, as a way to lure the giants and gaea back to sleep.
"As if that will ever work, Hera muttured to herself, that plan will ultimetly fell. After she said that Nico thought he heard thunder cackle in the distance if that was possible.
He then realized something,"If olymus is shut, then how can you be here, without Zeus noticing?"She just shrugged the question off, as if it wasn't important, and didn't announicate on it.
"As i was saying (i)before i was rudely interrupted, Zeus has shut Olympus, so now its closed, as hopes to lure Gaea and the giants back to sleep.But the chances are it's not going to work, so we need to gather the seven greatest demigods from this century, convince Zeus to open up Olympus and let the gods help the demigods to win this war."Okay, it all made sense,and he couldn't believe this, but he actually agreed with Hera.That was definetly a first. Though something confused him,why was Hera telling him this directly.It wasn't the gods style to tell you something,especially something this big directly,it was more like, I know, but i can't tell you unitl you figure this out yourself.he wasn't thinking of voicing this question out loud, but he didn't need to, somehow Hera heard him.
She raised an eyebrow,and said,"that perhaps may be true, but drastic times call for drastic measures",that's when nico found himself zoning out of her conversation.(he blamed his adhd.)
When he finally zoned back in she was saying,"the seven haventh even gathered yet, and Porphion's brother has already risen".He tried to make it seem as if he was paying attention the whole time, but to no luck.
"You weren't even paying attention,Mr.Diangelo", her voice was soft and deadly.
"Yes ss I was s,"he practically stammered.
"Oh save it, your a demigod,"then she muttured something about demigods that couldn't be quite plesent.Nico decided to ignore it.
"Any way the point I was trying to get to you is that we need to start taking actions now, there is no time to waste, i mean look, I have already been captured, and the giant king has already risen".
He only blinked at her.What the heck was she talking about?
This time she raised two eyebrows, so it looked like a line,
"You don't know do you?Fine.i'll tell you then."She then went into an explanation on what happened while Nico was looking for percy(she left out the part about a roman camp, and the three new saviors of olympus.).
Again he could only blink at her.All this happened while he was looking for percy?Men, he sure missed alot of the action.
"Now, I will send you to camp halfblood,"she said, driving Nico out of his thoughts again.
"You will meet the three other demigods Jason,Piper,Leo", she finished.
He was about to ask who in the world they were, when she waved her hand, and gave him that smile, that smile that told you they know something,you don't, they're not going to tell you.(Nico hated that smile.)
before he could ask her any more question she said,"Zeus is sensing something",then she waved her hand, and Nico felt like he was being sucked into a giant hurricane, next thing he knew he was gone.
Sorry guys gotta go, i'll post this chapter if that is okay, i'l edit it tommorow, so don't read it please!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thank u for taking my advice about chapters and yah it's nico!!! And u were sayin slope? I hate those problems but I don't have my math notebook with me so I can't help right now sorry
And keep posting, I like it
over a year ago PersesJr said…
good chapter
over a year ago precious211 said…
sorry guys i probably can't post for another few weeks, am band from going online(stupid parents do they think this will make me more outdorsey), it's a risk posting this right now, since they can come home any minute. sorry i'll try my best, maybe at school if i sooooooooooo sad
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
yeah guys i edidted nico pov chapter four so it is now longer, don't get me wrong though, it isn't finished, i'll finished it either today or tommrow then we are going to Ivy's pov next.Stupid parents score one for me zelch for them.
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
Guys i just finished chapter four of Nico's pov!Yeah!my band was over thanks to me1 i will be starting chapter five soon!
over a year ago precious211 said…
Question guys can i add annabeth to my fanfic when it comes to the quest, just wanted to ask you guys, cause i thought that would be pretty cool and orginal.You know?please comment on this.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
sure I love your story though
over a year ago precious211 said…
sorry guys it is taking so long.Am having a few debates with myself on whati i should do for Ivy's pov in chapter five.I can't bring myself to choose one of the ideas i have.Hopefully i'll figure it out soon enough and post soon.this will be my least favorite chater.
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Don't seriously don't, I'm gonna make u not, cuz if u don't I wont
over a year ago precious211 said…
Chapter 5 Ivy's pov
Wow!What a day, she couldn't believe all that happened today.She should have known an extrodinary things would happen today, from the minute one of her best friends woke up with no memories of who he was,and more importantly who she,dakota,and ivy are. To be honest with herself, she was sort of glad that percy lost his memory.she felt relaxed, and happy now, since if he lost his memory he wouldn't remember anything that happened last night, the day before his memory was lost, in a way, it was sort of luck for her
The sun was almost setting down, with just a few more minutes of daylight to go, before it was officially night.Ivy knew, that if she didn't get this done soon, she would surely get caught by the hounds, and if the hounds found her, she'll either be dead or suspened.Niether was quite a pleasent thought for her, so she was very anxious to get this done quickly.
It was starting to get cold, she really wished now she hadn't worn anything other than a tank top, but right now, the cold was the least of her worries.As she scan the school's campus, looking for any sign of life, one thought came to her."Where is he?"She knew she had told him to be here by eight thirty sharp, and she thought she had made it crystal clear not an hour later, or at least she thought that, since he was nodding his head up and down obediently, as if he understood her completely.
Immeresed in her thoughts she didn't notice the rustle in the bushes, or the tiny tap tap, that was being made by someone who was planning to sneak up on her, behind her back.
Immersed in her thoughts, she didn't feel an unhuman presence that was two inches away from her body, or smell the stinch of foul breath that was being breathed, by something.
She didn't notice when the creature slowly and quietly placed it's fury paw on her back,spreading some of it's wieght onto her body so she wouldn't feel any extra weight on her body.
She didn't hear it when the creature made a small deep growl, that even though it was small, shook the entire school's forest, making some of the birds fly away out of panic.
She especially didn't notice when the creature opened it's ugly mouth, revealing it's disgusting yellow,fangs spread out layer on top of layer in it's mouth.Or when it bared it's fangs, pointing straight at the back of her body.

She didn't notice when the creature suddenly pounced on her, ready to attack.
This is the end of chapter five i know it's really shortt and wierd, but i was watching beverly hills chuwah with my sisters(who btw forced me to watch it with them)and i got an idea.Next chapter will be chapter six,Nico's will be posted as soon as i figure out what happens next,because again i don't know where this story is going.sorry it took so long!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bookruler133 said…
IIIIIII LLLOooooovvvvvvvveeeee it!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
uh wen are u postin, u have time 2 post tiny comments but not a chappie??? also wat about yor cumpyooter ban???
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
it was over early cause i made a deal with my parents, i could try hard in math, if i can go online.and yes i have time to post comments,because writing chapters is a heck lot longer,and more challenging.and if you don't get it, like i said, i have no clue where this one is going,the only reason i post is becuase something inspires me, like a tv show, or a song like that new one by beyonce. hope that clears things up.
and dude why u hating on my chubabkah?if you want people who post often, then make your own fanfic then, and you can post as much as you want!and i will be sure to read it, saying 'post post post"!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
I know i said i will continue with Ivy's pov, but i sorta lost interest you know with writing hers yet.I am going to do Nico's own, since i want to take us back to the most wonderful place in the world.Camp Halfblood!
Chapter 6?Nico's pov
As Nico finally gained his conscioussness,and not to mention lunch again,he realized that Hera had transported him, to a whole different place, though he didn't mind at all, for she had transported him to one of the few places that felt like home to him.The one and only Camp halfblood.
It got even better, she not only had transported him to camp halblood, she had transported him, to his favorite cabin, his cabin.The place looked the same as he had left it a few months ago, empty, hollow, just the waly he liked it.He glanced around, and notice a few things, like the fact taht his bed was now tidy and neat, he guessed the cleaning harpies had decided to arrange his cabin, when he was gone.He wasn't complaining though,and was very grateful he didn't have to do it himself.
He was just about to take a long, well deserved nap, when he heard voices.
"No Leo, it dosen't go there, it goes there", a female voice shouted.Nico knew that voice, that i know it all, commanding voice, could only belong to one person, Annabeth.
'Yes it does,"a male voice shouted back.Nico didn't recognize this voice at all, he was pretty sure he had never heard this person.Well, if he never met this guy before, there was no time like the present to make sure that this guy was scared of him.
Nico peeked out of one of his cabin' windows, and his suspicions were right.He saw Annabeth walking back toward the big house, with a lation boy, he was guessing, seeing as how they're back was turned to him.
perfect!Nico thought to himself.This was going to be very easy, not to mention fun, to prank them.
Nico prepared himself to shadow travel to the spot they were on, this was very dangerous, seeing as how he had already shadow traveled once today, and he was already tired, but they're couldn't be a big risk, he wasn't going anywhere far at all, just a few meters or kilometers.He was sure he could handle it.
again he felt that thrilling sensation he always got when he shadow traveled, that feeling he enjoyed so much, one of the few things that actually made him happy, or excited.
He was so busy severing the moment,he hadn't noticed that he had reached his destination.Unitil he had heard Annabeth scream,"Nico", ran up to him, and hugged him so fiercly,that he could hardly breath at all.
"Annabeth, he croaked,your choking me", she blushed and let him go, allowing him to be able to breath again.
"Sorry about that nico", she aplogized, looking actually sorry.
"It's okay, he ashured her, no harm no foul,", he answered back.
While he was allowing air to flow into his lungs again, he peeked a glance at Annabeth, and let's just say that she looked horrible.
Her pretty blonde hair that was usually in a pony tail,looked more like a rat's nest, sticking out all over the place.Her tan skin, looked sort of pail and peachy, but that's wasn't the worst though.
Her usually gray eyes, were red and puffy, as if she was just crying, and she had bangs under them too.
Nico wandered when was the last time she had slept, or even took a break, judging from her appearence however, he had a feeling that it wasn't very recent.
"Um, no need to be rude, but who the heck are you?"asked the guy who Nico had heard talking to Annabeth.He took the guy in, he had gotton his description of this kid pretty accurate, the boy was latino, you could just tell by his curly black hair,but this kid also ahd elfish features, making you think immedietly that you didn't want to give this kid any sharp objects to play with.
Nico would have guessed that this kid was a child of Hermes.
"Oh, i didn't introduce you guys", interrupted annabeth.
"Leo, this is Nico, son of hades,"she gestered her hand toward Nico, indicating she was talking about him.
"And Nico, this is Leo,Leo Valdez, son of Hepehestus", now she gestered toward the kid named Leo, indicating she was talking about him.
Nico was thorougly surprised."this kid was a child of Hephestus?"He never would have guessed that in a million years.
Seeing the look on Nico's face, Annabeth grinned.
"Thought he was a child of Hermes too, huh?"She asked.
N Nico nodded his head.
"That's what most of us thought, but seriously when you see him in the forges, you can never mistake him for a child of Hermes."She said.
"Sorry to interrupt this converstion, the kid named Leo said abruptly, but can you tell us how you just appeared out of nowhere, and I have never seen you at camp?"
Nico looked at Annabeth."You want to explain it?"He asked.
She nodded her head, then she turned her head toward Leo.
"Nico "appeared"here because he is a child of hades. Children of hades have the ablility to shadow travel, which is basically a process where you can travel through the shadows to get to a certain place or destination you want to be in. And to answer your w question of why you haven't seen him in camp before, is that he was one of the people that was searching for percy.Speaking of which wy are you back?I mean it's great your back, we were about to send out a few searchers to go and search for you, and tell you to come back to camp, but why are you back so early?"She turned her attention toward me again, looking at me quizzically, here eyebrows raised up, and her eyes looking at me in a "i am waiting for you to answer", sort of way.
I took a deep breath, and explained to them, why i was back early.Starting from the fact that i already knew that it was point les to keep searching for Percy, ending to the fact that Hera had sent me here.
"Her last words for me, were, you will be meeting the demigods,Jason,Piper,and Leo very soon, but that's basically all i know"I concluded.
W When I was done, Annabeth and the guy named Leo glanced at each other simultaniously.
"Well, it's pretty obvious that you are one of the seven for the great propechy, and when she ment that you will meet Leo,Jason,Piper, that's pretty obvious too."
I felt a sense of dread,I had a feeling i knew where she was getting at, one of my least favorite things about being a demigod.
"Quest?"I asked softly.Praying to the gods silently that i was wrong, but of course i had gotten it correctly.
"Quest." Annabeth replied sadly, nodding her head in agreement.
"So you mean, we have another one of those comming up?"Leo groaned.
Nico stared at Leo blankly,"what the hades was he talking about?"
"I guessed I should explain,said Annabeth.Nico this as you know is Leo.He and his friends,Jason,and Piper, are one of the three for the great prophecy, they are the ones that Hera must have been talking about."
Leo smiled riley.
"welcome to the club bud", he said.
"Activities.Trying to save the world from the horrible giants that even the gods had trouble defeating, and ultimetly gaea, mother earth her self".He continued.
Nico suddenly didn't feel tha good about coming back to camp halfblood.
Okay guys done with this chapter. I would have posted more, but my arm is starting to hurt, and i will probably get a cramp.I will post more asap.It will either be Annabeth,Ivy,Percy,or Nico's pov, depends.Oh and i am really sorry this sucks so much, i just had to get this one out of the way, i promise that my chapters will get better, as soon as i finish the basic plots.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
It's good
over a year ago precious211 said…
sorry i haven't posted in a long time, but i was kinda emberressed at how suckish my fanfic was when i read it to my self.i'll post really soon, i will, as soon as i get to typing it.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Wacha say? I thought I heard something, di u saysomethin bout ur fanfic, u mumbled it up, watcha say?
over a year ago precious211 said…
to those who actually still read this here is my new fanfic if u want to read it.
over a year ago swiftwater said…
what happens to Nico
over a year ago venus143 said…
how can u not continue with this fanfic it's awspme whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yyy­yy this is how sad i am since your not making this story anymore