The Heroes of Olympus After the REAL son of neptune but still ac's version!!!!!!

green-art-ac-pj posted on May 27, 2011 at 02:23AM
Ok, you see if I still continue writing about random boring facts, it's not worth it. Soooo...

I'm gonna try and make this good. You guys give me ideas, facts, monsters, heroes.
You give the facts I write!! So you got it? Hope soo. You help too you know? If I can't finish in time I ask a person I choose to write a chapter.
Hope you DO help on this fanfic

If u like this fanfic plz fan my club

Other fanfics by me
Facebook of the Camps and Gods

The Heroes of Olympus, The Son of Neptune, ac's version

Warning!! High vocabulary used!! Just ask if u don't understand!!

And hope u enjoy!! I'll switch with the people and I try to make it the way u guys want okay?? Sure!! Right?

Rating? Pff!! Don't know!!
Me-Im writing this so this is mine!!
Mr. Ricky-that's unfair!! I started this series and u took two chapters from me an the characters!!!
Me-now thats unfair.
Mr. Ricky-y'all gotta know that this story ain't hers!! Me say is mine!!
Me-that's worse!!! Awe!! I wrote it!!
Mr.Ricky-not all Missy!! So this story ain't hers!! Me say mine!!
Me-.....I give up!! Oh and nice accent Mr. Ricky!!

So only this ain't mine...'cept certain charracter thats not mentioned before!!! Like Cariantha!! Oh sorry!!! Good luck!'! And help me out!!

Like the story? Hate the story? Comment on the story!!

Lima beans! Pizza! Porteguese Chicken! Boston Market!

last edited on Jul 28, 2011 at 01:32AM

The Heroes of Olympus 101 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 101

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Also before you read our second chapter which would take a bit time

Read this
The real real son of Neptune
The chapter 1

If not read already

over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
hey this is a pretty neat idea!!!!!!!!!can help you write? oh and i am not ditching my fanfic.yet. i will post soon,when i decide what i should can i help you until then?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
can I help too. It's a good idea
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
awesome :) i honestly cant wait AC! :)im excited.....
and btw, when is RR gna give the sneak peek #2? is he gna right one or not? hmmm.
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
oh yea btw, I just watched 'The Eagle' movie thing? And Marcus and Esca were looking for Marcus' dad's staff (we're talking about Romans 'kay?) my point is,
What if that was like, Percy's quest? I mean, In the cover of the 2nd book, Percy was holding a staff with an eagle on top. And if he was in the Roman camp, they'd give quests involving Rome and it's people, right? Yea well, it's just a thought. That's all =)
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Interesting I'm sooo sorry I haven't started but I will immediately school ends and that would be on Wednesday.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay after being SUCH!! A lazy poke, I will finally give you my chapter 2 and it be given later today which I woul say not at 1 in the morning like right now, so finally FINALLY!!! After getting off of school, thinking and getting it with, almost all of my forums are now gonna be piped up!!! Finally!! In ages I will finally get it with!! So I will present you with the so called Son of Neptune after chapter 2 a revised hopefully version
Acs version


Not right now...
Sorry as said it is one in the morning!! Sorry for laggin for like more than ten days!!! Sorry
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
ahhhhhh man
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay, I Now willpost the chapter 2 and you know chapter 3 right? I'll give it to you but here is chapter 2

Chapter 2 on the real SoN

Percy opened his eyes and lifted his head and saw himself on the side of the tunnel. He wondered how he survived such a drop. He stood up and hi hands were shaking. To be more specific, his whole body was shaking. He looked at the ground and he looked at himself. The Curse of Achilles has saved him from a 80 ft drop. A freakin' 80 foot drop! 

He then looked up and regretted it immediately he did, for there glaring evilly was Miss Beano and her ugly sister. 
"You can't escape us, now!" said Stheno 
"Nice try demigod, but do you still want some messed up Crispy Cheese 'n Weiners?" she repeated.
"Good bye suckers," Percy said.
He then ran into the tunnel hearing the medusa look-a-like cursing at her sister and yelling," I told you to be quiet and let me do the job."
Percy looked at them, one more and chuckled before running back into the tunnel.
He ran seeing cars flicker their lights, warning him. He ran and ran until he realized that the little brats had caught up and they flew with their wings of doom to him. 

Percy ran harder and grabbed his pen from his pocket not willing to pull the cap in case he himself in the face. Yes, he knew he was freaking invincible but he didn't want to try his chances. He looked at the cars, looking for a chance to break in, but they were going about 60 miles per hour. 

While he was looking he didn't realize that the little rascals had caught up. Euryale caught his neck and pushed him against the wall of the tunnel. 
"oh so you thought we couldn't catch up? Nice try." Euryale said smiling evilly.  
"you can't hurt me," Percy just said for he knew his backpack protected his back but there was no metal in his backpack. 
"Oh, yes I can, just need to find that little spot that kills you." she said holding tighter and digging her nails into his neck, but knew it wouldn't hurt him, just be able to touch his bone.
" eat my left over Crispy Cheese 'N Weiner dogs." Beano suggested.
"your not helping Stheno." Euryale said glaring at her sister.
"You! demigod, will get our revenge on why you killed our sister." 
She then grabbed a Cheese 'N Weiner from her sister and shoved it into his mouth. Percy than climbed his mouth before she could but her hands pushed I in.

Percy immediately spat it out right at Eurayle's hideous face and jammed his sword into his stomach and then hit Beano in the face with the butt of the sword, leaving her sprawled on the ground. Immediately she fell, Percy hit her shoulder leaving the dust. He hit Euryale again.

Immediately after, he capped his sword and ran for his life shouting back,"See you later!!"

Percy ran and ran harder ebb though he was not named for running, for before he was even slower than a tree. Ridiculous right? 

Percy continued running even though he knew that the gorgons  were gaining speed. He just ran harder. He pulled his sword out and grabbed sunscreen from his bag. He slashed behind him, even though the drivers gave him weird looks. He uncapped the sunscreen and sprayed some on his sword. He stopped running and, waited for them to catch up and then he slashed madly when they arrived and he slashed the snakes on their heads and sprayed the sunscreen hoping it would burn them.

They cried immediately the sunscreen hit them, and Percy sprayed again and again and when they fell on the floor, he slashed at them as thy disintegrated and he ran harder and harder once again, until he was out of the tunnel. 

Percy kept running after they began reforming. He had run all the way to the edge of the city, by a little orchard. He saw a little apartment nearby and he widened his eyes when he saw them their, he was shocked. He ran harder, until he reached a hazy area and saw a little rapid fall. And he walked through it. 

And then he saw what he was looking for and he has finally found.
End of chapter 2
Like it? Hate it? Comment on it. Give me ideas on it.

No not on chapter 3 cuz I didn't right chapter 3
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Cool I like it
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
It is really good so far. I say you should keep going.
over a year ago precious211 said…
this is freakin awesome!!!!!!!!! luv ittttttttttt keep going
p. s cn i write too, pointless to ask since today is my last day bt eh?
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Thanks!! Oh gosh!!! I only poste it an hour ago, and now!!! Yes!! Thank u everyone, I will pu the chapter 3 not mine on, it also on links and also I feel sooo sorry for u precious!! I'm goin o mjsss u!!! And guys u could help me fo chapter 4 thanks soo much guys, gratitude to u!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Chapter 3 not mine

Part of him wanted to head west to the ocean; that's where he'd be safest. That's where his power would be greatest. But those Roman guards at the door made him uneasy. Something inside him said, "This isn't my territory. This is dangerous."

"You're right, of course," said a voice next to him. He jumped. At first he thought, Stheno had managed to sneak up on him again. But the old lady sitting in the bushes was even more repulsive then a gorgon. She looked like a hippie that was dumped on the side of the road 40 years ago where she had been collecting trash and rags ever since. She wore a dress made of tie-dyed cloth, ripped up quilts and plastic grocery bags. Her frizzy mop of hair was gray-brown like root beer foam, tied back with a peace sign headband. Worts and moles covered her face. When she smiled, she showed exactly 3 teeth. "It isn't a maintenance tunnel," she confided. "It's the entrance to camp!" A jolt went up Percy's spine. Camp.. yes! That's where he was from! Maybe this was his home. Maybe Annabeth was right. Maybe she was close by. But something felt.. wrong. The gorgons were still on the roof of the apartment building. Then Stheno shrieked with delight and pointed in Percy's direction. The old hippie lady raised her eyebrows. "Not much time child. You need to make your choice." "Who are you?" Percy asked, although he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The last thing he needed was another harmless mortal who turned out to be a monster.

. "Oh, you can call me June." The old lady's eyes sparkled like she had made an excellent joke. "It is June, isn't it? They named the month after me."
"Uh, okay. Look, I should go. Two gorgons are coming and I don't want them to hurt you." June clasped her hands over her heart. "Oh, how sweet. But that is part of your choice." Percy glanced nervously at the hill. The gorgons had taken off their green vests. Wings sprouted from their backs, small bat wings that glistened like brass. Since when did they have wings? Maybe they were ornamental, maybe they were too small to get a gorgon into the air. Then the two sisters leaped off the apartment building and soared toward him. Great, just great. "Yes," June said, as if she was in no hurry. "You can leave me here at the mercy of the gorgons and escape to the ocean. You can make it there safely, I guarantee you. The gorgons will be quite happy to attack me and let you go. In the sea, no monsters will bother you. You'll be safe at the bottom of the sea. You can begin a new life, live to a ripe old age, and escape a great deal of pain and suffering that is in your future." Percy was pretty sure he wasn't going to like the second option. "Or?"

"Or you can do a good dead for an old lady. Carry me to camp with you." "....Carry you?" Percy hoped she was kidding. Then June hitched up her skirts, showing him her swollen purple feet. "I can't get there by myself," she said. "Carry me to camp across the highway, through the tunnel, and across the river." Percy didn't know what river she meant, but it didn't sound easy. June looked pretty heavy. The gorgons were only 50 yards away now, leisurely gliding toward him as they knew the hunt was almost over. "And I should carry you to this camp because?.." "Because it's a kindness!" she said. "And if you don't, the gods will die, the world as we know it will perish, and everyone from your old life will be destroyed. Of course, you don't remember all that so I suppose it doesn't matter. You'll be safe at the bottom of the sea." Percy swallowed. The gorgons shrieked with laughter as they soared in for the kill.

"If I go to camp, will I get my memory back?" "Eventually," June said. "But be warned, you'll sacrifice much, you'll lose the mark of Achilles, and you'll feel pain, misery, and loss beyond anything you've ever known. But you might have a chance to save your old friends and reclaim your old life." The gorgons were circling right overhead, probably studying the old woman, wondering who the new player may be before they struck. "What about the guards at the door?" Percy asked. June smiled. "Oh, they'll let you in, dear. You can trust those two. So, what do you say? Will you help a defenseless, old woman?" Percy doubted June was defenseless. At worst this was a trap. At best this was some kind of test. Percy hated tests! Since he lost his memory, his whole life was one big fill in the blank. He was blank from blank, he felt like blank, and if the monsters caught up with him, he'd be blank. Then he thought about Annabeth: the only part of his old life he was sure about. He had to find her.

"I'll carry you." Percy scooped up the old woman. She was lighter than he expected. Percy tried to ignore her sour breath and her calloused hands that gripped his neck. He made it across the first lane of traffic. The driver honked, another yelled something that was lost in the wind. Most just swerved and looked annoyed, as if they had to deal with a lot of bratty kids carrying old hippy women across the freeway.
End of the chapter 3 not mine
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
oh it's not urs i thought it was cause i wz abt to say i read this before, bt heh it's still awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
over a year ago precious211 said…
sorry forgot to do u too!
E EPICALLY epic(only thing i could think of sorry, bt it's true)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cn only do this to a few people
bt i also wnt to do this to
party pony

magic word
unoriginal name
wise girl
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Awweee!!! Precious ur sooooo sweet!!! Thank u and for u Ill do yours, u r sooo nice, yes it's not mine, hm does it look familiar. Whersx I see it? Haha!! U no. Thank u guys and I willtry on both Sons of Neptune thank u
over a year ago precious211 said…
okay seeing as how my plan work(when i sy stupid parents, i really do mean stupid parents)i can officially say tht i am a fan, bt i'll probably be behind, seeing as i only have sixty minutes online per week,but who cares?it's awsome i wanna type if i can!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Go precious!!! Haha!! Stupid freaking parents. Haha I'm gonna see If I could start chapter 4 but I have do my other SoN an do the Facebook of the Gods and Camps, hm!! When are they coming back, Apon and Robo!!! Help me!! Plz!! Anyway guys give me ideas and tada it will be thank and to u precious
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay guys I will try to post tomoroow or thursday, thank u
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
the chap3 was from Rick Riordon i belive,read it at some conference or somthing.chapter2 was good i can't wait it to be tomorrow.(please let it be tomorrow).
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
itss almost ready, but i will not be able to post quite yet and my ipod is not getting any wifi, u suck ipod
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
really stupid ipod
can't wait till u post
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Yup and my iPod turn On!! All info is on there!!
over a year ago afailname said…
big smile
So far its really good!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay, guys, I promise, that I will post tomorrow, I will, and give me ideas for the next chappie, aft I post
over a year ago cro0010 said…
big smile
I really like it! You are a good writer! Keep it up!
over a year ago precious211 said…
i'll try i guess?
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Soo here isthe chappie!!! Surprising surprising!! Sorry it's going slow right now, a lot to do with three fanfics and summer skl
Sooo here Ans pls comment

Chapter 4 

Percy continued carrying June across the road as more and more cars honked at him. He hobbled along as the Medusas' flew after him. Under the weight of June, he was able to grab his pen from his pocket for any ready attack. While he was doing this, he lost his footage and almost fell but caught himself leaving behind a shoe, that a car ran over after. 
Once he crossed the road, without being attacked by Stheno and Euryale, he set June  down and grabbed his pen which slipped back into his pocket, an uncapped it. Anaklusmos readied in his hands as he lunged at the monsters and they scratched at him, but none made their mark. Immediately they were defeated he ran and picked up June, who was smiling at him happily, before they could reform. 

He ran to the two guards, as they looked at him weirdly. Once they saw June in his hands, they opened up the gates immediately.  Percy looked at June, to see if she had done anything to make them respond as quickly. 
Once Percy walked into the fort, he was aquainted by a petite girl, about 4''9, in armor who glared at him. 
"Oh...put me down." June said
"uh...sure," Percy responded putting her down carefully on the grass he stood on.
"Thank you, Perseus. You have done good to a stranger. Thank you." Percy recalled that he never told June his name.
"Who are you?!" the petite girl that was still glaring at him asked defiantly. Percy forgot that he was still there. 
"um...I'm Perseus Jackson. I am looking for Lupa" He answered
Some children in army walked by and glared at him also. What's up with the glaring! He then looked around and realized that everywhere he looked. There were people fighting all around. He continued to look around, and...
The petite girl cleared her throat. "Did you hear what I said?" she asked still glaring.
Percy turned his attention to her and said,"um...yeah." 
She glared daggers at him with her gray eyes and asked her question again. 
"I said, what are you doing here. How did you get in?!" she said gritting her teeth. Her purple shirt billowed as a stealthy wind blew in. 
-/it is okay, Child, I have been waiting for him.
A wolf said who came out from behind Percy. Percy and the brown haired girl bowed.
"Who are you?" the petite girl asked June, who was smiling at all the children. June turned when she realized she was being referred to.
She smiled also at the girl who was still glaring and said," Dear, I am June, but I am referred to as a different name. I am positive, that you know who I am."
The petite girl widened her eyes and bowed down immediately. I looked at June, but instead of June, stood a woman with an aura of a goddess. Percy thought hard and then connected, the goddess was in her Roman form. June, month named after her. Then he realized and began to fall to the ground just like Lupa and the petite girl did. 
"oh, I'm am so sorry Lady Juno. We do not get many visits from gods, it is rare."
-/Yes, it is a surprise to see you here, Lady Juno, we did not expect you. 
Lupa said as she was on she was standing up now to about as tall as the petite girl.  Percy stood up and had a closer look at Juno. She had gold ringlets along her arms, And there also was a gold crown among her black hair, with a goat-skinned cape running down her back. 
"Lupa, I have come to see Perseus, I tested him, and also, he succeeded. I also came to warn you for a new war. I think, Percy here may know. I must go now, Jupiter feels my presence here.  Goodbye"
Juno then left in a blur of gold. Percy then turned to Lupa and the petite girl and just looked at them.
"well...Lupa, he was looking for you, and I have no idea, who you are other than that you're Perseus Jackson." she emphasized on his first name. Percy growled at her and asked," So, petite girl, what's your name?" 
The girl looked at him shocked and growled back, and she spat at him, grabbed a dagger at her side and lunged at him.
Percy grabbed his pen and uncapped it, then dodged at the last minute before she almost cut him in half. He dodged another as she lashed at him. She fought well, strong for a shorty. She lashed at him constinly with force strong enough to make a mark on a whole entire diamond. (Weird conparesen?) 
"you will never ever, call me petite. Or else next time you will have a bigger mark on your side." she then looked at her side and saw nothing but skin. 
"how! Impossible! That strike could almost kill a person!"
-/Dakota calm down, I have been waiting for this boy,
"How! Ive never even seen this boy in my life!" Dakota gritted her teeth saying.
-/Put down your weapons, and yes I have been waiting for him.
-/Yes, Perseus Jackson, I have been awaiting you

End of chapter 4

Pls give me ideas for the next chappie, I need them, like um...wat the petite girl is, jokes!! An mug more!!! Mug!! Much sorry,

Like it! Hate it? Comment on it! Oh an spam on it!! Spammy spammy n
No one spams on any my fanfics!!

Only I could live forever!!
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
big smile
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
loved it post soon!!!!!
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
post post post post post post post post post post post
post post post post......................................­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­.an­d..­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­..P­OST UM BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thx soo much!! Next chappie is dedicated to Huntress100 and antonia, precious, jasonsuckseggs

I will seen wen I could post, before my other one thoug, and this is not going to be Percy Pov
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Glad u posted I love it
plz postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpo­stp­ost­pos­tpo­stp­ost­pos­tpo­st soon
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
not going to be in Percy pov cool!!!
over a year ago afailname said…
big smile
If I was him I would say: Thats not crepy at all...('cuz she all like: Yeah I've been waiting for you..(and stuff)
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Haha thx guys!! I will try to post later on or tomorow its almost done and finishing summer school hw and piank!! Oh stupid piano!! So I'll try!! It's gonna be kinda short though!! Thxs everyone I seriously can't tell u how u inspire me, but guys pike I said in the very begingkn can u give me the information u want me to use? Cuz ur also helping me!! Thx next time
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
please post soon.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
This is so good and I don't have any ideas sorry.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
amazing chappie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i <3 it
over a year ago precious211 said…
this got nothink to do with ur fanfic and am sorry(UR AN AMAZING WRITER BY THE WAY, WELL AWESOME MORE LIKE IT!!)
but isn't true that the song s&m by rihanna stands for sex and money?
and wasn't like band in seven different contries
darn it i'll probably be the first one going back to school, in august.

plese somebody answer my question i don't feel like going on bing or google to find out
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I think soo, spam all u want precious!! And also I am almost finished so I'll post in bout an hour or even less. Just need to no wat is the name of the river running in the middle of central cali
over a year ago precious211 said…
kay find out for u, thx btw, hah i wz right and cnt wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago partypony said…
I think your fanfic is going great!
I have no idea what river you're talking about (geography isn't my best field).
I like Dakota's attitude towards Percy. What a great personality...

Spam? You want spam?
-Don't let Magix Coconuts near your bunnies. It will stalk them.
-Beware of haggis.
-Bananas are awesome
-Monkey are even more awesome
-I am number 4
-^do you believe that "the truth is out there?"
-I want a pet snake
-Weirdos are the sane ones in the world of insanity
-Bon appetite!
-last but not least... Drunk horses are bad news.

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thx I hate geography, thank u precious, and party pony, u make me laugh soo hard!!! Pie

over a year ago afailname said…
Party pony that was funny XD
I love pie..^
over a year ago precious211 said…
u wnt something fine
i'll lock u in a cage with my mother and feed u a piece of meet
u stupid animal
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay soo guys!! Here before u lie the remains oh sorry te beginning s of chapter 5
It took forever!! And guess he the narrator is!! Oh ull see!! Plz comment and enjoy it's finished!!

Chapter 5
Grover Underwood

Grover searched profoundly for the lost hero, his best friend. He looked around the woods in New Mexico. He knew when he was in New York, the friend of his for years was not there. He was closer. This search reminded him of the trip to save Artemis and Annabeth. They traveled through this exact same forest with Thalia, Zoë Nightshade, Bianca, and Percy. He missed a lot of his friends. Bianca and Zoë had passed on. Thalia had become a hunter and Percy, and Percy was missing. The trio had all been missing an all have looked for each other. Grover in Percy's second year was lost in the Sea of Monsters. Annabeth was lost on Mt Othrys, and Percy was lost...lost in a place they couldnt find him. 

He was a lord of the wild. He couldn't take it. His beat friend was lost. But something was missing. He just disappeared while they hadn't. He was just gone in the night. The patrol didn't even see him at all. Even Chiron and Mr. D didn't see him. Mr. D had caught him running away even when it was one of the trickiest of runaways.  Grover was lost when he just went into a wrong area on the search of Pan. Annabeth had been lost when she stayed on the back of a monster. 

Grover sat on a log in the middle of the woods. He felt sadness creep up on him. His sadness over come with grief. He ha to find him. Its been over two months, yet no one found him. He wanted to go back but then will lose his scent. Vertigo made Grover feel like he was dieing but Grover held on. He knew this was where Pan used to reside and where he was found. Grover walked on and on feeling the nature around him. He stopped once in a while to help other nymphs and quell fire. Grover just walked on. He felt that Percy was near the coast and near his father yet. He missed his girlfriend who sat by her tree waiting for his arrival, day by day. 

Grover has searched Mexico, finding a few demigods but not succeeding his real quest. He has searched parts of Canada, looking for his best friend, only to find once again more demigods. He had been told from other satyrs that Gleeson Hedge found three demigods and brought them to camp having a quest once again. Gleeson had resigned looking for more half-bloods to help a movie star with an aura.

Grover still didn't give up and he never will.  He traveled many days and had reached Needles, California. He traveled longer to reach. The Death Valley. He traveled along the treacherous Desert, his throat parched, but he still moved on.
He heard weeping in the desert. This was not seen often and looked or who it was. There laying behind a few cacti and rocks, lay a demigod, weeping for dear sakes. The demigod was about 15 and had brown hair that swept into her grey eyes.
"you okay?" asked Grover
She looked up and scrambled.
"A faun!" she gasped dumbstruck. 
Grover chuckled and helped her to her feet.
"to be more specific, a satyr. But faun will work. Are you okay?"
She groaned, "well, I'm looking for a missing demigod. Jason Grace. He's been missing and no one knows the whereabouts of where he is."
"Jason Grace? I've heard of him. I haven't seen him before but my friends have talked to him." Grover said suspicious
"Are you searching for a lost demigod or Jason Grace? My camp is going distraught on him. I have been looking for two months yet no search on him."
"Camp? What's your camps name? Is it by any cause called Camp Half-Blood?"
"just called Camp, Camp Half-Blood?"
"that's my camps name. Never heard of another camp."
"I have not heard of Camp Half-Blood before, and I doubt that there is another camp."
"are you a child of Athena?" Grover missed confused
"Athena? Greeks have died! The proper name is Minerva."
Grover widened his eyes. Oh no! She's a roman. A roman demigod!! 
"They are still alive but they are  in a different area, as you live elsewhere." Grover added in. 
She gulped, then she took a deep breathe. "I'm Cariantha Johnson. Daughter of Minerva"(Ca-ri-an-tha)
She looked to Grover an Grover realized she was wondering who he was.
"Grover Underwood, satyr or to you faun. Part of the Council of Clovens."
She raised her eyebrow and raised her hand. Grover shook it.
"So you're looking for a boy called Jason Grace?" 
" said you were looking for someone also." Cariantha said
"Yes...but i do know where Jason Grace is and I'm looking for a lost camper. Perseus Jackson. Do you know where he is."
"You know where he is?" she then raised both eyebrows shocked. 
"He's well, he went on a quest. He right now is at the camp building a ship with other campers. I want to know, you didn't kill me immediately I said I was Greek."
"Im new to the Camp, but I begged to be the one to look for him, I was only there for about a month. That's why i was here, stuck here, going back, I can't do it."
"I'm sorry but can answer me, about my friend" Grover urged
"Perseus Jackson right?" Grover nodded.
"I'm sorry but when I was at the camp, no one there was called Perseus Jackson. Don't give up, propably you could come to our camp."
"yes...I'm trying to get there, he could be there by now. Just dont mention anything about Greeks and please don't" 
She bowed and said yes.
"Thank you for your curtisy. I doubt that the camp would refuse you as you are part of the council of Clovens out of millions of fauns. But I wouldn't say anything about Greeks. I swear it on the Styx." she promised.
"thank you...but where is the camp?" Grover mused. 
"Near Oakland, a bit south of Berkeley, and in a area close to the city, yet far. It's also covered strongly with mist. It's close to the Caldecott Tunnel. It's on an area, no humans don't know. In a bay." she directed 
" let's get out of this stinking hot desert. No wound it's called the Death Valley. A lot of dead air." Cariantha laughed then. 

They walked out of the hot weather into the cool weather that settled along the way. The walked along the rivers in central California. They also walked across Kings Canyon National Park.  They only stopped at certain places to grab food with spare money, and for shelter. They stayed in areas only for Short amounts of time to not attract monsters. The got attacked a few times and Grover used his reeds as Cariantha fought with a golden gladius strapped to her side. They went to Pinnacle, central California also grabbing a ride there. The were able to get to the coast, after finding one of the rare taxis in California. They trudged through hard weather and rain. They searched for the destination as it was a long walk from one destination to another. They still walked on. Grover still had a little bit of money and he still had some apples and other snacks in the backpack along with Cariantha's backpack stuffed with goodies! When he says goodies, he means goodies. They were really good. Homemade cookies, reminding himself of Ms. Jacksons blue cookies. They lurked in dark allys. It was surprising how Cariantha gave such esteem to him. 

They were in San Francisco after about two weeks of trundling through the turmoil of California. 
"this has been the longest traveling ever in two weeks across California, wow." Cariantha drop to the floor egsosted. 
"Were almost there, almost." Grover pleaded

They continued walking in San Franscico after almost four months of travel. They finally reached Oakland. They felt empathy after the long travel. The empathy linked didn't work but helped him know he was close. Close to his destination. They closed onto a tunnel nearby and then they found a shoe. A shoe you might ask? What shoe was this? It was on the side if the road. This shoe just sat beat up and with monster dust laying on the bottom of the shoe. It looked ragged as if it was also looking for it's destination. Grover than realized this may be Percy's shoe. He must have lost it. A lot of shoe dropping. He remembered what Annabeth said about Jason loosing his shoe also. He was happy he was there. Cariantha looked at him and they trudged across the road of what Percy jumped across a few weeks before. They watched the traffic pass by and they reached the end of it. They look across the road and smiled. They ha finally gotten there. They turned around.
Grover looked up to find a gate before him. The gate had Latin written across it. He looked to Cariantha and she smiled bak with her stormy eyes filled with hope. 

He looked again and there, right before him, lay the camp he had search for. 

The Roman Camp.

The end of chapter 5

Ahhh!!! That was stressful!!

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Flying monkeys eat raw bananas
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Omg I loveddddddddddd it !!! The chapter was amazing !! I love Grover so loyal walking all that for Percy !! This was an amazing chappie !!:DDDDDD
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chappie.