The Heroes of Olympus Son Of Neptune(=+

iamawesome77 posted on May 31, 2011 at 05:11AM
Percy-son of Poseidon
Jason-son of Jupiter
Sam-daughter of Hermes
Annabeth-daughter of Athena
Reyna-daughter of Ares
Bobby-son of Apollo
Dakota-daughter of Venus
Jack-son of Vulcan
Nico-son of Hades
Gwen-daughter of Minerva

Type:Humor(hope so)adventure,action(of course)and maybe some romance
Disclaimer:I do not own PJO or HoO series

Note:I dont realy care if you think this story sucks. I'm just writing a son of Neptune post or whatever for fun so dont hate

The Heroes of Olympus 82 replies

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over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
I woke up to found myself in the middle of a dark forest with a major headache.The weird thing was I didn't know anything about myself. I tried to stand but the headache blew up like an explosion in my head when I tried to. A growl sounded behind me and I jumped and turned around. A huge rust colored wolf stood behind me. I tried to scramble up and run but it snarled and pounced.
Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I pulled out a pen and had enough time to think,'What am I gonna do, write it to death?'before I uncapped it. A three foot long sword appeared in my hand. The wolf was right on me when I stabbed it and it turned into golden sand. I stood up, gaping at the golden sand flying away on the wind.
I only had enough time to marvel at it before a series of growls sounded behind me. I groaned.Again. I turned round and gaped at the sight before me. Dozens of wolves the size of grizzlies stood in front of me. In the very front stood the biggest of them all. The big mama. The mother ship. It spoke in a voice of man and woman."Kill him."It said, calmly. I only had enough time to rise my sword before the onslaught of wolves charged with howls of approval for my instant death.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
i posted first!
over a year ago percysmile said…
And I posted 3ird
over a year ago percysmile said…
big smile
Wow nice please post some more later oh tomorrow how about tomorrow
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
They army of wolves reached me and I slashed and dodged and rolled and nothing touched me. I went on autopilot:dodge,slash,roll,slash.The army was thinning and I was still fighting. After I cut one last wolf to ribbons I turned around for more to find nothing but the trees and underbrush. The wolves were gone.
I couldn't believe it. I had destroyed an army of wolves the size of grizzlies and come out untouched. The Mother Ship(as I liked to call it)stood where it stood in the beginning. It had not even moved a muscle. I expected it to retreat or at least snarl and take me on itself, but instead it stood in the same position. But finally it did something I didn't expect. It spoke.
"You are far beyond my expectations. You have defeated my army with no wounds. You have passed most of your test.Now, to finish it you must fight me." I nearly passed out then and there. It had spoken before but I thought that was just a weird voice in my head that was against me. On top of that was taking down the army. Taking down an army can really tire a guy out.
But fighting it would end this mess. I said the first thing that came to mind."Sure." It growled and charged. I readied myself. This was the mother, it was bound to be tougher then its babies. It reached me and the first thing it went at was my hand. That was pretty stupid since I could just cut off it head, but it put its paw on th middle of my sword and bit at my hand.I readied myself to be handless but heard a mighty clang instead. I looked down to find my hand uninjured and the wolf looking surprised in a wolfish way.
I took no time to be surprised and used all of my strength to push it off my sword. It leaped back and jumped over my head and to leaped at my back. I spun around and blocked it with my sword. It snapped at my face but I jumped backwards. It leaped again but it was to fast for me to block. I flew back and landed right in the stream I heard earlier. Strength rushed through my limbs and I jumped over its head and pointed my sword at its back.
Something told me not to kill it."Good, but it needs a little more work." The wolf said and lifted its legs like a horse and kicked me backwards. I fell with a thud. I was so tired I just lyed there and let myself sink into the blackness that was forming in my head.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
i posted 5th!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I posted 6
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I love it
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
"Hey, Sam, wait up!"Bobby, son of Apollo called."Lupas back.""I don't care, I'm late for arrow practice or whatever you call it."I said. "But she brought company.This bot who says he has no idea who he is." That caught my attention. A new kid who didn't even know he is. That stuff was interesting to me. You would think me a daughter of Minerva for how smart I was. But I was a daughter of Hermes."Show me."I said. He smiled, having finally got my attention. I followed him to the infirmary only to find Lupa and Reyna standing next to a sleeping boy. He had black hair except for the gray streak, had soft muscles, and wore a ripped up orange T-shirt that had disappearing words that I couldn't make out,and ripped jeans. Lupa and Reyna were deep in conversation before we arrived and turned to look at us.
"What do you want?"Reyna said in her usual sneering voice that hid great sadness. Her boyfriend, some dude named Jason, went missing and she had been like that ever since."Just wanted to see the new kid.If Lupa allows it of course."I said, remembering to ask."Well of course."Lupa said. I started to walk over to the bed but stopped. The boy had groaned. He groaned again and started to sit up, rubbing his head."Where am I?"He said opening his eyes to reveal startlingly green ones."Camp."I said."Camp Half Blood?"He asked. As soon as the words came out of his mouth he clutched his head in pain.
"No, just Camp." Bobby said."Whats your name?" I punched him for forgetting that the kid didn't know anything about himself. "I don't know.I think it starts with a p."The boy said, and started saying names that started with p."Platypus." I joked."No, it doesn't feel right."He said, seriously."Percy."Lupa suggested.The boy surprised me by saying,"Yeah, that feels right."How could Lupa make a wild guess and get it right?"Well then, welcome to Camp Percy." Luoa said. To other people that my have sounded welcoming. To me it sounded mysterious.
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
I love it post more:)p
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I agree post more and for JUNE 1ST!!!!!
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
So far, I had an okay day, then I woke up. It wasn't fun waking up to four people you don't know in the infirmary about to be tortured for your name and little things no doubt. Its really bad when one of those four people is the Mother of all wolves. And when you don't know all of the little things you're tortured for.
Lucky it didn't turn out that way. Some girl with a pointy nose and blonde hair stood next to a shot boy with light brown hair. They both looked about my age, and friendly. The only unfriendly ones in the room was this girl with black hair and puffy red eyes stood next to the Mother wolf.The wolf didn't act as if she wanted to kill me like she did earlier, but the look in her eye told me she wanted to rip me to ribbons. The puffy eyed girl just had a evil aura that said,'Don't touch me or you'll be fingerless.'In a small way. Well, I found out what my name was at least, I thought.Percy. It sounded right. We got up and started walking to the dining area. The blonde girl chattered on to me about architecture and stuff that had to do with buildings. It reminded me of another person with blonde hair that gave me a headache like all of the other memories.
We reached the dining area and we sat down at an empty table. Or at least the short dude and blonde girl.She finally stopped chattering enough for m to say,"Whats your name again?"She looked at me for a second before she realized what I had asked.I had probably brought her out of some sort of stupor."Oh, it's Sam.""Well nice to meet you Sam. Now whats your name?"I asked the short guy."Bobby."He said. I was about to start a conversation when food was brought to our table. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until then. Steak with strawberries and baked potatoes with corn.
I smiled and was about to dig in when I noticed everyone leaving. I didn't want to look like an idiot, so I followed them. They walked to the fire and muttered 'To the Gods'before dumping a portion of their food into the fire. When it came up to me I did the same. But before I left I caught a whiff of cookies and a whole bunch of other sweets that I couldn't even name.
I went back to the table and asked,"So, what do we do around here?""We train to fight monsters and protect ourselves."Sam said."You know the Gods are real, right?"I know what your thinking, I said,'The Gods aren't real are you feeling okay or is this normal behavior for you?'I said,"Sure, of course."I felt Deja vu. I believed the Gods were real."Good, I don't want to give you the lecture. Well, we train with weapons to keep ourselves rady for the real world."She said."So you basically train all day, get five hours of sleep, and eat three times a day with no snacks whatsoever?"I asked. Bobby nodded. I groaned and said,"This is gonna be the worst day ever."We finished our meal and Sam lead me to the battle arena."This is where we do our sword fights. Wanna battle me?"She asked.I said sure and we readied our positions. She offered me a sword but I uncapped my pen."Let's go!"She shouted, and charged. I blocked her first hit and attacked. She dodged and tried to slash at my side. I deflected it and held it. I grabbed my shield on the other side of her sword and twisted to the side.
Snap!Her sword was in two and I held mine to her throat."I win."I said, smiling. She smiled and said,"Not yet."And pushed aside my sword with her shield and threw her stump of a sword at my face. I blocked it with my shield and put my sword to her chest."Now you win."She said, laughing. I laughed, too. Maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
not my best, but hey, I ran out of ideas for that day. I still have more for the next.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
i am gonna post once or twice, maybe three times a day now that june has arrived and school is almost over
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Bobby POV
"Hey, did you hear about the new kid?"a Venus girl said to her sister."I hear he beat Sam with no training, showed up with no memory, and is so cute."She squealed. I hated when Venus kids did that. They get up in someone's life and personal business. It just wanted you to shoot them shock full of arrows.And they start up rumors. Think of it this way, you're walking along humming tunes and then you hear someone say,'Did you hear that the kid with green shirt and shaggy blonde hair lost to the worst swordsman in camp.'And it just so happens that you wear a green shirt everyday and has shaggy blonde hair.It could really freak you out hearing those things.
Percy walked up to me said just after the girl said it,"Do you think people are talking about me?I just heard a girl call me 'Memory Boy'. That is a stupid nickname. I don't have memories. And how would thy know I don't know who I am?""Probably Reyna, but who cares, the tournament is today!I can't wait to kick Gwen's butt."I said, happily. Percy looked confused. Well, of course, no one had told him about tournament day."Its where we battle each other and see who is the best fighter.""Great, how do I join?""You don't, everyone has to compete on tournament day."Okay."I started to walk away when the horn signaled."Tournament."I said, and led P ercy to the arena. A huge paper hung on the wall that told the names of the campers."I am fighting....Alice daughter of Minerva."I said. Better than Jack, son of Vulcan, I thought. Jack was second to best fighter, right behind Jason, the missing camper.
"I'm fighting this dude named Stephen.You?"Percy said, walking up to me with a chest plate in hand."Alice, daughter of Minerva."Stephen is a son of Her-mercury.""What were you gonna say before?""Just Mercury.""No, you were gonna say something else.""I wasn't gonna say somethi-"Percy was cut off by the horn signaling battles.I raced to get a chest plate and put it on. Time to fight Alice. Since all campers were gonna fight in the tournament, people had to fight outside of the arena. I was one of them. I saw Alice at my designated place from the paper."Ready to fight?"She said.She had the usual blonde hair and grey eyes of a Minerva girl.She was calculating my expression when I said'Ready'.
She took out her sword and I followed her example. I charged and slashed. She ducked and slashed at my side. I jumped back and saw a shield across the floor. In the tournament they leave around weapons to keep the fight going as long as possible. I grabbed it and threw it at her undefended chest. She dodged and slashed at my head.I ducked and stabbed at her face. She ducked and slashed at my legs. I finally managed to get a hold of a spear I had been eying for a while and tossed it at her chest. As soon as it left my fingers I charged. She would have to dodge it or it would go through her shoulder. When dodged and came up I slashed her leg. She wobbled and tried to defend herself.
I disarmed her easily and pressed my sword to her neck. A crowd of people that had finished their fights had come to watch and now cheered for my victory. I ran back into the arena feeling sweaty and hot to find Percy fighting with his opponent. Just as I reached him he finished. A new paper was on the wall."I fight....Valerie daughter of Venus.""I fight Reyna daughter of Mars."And sure enough Reyna was across from them sharpening a spear with a head as big as mine.

over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
i keep on using the greek names on accident.
over a year ago precious211 said…
awesome job post more!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I like it, sorry, not critizing but can u put it in like paragraphs and also make the speaker known, not just blabla, ur story's awesome, just hard to read
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I realli like the chapters !! Can't wait till you post more :DDDD
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
I walked into the arena and faced Reyna. Her eyes were fierce and cold. She looked ready to kill someone. I uncapped my sword. But for once I really looked at its detail.I saw words written on it.Riptide.I looked up to see Reyna with wide eyes, but she soon readied her stance again.
"Fight!"A voice from the stands shouted. I charged and swung at her face. She blocked it and swung at my legs.I jumped and swung Riptide down on her head. She rolled away at the last moment and stabbed her spear towards my leg. I rolled away and grabbed a shield.
Kneeling as she charged,I through it at her middle. She could not dodge at the speed of the shield, so she would have to block with her spear. She through her spear towards the ground and held h it straight down. The shield hit her spear so hard it broke in half. I charged and she grabbed both halves of her spear and charged. She swung both at me and I blocked with my sword and disarmed her of the half with the head.
She charged with one half and I and blocked and disarmed her of that half. I pushed her to the ground and put my sword to her throat. I expected some people to cheer like they did for every match, but I heard silence. I looked up to see about 40 people staring. I couldn't help myself."What?"I said stupidly.Someone in the crowd shouted,"Shes the third to best fighter in camp. Only Jack has beat her since Jason disappeared. And you beat her with almost no training at all.We expected you to lose on your fist fight!""Yeah!"another shouted."You even have different fighting skills!"
"You fight like you have been training for years!"All of them started shouting their surprise. I didn't really care. So I just walked to find out who I would fight next.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I think the story is going slow, so i'm gonna post again.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I will post in a hour.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
Instead of checking who I was gonna fight I walked into the forest.It really sucked to know that the only thing you knew about yourself was your name and your sword's name. I stopped at a small creek to think. Even though I knew nothing about myself, I still felt Deja vu at times. Or just said something about my past yet I didn't know what it was.
The ground shaking brought me to my senses. Something big was coming my way and fast. I jumped up and uncapped Riptide. A giant dragon with three heads.One head was a mountain lion,and another was a snake, and the last was a dragon head. The weird thing about it was that it was made of water. Its main source was the water.
I heard footsteps from behind me and a gasp. The dragon roared at the person behind me, but not at me. I turned around and saw Sam. She looked about ready to pass out by the look of pure terror on her face.A voice that sounded like water dripping sounded from the dragon."I am here to protect Percy Jackson savior of Olympus."It said.
"Well you have the wrong guy, I am Percy the know it all who doesn't know who he is."I said, jokingly."No, you are Percy Jackson savior of Olympus."It said and grabbed me."Wait I have to go somewhere else real qui-"I started to say but was pulled into the small creek by the dragon.
over a year ago 3rdCj2ndCJR said…
I like that chappie
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome and can't wait till you post !!:DDDD
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I screamed just as the dragon pulled Percy into the creek. I felt reckless. I pulled out my sword and said to myself,"I really am stupid."And jumped in. I could see Percy being pulled down to the bottom. I was so deep I couldn't see the bottom.
I was surprised that a creek could be that big. It was probably a magic creek. Okay, focus Sam, you can do this. I was already running out of breath. I swam to the surface took a quick breath, and dived again. I saw Percy disappearing into the darkness. I was lucky I had taken off my armor after my match. I had always been good at swimming and Percy was being pulled very slowly.
I was surprised he was still putting up a fight. I reached him and slashed at the hand holding Percy. I felt vibrations in the water that signaled the dragons roar. Percy made hand motions to go and his sword suddenly appeared in hand. Bubbles were coming from his nose and he looked like he could breath. I was nearly out of breath so I didn't argue. I swam to the top and broke the surface, gasping for breath.
The water was so clear under there I could see Percy clearly. I coughed and spluttered and ran to camp like I should have done in the first place. At least I free'd him, I thought. I reached camp and shouted,"Help!Percy's in trouble!Hurry!"At least Percy had become so famous at camp that most people knew his name.
People followed me to the creek at top speed. Roars could be heard from the creek. We came to see Percy on the monsters back whispering in its ear.It calmed down only to see us.I roared and through Percy off. We ran at the monster and it spat frost that froze a couple of unlucky campers. We were about to slice it to bits when Percy yelled,"Stop!"
Amazingly, we stopped."Don't hurt it.It was sent from my dad to protect me."Percy wasn't wet. He was in the creek.He should have been soaked."And who is your dad?"Someone called out."My dad is P-Neptune, god of storms,earthquakes, and ocean.""Why should we believe that?" Another person shouted.The entire creek rose up behind Percy and he said warmly,"Is this enough proof?""We must tell Lupa!"A girl shouted."C'mon than, Sam get Percy, he needs to see Lupa."Reyna said.I did't even realize she was there but since she was higher than me in authority, I grabbed Percy."Well I did not see this one coming."I muttered as I led the son of Neptune off to camp.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Bobby POV
I turn my back for one second and Percy has gotten attacked by a sea monster, been claimed, and has been taken to Lupa. Man this guy has some bad luck. On top of that he was Neptune's kid. Like I said,bad luck. I followed Sam, Reyna,Percy, and two other people to a huge temple that Lupa lived in.
"How can you get attacked, get claimed, and be escorted to Lupa in an hour?"I hissed in his ear."And on top of that Neptune is your father. And Jason disappeared two days before you arrived. You have a lot of explaining to do boy."I whirled on Sam."How did you get mixed up into this mess?"I asked."I kinda walked in on the monster attacking Percy and, uh, jumped in the water to save him. So much can happen in between. Nobody believes my side of the story."I groaned and stopped along with everyone else at the front of the temple. We walked inside to find Lupa sitting in the middle of the room."So, you are a son of Neptune?"Lupa said to Percy.He nodded his head."May I speak to him privately?"Lupa asked us. We nodded and walked out. I waited for 10 minutes before I put my ear to the door."You are one."Lupa said.She switched to language I didn't understand.Percy spoke in the same language."The mother earth is rising, and you are an enemy to us."She said, her voice rising."You must leave. Say you are going on a quest, that and died on it, that will not rouse suspicion. The quest was about your death."I couldn't believe it. Such a thing was unthinkable. And it was Lupa's idea."You may leave."I ran from the door and wnet to my cabin.
I ran right into my sister,Debby."Where are you going?"She asked."To get my bow."I said."Well go right ahead."She said and got out of the way. I grabbed a pack and stuffed it full of ambrosia, knives, and clothes. I grabbed my bow and arrows and left the cabin to ind Sam. I found her at the beach watching the waves hit the shore.
I grabbed her and spun her around."What the-"She started to say, but I cut her off by telling her what I heard.She ran after me as I went to find Percy. We looked everywhere but couldn't find him."Go pack."I told her."Meet my at Neptune cabin at 12:00."I ran to Apollo cabin.
Later at 12:00 I got up and grabbed my pack. Quietly, I left the cabin and saw a figure walking into the forest.I followed it and grabbed it's shoulder and spun it around. It was Percy."What are you-"He was saying until I cut him off by saying,"I heard you in the temple. I'm coming. Sam,too. Terra's rising, huh. We need to find Jason and bring take camp with us to take her down. And-"I was cut off by a rustle from behind me. I spun around.
It was just Sam."Okay."Percy said."You can come. We're going to New York."That was out of line."New York! That worst of the worst monsters live there!"I complained."But there I can get my memories back."Percy said. And with that, he walked into the darkness of the forest.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
when I think of the beginning of the story I think 'Wiiieeerd' and 'Whoa you call that a story' But its gonna get better. Once they leave 'just camp' its an awesome story. I have it all planned out.But I don't have enough time to post.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
whoa I'm the only one posting on this thing
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
That was really good! Keep
Posting, Lupas sooo mean!!
And watt SAMs parent again?
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome it was soo good !! Your a great writer and awesome chapters can't wait ti you post. !!!!:DDDD
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
Lupa tells you to leave and that did not include two other people. I sure hope I don't come back, she'll be like a she devil. You don't want to face the wrath of a she devil. I trudged on with Sam and Bobby at my heels. Lupa, a all powerful being, (or at least thats what she said she was)could not keep one person from eavesdropping?
We had been walking for hours and the sun had started to rise. Lucky for us Sam knew the way to New York. But first we had to go through the forest."We should be out of here by noon."Sam said, looking up at the sun."If we don't take long detours at least." Bobby and I groaned. "That means no sleep."I said grumpily."We should have taken pegasi or something. It would've been faster." Bobby said.Sam glared."Well we didn't, we should stop thinking of the should haves and think of a way to get out of here faster."I picked up the pace. "If we go faster than we should get there in less time."I suggested.Sam opened her mouth to protest but Bobby cut her off."Have a better idea?"He asked. She shook her head and moved along faster. I felt the ground shake. "Oh my gods not again!"I shouted.
I looked around for any creeks and found none."Run!"I shouted. If it would take until noon walking, it would take twice as long getting attacked by some kind of monster. We ran but the monster appeared in front of us. I dropped my pack and uncapped Riptide. Might as well get it over with.It was a ten foot tall monster with huge arms made of rock. Its entire head was made of rock and moving soil. Big red eyes the size of my head looked down at us. It had four arms that held four axes.
"Hey rock dude!"Man I sucked at nick names."Down here!"It looked down at us and roared. Sam walked up holding double swords. I looked at Bobby and saw him holding his bow. I nodded and charged. I jumped up an arm and cut off both on that side. It didn't even defend itself. I narrowed my eyes and jumped away. "Don't cut off its arms!"I shouted. To late. Sam had cut off the other two and Bobby had shot the chest full of arrows. It grew back twice as many arms. "Its like a what-a-ma-call-it? But with arms!" Bobby shouted. I jumped up its upper arm in the middle of the four on one side and it tried to grab me with its other arm on the isle.
I jumped and it grabbed it's other arm and it tried to grab me with another but I jumped on that one and on to its head. I stabbed it in the head and t fell to the floor already turning into sand.
"That was easy."I said. Sam was looking at me like I was some kind of zombie. "What?"I said looking around. "Is there something on my face?"Bobby was looking at me too."That thing had invisible spikes the size of my head. When I brushed against it I nearly had my soul ripped from my body for sec."Sam said slowly."Are you okay?"I asked, not getting the point."Percy."Bobby said."You jumped and danced on it but you didn't get injured. Not even a scrape."That had happened with Lupas army but I didn't think anything of it."I swam in the styx..."I said remembering Achilles."I bear the curse of Achilles."That was when the ground started shaking so hard trees started falling. I fell to the ground and saw 50 of the monsters coming right at us.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
is my post easier to read. I don't look at the screen much so I dont see how long the paragraphs are. And when I realize it was a while before I make new paragraph so..
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy launched onto the first monster and Bobby shot arrows at the other's heads. I felt totally helpless. That was when I got an idea. I reached into my backpack and pulled out tons of throwing knives. I threw them at the monsters faces as I ran by. They would turn into sand and fall to the ground. But they kept reforming just as quick as I killed them. Imagine taking down one and going to another. Take down that one spin around and find that it had already reformed. I swear I was fighting two monsters only and it felt like all of them.
I heard shouts from Bobby's direction. We were barely holding them off. I was being over ran.I grabbed knives from the sand where the monsters were so I never ran out, but fighting two was even tiring. I looked in Percy's direction and found sand flying in every direction around him. Every monster that came near was slashed to bits. But he was careful of backing away in case they struck his only weak point. He dodged every attack since as far as I knew, he didn't know his weak point. I dodged an attack from a nearby by monster but it's axe brushed my side. I clutched my side for a second, but couldn't afford falter to much.
I heard Percy call, "Fall back!"I complied. I wasn't gonna turn into Sam meat. I grabbed my pack and Bobby's arm and ran."C'mon!We can't hold them off any longer!"I screamed. He followed me as I ran at top speed in the direction of New York. Percy ran after us with the 50 or so monsters behind him. Roars followed us as we ran. Lucky they were about as fast as turtles. They ran as fast as I could walk. We soon lost them and stopped by a river.
"About how long did that take us?"Bobby panted."I don't know!"I snapped.He visibly flinched."Sorry."I said."Did you see how fast they reformed?"He nodded. Percy sat down and washed his face in the river. When he looked at us he looked revitalized."So, I have the curse of Achilles?I wonder where my mortal point is..."He said.
He started o touch himself all over. His face, his leg, his heel."That's enough!"I said exasperatedly."Percy if you touch it you can die.""Oh."He said, blushing."I wonder how the spikes on it were so strong.They were strong enough that they almost ripped my soul from my body.."I said."Don't know don't care. Can we please get some sleep now?"Bobby said after drinking from the river.I sighed gestured to go on ahead. Today was a long day.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
We reached the city at 4:00. I was so happy I could've kissed the floor where we stood. But something stopped me from doing so. Common sense. The place was weird. A man held a hairdryer pointing it at moving cars."Stop right there!"He shouted at a speeding Mustang. He started to get in his car but stopped when we walked by."Avoid eye contact."I whispered in Sam's and Bobby's ears.
To late. He smiled revealing yellow crooked teeth."Hello demigods. I am John son of Venus."I couldn't believe that a son of Venus could be like that. It was impossible. He must have not seen the looks on our faces because he gestured in the car."You people clearly need a place to stay."He said. I backed up. He frowned."Don't worry I am sane. You are demigods just like me. Why would I hurt you?""This guy has clearly forgotten about the titan war."Sam whispered in my ear.
"C'mon guys. Where else are we gonna sleep."Bobby said, grabbing our hands and pulling us into the car before we could argue. Bobby had clearly went mad. When we were moving I hissed angrily into his ear."Dude, you are delusional. This guy is crazy. And he can be dangerous. I mean a on of Venus!"
Bobby frowned as if he had not brought us into the car at all."Well, where else are we going to sleep?'He asked, having finally made a point on the subject. He had a very big point. We had no money for hotels. And what are we going to do sleep on on the streets. Yes.
The car stopped on a huge messed up building. It had broken windows and egg shells strewn everywhere. John led us inside. We got into an elevator. John looked at me for a long time and said,"I have new socks on."I flinched. He pushed the number 5 on the wall. When he pressed it an electric shock seemed to go through his body. He smiled and went back for more. I was over joyed when the doors opened again.
I ran out and he opened the door that had scratches and red stains on it. I walked in to see a mess of eggshells and cockroaches and I swear I saw a rat the size of my head run by."Hey, heres a random fact."John said sitting in front of a computer with a crack running across the entire length."The r is on the left side of the board and the l is on the right.""Oh my gods he's right!"I shouted looking at the board. Sam looked at me like I was crazy and Bobby looked happy about something.
John was getting bigger. I saw the stubble of horns on his head. His teeth were getting longer and his eyes more wild."I love saying that to my prey."He said."It makes them overjoyed so that I have this feeling in my stomach when they are digested. Ha!Son of Venus!Oldest trick in the book. Actually, I am a son of Venus. I have charm speak!"He cackled.
I backed away."Told you not to accept sleeping in this dudes house!"I shouted at Bobby."No you didn't!"He shouted back."No but I thought it!"I shouted back."How am I supposed to read your mind!"Bobby shouted."I don't know bu-"I was cut off by Sam yelling,"Shut up!You were both stupid for even getting in the elevator!""You did too!"I shouted, turning on her."I was already hatching an escape plan!"She shouted.
"All of you shut up!"John the weird monster thing shouted. He had the body of a wolf and the face of a bull. His were three feet long going in curves. His eyes were glowing red and his claws were the size of my head. He had teeth that jutted out of his mouth."None of you are coming out of here alive!"He shouted. And lunged at my throat.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Bobby POV
Lucky Percy had the curse of Achilles. When the monster hit his throat it bounced right off with a roar of anger."Why can't I kill you?!"He screamed.Percy just smiled and uncapped his pen sword."That's for you to find out."He said, and lunged at John the monster. I pulled out my bow and shot arrows at it's face. The arrows bounced off and Percy's sword did two.
"Fools!"The monster cried out."I have fur as strong as a Nemean lion's!"I ran to Percy."Distract it."I whispered."I have a plan."I dug in my bag and pulled it out. Percy was shouting insults at the monster as I fitted arrows into my bow."You know, I think Medusa is prettier than you!A cockroach is smarter than you too!Son of Venus!Thats the worst disguise I've ever even heard of!"Percy shouted over the monster's angry retorts and threats."It was the only disguise I hadn't used!"It shouted.
"Over here!"I shouted.The monster turned."Now what do you wan-"It was cut off by an arrow launching into it's maw. It choked and tried to shout. I shot more and more arrows into it's maw. It finally fell into sand with a roar. Sam had stood there the entire time."Next time, you kill the monster."I said angrily."Guess it doesn't form as fast as the dirt and rock things."Was all she said. She was right. It wasn't forming like the other monsters.
"Maybe it depends on the monster."Percy said, tired."Let's just get out of here."We followed him to the door but I turned. On the floor in the mess of golden sand was a sweater made of the monster's fur.I grabbed it and put it on."Guess it has the same coat as the Nemean lion."I said."Why can't I have it?"Percy asked."Because I killed it."I said."And had the idea." Percy shrugged with a smile and left through the open doorway.Sam and I followed, eager to get out of the building.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Awesome, keep postin
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I ran back to the apartment and grabbed $900 off the computer. I ran back out and we walked to the nearest hotel. We rented a room for three and we walked in. The first thing I did was plop onto the couch and turn on the TV. The monsters we fought were the weirdest I had ever fought. They had weird things about them. The one we had just fought had the coat of the Nemean lion, and the dirt monsters had the spikes.
"....Earthquakes all over the earth..."The news reporter said. My turned to the TV so fast I cricked my neck. The rock monsters, the earthquakes, forming so fast, what Lupa said. It all connected. Because of what one news reporter said I had found out everything I had questioned just a second ago. The prophecy. The doors of death. The monsters forming so fast. I would bet someone a million bucks that the monster we had just fought had formed and went back about it's business.
Terra. I couldn't believe I hadn't figured it out the minute it came out of Bobby's mouth. I had been thinking so much about everything else it was as if he hadn't said it."I figured it out!"I screamed right in Percy's face. I had jumped up and grabbed his collar in probably choking him. He wrenched my hands off of his neck and rubbed it. "Figured out what?"He said with a confused look on his face. I couldn't believe he hadn't figured it out yet.
Bobby's snores filled the room. I looked over to find him on the floor. "Bobby!"I screamed in his ear,"What?!"He shouted back."I figured it out."I said happily. "Figured out what?""I do not believe this."I muttered. I patiently explained the situation to them. Their I bulged as I finished."We need to get some rest and make more sense of this tomorrow?"Bobby suggested. "Sure."I said sarcastically. "Let's all get some good sleep and let Terra take over the world. Sounds refreshing!"
"No, we need sleep. Bobby's right. What are we supposed to do take down Terra? That will not work. We need sleep. With sleep we can have clearer heads in the morning."Percy said calmly. "Fine."I muttered and we all got in the beds and turned off the lights. "Night Percy. Night Sam. Night Percy. Oh, did I say night to Sam? Night-""Shut up!"Percy and I shouted. And we all fell asleep dreading the bad things of the next day.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Nice, I like it, and earthquakes? Oh gosh trouble up ahead, beware america
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Sorry I've been at my cousin's for a while and so my mind is blank on ideas right now. The last olympian post was messed up and I only had lots of ideas for that at the time. I'll post later today.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy POV
I dreamed that I was underwater. I heard voices coming from up above. Distorted pictures swirled around me. I tried to swim to the surface, but something held me in place. I started to hear the voices more clearly."With great power, comes the great need to take a nap...""Your such a seaweed brain...""Kelp head...""Food..."The voices said. They were starting to fade.
The distorted images faded into mist. I couldn't breathe anymore. Being the son of Neptune I could breathe underwater. I couldn't breath. I struggled for breath. Right when I thought my lungs were going to burst, I saw a face and heard a voice,"Wake up you moron, time to leave."The voice said.
I opened my eyes to find Sam yelling in my face."Wake up!You can sleep through the world ending I swear..."She got up and turned to wake up Bobby. I swung my pack over my head and sat on the couch. I thought over the already fading dream in my head. I could barely remember what the voices had said."C'mon let's go!Since your a son of Neptune you should be able to get us to New York by water with luck!"Sam shouted, opening the door and walking to the elevator.
I followed with a tired Bobby behind me. I went into the elevator and pressed number one. A man stood next to me. He had blonde hair and wore a business suit. He smiled at me with crooked teeth."I have new socks on."He said. I backed away slowly. Lots of weird people in this part of town. When the door opened I hurried to leave.
We walked out. I stared at my feet, still thinking about the dream."Okay,"Sam said,"We'll discuss Terra somewhere else. Right now we should be thinking of a faster way to New York. Normally, we wouldn't go to New York. But Terra rising is an exception.""Why are we going to New York?"Bobby asked."Because that is where Olympus is, duh. And I heard Percy mutter it in hid sleep. His memories are in New York."She said. Neither Bobby nor me commented on that.
We reached the dock in no time."Okay,"I said,"We got to the dock, now how are we Supposed to get a boat?""Pray to your dad."Sam said."Okay, how?""Just sit down and pray."She said calmly, as if it was a piece of cake praying to the god of seaweed, who was also my dad.I sat down and closed my eyes."Okay, um dad?Can you um, you know, get us a boat?Like right now?"Nothing happened. Like I expected.
I started to get up when the water started to boil. A mast rose out of the ocean. Then a head, then the entire ship was exposed. It was about the best ship I had ever seen. The figurehead was of a horse, and the mast was huge the a half horse half fish thing in the middle. The ship had polished looking boards. A Greek name was printed on the side. Ocean King. Just like the god of seaweed to make up such a weird name. I guess I got my stupid nicknames from him.
"C'mon!"I called."I would love to try out my Ocean skills."
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
I'll pot again later today.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Sorry, I haven't been posting a lot.
Bobby POV
The ship was amazing. To bad I didn't know the name. The stupid thing was written in Greek. Why Greek? I had no idea. But the thing had an arcade under the deck!There was even targets for archery. Neptune thought of me, I felt awesome thinking that. Well, Jupiter thought of me too. I was friends with Jason...No, I am friends with Jason. He's alive.
I forced Jason out of my head and went to find a kitchen that was sure to be on the ship. I found it across from the arcade and walked in. Desserts were everywhere. And for some reason, all of it was blue. Blue cookies, blue candy, blue soda....And if I ever found the healthy food under the junk I bet some of that would be blue too.
I dug under the sweets and found the most perfect breakfast of my life. Eggs and bacon topped with pancakes with whipped cream and lush syrup. It was my dream breakfast. I grabbed some blue soda and ran to the top deck. Percy was on a hammock relaxing when I found him.
"Percy,"I said excitedly,"There's an arcade below deck!And the kitchen is filled with blue food!"He looked at me and said smiling,"Call me Captain Percy from now on."I could tell he enjoyed saying it. He laughed and jumped up from the hammock."Now wheres Sam?We need to get going. We need to talk about Terra like she wanted."
I was about to shrug when Sam came up from below deck."Man Percy,"She said,"Your dad sure knows how to make the best ship in all of mankind!"Percy smiled as the ship lurched from the dock. It headed in the direction of New York."Okay,"He said,"About Terra. She is rising and we need to stop her?""But first,"Sam said,"We need to find out who you are.""But isn't saving the world more important than Percy's memories?"I asked."Sure it is, but what if we find Jason along the way?What if Percy has powerful demigod friends?"Sam asked me. She had a point.
"Besides,"Percy said,"Lupa said I can't be at camp. We should find Jason and someone who knows who I am."I shrugged, beaten."Fine,"I said,"Let's just sit down and go to New York. Let's just hope no monsters attack-"I was cut off by Sam slamming her hand over my mouth."Do you want to get attacked?"She said through her teeth. I shook my head."The shut up!"She let her hand go just as the boat began to shake.
Sam and Percy glared at me."Thank you, Bobby, for your wonderful attempt at suicide."Sam said calmly though her voice shook with anger. I just shrugged and took a bite out of my eggs. A giant head burst from the water. Then another head, and another, three heads burst from the water. Two giant scaly hands with clawed nails burst out next. Only the top the chest of the monster showed. It had armor on. Two giant swords were hung behind it's back.
"Another unknown monster,"Sam groaned,"At but it does have some relation to a drakon."She was right. We were to far away but up those long necks and past those razor sharp teeth were eyes that could freeze you in fear. The middle neck spat poison at us. It landed on the deck, but the boards seemed to absorb it."And we didn't even get to discuss Terra in a high degree."I said.
Percy uncapped his pen sword. Come to think of it, I had never asked him it's name. Maybe I never would. I pulled out my bow and Sam pulled out her golden knives. The monsters heads saw us draw our weapons and it smiled. I mean literally, smiled. All three heads roared and I covered my ears. The hands reached for it's back and pulled it's swords out."I will eat well tonight!"It roared in a voice that sounded like a million. All three heads launched at our faces. I did the thing any normal person and demigod would do. I screamed like a little girl and shot and arrow at it's oncoming face.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I haven't had that much time to go on the computer
I dodged the oncoming head and stabbed my knives into it's neck. It roared and tossed its head back. I flew off and landed on the deck. Pain flooded into my back. I moaned and got up. The head smiled revealing teeth as big as swords. I ran at it's neck. It twisted around and shot acid in my direction. I stopped and jumped out of the way. I looked up at it's head. It was starting to chuckle. I could hear chuckles from the other two heads. Guess Percy and Bobby weren't having that much luck either. I threw a knife at it's neck and pulled another from my belt.
It roared as the knife sank into the middle of it's neck. I leaped out of the way as it shot more acid in my direction. If only I had some way to get on it's back. It shot more acid. I was about to leap out of the way when something grabbed my foot. I looked down at my foot to find a tentacle pulling at it. It yanked me to the en of the boat. I cut it in half with my knife and looked around. Tentacles were flying all over the boat.
Another tried to grab at my foot. This thing had the most relation to the Krakon then anything. I cut another outstretched tentacle in half. Laughter roared in my ears. The monster was laughing. Anger roared in my ears. It was just playing with us. I ran at it. It beckoned with one of it's tentacles. A huge thick tentacle was about to grab at my waist. I jumped on it and as it twisted to grab me I leaped towards the monsters twisting head.
It didn't react fast enough to just open its mouth and swallow me. I was one lucky girl. I landed on the top of it's head and stabbed both of it's eyes with my knives. It let out an earsplitting roar and threw me off. I was falling towards the deck. Everything seemed to flash before my eyes. I wasn't screaming. I was to shocked to scream. I realized what I did was half stupid. I was aware of every little detail. around me.
Like the fact that Bobby was shooting sonic arrows. I wondered when he got the time to pull those out having constantly having to fight the monster. I was also aware of the fact that I was falling to my death. The monster was ready down there to catch me in its jaws. I wasn't afraid for some reason. Maybe because everything was happening to fast to comprehend. Or was it going to slow?That was when everything went black.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Oh!! No!! Sam!! Keep posting it's getting better!! Wats a krakon agin?
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
The monster that Perseus turned to stone with Medusa's head. And the krakon from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Percy POV
Everything seemed to slow down. Sam was falling to her death, and I was just standing there. I wanted to scream. I could do nothing to save her. There was a painful tug in my gut. A huge wave roared onto the deck and enveloped Sam. Great, now she was going to be drowned. But things didn't go like that. The wave lowered and the tug in my gut loosened. I was controlling the water, I realized. The wave disappeared leaving a very wet Sam on the deck. The monster roared angrily. Things didn't really happen as it thought.
Thick tentacles rose out of the water and started to curl around the deck.
Bobby ran over to me, he was soaked in sweat. Anger turned my mind blank. The monster tried to kill my friend. It wouldn't be let off that easy."Take her below deck."I told Bobby."Come back as soon as you can. She looks scraped up but okay."He nodded and grabbed Sam and ran below deck. This would be a lot easier with Bobby once he came back.
Even though I had the curse of Achilles, I didn't know my mortal point. I still needed to be careful. I glared at the monster. It hadn't moved a muscle,, it was waiting for me to make the first move. I lifted Riptide. It smiled and spoke for the first time since it first attacked,"If you defeat me son of Poseidon, you will still have Gaea and Leviathon on your tail!"Greek names. And weird monsters. I had never even heard of the monster called Leviathon.
This monster was interesting. Yet still bringing my hopes down.
All three heads lunged at my face. I rolled to the side as the faces stopped before they slammed into the deck."Stop moving so I can eat you Perseus Jackson!"The monster hissed. Wait, old up, hissed. The right head spoke. The left head said it will eat well, and the middle said the G-Terra business whatever. This monster had a complicated life.
All three heads spat poison in my direction. I willed the ocean to block it. Tentacles tried to curve around my waist. I slashed at them all and ran at the beast. It lowered its heads and beckoned with its eyes. I willed the ocean to spin around me. It spat poison straight across, but I was already riding the wave. I jumped off and landed on the left head. A thick green tentacle rapped around my waist.
I cut it in half. The monster growled and lifted its head to full height. I saw it coming. But not what really happened. I stuck my sword into it's head and held tight. It roared in pain and anger. It struggled to throw me off, but I held tight by my sword. A shadow loomed over my head. I looked up just in time to find the middle head about to bite me in half by my back.
I jumped off and willed the water to carry me midway. Before that happened though, the jaws of the middle head snapped on my legs. I felt no pain, yet it still held me. I was about to cut its head in half with Riptide when I realized Riptide wasn't there. Idiot, I had left Riptide stuck in left head's brain.
"I will chomp you and eat you!"The right head said gleefully. I didn't struggle. I was to tired to move. Doing all of that made me exhausted fast. Willing the ocean didn't help that much either. I could barely move my arm much less struggle to escape."No, I want to eat him!"The left head protested. The middle head groaned. Looks like it went through their bickering a lot.
"I will eat him!"The middle head roared, and snatched me from the right heads jaws. The left head started to droop. The wound in its head was bleeding green blood."Are you going to let him push you around like that?"I asked, getting an idea."No!"The heads shouted in unison."Shut up puny half blood!"The middle head screamed, nearly breaking my eardrum.
The ocean rumbled."What is it now?!"The middle head screamed.A watery head burst from the water. Another monster. Great.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Oh!!!!!!! Gosh!!! Perseus Jackson!! U betta not get killed or Annabeth will kill me!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chapters !! So much action I love it can't wait till you post again !!:DDDD AWESOME !:))