The Heroes of Olympus A precious son of neptune

precious211 posted on Jun 05, 2011 at 01:47AM
my first son of neptune completly sucked, so i am going to make a new one i actually like, if that is okay
(i acctually planned this one)
Percy-son of posiedon
annabeth- daughter of athena
gwendolyn- daughter of mordred and guinvere
jason- son of jupiter
piper- daughter of aphrodite
leo- son of hephestus
reyna- daughter of trivia
minor characters
thalia- daughter of zeus
nico - son of hades
the hunters of artemis
hazel - daugther of apollo & prophecy person
bobby- son of mercury
and a bunch of other characters that will come up!

last edited on Jun 07, 2011 at 11:41AM

The Heroes of Olympus 61 replies

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over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Wat the Frick, why'd u stop, it was good!! Cmon, seriously! And get u the book? I hav it but I havent even starts reading it. And no suck look it's even on popular content
You've worked hard
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
This fanfic is dedicated to Amazing Percy, who read the preview of it, even before it was fully developed! Also towards ace, my sister used the same arguments u did, but no, I am not going to continue with my other one, and I hated it.
Chapter 1/prologue
As the second Argo sailed/ flied towards its destination, the roman camp, early campers spot this huge, massive ship heading toward them, including sixteen year old girl, Gwendolyn.
Chapter 1 Gwendolyn point of view
The first thing that came into Gwendolyn’s mind, when she saw the huge ship flying toward them, was “Wow that’s a huge ship,” that was her first reaction. Her second reaction was “wait, since when can a ship fly”, that was her second reaction. Her last reaction was “oh my gods monster attack!”That was the reaction that got her attention, and looking at the panicked expressions on the other campers faces, she guessed that’s what they thought to.
“What are we going to do?”Asked one of them. The kid looked down right scared, and frightened. Gwendolyn knew this kid as Michal, a son of Apollo, one of the new campers of Camp Demigod. She couldn’t really blame him for being terrified, he was only ten, and already he had been exposed to the world of roman mythology. (She felt truly sorry for him.)
Suddenly everybody turned their heads toward Gwendolyn, focusing all their attention on her. Gwendolyn knew what was happening, it happened so many times before. They expected her to be able to come up with all of the answers just because she was the leader, actually second in command to leader, now that Percy was here. She got that they needed someone that they could look up to, and depend on, but did they really think that she had any clue as what to do? But of course she couldn’t show that, a good leader never shows confusion or fear, first rule of training in Camp Demigod.
They were still looking at her in anticipation, waiting for her verdict.
“Alright guys, listen up, here’s what were goanna do” her voice rang loud and clear, commanding.
“First, am goanna go and call Percy, he should know what’s happening, while am doing that the rest of u go and wake up all the other campers, warn them of an attack, and prepare them to defend Camp Demigod.” Everyone nodded in understanding, so she guessed that they liked her orders, and quite frantically she liked them to. The one person she knew that could handle this situation was Percy. He was a born leader and an extraordinary swordsman, and not just because of the fact that he had the curse of Achilles. Yup he actually had the curse of Achilles they learned it during his test fight with Jake, son of mars, he had tried to cut his skin in hopes of harming him and winning the fight, but all that happened was that the sword bounced off his skin. He was appointed leader just after the fight and nobody, not even the friends loyal to Jason could disagree with Lupe’s decision, they needed a leader, especially after J, she meant him, disappeared, and Percy was just the right guy for the job. And not just that, also for the fact that he was really handsome, funny, and nice too, which also had to count for something.
As she dashed toward the Neptune cabin at the far side of the camp, she couldn’t help but marvel at the amazing beauty of the roman camp, even at a desperate situation as this. She even took a chance to stop and stare at the coliseum, where the gladiator’s fights were held, to test new kid’s skills, and see if they were worthy of being a citizen of Camp Demigod. If they weren’t, she shook that thought out of her head.
The last fight that was held there, was the one between Percy and Jake, she could still see the shocked look on Jake and everybody’s else faces too, as a wave, created by Percy, came crashing toward Jake and only Jake, it was priceless, she wished she had had a camera. But no time to think of that now, she decided. She had to get Percy, and tell him that a monster attack was coming.
She finally made it to the Neptune cabin, which was in the middle besides Hades and Zeus’s own. Again she couldn’t help it, but she stared at it. The Neptune cabin was a dome shape, and made with abalone sea stone, and decorated with images of horses and tridents, all a bluish color. It was the second best cabin, except her cabin of course, Hade’s cabin. She didn’t really know if she was a child of Hades or not, cause she didn’t know anything about her past. Lupe knew nothing either, all she knew was that she had appeared at the wolf house at age 2, with a note attached to her, calling her Gwendolyn, Lupe just thought she was a child of Hades, cause of her black eyes, dark hair, and her liking to darkness, but she didn’t show any powers that a child of Hades would possess, none at all.
But this wasn’t the time to think about this, she decided. The entire camp was in the face of danger, she needed to alert Percy, and then he’ll take it from here.
She knocked at the door of the Neptune’s cabin hard, no answer, again, no answer, one more time, no answer. Only one thing to do, she opened the door of the cabin and entered, now normally it was against the rules for campers to enter a cabin that wasn’t their own, but heh, this was an emergency.
As she entered the cabin, she started looking for Percy; all the beds were empty and dusty, except for one, which Percy was sleeping on, innocently, soundly and cutely.
Of course, she should’ve known this would happen, Percy could sleep right through an invasion and not even get disturbed once. It happened before, about two months ago, when it was done Percy was still sleeping.
Only one thing to do, she decided, which was to yell wake up at the top of her voice, that voice she was sure could be heard from a thousand miles away, but of course, perky was still sleeping soundly, not even turning. She did it a few more times, until finally she got him awake
“What is it”, he grumbled, finally getting out of bed.
“Now u wake up”, she replied sarcastically, willing herself not to blush, she was alone in a cabin with him.
“There is about to be an invasion, and we need u to help us defend the camp”, she replied, hoping she wasn’t turning red at all.
That seemed to wake him up completely “why didn’t u tell me he yelled, common”, and he ran out of the door really fast. Thankfully he was still wearing close, since he hadn’t even bothered to change yesterday night.
Gwendolyn, sighed, and then led Percy toward the spot where she and a few early campers spotted the huge massive ship that was flying
When they finally got there, she saw that practically the entire camp was there, and armed, including Percy, who had his bronze sword out already, why it was bronze she had no idea, though it still could kill monsters. One of the strange things about Percy other than the fact that he showed up shortly a day after Jason disappeared, with no memories what so ever, and calling the Roman gods, by Greek names. Of course she took care of all those things, especially with calling the roman gods Greek, telling him that they don’t exist anymore, but the roman gods do. He didn’t seem to by it, but he didn’t call them by Greek names any more.
“What do we do sir?”One of the campers looked at Percy in respect. Then he looked at him, to wait for his response. In fact the entire camp looked at Percy, including Gwendolyn herself.
“Guys don’t attack,” Percy yelled. The entire camp looked at him in confusion, including Gwendolyn, what the Hades was he talking about? (No offence toward Hades, she repeated silently)
“Look up inside the ship”, he yelled. It’s not monsters it’s humans. Then he pointed toward a spot on the ship. Gwendolyn looked up toward where he was pointing, and sure enough, she saw not monsters , but human looking people. There was a girl with blonde hair, and startling gray eyes, a guy that looked like a Latino elf, another guy with olive skin, dark eyes, and lanky black hair, a girl with Cherokee skin, and kerescopic eyes, and wait was she seeing things? It was Jason!
“Hey guys,” he’s not lying.
“Look who it is,” I said, they followed where my fingers was pointing towards, and they saw Jason too.
“OMG IT IS JASON!” they all yelled in happiness.
“Who is Jason?” Percy asked confused.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
1 You used Camp Demigod too like I do in all of mine YAH!
2 I feel truely honored to have the chapter dedicated to me
3 You make Percy look like AMAZINGPERCY!
4don't as me for anything to fix cause it was all perfect
5 Is Gwen a god/goddess?
6 love what the Neptune cabin looks like. I think it's better that what rr though Poseidon's cabin should be and what the real one will be
7 I feel bad for Gwen-means GOOD WRITING!

Keep writing:)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Awesome I loved it !! Can't wait till you post again !!:DDDD AND the ship arrived !!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay none offense but i agree with u and I luv it, keep posting
U surprised me, keep it up
over a year ago Aponimisae said…
Oo!!! Yay!!! This is a REALLY good start! So... Gwen seems to kinda like Percy huh? Haha! Her dreams shall be crushed momentarily! BWAHAHAHA!!! Percabeth ForTheWin!!! Yah, what is Gwen anyway? I mean, like who's her godly parent? The masses would like to know!
1) Percy WOULD sleep through an invasion.
2) I spy, with my little eye, a description of Annabeth! Yay!!!
3) Nico is there too? The world is complete if Percabeth is reunited, Nico is just around, and maybe Grover to? *hint hint*
4) How could Percy not have heard of Jason? Honestly? Jason somehow managed to NEVER come up! HAHA! Sorry, that cracks me up! (Sorry, I'm not a huge Jason fan. Team Percy rules!)
When do you post anyway? Like how often?
Eager with anticipation, Aponimisae
over a year ago precious211 said…
Aagh guys believe it or not the description of gwen is right up dear. i cnt spoil it, or else the end is gonna be really boring, i mean i want to make sure if gwen dies in the end, who she really is is gonna stay secreat, see now i gave up a clue. and sorry about him never hearing of jason, but i hate that guy(filling myself on not cursing him out)yeah! if it was up to me, he would be taken hostage by gaea. and to be honest i am a percabeth fan, but i am also a romance reader (kinda funny i actually bothered to read the percy jackson series)and the number one rule of romance is there has to be a conflict, like percy all the way!and i am currently typing the chapter right now,but i am pretty lazy so?can't really say depends.
hint with gwen:i like the king authur storys as much as greek mythology, and is it actually true that king authur was with guinvere, and mordred messed it up or it could be the opposite way around?wink
and i wanted to add grover too, but i couldn't realy decide what to do with him u know?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aponimisae said…
big smile
Ok, thanks for the explanation! You answered like EVERYTHING I said! Ya, I understand about Grover. : / I just kinda miss him, ya know?
And the whole Gwen thing, I know it'll be explained, I'm just excited! And impatient. Teehee!
Hopefully tonight? And I meant like what days do you post? Considering summer vacation is close at hand... I hope a lot! But I'll try not to rush ya. Too much :P
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
Toward green art, no offence taken though I am a little hurt, I guess. I don’t know I write better when I am using Microsoft word, psychologically I feel. I am still dedicating this story toward amazing Percy, because she’s just that awesome, and so is Percy! Also I also dedicate this chapter toward ace, blackerose 12, and Aponimisae. Oh and she is not a goddess, but hint, look at the forum post, it says who her parents are! Yeah I should really delete that. I had fun writing this chapter, especially piper’s point of view, crush that little twerp!
Chapter 2. Still Gwendolyn’s point of view.
They waited for the ship to land somewhere, which took some time, cause the ship was so big, and it was hard to find an area big enough to support it. They didn’t get bored though, seeing as how they passed the time talking about how great and heroic a person, there old leader Jason was to Percy. From entering CAMP DEMIGOD at age two, to how many quest he had been on, an example was slaying the Trojan sea monster that was raging California a few years ago. They even topped it up by adding how he had led the siege of mount Tam, the titian base in California, defeated the titian Krios with his bare hands, and toppled the black thrown of Chromos, causing the Titians to lose their power, and the demigods to win the titian war.(Ache I basically gagged writing this)
Percy nodded his head in understanding, but his eyes didn’t really looked impressed, more like the words bored, and amusement? Again one of the many things she didn’t understand about Percy.
By the time they basically finished telling Jason’s life/story the big ship was parked on a huge river, a few miles away. The roman camp rushed forward, weapons still armed, just in case these people actually were monsters passing on as demigods.
The first person to be out of the ship, was the blonde girl with gray eyes, who basically just jumped fifty feet below, but she wasn’t harmed at all, not even the smallest scratch. She thought she saw Percy making a really concentrated face whoever, and she had never saw him thinking that hard, in the entire six months he had been here.
The girl basically ran toward where the Roman Campers were standing, but instead of stopping them, she ran straight up to Percy, and punched him in the arm. He didn’t even flinch, though he still clutched his hand in pain. I expected Percy to do something, like an act of self defense, which would’ve been rude, considering that she just punched him out of the blue for no apparent reason, but all that happened was that Percy sat calmly on the ground, and made a concentrated face again, putting his hand under his chin. This was the smartest Gwendolyn had ever saw him.
“Your that girl I remember aren’t u?”Percy asked. The girl didn’t really respond, but Percy didn’t look like he wanted an actual answer.
“What’s your name?”Percy asked. Again the girl didn’t respond, and again Percy looked like he didn’t need an answer.
“I know it starts with an A, Percy stated, I just can’t get it. Hmm Anny, Annabel, Anastasia, am I even close?”He looked up at her to see what she was going to say.
“It’s Annabeth, my name is Annabeth,” she stated.
Percy grinned. “Yeah I remember now, you’re the girl I hanged out with right?”
All she did was nod, but it looked like Percy didn’t need an answer, instead he picked himself up, and gave her a hug. In which she returned.
“Is that all you remember about me?” The girl with blonde hair named Annabeth muttered.
“Nope I also remember you’re very important to me.” He took her hands into his.
Then the girl apparently named Annabeth did something that completely shocked Gwendolyn, and the entire camp. She kissed Percy smack on the lips, a kiss in which Percy returned, they stayed that way for a minute or so, until they finally broke apart.
The entire camp was frozen in shock, but mostly it was the girls, the Venus cabin in Particular who was looking at the couple in anger and as well as shock, including Gwendolyn. Who did this girl think she was doing that to her guy?”
The only person who didn’t look shocked or confused was Reyna, who had spotted someone coming out of the boat, behind that blonde.
Reyna’s Pov
Reyna’s heart skipped a beat, as she saw who was coming out of the ship now. It was Jason! Sure Reyna wanted to stick around and see what the deal was between Percy and that girl, but she also wanted to see the number one Percy that she so dearly loved, and really missed.
She raced toward where he was walking, and gave him a huge bear hug, which she didn’t let go. When she finally let go, he looked at her unsurely, and in a way, scared.
“It’s nice to see you to,” then he smiled unsurely
“Your name’s Reyna right?” She nodded slowly, why would he have to ask what her name is?
“My memory was taken, the same as Percy,” he explained.
She nodded in understanding, and then he did something that was very sweet. He placed two of his hands into hers, but when he did, he glanced nervously at the back of him, toward the other demigods that were just getting off the ship now. Specifically toward a pretty Cherokee girl, with kerescopic eyes. She looked like she was about to cry, and now that Reyna thought about it, so did Jason in away.
Okay guys, another point of view switched sorry!
Piper’s point of view
Piper’s heart sank as she saw Jason, with that girl named Reyna, she felt as if her entire world had crashed down, again.
Before anyone could do anything she dashed into the Camp’s forest, tears streaming down her face.
Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Jason, about to run and chase after her, but stopped abruptly, and suddenly grasped Reyna’s hand, again. While everyone else stood shocked in horror, watching her, all except Percy and Annabeth, who were involved with their own business, as well as a bunch of pretty girls watching them, a mix of jealousy, envy, and anger in their eyes. One girl in particular, she had pale skin and dark eyes, eyes that was shooting murderous glares at Annabeth every second.
She didn’t stop running though, she ran farther and farther into the forest, until she couldn’t see anything, but a dreary darkness. She knew this was dangerous, if the Roman camp was anything like Camp Half-blood, there would be tons of dangerous monsters, lurking around in here, wanting a very delicious snack, probably a demigod.
She didn’t care though; she couldn’t go back there, after making that whole scene, and displaying a fool of herself, in front of the entire camp. Nope, here was much better, she could cry in piece, and mourn over her sorrows, without anybody watching.
She sat down on some gloomy rock, and that’s where the tears really started to fall hard.
All thoughts ran through her head, she couldn’t believe this. The guy that she really liked ends up having another girlfriend, who he remembers now. Right now, she hated everybody, especially Jason, for playing her like that. No, she didn’t hate Jason, she couldn’t ever hate Jason, who she hated right now, was herself.
She hated herself for being a fool; did she really think that Jason couldn’t possibly have another girlfriend? That he was single, and available? The guy was really handsome, smart, brave, and kind of funny. (Sarcastic tone right here, I really want to punch myself)
So immersed in her miserable thoughts, that she didn’t notice it, but someone, or possibly something, had sneaked up behind her, behind her back, and had made a huge roar.
She didn’t really want to look behind her, afraid for what she might find, a few months in the world of Greek mythology, and she already had met a few monsters that would probably scar her for life. She didn’t need another monster, to add to her list of things that she should fear for.
She still willed herself to turn around though, and what she saw made her heart practically stop beating all together.
It was a hell hound. The biggest one she had ever seen before, it was gigantic, had a color of blood red fur, as well as glowing red eyes.
She didn’t know what to do, so she just stood there in shock, probably waiting for the monster to eat her up for her lunch.
Then suddenly a thought came to her, she was a demigod for god’s sake. (No offence intended god’s she added in a silent prayer) She was a daughter of Aphrodite, a charm speaker, she faced Gaea and monsters created by her dirtiness herself, she could take on a measly hell hound, well it wasn’t exactly measly, but you get what she meant.
She took out her dagger Katropis that was sheathed by her side, and got ready to attack the beast, just like she had done to so many other beasts before.
Unfortunately however, she didn’t get to attack first, the hell hound did, and when she did she cut Piper by surprise, and accidently dropped her dagger on the ground.
Now depressed, weaponless, and apparently about to get eaten by a massive hell hound, Piper felt that this was so far her lowest point in her life, Piper figured that maybe getting killed/ eaten wouldn’t be that bad right now. So she closed her eyes, and prepared herself to what she felt, would be a quick, and uneventful death, seeing as how she was about to get eaten by a hell hound.
That didn’t happen however, instead of biting her, the hell hound licked her sloppily, causing her to be soaked with hell hound saliva, which let’s just say didn’t smell that good.
She was so surprised that she accidently slipped on some of the saliva that was dripping from her, but what was more surprising was that, the hell hound thing actually helped her stand back up.
She finally realized something, this hell hound wasn’t a blood sucking demon after all, instead it was a nice blood sucking demon that wouldn’t eat her, not what she would have expected, but to be honest, she wasn’t really complaining.
Slowly, but carefully, she started patting the hell hound. When she got to the ear, it started wagging her tail, up and down, causing the whole entire forest to shake, and a lot of the birds to fly away in alarm.
“You’re really not a bad monster, are u?” She said to the hell hound softly, while patting it softly.
“Yeah, she isn’t bad at all is she, actually she’s pretty sweet, unfortunately she’s the only nice hell hound ever.” Spoke a male voice, that caused her to jump, she hurriedly picked up her dagger, she had dropped, and got back into her pose, ready to kill anything that harmed her.
“Whoa, Whoa, don’t need to get nasty here, do we?”Replied the voice again, this time it sounded a little panicky.
The creature that was talking, stepped out of the shadows, and what Piper saw almost gave her a hard attack. It was a satyr, a creature with a body of a human, but at the bottom have a body of a donkey. She had seen satyrs roaming around in Camp Half blood, and even became sort of friends with one, Coach Gleeghson, but she never expected to actually find one in the middle of a dark forest, that was probably infested with lots of dangerous monsters, some probably never before seen to man.
“Now yes, yes, u wants to know, what a satyr is doing in the middle of a creepy dark forest with a hell hound.” Now piper was officially confused, she was pretty sure that satyr was a faun, the roman equivalent of a satyr, so that meant that the satyr was Greek. But what was a greek satyr doing in the middle of a dark forest, more important, a roman camp.
“Yes, yes, I’m sure u want to know what am doing here.” The satyr sounded exasperated, and bored at the same time.
“But first, let’s talk about you’re issues.”
“I heard u crying when u ran into here,” he gestured toward the path that Piper had ran into the forest crying.”
Before she could say anything, not even one word, the satyr thing spoke again.
“My name is Grover, Grover Underwood,” he then stuck his hand indicating for her to shake.
And she did, she shook his hand.

There u go, guys, Grover back in.

i know this sucks, this will probably be the worst chapter, but i wanted to add grover in, so there.sorry it sucks.
also shout out to my friend Miceala,who is leaving for the filipines, this is for u men!

over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
THAT WAS AWESOME and sweet Grover is back oooooo yea
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
GROVER !! MS. O'LEARY there back yayyyy awesome chapter it was so not sucky what u talkin about it was awesome !!:DDDD
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
new here hah?nice to meet u.talking about dezzypoo. i felt it was suckish, cause in my opinion t sucked
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
That was great another good one, the best so far and it had the greatest idea to put both G&Mrs in
:) Keep posting:)
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay, this is now soo frickin good, I luv it, urs is axtuallyreally good, ur writing is getting really good, keep posting, I like it, and now this is one of my top FACS in this fanfic place
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Kewl I wanna read that
over a year ago precious211 said…
posting very soon,just waiting for an important comment, don't feeel bad about it at all!seeing only one day has passed.
i guess i posted every 2,3,4,or five days, depends on the mood i'm in.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
I like it......Now to read that other thing
over a year ago precious211 said…
guys am so sorry i haven't posted i'll try to post soon, thing hav just been wierd. bt this is my last week of using techonology thanks to my parents, so am not sure whts gonna happen.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Aww sooo sad, really, do u hav someways to get through, it's really good, watt ya do for that
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
167? pls do post, I'm getting bored, and ur story rocks
over a year ago precious211 said…
Chapter 3 Piper’s Pov still. (Yeah I know horrible right)
If someone would have told Piper that one day she’ll be in the middle of a creepy forest infested with monsters, talking to some random stranger that had suddenly just appeared in the woods, she would have thought that person was totally insane.
If that same person would have said that that random stranger was apparently a mythical creature called a satyr, who apparently had a high rank in Greek mythology, called lord of the wild, and she would be telling her entire feelings for a guy that she only knew for a year, and was only placed into her mind, by some magical veil called the mist, she would have thought that person was a serious psycho path, and needed some serious medical attention.
But as she started talking to the weirdo satyr she started to get comfortable, he didn’t interrupt her once, or even try to contradict her, and the best part was that judging from the expression on his faces, he actually understood how she felt, the emotions that were clouding her mind, and the feelings that were being tangled up in her mind.
When she was done, she glanced over at Grover, to see how he was doing. He looked like he was deep in thought, and didn’t say anything, in fact for some strange reason, the entire forest was quite, it was kind of creep, to be honest.
He still hadn’t said a word, but was petting the hell hound called Mrs. O’Leary. I think she was enjoying herself, seeing as her she was smacking her tail up and down, and the entire forest was shaking with each strike, she wasn’t so sure that the animals were enjoying it, as much as Mrs. O’Leary was.
“I think you should go back ,”finally stated Grover. He was so silent that she forgot she wasn’t totally alone, and that a weirdo satyr was sitting right next to her.
Wait was she hearing things? Did the dude just tell her that she had to go back? Hah, impossible, in fact she was planning on living here for a few months or so, or at least Jason was gone.
“Yes I do think u should go back,” he said again. Piper was officially startled, it was as if this guy had just read her mind. Her life was officially weird, but before she could contemplate this, the satyr suddenly stood up, and grabbed her hand.
She tried to yank her hand away from his, but she couldn’t, for a satyr he was surprisingly strong; he basically had an iron grip.
“Come on here girl, “he suddenly whistled, then tugged at a thin doggy chain, she hadn’t noticed earlier.
Piper guessed that the leash was for Mrs. O’Leary, but she couldn’t understand how that was going to hold her, if she didn’t make her point before, the hellhound was HUGE.
But surprisingly the dog moved, if Piper didn’t know better, she would have actually thought it was by magic.
Soon she found herself in step with the hellhound, and she took this chance to examine her, sure she had already done that, but only when she saw her as a huge scary monster that was about to eat her for lunch. Now she saw her as a huge, cuddly dog, kind of like a bigger version of the one she had at home.
When she got to her neck, she noticed a doggy collar attached to her neck, she now understood where the leash Grover possessed in her hand had came from.
The doggy collar was made out of celestial bronze, the type of metal that Greeks use to make their weapons, the one Annabeth had told her about.
She took a closer look at it, and she might not be an expert when it comes to mechanics, but judging from the way it looked, the doggy collar was one heck of a piece of machinery. She wondered who had made it; he must have been some kind of a genius.
“There we are, pass through this tree and you’ll be back,” Grover stated. He had interrupted her thoughts once again, and now she looked around, she noticed the camp up ahead. She wondered how they had gotten their so fast, she was about to ask, but Grover got a little twinkle in his eye, and all he said was, “The trees showed me a faster way.”Weird huh?

“Who said am going back?” Stated piper aggressively, the last place she wanted to go back to was there, sure she felt kind of better, now that she had talked to Grover, but she still felt humiliated.
“You’re going back, because am coming with u.” He stated.
She blinked at him, the creepy weird dude was coming with her?
“Of course am coming with u!” He said. She was really beginning to think that the guy could read minds.
“Do u really think am going to just stay here, in this dark forest?” He said/bleated angrily.
“Why do u think I came here the first place?”
She blinked at him, the thought had never accrued to her, why was he here in the first place?
Before she could contemplate, she heard the voice of the last person she wanted to see right now. Who?
Why the one and only Jason.
Yeah I know sucks, but I deleted it by accident, and am in a hurry.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
well I like it......You are a good writer
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
It was really good can't wait for the next chappie !!:DDD
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
It was really good can't wait for the next chappie !!:DDD
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Wow, writings improving, I luv it, it's awesome terrific post soon knowing stupid parents is taking tec from u sucks
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
It's still good and longer than what I write.
over a year ago caira56 said…
your fanfic was awsome and amzing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus i luv it sis!!!!!!!!!!!
i am dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I'm gunno miss u u no? Cuz ur really nice, awesome, oh and ur stupid parents
over a year ago precious211 said…
expect chapter four by friday if all goes well, it's goanna be my longest chapter yet, i'm already tired typing,and am still on the begining.
over a year ago precious211 said…
Does my fanfic really suck that bad? Nice to know.
Plus I donate this chapter toward one of my favorite shows Wizards of Waverly place, without it this chapter would never exist.
Chapter 4. Piper’s point of view
Now you would think that Piper would be ecstatic that the guy she loved was suddenly here, probably following her the whole time, to make sure she was okay.
But she didn’t feel that, all she felt was red, hot rage, he was the last person she had wanted to see right now, and now he was there.
Who did she blame? The one person she felt had did this to her, and no, it wasn’t Aphrodite, or any other goddess, but a satyr, a specific sleazy satyr that she was going to get her revenge on.
It all made sense why he dragged her here, not taking no for an answer, and the reason why he was so quiet, like how he didn’t say anything after she finished telling her entire love story with him. She was going to kill a certain satyr today; she just prayed that the gods would understand.
“You are so dead, you hear me!” She yelled to Grover, or the spot that she knew he used to be standing, along with the cuddly hellhound Mrs. O’Leary, but all she was yelling at was white air. That was extremely weird; she knew he was there, before Jason had arrived.
Where did you go? She hadn’t realized that she had said that out loud.
“Who are you talking to?” Asked Jason in confusion. She noticed that he was trying not to stare directly at her face, but more like the ground.
Huh, she actually couldn’t believe that he was trying to pretend, he didn’t know what he was talking about, she officially wanted to kill two people. She wondered how Lord Dionysus and Zeus would feel about them, she hoped they wouldn’t be mad, and might understand why she did it.
Fine if he wanted to go about it that way, then that’s the road she’ll take.
“Well for starters, that satyr named Grover Underwood, he felt bad for me, and wanted me to clear things up with you, so he magically transported you here, and then vanished into thin air, so we could talk in private.” She knew it was a pretty dumb and farfetched idea, but when you have been in the world of Greek mythology for some time, you learn to expect the UN expected, and believe in the extraordinary.
“Huh?” Finally instead of just staring at the ground, he had the decency to put his head up, and stare up at her eyes directly. She noticed that they were the same beautiful blue as ever, except the fact that they had a sorrowful and mournful look to them, mixed with a terrible mixture of regret.
“Um, believe it or not, I was always here.” She only blinked at him, a likely story she thought, if he was always here then he would have heard all that she was talking about.
“It’s true!” He then pointed his hands way up toward the dark shapes of the trees’ canopy indicating the top layers of it.
“When I saw you run through the forest, I went in, in chase of after you a few minutes after. But I didn’t want you to see me, so I flew behind you, the entire way, and when you stopped I landed in a nearby tree.” He said this all as if it was obvious, and Piper felt pretty stupid right now. Men, getting your heart broken really get you paranoid doesn’t it? She thought to herself.
“Look Piper I am really sorry I played you like that, from the moment of you thinking I was your boy friend to now. It’s my entire fault.” He then proceeded to crumble in a heap on the floor, even though it was probably dirty and infested with dangerous bugs and parasites.
Looking at him like that Piper couldn’t stand it. He looked so helpless, depressed, and lost, that she immediately wanted to cheer him up, even though she was still mad at him, and wanted to kill him a few minutes ago.
“Dude it isn’t your fault,” she patted him awkwardly, hating herself for liking the pleasure.
“This is all a certain goddess of marriage fault and you know who am talking about,” she said. Jason looked up at her then he laughed, it was great to hear his laughter again. It made her laugh.
Then an ominous thunder just sounded out of the sky, even though there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Jason looked nervously up in the air, “We should probably uh go,” he said nervously.
Piper nodded her head in response and together they made it back to camp.
Everybody except the consuls of each cabin, and the Greeks, were crowded around the big house. On e thing about the big house, it was big; an d looked like a house, with a front porch and anything. In fact it looked so much like the Greek camp at camp half blood that Piper was sure that inside she’ll see Chiron and Lord Dionysus playing that stupid game called ponichle
They entered the big house, where all the Greeks were there, and the consuls and praetors were there too.
Huh really big crowd gathered in the building. Piper was kind of afraid to actually go in there, seeing as how she had just embarrassed herself in front of the entire camp minutes ago.
Kay change of Pov. Gwendolyn point of view
That girl with the kerescopic eyes who had run into the forest was back, accompanied by Jason who was right behind her.
Reyna motioned for Jason to sit in the seat next to her, and the girl’s face fell apart. Gwendolyn wondered why, and what was her problem.
Gwendolyn knew that people who would actually want to read it, expected her to go on in the present, but instead she was going to go back.
As the new arrivals started entering the big house, along with the head consuls and praetors of all the legions 1-13 (she didn’t know why, she guessed that somehow they telepathically agreed on this) Gwendolyn walked behind Percy, and his girlfriend (ache she still had trouble believing this) she still couldn’t believe that this blonde could actually be his girlfriend, she was so angry that she felt she had to teach her a lesson, (normally she wasn’t this violent, but seeing that girl kissing her future boyfriend, really made her mad, something she hadn’t been for a long time.
Oh she was so mad that she was going to…… going to (do what she thought desperately, she had no powers, in fact, the only thing she could do was impersonate things, how do you think she got by with telling the lie that she probably was a child of Hades to the campers, or even to Lupa? She had this thing where she could you know copy stuff, she couldn’t really explain it. Heh maybe she was a demigod child of the god of copiers, except that would make no sense, since there was no god of copiers in roman mythology, well there was always the possibility that there was others gods other than the Romans, but that would be completely absurd, not to mention bogus.
Okay, first thing first agonize over the fact that her future love was taken, and think about her messed up life later.
Okay so they entered the council house (yup it was actually called the strategy house, guess who named it, the Athena kids)
Gwendolyn liked to say that she paid attention for the first few minutes of the meetings, and that would be lying, and lying was only good for politicians, not for second in command of the legion armies of camp half blood. In fact all she was doing was doing was shooting reproaching, and totally undetectable glances toward blonde over there and Percy (they were sitting side by side, it made Gwendolyn sick)
But at least she wasn’t the only one not paying attention, she saw through her glances that Percy wasn’t either, which was absurd, seeing as how he always paid attention.
Well, not really pay attention, more like pretend to, while he was playing rock paper scissors with Michelle leader of the Mercury Cabin ( think that’s a lame game? Not the way they play it, in fact that way should be illegal.)
She finally turned her attention toward the meeting when the new arrivals said that they were Greek demigods, yup they actually said that, and that’s when that girl and Jason came in.
“But we are,” said the blonde, Gwendolyn was really starting not to like her; she seemed like a smart alic.
“Prove it.” Jake head counselor for the Mars cabin, and praetor of legion four commanded. Abash, leave it to Jake to try and intimidate new arrivals.
“It’s true!” Blonde replied.
“What’s true?” The Cherokee girl that just walked in asked.
“That we are Greek Demigods and that not only Roman demigods exist.
“I don’t see any proof,” taunted Jake, and the rest of the roman campers, including Gwendolyn nodded.
“Fine if you want proof, we’ll give you proof,” the blonde girl replied. Wow she really was stubborn; if she didn’t know better she would have thought that the girl was a daughter of Minerva.
“Here is the proof right there,” she then pointed toward Percy.
“Percy is Greek, just like us, here’s all the proof you need.” She stated.
“Wait what?” Percy asked. That finally got his attention, took long enough.
“Maybe next time you should pay attention,” the girl rolled her eyes. Men, she really sounded like one of those smart alic, it was starting to get annoying.
“Percy couldn’t be Greek. He doesn’t even speak Greek in the first place “Jake replied, pretty satisfied with his argument.
“Ah yes he does,” the first day he got here, he called all the gods by the roman names, and even started asking me questions in Greek. Thankfully I learned how to speak Greek, and made sure he stopped it, before you guys found out.” She replied, all the roman campers glared at her, and she had a feeling that she probably just lost her rank.
“Okay so you’re Greek, and you guys exist, next order of business, what the Pluto are you doing here?” Asked Jake.
The blonde girl blinked at him.
“That’s it, that’s all you’re going to do, no killing us, or trying to do anything harmful and unsafe toward us?” She asked.
Gwendolyn sighed.
“Why does everyone always think that Romans hate Greeks? Seriously, we got nothing on you guys, sure we don’t like you guys at all, and are somewhat jealous of the culture and art you posses, it’s not like we actually hate you, that we’ll go to low levels such as trying to kill you. Those times are in the past, and this is the present, and with the presents brings new changes that make us a better people, and society.” She told blonde, and well the Greeks.
The blonde girl blinked. “Okay, so guys you here that, there not going to try and kill us, so we could forget about the plan.”
The Greeks all nodded, though some of them looked kind of disappointed, like the dude with pale skin and dark hair. She wondered who his godly parent was.
“What was the plan?” Percy asked curiously, and all the romans nodded their heads in agreements.
“Oh nothing,” all the Greeks replied quickly, too quickly.
This was followed by a very awkward silence between the two groups. The only thing that broke it was the bright silvery light that suddenly flashed into the room, closely accompanied by a holographic projection of a silvery wolf.
Immediately all the Roman campers, and Percy, bowed, showing respect to their empress.
While the Greeks did just the opposite, they stared at the projection for a few minutes, confusion in their faces. But that quickly changed into pure terror, when they saw what person was on the projection.
They quickly took out their weapons, and went into an armed pose, each of them ready to strike.
“What the hell is wrong with you guys,” Percy yelled. All the Romans nodded in agreement, including Gwendolyn herself.
“I always knew that you were a seaweed brain, but you aren’t this stupid,” blonde said.
“Huh?” Both he and the Romans said.
She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t you see who that is?”
“Yeah that’s Lupa,” Percy replied.
She looked at him in confusion.
“No, that’s Lupe, you know one of the spirits of evil and disease, you know one of the humans who got cursed by Zeus.”
She turned toward Lupa, or the projection of Lupa, I wondered how she’ll take it , being called “ a spirit of evil and disease”, but Gwendolyn was pretty sure she wasn’t going to take it very well, and boy was she wrong.
Instead of growling at the blonde girl, and probably baring her fangs at her, she smiled. This in Gwendolyn opinion was a hundred times Creepier.
“Yes, I am known as that towards you Greeks, but to the Romans I am known, as Lupa, the mother of Rome, care taker of Romulus and Remus, some might even say that I am Artemis in her Roman form. Though of course am not.”
“Ah Lupa sorry to disturb your little talk, but how exactly are you here?” Gwendolyn said, she knew this was really rude, to interrupt her while she was talking, but she was really curious. You see a few months ago, two days after Percy had arrived; Lupa was called back to Olympus, for reasons they didn’t know why, and then bam, Olympus closed down. They had to get by without her for these months, and in her opinion they were doing a pretty good job.
Lupa glared at her, “huh, she’s okay with a total stranger calling her an evil spirit, but gets mad at me when I ask a simple question?” huh the irony in that.
“Fine if you must know, I am here through Iris Message.”
“Yes, I do know that it’s very hard to do it, now that Olympus is closed, but I had helped from a couple of gods, it’s vital that I came to you, to tell you what’s the next step you have to take now.”
“Um, sorry to interrupt you, but just so we are clear, you’re not an evil spirit, who got cursed by the gods,” I expected Lupa to go all wolf on her now, though that would be hard seeing as how it was an iris message, but all she did was nod her head.
“Okay just checking.” She sat back down, and sheathed her weapon; all the Greeks did the same, following her example.
Gwendolyn glanced at the blonde again, she was completely red, and was blushing sheeplesy.
Yup definitely a daughter of Minerva, or in their case Athena, she thought.
“Back to the reason why I came here,” Lupa said.
“Do you know what your next step is?” Lupa asked.
All the Romans shook their head, but the Greeks seemed to know.
“We find the seven great demigods of the prophecy, go to Greece, defeat the Giants, the end.” All of them said at once, it seemed to Gwendolyn that they rehearsed that.
“Nope am sorry, before any of that can happen, you must find the one thing that stands in the way of all of that.” Lupa said.
“Which is?” Both the Greeks and the Romans asked at the same time.
“Am sorry, pups, but I cannot tell you, that’s what you need to find out, on your quest.” She said.
“I must go now, for Jupiter senses something, I’ll tell you one thing though, and the oracle will tell you you’re next step.”
Before any of us could react, a giant thunder bolt shot at the iris message of Lupa, and she disappeared, creepy huh? A regular life of a demigod Gwendolyn thought to herself.
“Well. You heard what she said, bring in the oracle,” Jake replied.
“Already here,” Hazel, head counselor for the Apollo cabin, and praetor of the sixth region said.
Pov switch. Piper’s point of view now.
The girl she decided was Hazel bounced up to the center of the room, dutifully, as if she knew the drill. For some reason she brought a guitar, for reasons piper didn’t know why.
Now piper expected Hazel to start spewing green smoke, her eyes to turn a green color, and to speak a prophecy through a snaky , raspy voice, just like hazel.
But only two out of the three happened, her eyes did start glowing green, she did start spewing smoke, but instead of saying a prophecy through that voice, she started singing a song, in a sweet harmonic voice, playing her guitar as well. It reminded her of Taylor swift, and her songs, which made Piper want to barf, all Taylor swift’s songs were about love, and she hated it. Weird a daughter of Aphrodite hating a song about love, strange.
She was so surprised that she gasped, and everyone turned to look at her.
“What’s your problem,” the girl named hazel asked. Piper didn’t think she enjoyed being interrupted like that, seeing as how it was her moment to shine.
“You’re singing,” Piper explained.
“Yeah so?” She said in a huaughy voice.
“But you’re supposed to be saying a prophecy,” piper replied.
“I am, through song,” she then went back to singing, the prophecy.
Piper looked at the girl named Hazel, who was glaring at her. She guessed she didn’t like being stopped when it was her time to be in the spot light, she reminded her of what a stereotypical Aphrodite girl should be, Piper was glad she wasn’t like that.
She finally started singing the prophecy, what was she singing before, about the great and magic powers of what she possessed through the powers of the oracle of Delphi. Yup definitely shallow, Piper thought to herself.
Here is how the song went like, she sang it in a Taylor swift, rap kind of way.
Child of sky
Shall lead this quest
Child of sea
Shall accompany the
The children of Greece shall come too
To help do the job that they must do
Along with the daughters of death and Farm
To find and retrieve what causes no harm
Before mother Earth steals it first
Or all it doomed
And the Earth shall go boom
She then ended it in a rock star kind of way, bowed, and returned to her seat.
Two things was running through Piper’s head right now.
One, that was the worst prophecy song thing she had ever heard, she sang it great, but it didn’t even sound like a prophecy, more like a stupid rap song, that someone made at the top of their head.
Number two, the prophecy sounded pretty straight forward. Which creeped piper out a lot, she may not have been in the world of Greek mythology for a long time to know everything, but she was pretty sure of one thing. The prophecy wasn’t supposed to be straight forward like that, it just wasn’t the way of the fates, and how things worked, and piper was officially worried.
“Well, guys what do you think the prophecy means,” the girl with the dark hair, and dark eyes asked?
“Who cares about that,” a nasty looking boy asked. Piper guessed he was a child of Mars.
“We should decide who should go, and take action fast!”
“But it already said, who should go, we need to decipher what it means, then take care of that later.” The dark haired girl protested.
“I agree with her,” Annabeth said. Piper was kind of surprised that she heard her talking, she had been quite ever since she made that mistake about Lupa.
The dark haired girl didn’t seem very happy about Annabeth agreeing with her, Piper wondered why.
“Well, guys, I may not be very smart, but to me their sound like it’s telling us that seven of us have to go on a quest to find an object that could awaken Gaea, before she does.” Percy said.
Everyone nodded their head in agreement, including piper that did sound right.
“Now what object could be so powerful, that it could raise someone like Gaea?” We all wondered.
“THE STONE OF DREAMS!” Yelled the black haired girl, suddenly, all heads turned to her in confusion.
“You mean that thing from the Wizard of Waverly place movie?” Percy asked.
“Yes, I remembered that movie,” Annabeth replied. “I hated it, the graphics were terrible!”
“Speak for yourself, I loved it, it was better than the animal channel!” A voice suddenly replied.
“It’s you, the dude at the forest!” Piper suddenly yelled.
“You mean the dude that you claimed you were talking to, and brought me to the forest?’ Jason asked, confusion etched all around the place.
“Exactly!” Where did you leave to, and where did you come from right now? Piper yelled enthusiastically.
“Is it me, or does anyone else feel like their missing something?”Percy suddenly asked.
men i feel pretty dizzy and sweaty right now, i think i have to go to bed
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
No it was a great chapter and your not a suckish writer you'r the opposite
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
That was awesome!!!

The Earth shall go Boom

Yeah the Romans have weird prophecys I like the Greeks Better.....Gwen has Issues and i hate Hazel.........
over a year ago precious211 said…
huh i just read what i wrote for chapter four, and i realized something.
it was the opposite of what i was supposed to write, am still trying to figure out how that happen, but i cnt, quite franckily i dnt even remember writing it.
am so sorry guys, bt i'm goanna leave it cause i am very lazy.
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
okay guys sorry for not posting, i could lie and say i had alot of stuff going but am not going to cause i promise my mom i'll try to live aa christian life, or some crap like that, i could say i'll post soon but am lazy, i do stuff last minute, example math homework, literally five minutes before the bell.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Jason sucks!!!
luv the chapter Antonia or precious or jasonsuckseggs,
U still make me crack on that
Inluv it!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
ace i am so glad u share my views of jason, and guys i have the chapter typed up and will post it if i get a new person to comment cause i think it would be fun!(really i do!)am wierd like tht.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Ur jus like me!!! Common!! Her stuffs good!!! SoN!!
Common!!! Pls do!! Another person, always, were soo similar
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
so so sooo good post soon!!!!
over a year ago Avert_thy_Eyes said…
big smile
Nice!I see you don't like Jason,HIGH FIVE!I don't like Piper much either....or Annabeth.Anywho~ your writing is fantastic!But,[Omg the critic!]you misspelled some words there and Grover isn't really acting like himself.It could either be that he's in hurry or something like that or it's just the way you write.Either way,your a great writer and I wish you write more,either[I'm saying it to much...]I'm crazy or you just really write a lot like Rick Riordan.Continue writing!I await to read more!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! LOVE!!!
over a year ago fman172 said…
big smile
Awesome fanfic I don't know what your talking about ur a good writer!
over a year ago precious211 said…
Whoa u guys ur so awesome, thanks, it’s because of u, that am up at 3:39 am typing this up while my entire family is sleeping, except my sis of course
Chapter five, continuing from piper’s point of view(half or a quarter if that’s okay expect the FULL entire chapter by the end of this week, though I would really enjoy some comments from this one though, to make changes before I type the entire one, u know?
“Yeah I totally agree with Percy here!” piper yelled, and everyone else nodded earnestly in agreement.
“Guys I would love to fill you in, but don’t u think we have more important matters to attend to, like oh the new prophecy that was just announced a minute ago?” piper could detect full on sarcasm from him, but she also noticed that his eyes were twinkling mischievously as he said it.
“Grover’s right.” Annabeth suddenly said. To be honest piper was shocked she even spoke, ever since her mistake on who Lupa was, she had become quite silent throughout the entire conversation, which was totally not like her.
“We don’t have time to deal with unimportant things like this; we have more pressing matters to attend to.” She said it all in that same “I know it all voice she used whenever she talked. Again the crowd nodded, piper noticed that they basically nodded for everything, which kind of crept her out a little bit.
“Now excuse me, but more about what u meant about the stone of dreams?” she nodded and then turned her head toward the girl that blurted it out so suddenly.
The girl looked startled for a second, then sighed and said, “look I don’t know why I blurted it out it was an accident I guess”, she then proceeded to slump down her seat, and awkward silence followed.
Luckily Annabeth saved them all because according to her, she knew all about the legend of the stone of dreams. (From this point forth am making all of this up with my imagination and the wizard of Waverly place movie, just saying it right now) apparently it wasn’t actually just a random object used for a TV show movie, according to Annabeth, there was more truth about it, then showed on the movie.
“It’s not proven that it actually exist, “she continued, but there have been evidence of its existence for a long time.” She started saying all these stuff, like she owned it.
“Now to prove my claim of its existence,” she said all of these like she’s writing an Expository essay (don’t u just love those they are the easiest piece of crap to write, who agrees with me here?) if she actually was it would probably be “do you feel that the mythical thing, the stone of dreams exist, why or why not, give three pieces of evidence that proves it.”
“Ah not to sound dumb or anything here,”Percy said while raising his hand, but what exactly is the stone of dreams?” he looked at Annabeth expectantly, waiting for an answer, and of course the crowd of Romans nodded in agreement, in which piper joined in also. She too was confused, and didn’t get Hades what Annabeth was talking about.

Annabeth looked irritated that she was stopped like that, but then sighed took a deep breath, and started what piper knew would be a long explanation of things.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
big smile
Great chapter. Cannot wait for the next one. You are an awesome writter!!!
over a year ago piper234 said…
over a year ago precious211 said…
thx u 2, it means alot i'l post if i gt at least three more comments tht would mean alot 2 me.
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
yhayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i found your story see i told u i would and it's amazing i love it can't whait untill you post i hope it's soon lovved it buy
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I love you fix it's so awesome.