sam7b posted on Oct 14, 2011 at 12:43AM
This is the page where you make your charries! :D Remember, don't have too many. All of them deserve your attention! :) Charry descriptions must be at least two good solid paragraphs. Have fun making your tributes! :) Remember to include the name of your charry, their district, and their age. I'll have a charry list so yeah. Oh, BTW, only one girl and one boy from each district please. Don't worry if you don't get in this time, I'm going to do another one each time on ends. :) Have fun! :)


D12: Female, Age 14, Kirin Wood
D11: Male, Age 16, Soren Mathison
D4: Female, Age 14, Amber Blossom
last edited on Oct 14, 2011 at 02:22AM

The Hunger Games 7 replies

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over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Kirin Wood - District 12

Kirin is a pretty, tan, 14 year old girl with gray-ish blue eyes and brown hair with some streaks of lighter brown and blonde-ish. She's tall and lean. She is a fast runner and knows a good majority in hand- to - hand combat. She is strong-willed and sarcastic. She is very stubborn at times but is nice, usually. She is survival-smart. She has had a hard past and is tough to crack.

At home, she is the family guardian. She cooks usually and helps her younger brother, Jacob who is 5 years old. Their mother lives with them but has to work all day so Kirin is in charge most of the time. She used to have two older brothers and her father. They all were killed in ways involing " freak accidents". No one knows exactly what happened. Kirin smuggles stuff through the town to earn money for her family.

over a year ago sam7b said…
Kirin Wood, age 14 from district 12, has been selected to participate in this year's Hunger Games. Congratulations Kirin, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

~GameMaker Samantha
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Soren Mathison-

Soren is tall, muscular 16 year old boy with shaggy dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He is strong and a good climber of things. He knows hand-to-hand combat like theres no tomorrow. He is quite usually and has a tough look about him. He is kind when you know him, and jokes around every now and then, he is very creative and out going. He is very handsome. He knows a lot about street fighting since he usually gets sucked in. He tends to avoid big fights.

At home, Soren has 3 older brothers and little brother and sister. His older brothers are Drake, Jacob, and Matt. Drake is 18 years old , Jacob is 17, and Matt is 17 too. Soren's little brother, Andrew is 12 years old and his sister, Sarah is 8 years old. His father lives with them and their mother lives there too. Soren used to play an instrument his older brother made him. Matt had made a drum set practially and he played it alot. Life is a lot harder and they spent hours on hours in the orchard. Soren used to get in tons of street fights. He is a harden guy with a tough life.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Amber Blossom - District 4 - Age 14


Amber has natural dark orange hair that shines in the moonlight. Her skin is pale-ish her eyes are a beautiful extremely light purple, almost white but tinted a lilac shade. She's tall-ish for her age, 5'2" but very light, only weighing up to about 83 pounds. She often wears baggy sweat pants or in the summer baggy sweat pants with the legs cut off. Her shirts are always t-shirts, usually purple or red. Her shoes are faded and worn from walking around on the cobblestone streets and sidewalks of District 4. They're brown and the soles are gray and nearly as thin as paper. Amer's face has hollowed but not super hollowed cheeks and medium high cheekbones. She had a button nose that does not go well at all with all her other strong, independent features. Amber has a huge scar on her stomach from when she got robbed in a back alley and the robber stabbed her when she tried to run. Sometimes she can still feel it tingling as if the wound was still there but the pain was gone. The doctors say it's because some of the nerves were damaged.


Amber is a loud and rambunctious girl. She likes to have her opinions heard and in this way she is slightly idiotic. However, one must admire her for her will and determination. She does not give up on things easily. However, Amber is not at all the strongest of people. She can't even handle a sword because it's too heavy for her think arms to hold up. She's also stubborn as a mule and this is a big weakness of hers. She does not do well working in teams at all. Surprisingly, she doesn't talk much but when she does it's always with a tone of determination and force which can make people mad at her because they think she's bossing them around. In a way she is, she's just so used to talking like that that she doesn't even notice. She always has a million things going on her head but she has an amazing gift that most kids don't have; she can actually refrain from speaking every thought she has and sticks only to saying the necessities.


Amber's parents are divorced, however they both live in the same districts so Amber sees them each on an every-other-day schedule. She spends two days with her mom and then two days with her dad, etc. In this way, she's gotten used to always being on the move and always going somewhere. Her mother is strict and an outdoorsy person while her father spoils Amber rotten. This is the cause of Amber's mixed personality. She likes herbs and plants and has a very good talent with them and her mom has forced her to be out in nature a lot so Amber can climb trees very well and knows her way around woodsy areas. However, Amber also has a problem with laziness sometimes she'll need to do something and will just put it off until the next day. This comes from her father. Her father, however, has a collection of knives and Amber often holds them and looks at them as her father tells her things about knife making and such. Amber often practices throwing them at trees at her fathers house and in this way has become very skilled with the knife. Amber has a job cutting fish at the docks. Often you'll see her with her lips set in a determined line, hands bloody from the fish and her prized knife from her father clutched in her hand as she slices off the fishes head quickly, without hesitation.

And in this way, Amber has learned how to kill without regret.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Soren Mathison, age 16 from district 11, has been selected to participate in this year's Hunger Games! Congratulations Soren, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

~GameMaker Samantha
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Amber Blossom, age 14 from district 4, has been selected to participate in this year's Hunger Games! Congratulations Amber, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

~GameMaker Samantha
over a year ago Felicty66k said…
Felicty spear age:14 district 12

6"7 orange hair in ponytail wearing black skinny jeans
black hoodie bow and arow on back plus supplies

can kill easily is mean and nice likes to fight and is differently tall for her age shes tooken out a kids eye out for stealing old ladys money...

Felicty has a mom but no dad shes an only child, she can cut a person in half she has mad bow skills and ocasionally uses a spear she has had very little training but has greater power for her age.