The Hunger Games RP

Feathershine posted on Dec 10, 2011 at 10:27PM

Okay, so we have not begun, Yet! But I will put what terrain we have:
We start in a grassy field, very wide and open. There are many tree trundle with weapons (other than guns) then their is a vast jungle. That covers the rest. A stream flows through at the west, and there is a small pool with a waterfall, perfect for cleaning... So 1 person per person... This is restricted. I kinda want to make it normal. 24 people may sign up. Other than that... LET THE 100th HUNGER GAMES BEGEN! XD

District 1
Girl: Keira Crow: medium sized girl, skinny, tanned, green eyes and light brown hair, with reddish streaks

District 2
Girl: Nina Allgood: small black and pink haired pale skinned girl with light green eyes

District 3
Girl: Lily: long blonde hair blue eyes skinny tall great with a bow and arrows

District 4:
Girl: Mayleen Wintergreen: pale skinned girl with icy green eyes and ashy blonde hair (15)
Boy: Jason Corlion: handsome, tall guy with black hair and blue-green eyes (17)

District 5

District 6

District 7
Girl: Rain Lessos: bright blue eyes, straight blonde hair, 5"5 athletic, not pale, but not really tan, pretty. 16
Boy: Coleman Richmen: distinguished grown up features, grass green eyes, wavy copper hair, 5"11 muscular, deep tanned, handsome, age: 16

District 8

District 9

District 10
Girl: Radii Whites: bright red hair with gray eyes, very tall, stubborn, independent, does what she wants, 14

District 11

District 12
Girl: Holly Hill: long blonde hair, wavy but sleek, with shimmering green eyes with a light sprinkle of freckles over her face (16)
Boy: Jace Wayland: a blonde boy with pale skin with amber eyes, (16?)

I will not start the games until every slot is filled. If you come and it's filled, I'm sorry!
last edited on Jan 16, 2012 at 01:12AM

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