The Hunger Games Annie's story

wisegirl778 posted on Aug 29, 2012 at 08:30PM
He Wisegirl778 here and thanks for checking out my latest forum. This is basically my story about Annie Cresta and her brother. Finnick is in this story as well. Annie's games will become a little bit harder when somebody close to her comes in with her. Finnick thinks that it is all his fault and trys to keep her alive. Will he suceed? Find out!

The Hunger Games 17 replies

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over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
hehe im first :p
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
alright first comment is up so the first chapter will be up later I sweare on the risk of becoming a tribute
over a year ago book-worm said…
Haha ^nice wisegirl!!!! Post soon.
over a year ago dooodle said…
Cool! :D
over a year ago dooodle said…
That sound cool thumbs up!
That sound cool thumbs up!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
post!!!!! i shall be waitin' for the post!!!!!!
over a year ago wishey said…
big smile
I'm looking forward to it :)
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Okay I'll post sorry for the wait. This chappie is sort of a intro ok?

Chapter One
The Beginning

I sat on the sandy beach in district four watching as the salty waves crashed againest the already wet sand and letting the cool water wash over my tan toes. The sky was a perfect cloudless blue as I watched it's colors change as the sun sinks beneath the waves. I was waiting for my incredably lat boyfriend, Finnick O'dair to get his dreamy butt down here and not tll me about his fantastic day without his annoying loser girlfriend hanging around and embrassing him I know that he doesn't think about me like that but I know that every time that I was with him whenever a Capitol women comes to meet him they thought of me as though I was a mere bug that needed to be crushed to get to Finn so they could get him all to themselves. I was seventeen and beelieve me I can tell why he is always late even though he doesn't bother to tell me. I can see I am not blind I can see the way those annoying. perky, colorful women look at Finn as though they were inspecting a dog that they were going to buy and the sick thing was that they did buy him if only for an hoour or two and he always comes back transfixed as though he had be told a secret that he can share with no one not even me. It was torture not knowing what was going inside his head! When he first came out of the games when he was fourteen he was safe the Capitol could not touch him because he was too young our relationship was safe but ever since a year ago when he turned sixteen the women swarmed in by the hundred and almost distroyed our relationship. We went through it together and grew stronger because of it. Now there is only the times when he must go to the Capitol or mentor in the Hunger Games when he leaves me. But he has never been four hours late before it's got me worrying that he had reliezed for himself that he was too good for me that a victor did not need a nobody like me. I decide to leave a note so I he cares enough to come for me that he will know why I left and where I have gone. Once I am done writing I read over it to make sure it is good enough.

I get it your too good for me.
You could have just told me and
not have made things worse for me
If you care enought to even come for me
you know where to find me.
- Annie

It looked good so I set in the sand and weigh it down with a rock so it won't blow away. I find a white pole in the sand and stick it in beside the note in the rock so if Finn does come he will see it and read it so he will know where I am. I fold up my light blue blanket that I was sitting on carefully put it into my bag and sling the bag over my shoulder. I walk away from where I was sitting and make my way to my favorite place besides the beach, an old willow tree with cascading vines so long and thick that once you stepped into them you dissappeared from veiw. I climd up until I reach a particulairy high branch and use my bag as a pillow so I can be comfortable as I wait for Finn.

Sorry if its short, what do you think?
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
well then I hoe you peoples liked it
over a year ago wishey said…
big smile
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
why thank you the second chapter will be up tommorrow
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
can u post it quicker?????
only story i read in this club
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
Awww! Thank you!
Chapter 2
The Capitol

I reach my perch that is high enough in the tree so that I can look down over the beach witch if I thought about it was more of a valley then a beach but what ever, just as I see Finn coming up the road in the dimming light looking alarmed at the fact that I was not there. He jogs over to the poll and reads the note looking worried and confused that I would leave it. I lean back againest the tree trunk and feel the cold blade of a knife againest my throat I can see the light grey golves of the peacekeeper that was holding me still with the blade and smell the disgusting aroma of the Capitol und the thin layer of padding that the glove provides. He pushes me down and my head smack a branch just before I hit the earth.
"FInn!" I scream. I can feel the trickle of blood oozing down my forhead and absentmindindly I reach my hand to the wound the cut. My fingers come back blood red. He is running towards the willow with all of his might.
" Annie! I'm coming!" He is almost to the tree as my attacker drops down from the branches above me and unforuntelly lands on his feet without a scratch on him. He kneels down next to me and strokes my hair hissing in my ear with the voice of a cobra and with breath as horrible as a python.
" Yesss Finnick come to poor helpless Annie." He sneares.
" Don't you touch my girlfriend." Finn apears out of the misty haze of vines with a branch raised like a club over his head, and his usually cheerful eyes were filled with intense anger."Annie you okay?"I nod at him like he saw anyway all of his attenion is now fixed on the man who tryed to murder me The on that was sent straight from the Capitol to hurt him or me or anybody. As he passes me I grab his hand.
" Finn don't" I say concerned, he had never been this angery before and I was getting worried that if I didn't do something that he would regret later.
" He hurt you Annie I have to."Why? I ask myself. Why does he have to do this why can't he just let the Peacekeeper go and we can maybe get back to our lives. But no he had to make a scene and protect me like always. Most girls would love to be in my position to be dating a Hunger Games victor who protects you no matter what but for me it was just an endless pool of worry, What if Finn got hurt or worse? He trows the brach at the Peacekeeper who whimpers as his arm is grazed and he falls back into the grass then scrambles away.
over a year ago wishey said…
I love it!
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
ahh thank you soooo much!!!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
awesome!!!! post
over a year ago wishey said…
Please post the next part