The Hunger Games Hunger Games Movie

Bedward4lyf posted on Dec 06, 2008 at 01:18AM
hey i just finished this book. && i know theres a movie. but im not sure who sells it. could u guyss hellp?? thanks..

The Hunger Games 57 replies

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over a year ago drgroz said…
No movie in the plans yet. The book just came out a few months ago. I hope they will eventually make a movie, but not yet. Sorry.
over a year ago Bedward4lyf said…
thanks. its just that i went to a scolastic book fair and right the to the hunger games (book) there was a hunger games dvd idk what it was tho
over a year ago runda99 said…
lol probably questions and answers with Suzanne, cuz on their website they have like 38493 videos of her?
over a year ago gosselinfan626 said…
I really hope that they make a movie. The books are probably going to get really popular when more come out.
over a year ago Henny-c said…
I would love to see the movie. :]
over a year ago Bedward4lyf said…
me too!!!
over a year ago rosedude1213 said…
I really hope they make a movie! Who would you guys want as the characters?
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
A movie would be awesome, but I don't want a movie to ruin the books.
Like a couple other series/movies I can think of. . .

over a year ago Bedward4lyf said…
omg yeahh like eragon. terrible director.
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
i don't want to start a huge blowout, but i didn't think twilight was all that great either.
or hp5.
the books were, of course, waaaaaaaaay better.
over a year ago Bedward4lyf said…
uhh well i think that depends on your opinion in my opinion cathrine is the best director alive. so i thought her movie twilight was astonishing. But if you were expecting it to be Exactly like the book then its guunna suck cos its not supposed to be a replica of the book. i mean yes, she could have made alice have a bigger part and yes she left out alot of good scenes but how else do u expect someone to cram a 500 page book into 2 hours?
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
very true. very true.
i just had too high of expectations i guess.
but new moon should be good.

but the hunger games would be a very good movie; and it'd be good for a lot of random groups of poeple, which is always sure to be a hit.
over a year ago HisMine said…
Hunger Games is awesome!! Its like the most suspenseful book i have ever read. The characters are amazing!!! Im a huge fan of Peeta's personality. Hes like perfect Boy next door!! Katniss was a an awesome character too. But in the movies who would play the parts of katniss, gale, peeta, Cinna, Portia and so on??? oh and also who do u think katniss will fall for in the end peeta or gale??
over a year ago Sapphira_Lily said…

There will now be a movie.
over a year ago lionpug1 said…
A company just bought the rights to the movie so we can expect one soon!
over a year ago CatchingFire said…
Lionsgate just bought the rights to The Hunger Games. They are trying to stay in the PG 13 range but i don't think that is possible with all the killing. If they do take out all the killing and the gore then there is no point in making the movie. Unless the movie is very different from the book. The book was awesome why would you leave out all the good things that make it a great book.
over a year ago jackie5starr said…
OMG OMG OMG!!! A MOVIE!!!! YAY!!!!! CANT W8!!! IT BTR B GUD!!! like all the movies for books end up sucking...
over a year ago rosaliegiselle said…
the movie's coming out in 2011
over a year ago silly_goose said…
They are making a movie, and Suzanne Colling is writing the screen play, so hopefully it will be as amazing as the book! But I dont have very hopes,books that go to movie are never as good as what you imagine while you read.
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
I'm glad that Collins is writing the screenplay though.
It'll be very real because it's what she invisioned.
over a year ago RaineChild said…
Ah, can't wait till Catching Fire comes put! I really hope the movie as as good as the book.
over a year ago meh-hagan said…
big smile
i am pretty sure that there is going to be a movie beacause there are rumors that lionsgate are going to make a movie about it.
i really really hope there is a movie i love the book so much :)
over a year ago Sheloggs said…
dude...the movie dont even hold audtions till Jan of 2010...the movie comes out in theathers 2011! k???
over a year ago cullenjonas4eva said…
I heard Lionsgate...but I don't know for sure. Can someone who is 100% positive please clarify for me?
over a year ago Mr_Nmm said…
well i am 95% positive so don't look here and if it is it will probably be rated PG-13 and then that means they take out a lot of the violence...
over a year ago sargo96 said…
i dunno if there is gonna be a movie but it would be really cool if there was a movie
it might be a rumor bout the movie comin out in 2011 ?
over a year ago hungergamesfan said…
Yea, they are making a movie. Lionsgate purchased the film rights and Suzanne herself is writing the screenplay. They also picked a director .... Nina something.
over a year ago sargo96 said…
apparently there is gonna be a movie :) YAY :):):):):):):):)
over a year ago sargo96 said…
the movie would suck if it was rated PG coz basically the whole book revolves around violence DUH :)
over a year ago hungergames_fan said…
lol he has got a point.but violence isnt the whole point of the book its also about LOVE.....GO TEAM PEETA
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
over a year ago hunger_games_CF said…
theres going to be a movie of hunger games.suzanne gave the copyrights to lions gate the director is nina something
heres the proof you have you skip to 3:37

site: link

over a year ago Bedward4lyf said…
There we have it! Living proff from Suzane herself!! Lets have a moments of pure joy:
alrightly then thanks hunger_games_CF **up there!! so now.. give me your personal opinions on cast?
over a year ago Bobaloo said…
I Realy hope its not rated R :(
over a year ago dionicio123 said…
I would rather the movie be rated R, because then they can add in the voilence with the whole drama pitch. The book wasn't based off of violence but I think it'd be kind of hard to make a movie of a book with 22 deaths and not include any of them...
over a year ago dionicio123 said…
I've read the first two books, does anyone have any idea of what the third one is going to be called?
over a year ago badarseangel said…
Well apparently it comes out in 2011. It'll probably be rated M
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
The third book is called The Victors and is set to be released in September. =)
over a year ago Girly_Dj said…
big smile
i thought the third one was coming out on august 24th 2010. i love these books! i finished the second on elast night and i literally almost cried! i was in shock. can't wait for the third book to come out!!!!!
over a year ago deathmaster said…
Its a good book so I think that im gone a be sick if i dont see the movie
over a year ago hobo10 said…
i cant wait for the movie
to come out does someone
know when is the movie coming out?link
over a year ago TGH_peeta4ever said…
Collins is writing the screenplay which means it will probably be good like the book. They should make it PG-13, for my sake.
over a year ago colorfulssmile said…
I heard that it's coming out in 2011.
over a year ago bubbly_making said…
A movie of the Hunger games could be amazing but if they don't do it right it could totally ruin the book, as bad directors have been ruining great books with sh*t film versions since the begining of time (or at least the beginning of movies)
over a year ago Lallybroch said…
There is a Hunger Games movie coming out in 2011.

over a year ago Snoredom said…
C'mon, ppl. It's a MOVIE. Lots of movies are rated PG-13 but should be R. Besides, I think a lot of the fans of this book are about 11 to 16 years (not saying there aren't plenty of adult fans), and some of their parents might not want them to see a rated R movie. It would be smarter for them to sell it as PG-13. And whoa...awesome! I can put in emotes??
over a year ago bigboys1199 said…
YES!!! suzanne collins said it herself on an interview on youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago georgia_rox said…
cant wait till 2011
im not sure but i think it will it'll be rated M cuz of violence

over a year ago Bruiser18 said…
they already decided to make it a movie it said that it is probably coming out next year.
over a year ago 421purple said…
big smile
The movie will be grate. I can't wait.