The Hunger Games Hunger Games RP

TeamPeeta649 posted on Dec 24, 2010 at 02:16AM
Welcome to the Hunger Games! This is a little different from the real thing because there will be no limit to how many tributes there are. You can be as many tributes as you want. Just tell me their names, give me a description and tell me what district they are from. Here are the rules of the game.

1. No controling other people's tributes (unless they tell me that they said you can)
2. Only the person who the tribute belongs to can say when they die (but don't be stupid and make them live forever)
3. No modern day weapons, at least not too modern
4. Have a good time!

Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!
last edited on Feb 04, 2011 at 01:29AM

The Hunger Games 13496 replies

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over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
lol, yup. ~Rusty

"Wait!" Camael pulled Marie back. He threw a stick, it only to be caught in a trap. "That's what I thought. We got to be careful."

"Well, you know, hurting or killing Peacekeepers will get you the price of an Avox- like him." The Peacekeeper shot his hand toward Zexion.

Zexion looks away. "Sure. I killed some Peacekeepers back then. Only to keep my family safe. Huh. But they hate me." Zexion looked back at the Peacekeeper, his blind eye shining.

Yeah... remember? The helicopter crash? Zexion has blind in one eye, i mentioned that before. Just a little heads up. ~Rusty
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Marie's eyes widened and she wrapped her arms around him.

"Malcom got watch Adreana." Emma nudged him along then looked at the Peacekeepers. "No."
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"It's okay." Camael said.

Zexion looked at Emma. He looked back at the Peacekeepers. "Who do you want more?"

"It would be you, Zexion. You killed."

"Take me, leave her be."

The Peacekeepers looked at each other, then nodded. "Alright. But Emma, You can't go out after 5:00pm. We want your husband to answer all doors, or your kid. Got it?"

Zexion sighed in releif.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Marie nuzzled her head against him.

"What?!" Emma's eyes burn with rage.

"Don't worry, Em. I can answer your doors." Harriett walked inside.

"Oh thank god!" Emma hugged her.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Camael blinked.

Zexion looked at Harriett. "To bad your here and i'm about to go."
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Marie closed her eyes.

"Not without a hug." Harriett hugged him then slipped three small posion darts in his back pocket. As she pulled away she pressed her lips to his ear. "Good luck." She winked at him quickly then stepped back.

Emma hugged him and slipped and small pocket knife in his pocket. As she pulled away she kissed his cheek.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"Thanks." He whispered, and blushed as Emma kissed him. It quickly faded. "Tell Malcom... be strong and help around the place. He's gonna be the man around the house when Stephen's at work." Zexion gave a weak smile then headed out the door, hiding the weapons with his shirt.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Emma and Harriett waved, tears welling in Emma's eyes.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"I'll be back in a couple days, tongue still here." Zexion smiled.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Emma smiled slightly.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Zexion grunted and stumbled as a Peacekeeper shoved him in front of him. "Move it along, Avox!" Peacekeeper #2 snarled. Zexion shot him a glare and waved behind his back.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Marie wrapped her arms around his neck.

Emma closed the door and looked at Harriett. "You think he'll be okay?"

Harriett nodded. "He'll be fine."
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Another knock sounded on Emma's door hours later.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Emma sighed. "Can you get that?"

Harriett nodded and answered her door.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
There stood a tall man. He smiled and hugged Harriett. "I finally found you."

(It's Daniel, but you probably know that. ^^)
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…

"Daniel!" Harriett smiled and hugged him back.

"Daniel!" Emma got up and ran to the door, hugging him.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"Hey. I missed you guys. They thought they could keep me away from you two." Daniel said, hugging both of them harder.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"Are you alright?" Harriett looked up at him.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"Fine, actually. I met Zexion at the Capitol. He helped me escape, but... when it was his turn to escape... he just said 'Return to Emma and tell all of them... I love them.' and then he turned around and walked back toward his room. I knew... I just knew then he was up to know good." Daniel said, trying to slow down his rapid talking so they could understand. His eyes were blood-shot, he was very skinny and his hands were shaky. Daniel's clothes were torn and matted with dirt and blood. "He was also in no shape to travel either. You should've seen what they've done to him in only 5 hours."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Emma winced.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat and drink."

"I'll get some of Stephen's clothes you can wear." Emma walked off down the hall.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"Thank you. You know, Emma, Zexion's strong. When has he ever given up a fight or let himself lose against the Capitol? When he left, I could still see pride behind his eyes." Daniel said as Emma winced.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Emma grabbed a pair of Stephen's jeans and a button up shirt. SHe came back. "I know."

Harriett went into the kitchen to get him some soup."
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"You really think those'll fit me?" Daniel said, pointing at the clothes. "I think i've lost weight."
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"They'll have to do for now."
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"Okay." Daniel went to go change somewhere more privately then returned to sit at the table. The clothes were some what baggy, but the shirt and pants weren't to long.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"Here." Harriett gave him some soup and a glass of water.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
"Thank you so much." Daniel said and ate the soup in a minute, and finished the water is seconds.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Zexion Tribute to Emma.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"If you're still hungry there's plenty more." Emma put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ma?" Malcom walked into the kitchen, Adreana following behind him.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Daniel looked up. "Your boy's grown up, Emma. And Harriett! You never told me you had a child." Daniel smiled at the children, and stood up.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
I'm sorry for posting all these vids.... But this- I really think goes good with the Emma-Zexion relationship. And, obviously, it's Zexion to Emma.
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Am I the only one posting here anymore?????? ....
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
can i join???
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
^^ casacada1007: this is over. We are now on the RP3 if you still want to join.
over a year ago Feathershine said…
Nicholas (Nick) Sandship:
Kind of tannish skin, light brown hair and dark blue eyes, tall handsome, freckled face and ready for actipn!
District 12
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
Um.. MockingJay321 When did TeamPeeta die and make you leader of this RP?! Its still on, just that almost everyone left cuz other people made newer ones. TeamPeeta hasnt been on in a while cuz her mom just got out of the hospital. So, Casacada1007, you can join and whenever im on here i will post as much as i can. THIS RP IS STILL ON! LET THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR AND LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
over a year ago MockingJay321 said…
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Yo people. Sorry I haven't been on this one in a while.
over a year ago district1chat said…
link to chat about the Hunger Games and other things!
over a year ago district1chat said…
link to chat about the Hunger Games and other things!
over a year ago Rustyfireheart said…
@TeamPeeta649 I know! Everything just comes your way now! Welcome back. I've tried to actually come here at least once a week but no one ever posts so now i usually come check at least once a month. but if your gonna be on now ill try coming on more often. :)
over a year ago -Foxfang2- said…
Blake woke up in the middle of the arena. Still woozy, he holds his head as he takes a groggy look around. There was no one left in the entire Arena. The Games were already over. He slept through them. "Shit."

over a year ago -Foxfang2- said…
HEY GUYS WHATS UPPPPPPPP IT'S -FOXFANG- FROM ALL THOSE YEARS AGO DO Y'ALL STILL REMEMBER ME holy moly it's been so fricking long since I've been on here last. hey rusty, alisia!! how have you guys been, well, I hope? man, I went on a major nostalgia episode the other day and somehow stumbled across my old RP's and uhhhhhhh, they're a little embarrassing. my writing was absolutely horrible back then i apologize so much omg but anyways, I've missed you guys!! rereading this entire RP has awakened so many old, good memories, and I just wanted to drop in a say hi! also the post above is just a joke really I thought it'd be hilarious since Blake's been gone all this time. BUT ANYWAYS IF ANY OF U GUYS COME BACK HERE ANYMORE TOTALLY MESSAGE ME i'll add you guys on tumblr or skype or something, but anyways, later!!