The Hunger Games peeta's version of hunger games

percylover19 posted on Mar 26, 2011 at 09:06PM
My attempt to do the HG in Peeta's POV

Part one
The tributes

Chapter 1
     I woke up to the smell of warm bread if only I could eat it. We have to eat the bread that goes stale cause nobody buys it. But then I notice today is a very horrible day. It's the reaping. The reaping is when kids that are twelve to eighteen years of age put there name in the bowl. Some kids put there names more than once a year because you get some grain and all that. I don't know cause I don't do that. But anyways when you put your name in these bowls you might get forced to go to the Hunger Games. And there you fight till death will girls and boys from other districts. The last one alive wins the games and goes back home. Then my mom bust through the door. 
     "Peeta! Why are you not up cooking some bread"
     "Sorry mother. I was just thinkin-"
     My mother interrupts me. "I don't care what you where thinking. All I care about is the bread being made. NOW GO!" 
     I hurry to the kitchen. My mom is very mean. My dad is the good guy. He has always been nice to everybody. Even the people at the place in town called the Seam. At the seam people are like really poor. My mom is horrible to those people. She treats them like rats.
      One day there was this girl outside. She was beautiful. Her name was Katniss Everdeen. She was going through are trashcan. I couldn't help but stare. She looked starved so I burnt the bread I was making. I new it would cost me a beating but it was worth it. My mom came and made her go away towards the tree near our pig cage thing. Then she turned her attention towards me and said "you no good human being. Go feed that burnt bread to the pigs. NOW!" I ran to the pig cage thing, while my mom yell nasty things about me. And there she was, staring at me. I torn off a few peaces and gave it to the pigs. But then my mom went to go tend to her customers. I new this was my chance. I throw the bread towards her and took off towards my house. When I looked back she had a look of confusion on her face then she took the bread and stuffed it in her shirt. Before I know it it is a quarter till two. My mom yelled "Peeta go get ready. NOW!" I swear all that women did was yell. 
     I go up to my room and get my best suit on. I meet my brothers down stairs and we go to the reaping. We get there a little early but the I see Katniss, her mom, and her little sister. She is wearing blue dress. Her hair in a fancy braid. She looks magnificent. She took my breath away. Just like she did in kindergarten  with her red dress and her beautiful voice. Man the only word that describes her is beautiful. Then all the sudden I am surrounded by people my age. We are holding hands. I just thinking what if the person right beside me is the one going to the games. Or worst what if I am the one goes to the games. The thought gives me chill down my spine. Then the mayor starts to talk. I don't hear a single word. All I can think about is 'what if I get picked' or 'if I do get picked how will I die'. Then I hear Effie trinket say "Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!" 
     I wonder why she has stupid pink hair I mean why would she dye it that. It has to be a wig cause nobody in the right mind would dye there hair pink (no offense). Then she says "Ladies first". She digs deep down in the girls bowl and picks a slit of paper smooths it out. Then she reads "Primrose Everdeen". 

The Hunger Games 5 replies

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over a year ago percylover19 said…
Chapter 2
     I know that name. Thats Katniss's little sister. She is only twelve that is like one in a million chance of her being picked. Then I see her. She has a blouse on and I notice a dunk tail thing and the back of the shirt. Then I hear a familiar voice.
     "Prim!" it's Katniss. "Prim" 
     I'm shocked. I know she wouldn't. But she would. What she says next proves my thoughts right. "I volunteer! I volunteer as a tribute" 
     No! She can't. I will never get to talk to her or be with her. Ugh. Then Effie trinket says "lovely! But I believe there's a small matter of introducing the reaping winner and then asking for volunteers, and if one does come forth then we, umm…" she trails off, unsure of herself. 
     The mayor interrupts the silence by saying "what does it matter?" I notice he has a pained look on his face. He repeats himself "what does it matter? Let her come forward" 
     Prim is screaming, while wrapping her arms around her. "No, Katniss! No! You can't go!" 
Then Katniss it a confident tone says"Prim, let go. Let go!"
     Then a boy about seventeen comes up, pulls prim off of Katniss and says "Up you go, catnip" I think I no that boy. Seen him at school. He is not in my year though. I think he is two years older and his name is gale. After he got prim off of Katniss I guess he carried her to her mother. 
     "well, bravo!" gushes Effie Trinket "That's the spirit of the games! What's your name?" she sounded a little to excited.
     Katniss's face looks emotionless. I wonder what she is thinking. Then finally she says "Katniss Everdeen" 
     "I bet my buttons that was your sister. Don't want her to steal all the glory, do we? Come on, everybody! Let's give a round of applause to our newest tribute!" trills Effie Trinket.
     Nobody Clapped. Not one person. A look of confusion comes over Effie trinkets usually cheerful face. Then someone in the crowd touches the three middle fingers of there left hand to there lips and holds it out to Katniss. Now not only one person but the whole crowd is doing it so I join in. But when you do this it means thanks, it means admiration, it means goodbye to someone you love. 
     Haymitch decides to go to Katniss and I guess congratulate her. "look at her. Look at this one!"he hollers, throwing his arms around Katniss. "I like her! Lots of…" he pauses. It looks like he can't find the word. "Spunk!" he says triumphantly. "More than you"  Then he let's go of Katniss and starts toward the front  of the stage. "More than you!" he shouts, pointing directly at the camera. 
     I wonder who he is talking to. The audience? The Capital? Or he could just be saying random crap cause drunk as a skunk? We will never know cause as soon as he goes to finish he falls off the stage and knocks himself unconscious. 
     I bet every person that was watching is laughing. I bet they think of district twelve as a laughing stock. After a few minutes Haymitch was taken away on the strecher. And Effie Trinket says "What an exciting day! But more excitement to come! It's time to choose our boy tribute!" Then a wave of nervousness hits me. Oh please don't be me. She reaches her hand in the bowl. Oh please don't be me!! She grabs a slip of paper and smooths it out. PLEASE DON'T BE ME!! Then she reads the slit of paper. Peeta Mellark. NOOO! I can't be going to the games! I just can't. Plus I can't go against Katniss. I'm screwed. The two people beside tap me on the shoulder. Oh crap I'm suppose to go up there. I try to act emotionless but I don't think it's working. I can't stay emotionless when Katniss Everdeen , the girl I have thought about every night since kindergarten, is staring right at me. I go up on stage. Effie asks for volunteers. No one comes up. Not even my brothers. Well one can't, but the other one is just to scared. After that the mayor does another speech thing called the treaty of treason. Then tells us to shake hands.
     Her hands are so soft but are really cold. I look her strait in the eye and give her a suppose to be a reassuring squeeze. Then we face the crowd. Then the anthem starts to play. Who knows what the next few weeks will bring me. Probably nothing but bad.
over a year ago percylover19 said…
Please reply cause I am new at this and I want to know how I am doing. Constructive criticism is good!!
over a year ago yazie20 said…
i think your pretty good, but...( i dont intend to be mean!) maybe more vocabulary. and in genaral when you read a book it should be smooth but since u have short sentences it's kinda choppy, it's not a smooth read ( I hope that made sense:/)ummmm... in the beginning you wrote, "i think i no that boy." insead of no it should be know. but yeah ur good especially if ur new at this kind of stuff. just a tip the more you read the more vocabulary words would naturally come when you speak, that's what happened to me:)it helps ALOT when you write, but im not saying that you dont read:)
over a year ago percylover19 said…
Haha ya I am new to this but thanks for giving me advice I really need it :)
over a year ago yazie20 said…
big smile