The Hunger Games Hunger Games RP2!

Me_Iz_Here posted on Mar 29, 2011 at 12:01AM
Just if anyone wants a fresh start.

NOTE: When we start, we start when the ppl are with the stylists before the chariot rides. THEN the training and interviews. Thanks Sam for the suggestion.

Cornucopia is in the middle of a small island. You have to swim or whatever to get to it. On the island are 15 boats to get back. Surrounding is a desert with a tree buffer. Then it's forest (seemingly) forever.


1. No controlling other people's tributes unless they say you can.
2. Only the person who the tribute belongs to can say when they die, but no living forever.
3. No modern day weapons like giant guns. Small pistols with limited ammo are OK.
4. There is no limit to the # of tributes.

My Tribute:

Merona Coveman. 18. Brown hair with reddish-brown streaks. Tall, sort of muscular, and fearless. Bright green eyes. Nicknamed Ronnie. Sarcastic, a bit of a Maximum Ride. Skilled with throwing knives, OK with a bow and arrow but not the greatest. Great in hand-to-hand combat. Really fast, from District 4. Basically a character in a book I'm writing.

Let's Go!
last edited on Apr 16, 2011 at 07:12PM

The Hunger Games 5881 replies

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over a year ago sam7b said…
I'll play. :)~Sam

Terra Mason, Indian, age 15, great with swords and weapons she can hold in her hands, for example, if there was a metal pipe she could use that really well by spinning it and hitting other tributes and so on. But she isn't a very good swimmer. Black hair down to the bottom of her neck, hazel eyes with green flecks in them, she's not mean but she's smart and sensible. She will kill on sight without a second thought and is a good hunter, district 7.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rennravan said…
I'll play 2!~Mik

Iggy,16,7 feet tall(second tallest in his class),bulging muscles,Blackish brown hair,pretty nice but has a horrendous temper will sometimes snap at people for no apparent reason,best with a sword,bow and arrow,and knives,district 8.
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over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
I will as well. ~Allen

Otto, 16 years, he can fight with swords and spears but is best in hotwiring electronics, like the bombs that are in the ground around the Cornacopia. He's tall and has an average build. He has hair that's so black it sometimes shines blue, pale skin, and navy blue eyes. He is a kind person but can kill at first sight. He often perfers to be on his own but will partner up when it is nessicary.

Roesia, 15 years, fights best with daggers and swords. She's short and lanky with long brown hair, green eyes with brown flecks, and a tannish skin. She's shy and quiet and doesn't want to kill anyone.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Basically making all the characters from the thing im writing. and @rennravan the name, age, and tall part reminded me of a book character. random but, yeah.

Miloe Shawsten, blond hair and blue eyes. She's fast and has a huge temper. Can be really murderous for any reason. Skilled in hand to hand combat and with guns back at home.

Adam Lillard, sandy hair and brown eyes. Strong and fast, but doesn't really like killing. Can get really mad, but not very easily. Tall and good with almost any weapon.

Oh everyone's 18 from District 4. Ronnie and Adam are friends, Miloe is Adam's gf. GUYS I NEED TO KNOW WHAT DISTRICTS PPL ARE IN! and I'm legalizing guns but you might have to make them if your tribute knows how. And at Cornucopia, there are the usual supplies and only normal weapons (bows, arrow, knives, etc) but there are two supply bags for each district.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rennravan said…
I kno that he sounds like a character from a book because I read the whole series of Maximum Ride except the new book Angel. Iggy was my second favorite character.~Mik
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
I read angel and finished it 2 days after it came out. wouldve read it faster but I was trying to make it last.
over a year ago rennravan said…
I read 23 chapters of it online for free.~Mik
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
that was like 1/4 of the book.

I'm making my tributes in the Sims 3. Pics to come.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Otto's from District 10. And Roesia's from District 4.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Lots of District 4.

Spencer, 16. Brown hair and brown eyes. GIRL, let's get that straight. Really smart. District 5.

Now I'm just putting in TV characters. Uncreativeness....
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over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
WTH, let's just start.
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over a year ago sam7b said…
So are we gonna do the thing where we start when they're with their stylists when they're getting ready for the Opening Ceremonies?~Sam
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
I have pics of the ppl in their interview outfits. not sure about the charriot rides. Miloe.
I have pics of the ppl in their interview outfits. not sure about the charriot rides. Miloe.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
over a year ago sam7b said…
KK, cool. Here's a picture of Terra in her dress.
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KK, cool. Here's a picture of Terra in her dress.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
I'm DYING to put Nikita in here and see what happens.
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over a year ago sam7b said…
Terra was woken up abruptly by her mentor Suzanna, a pretty young women with mousey brown hair and sky blue eyes. She wasn't to tall but wasn't she wasn't short either. She was so skinny she could be a super model. She was nice but she wasn't really kind and for some reason she hated Terra, plus she was always insulting her. "Get out of bed you lazy kid." She said loudly. Terra sat up tiredly. She rubbed her eyes. "UP, UP, UP!" Yelled Suzanna. Terra jumped and fell out of the bed. Why does she do this to me? She wondered. Maybe she just hates kids. "Get some clothes on and go to the cafeteria for breakfast. After that you'll meet your stylist and prep team." She walked out of Terra's room. Terra grabbed a bra and a black t-shirt and put them on. Then she slipped on some underwear and jeans and black socks. She chose a pair of black sneakers and put those on too. She walked out of her room and headed down to the cafeteria.
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over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
"MERONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! " Merona heard from her door. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!" It was Adam, her best friend and fellow tribute. He was right about the 'again' part. She was always oversleeping and it made her late for who knows what.
She grabbed a gray t-shirt and jeans and glasses since she didn't want to put her contacts in and ran out the door. Adam burst out laughing.
"Okay, so either you're a vegitarian animal shelter volunteer, a young hottie teacher, or a bookwormy college student." He was right. Her glasses and her hair up in a bun made her look exactly like that.
"Shut up," she said, and let her hair down. "Where's Miloe?"
"Downstairs." Miloe was Adam's girlfriend.
Ronnie sighed. "Let's go."

Miloe tapped her fingers on the table, waiting for Adam and that other stupid girl to come. Her face was blank as always.

Spencer woke up bright and early, so she had time to take a shower and get dressed. She had on a t-shirt and cardigan with a miniskirt and jeggings. She missed her family and her boyfriend. She tried not to remember she'll never see them again. She didn't have to worry that she would win and he would be seeing someone else. He wouldn't do that even if she died, and no one else liked him. Besides he loved her.
She stopped thinking about it and took the stairs down. She didn't like the elevator. There were always other people and awkward silence.
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over a year ago sam7b said…
Terra got downstairs and sat a few feet to the right of Miloe, feeling a bit uncomfortable since she knew that she would have to kill her sometime.
over a year ago sam7b said…
New character:

Steven, district 7, 15, a very happy go lucky sort of guy, shaggy brown hair, big blue eyes, and a bright smile that always seems to cheer people up. Wears glasses and is great with words and persuading people but isn't good with any weapons and is fair at hand to hand combat. He's Terra's best friend. He and Terra made a pact to be a team in the Hunger Games because they're best friends but also because Terra's more of the glass is half empty type and she doesn't have a problem with killing and Steven is more of a glass is half full type and can wound, but doesn't like to kill. He's funny and sarcastic but a bit of a dork but not a full blown dork. Great with tech stuff.

Steven was woken up by Suzanna as well 'cause he and Terra were from the same district so they got the same mentor. Suzanna seemed to like Steven a little more than Terra but was still pretty mean to him. "Wake up Steven and get dressed and downstairs for breakfast." She said. She left his room. Steven stumbled out of bed and yawned. He groped around for his glasses and finally found them and put them on. He threw on a t-shirt and some sweat pants, adjusted his glasses, and started downstairs, his hair a total and complete mess. It was sticking up straight and it was all over the place. That was another thing about Steven he really didn't care how he looked, even if other people judged him.
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over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Miloe looked at Terra, deciding she wouldn't have a problem with this one. Steven might be easier.

Spencer waved at Merona. They didn't know each other very well, but had talked and decided they liked each other. "Hey Adam I'm gonna sit over there." SHe walked over.
"Hey, Spence."
"So, you nervous?"
"No duh." She poked at her food.
"What's wrong?" asked Ronnie (aka Merona if anyones confused)
"My family. My boyfriend. I'll never see them again."
"Who's in your family?"
"Parents. Older sister. She's pregnant."
"What's your boyfriend's name?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Why not?"
"I just miss him. A lot."
"You know, they are letting people send you news from home in the arena."
"Yeah I heard that. What about your family?"
Merona sighed. "It's complicated. Long story."
"I like long stories," Spencer said, "whatever can take my mind off things."
"Well," Merona started, "My mom was crazy. As in treat-you-like-a-2-year-old crazy. Or so I thought. My dad died in a car accident when I was six. Turned out he was my stepdad and my real dad was my best friend's father. So I have a half-sister. But my mom and Darren, my biolaogical father, never were...together. I guess you could say I was a...." She searched for the right word.
"Science experiment?" Spencer finished jokingly.
"Yeah. Darren was a Peacekeeper. So he was always away. But he's a nice one. And my mom's craziness was just a failed facade."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
It was STINKING up straight? ~Nika
over a year ago sam7b said…
LOL, let me fix that. :D~Sam
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
mom needs computer. brb. i think.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Steven got downstairs and plopped next to Terra. He yawned and said, "Hey Terra."

Terra waved a hand in front of her face and wrinkled her nose. "Your breath stinks."

"Oh shut up." Said Steven. "The monster woke me up with five minutes to get get dressed and get down here. I didn't have time for hygiene."

Terra laughed and said, "You didn't have to time for your hair either, did you?"

Steven face-palmed. "It's a total mess, isn't it?" He said quietly.

Terra nodded and laughed. "I doubt even your prep team can make it look fair."

Steven laughed. "Is everyone staring?" He asked.

Terra looked around. "I think so, but they might just be grossed out by your face."

Steven elbowed her in the ribs.

Terra laughed again. Steven always made her feel as if she was the happiest person on earth. It was a gift.

KK. :)~Sam
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over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"Roesia! Wake up! You've got a big day ahead of you!" Sandy, Roesia's mentor, called into the room. "Get ready and go to the cafeteria! You'll see your stylists later!"
Roesia moaned and rolled out of bed. She pulled on a bra and a light blue blouse. She put on underwear and skinny black pants and a pair of flats. She ran a brush through her hair then walked downstairs where the other tributes were.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"Otto! Get up now! I've told you three times to get up already!" Bennitt was beginning to lose his patience with Otto.
Otto moaned. "Fine!" He got up and pulled on a grey t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He ran and hand through his hair and walked downstairs.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Adam put his arm around Miloe. She pulled away and grabbed onto his hand.
"Okay, okay," he said.
"Sorry just...nervous." But she still kept a blank face.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Steven saw Roesia and quietly said, "Whoa." His big blue eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open. He was staring.

Terra smiled and followed his gaze. "Someone has a cruuuuush." She said quietly.

He didn't even seem to hear her, he was too fixated on Roesia.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
softball practice. later.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Bye Me. :)~Sam
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Bye! ~Allen

Roesia sat down at a table by a window and stared out. She couldn't help but feel nervous about the whole thing. How could she kill anyone. All the tributes were bigger and stronger than her. And she could never find it in herself to kill anyone.
over a year ago sam7b said…
"She looks like she's a softy just like you. Why don't you go and talk to her?"

Steven looked at his feet shyly. "A girl like her would never even consider talking to a dork like me."

"Come on, give it a shot. I'll be your wingman." (If anyone here's seen How I Met Your Mother you'll get this.) SHe grabbed the collar of hsi shirt and started to drag him towards Roesia.

Steven struggled and said, "No! Let go!" In a loud whisper.

Terra smiled and she stopped in front of Roesia and stopped holding onto Steven. "Haaave you met Steven?" She asked and quickly walked back to the table. She sat back down again and watched, smiling.

Steven smiled shyly, looking like a doofus with his hair all messed up. "Um, hi." He said quietly.
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over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Roesia glanced up shyly, her big green eyes bright. "Hi." She spoke in a quiet and soft voice.
over a year ago sam7b said…
He glanced from her to the ground nervously. "So um...." He said the first thing that came to mind. "I like your hair." He groaned inside. Who says, "I like your hair" to a girl they just met? Especially when THEIR hair is a total and complete mess.
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over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
"Thank you."

I gtg. ~Allen
over a year ago sam7b said…
KK, bye! :)~Sam

He smiled and bit his bottom lip. "Well...I'm Steven, as my friend Terra told you and um...I guess I'll be seeing you around." He smiled and turned around and walked back to Terra's table. He sat down next to her and said quietly so Roesia wouldn't hear him, "I'm gonna kill you Terra."

Terra smiled. "You handled that OK. Now all you need is to undorkify a little more, get a little better dressed, and fix that hair."

Once again Steven said, "Shut up." And laughed. Waiters started to bring food out. Steven got a plate with bacon, french toast sticks, and maple syrup and for a drink he got orange juice.

Kate got the same thing and started to eat.

Steven ate as well.
over a year ago TeamPeeta649 said…
Soccer practice! Bbl! ~Allen

Roesia stared at her hands, which were covered in old scars. She sighed and sat back in her chair.

Otto sat down and pushed his glasses higher up on his nose.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Bye! :)~Sam

Terra saw Otto and raised her eyebrows. He was cute. But she'd have to see what he was like before she talked to him. She had had a boyfriend who was cute but he had been the worst boyfriend ever. He punched and cut her repeatedly and he told all his bastard friends and they had laughed. They had actually laughed about it.
over a year ago sam7b said…
I'm gonna go outside for awhile but I'll be back soon.~Sam
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Vera, 17. Female. Long, straight, brown hair down to her mid-back. She has 'Only I will judge me' tattooed across her upper back (should to shoulder). Sarcastic, random, and rude. Best weapon is bow and arrow. District 11, really fast.
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Vera plopped down rudely between her mentor and the tv. "So, Lucius, who am I going to do today?"

Lucius growled. "No one. Now move."

Vera laughed and stood up. She flicked him on the head and sashayed back to her room.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
"Hey, look at that kid over there!" said Ronnie to Spencer.
"The one with the funky hair?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go talk to him."
"I'll go too."
Merona and Spencer walked up to the funny-looking guy and the Indian girl. "Hi!" said Ronnie.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
"WHO AM I GOING TO DO"??????????
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over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
This is random but this song creeps me out. And I had to listen to the chorus every Monday. I mean seriously your gonna KILL your sister cuz she told your secret? ~Nika
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over a year ago sam7b said…
I'm back.~Sam

Steven enthusiastically said, "Hi!"

"Hi." Said Terra. More toned down because because she wasn't as trusting and friendly as Steven.

That is pretty messed up. But it's kinda catchy.~Sam
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over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
"I'm Merona, a.k.a. Ronnie, and this is Spencer."

Yeah it's my favorite show's theme song. ~Nika
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