The Hunger Games Before You Get Pissed At Me Hear Me Out!!!!

kkluvbr posted on May 18, 2011 at 02:36AM
Katniss: girl you have problems! guys, fighting, and saving your own a**... lets just say though your good at making your own problems your terrible at fixing them. you also need to know that when you start out strong your supposed to end strong

Peeta: you have NO IDEA of how much i HATE YOU. while Katniss can be a ass your a b****. your cute and funny you love Katniss, and bravo!! cuz that was your decision, but HAYMICH decided Katnisses fate otherwise she never love you!!!

Gale: you were SOOOOO awesome in the first two books, i was rooting for you!!! what happened you jump into the 3rd and you turn into a jerk!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh!!!!!

Finnick: ah finnick you are AMAZING, i just adore you and annie but i have one question. if annie never came back would you slip and fall for Katniss like Gale and Peeta, would you fall that low? katniss is great but i wonder does she deserve you? and would you handle her??

ME: all i have to say about myself is that i love this series but i question what was Collins thinking in the third book all the charecters went down down DOWN!!!!!
please follow my example pick a charecter and talk about him/her or call me out i will post back or agree with me or say somthing that pissing you off i find this a good stresss reliever!!!!!!

The Hunger Games 21 replies

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over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
over a year ago kkluvbr said…
You know it's true!!!!!!
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
not Peeta OR Katniss, you're right with Gale though
over a year ago jenn17 said…
I agree completely...when I first read the book I thought that Katniss was so strong but now that things have been settling down for a few months Katniss seems like a pushover
and what bugs me the most is the fact that in the end she ended up with Peeta not because I'm team Gale but because she didn't choose,she just ended up with him, in the end I was team neither one but I wanted her to choose...and what's with that that Peeta is the opposite and that's why she's with him, OK I get that but it's not kinda good idea cause Collins could have written that she ended up with Gale cause he's so much like her and he's the only one that could understand her completely...the end is kinda off, it's like she's making excuses why she's with him...
and now that i think about Katniss more and more she's not that strong, I mean all the time she was babbling how she wanted to fight but she fought only when they shoved her into the battle....all I have to say is that to me she's way too passive
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kkluvbr said…
jenn17: SOOOOO true that's exactly what I think!!!!!!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Okay guys, lets think, if you we're put in Katniss's situation, with rebellions happening because of you, the fate of your family and your friends on your shoulders, and SO many people dieing because of you, how would you handle it? You probably would have handled it like she did, or probably even worse than she did. The reason the characters went 'down hill' in the third book is because there is a freaking war going on! everyone is dieing, they're districts destroyed, they are living in a place they didn't even think existed, and the entire country is at war. And on Katniss's other defense, Peeta is held hostage in the capitol, what would you do if the person you loved was being tortured? And also, Haymitch didn't make Katniss love him. I was team Gale in the first book, but after Catching Fire, when Katniss said she felt that hunger on the beach when kissing Peeta, that she was in love with Peeta. And obviously she wasn't in love with Peeta right away, love at first sight is bull shit, after the games and what both of them just went through, she ended up falling for him.
And yeah, Peeta is kind of a pansy compared to Katniss, but that is why i like him. He cares for Katniss, and he loves her. And the whole opposite thing, opposites attract! i know from looking at my own parents. But that's beside the point lol.
And now for the Gale/Peeta thing. Katniss didn't just end up with Peeta, she could have gone with Gale if she really wanted to, but she didn't. She didn't go looking for Gale when he was in district 2, because she knew things would NEVER be the same with Gale after what they all just went through. In the end Peeta was the one that came to here when she needed someone, not Gale. And that show's his true love for her. And Katniss realized that she always needed Peeta, because of all the reasons she stated. Collins wasn't making excuses for why she ended up with Peeta, she was just simply pointing out the reasons Katniss ended up with Peeta if we didn't catch those reasons earlier.
And i don't believe Finnick would have EVER even went for Katniss even if Annie died. He was too in love with Annie.

All in all, yeah, some things in Mockingjay did suck, like favorite characters dieing and such, but that just showed how REAL this story was. And that is why these books are great.

And you're right, this is a great stress reliever.
over a year ago kkluvbr said…
I see your point and idk I think that the book just got to jumbled and people... Including me started to point fingers!!!!!! You know who you are!!!! lol
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
I think that Katniss is OK, although I hate how she treats Peeta.
over a year ago jenn17 said…
If I were Katniss I would stay on the field the minute I got out from the 13, fighting for the freedom and beliefs in a better world...that's the problem- she stayed in 13
And I realized that she's in love with Peeta and all that but the end is still weird, it's like it's not that well thought through-I don't mind that she's with Peeta and all the deaths, I'm just saying it could have been written better, don't get me wrong I love S. Collins, she's terrific
And please stop saying that love at first sight is bullshit
over a year ago Monrose said…
I don't agree with this list at all, except from Finnick. I's really not Katniss' fault that two boys love her. Does she need to choose one of them? Of course not. She could just settle down with one of them, but she didn't do that at all. She chose Peeta because she loved him. She chose to start a new life with him, because he understood her and everything she had gone through the past two years. Yes, Katniss and Gale shared a lot, but that was before the Games, and like Katniss herself said, it changed her. She was never the same again. So Katniss and Peeta had more important things in common than Katniss and Gale.

The situation with the hijacking of Peeta just made it clearer to her how much she loved him, because she got to see how life was without him.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I agree with everything Monrose said.
kkluvbr, i understand what you mean, the end was a little jumbled and it sort of happened fast, but i just re-read the end and everything made perfect sense(:
Jenn17, i think the end was well thought through, it just happened a little fast. And i'm sorry about the 'love at first sight' thing, but that's just what i believe.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Okay those of you saying "if it were me..." need to stop. You have absolutely no idea of how you would react if you were put into this situation. I have a friend from Africa that got separated from his family for months and had to live in the jungle by himself. They're reading Lord of the Flies in his grade rite now and he's getting really mad at everyone in his class. They think they know how they would react, but you don't. He said being there changed him forever, and he's still not able to recover from some of the things that happened to him while he was there. I think how Collins described Katniss' mental decline was perfect. I don't necessarily like that character better, but if Collins were to keep her the same throughout the book it wouldn't have been realistic. When you think about it, it was really Peeta that was holding Katniss up the whole time. She never even wanted to actually defy the Capitol until she started talking with Peeta. Yes, she thought about it, but she's a survivor. Going against them wouldn't make sense. So her slipping after Peeta wasn't there for her is logical. Especially since he's the only one who is always there for her. They put too much on Katniss' shoulders. She was just a piece in their games to them. They didn't look at her as person. They would have been thrilled for her to die, because then they could have rallied the forces around it. Katniss became lost in her desire to kill Snow. She thought it would fix everything. She picked going after him because it felt like the only thing she could control. Everyone was pushing her to do this and that, but never asking what she wanted. Katniss felt secured in what she was doing because she thought she had Finnick and Gale and Peeta and her whole team behind her, but as she started loosing them she had to make rash decisions. If she didn't, she would loose her whole team...there's more but I'm getting tired of writing so much about it and I still need to explain Katniss&Gale&Peeta situation so...
Gale could never have ended up with Katniss. Throughout the third book, you could see how their relationship was crumbling. When Katniss came back, Gale was the same, but she had changed. You can't kill and watch other children be killed without being changed. Then at the end of the second book Gale had changed. His home was destroyed, he was required to rely on other people. And while Katniss had gotten to know some of the Capitol people, he hadn't and was bent on killing all of them. They were two different people, and they hadn't changed in a way that could put them together. Katniss was never romantically in love with Gale, she looked at him as a friend. She was never choosing between loving Gale and Peeta. She was choosing between preserving a friendship that had saved her life, or allowing herself to love a boy that could hurt her. Katniss was always trying to protect herself, opening herself to that kind of vulnerability was scary to her. Peeta is different from everyone in her life because he was the only one not relying on her. He didn't want anything from her other than her to love him. He wanted to do everything for her. So it makes perfect sense why Katniss ended up with Peeta. Her friendship had died with Gale, and there was nothing in her anymore trying save that relationship. So she allowed herself to have Peeta.
That's it for now, I feel like this going to be an entire page long. Geez I haven't done this in along time. P.S Arissa I agree with you as usual.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kkluvbr said…
silver93: Wow that was really long... Yet really detailed and good explaining and good writing... You should write a book!!!!!!!! ;) other than that I get your points and you and everyone else who are posting are really making me think differently.
I have to say I was a little... I mean a lot, harsh on the characters and S. Collins was really good at writing her books realistically!!
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
I think that this list is pretty right about the characters, I mean it must have been hard for Katniss to have to pick between the two. In the end, though, Gale kind of sealed the deal by going to two.
over a year ago Luv_Rob_4ever said…
I totally agree with
Arissa1422 thats exactly how I feel.
over a year ago silver93 said…
@kkluvbr Thanks! ^-^ And don't worry about being harsh. A lot of people are, but aren't willing to think differently. It's nice that you're listening to other people's opinions and considering what they say.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Agreed with everything Silver said, as usual lol.
Luv_Rob_4ever, Thank you(:
over a year ago silver93 said…
@Arissa lol I remember seeing yours and thinking it was long. Is it sad that mine could have easily been longer?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Hahaha! Not at all. After i wrote mine, i was like "oh.. a bit long" and took some stuff out. And then when i saw yours i was like YES! Hers is longer than mine!
over a year ago silver93 said…
lol Glad I could help. I was so proud seeing yours, I was like "Yes! My friends are brilliant." Course I may not be since I had to look up how you spell brilliant...
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Aw, you're so sweet xD
And i have spell check on my computer! Hahahahah! For reading so much, i'm still terrible at spelling.