The Hunger Games Hunger Games RP3!!!

IAmHungerGames posted on May 21, 2011 at 08:56PM
The Arena: The Cornucopia is in, what seems to be, a never ending ocean. Beyond the ocean (which your characters have to swim through to get to anything else)is an arctic enviroment. It's not bare. There are snowy mountains and some trees that can withstand the climate. The ground is a thick layer of ice. It's packed with snow.The Cornucopia is full of bags, and food. NO WEAPONS were included. Your character either has to make their own weapons or fight in hand-to-hand combat.


1.Your character gets to bring one thing from their District.

2. You can control YOUR character only, if somebody says you can control their character than more power to you.

3. You can make however many tributes you want.

My tribute (yes I used Me_Iz_Here's fornmat):

April Goheart, District 12. Fifteen years old.She is tall and slender with some muscle definition. She has copper skin and GREEN hair that went to the middle of her back. Her eyes are bright blue with flecks of purple. She is a caring person, but if she has to, will kill. She is a mentally strong character, who is well spoken, graceful, and courageous. She is fast but isn't easily hidden. She works well with kives and is pretty good with indentifying food. She's never fallen in love but loves her family.

Extra: We're starting with the chariot rides and the interviews! (thank you Me_Iz_Here) (and Sam)

MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Survive (Just kidding, have fun)!!!!
(Quote by Sam)
P.S If you have a character from another RP you can use them (even if they died)

last edited on May 21, 2011 at 11:48PM

The Hunger Games 4778 replies

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over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Wait....should we start like the RP2 did? with the stylists and chariot rides and training and all? More fun that way. ~Nika
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Hmmmmm, I think I like that more *editing* ~ me
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
edited ~ me
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki, 16. Asian, really super-skinny and tall. Awesome in hand-to-hand combat, has good aim with guns, and really fast. Black hair, dark eyes. She's an awesome swimmer. She's from District 7. She's really pretty.

This is her:
Niki, 16. Asian, really super-skinny and tall. Awesome in hand-to-hand combat, has good aim with guns
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
April rolled around in her Capitol given bed. There was a sharp knock on the door. She pulled her covers over her head and listened.
"It's time for breakfast,'' her fellow tribute from District 12 said.

Cole James. He is sixteen with shaggy blonde hair, bright green eyes, he's tall and slender, musculara all at once. He is best with bow and arrow and has never killed. He doesn't want to kill so he decided to let the other tributes fight it out until he's left with one person, or he's in a battle with somebody. He won't go out to kill somebody. He is well know in District 12 for his ragged good looks.

I'll let you fantisize about how he looks ~ me
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
the forest/desert/ocean thing is getting kinda old. How about the arctic or something? Or...hmm...canyons or something connected by tunnels? Still, the forest is kinda old. ~Nika
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
I just thought of something (I like what I edited WAY better) ~ me

P.S You're kind of like my RP3 mentor XD ~ me
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki was awake long before the sun was up. She got into a tight t-shirt and skinny jeans. She put on a black leather jacket, her hair in a high ponytail, and some dark makeup. She wasn't rebellious, she just needed to look like this. She got in her high heels and went downstairs.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
April looked at Cole.
"Cole, get out of my room,'' she said. "I HAVE to get changed,''

Cole smiled at her.
"Sure thing, ''
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
April put on skinny jeans, a grey shirt that had a panda in a sumo--man outfit( I have that shirt), and a pair of High-Tops. She wondered why they would have casual clothes. She brushed her long hair and didn't put on any make-up. It was an item of importance that they didn't have in District 12.

Cole put on jeans, a sleevless -T that showed his biceps(he wondered why that was the only shirt in the closet) and a pair of tennis-shoes. He just tousled his hair and met with April. He thought she looked great.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Are you still there? ~ me
over a year ago sam7b said…
Kyrenlee Milliken, district 7, age 14, a bit of a punk, will not join a group, Does not like to get to trust or get close emotionally to people because they always betray her or leave her. She's quiet and takes her time on things. She's very strong emotionally and no matter what WILL NOT give up on ANYTHING. She's funny and hates mean girls. She loves babies because she can connect with them. She's great with hand to hand combat and can't be noticed easily but she accidentally embarrasses herself sometimes and accidentally lets other people embarrass her. She's smart and can easily persuade people. She has long raggedy brown hair and one chocolate brown eye and one purple eye with orange flecks. She has a sharp ending elfish nose and light freckles. She has a tongue piercing and she's wearing a purple ring in it when she enters the Arena. She enters the Arena wearing black eyeliner and mascara. For her outfit the Capitol had made her wear a cheerleader outfit that she couldn't get off and they had curled her hair. Tall and skinny, about 5'7". Can kill easily and will but doesn't get joy out of it. Brought her iPod touch. She also enters with her only friend, Patrick Lagault.

Patraick Lagault, district 7, age 14, carrot red hair, VERY VERY funny, a huge comedian, and a SUPER talented inventor and computer person, cute and slghtly chubby but not really. Tall, about 5'5". Has green eyes and freckles. Loud and talkitive. Can make anyne feel better and can kill but it isn't something he gets joy out of. Sticks with Kyrenlee and lets her make most of the tough decisions.Was dressed in a tux and a clown nose and bright red clown cheeks. He can't get eitehr of the make up off. Brought a pic of his girl freind at home with him.

Claire Bennet, district 4, age 14, her attitiue is EXACTLY the mean cheerleader attitude. She gossips and is beautiful. She has long shoulder length straight blonde hair and brown eyes. No freckles, perfect skin. She loves to put people down and hurt them but not kill them. Makes friends easily but might betray them. WILL get revenge on ANYONE who wrongs her. She her 4G network cell with her. Wearing boots that don't match her outfit. *gasps in horification*

Kyrenlee woke up sowly. She yawned. She grabbed her inhaler (forgot to mention she has BAD asthma) and breathed in and out. She sighed and set her inhlaer back on the table. Her mentor, Frank, came in. "Oh, you're awake. Well get ready for breakfast you have a loooong day ahead of you."

She nodded and Frank left her room. Kyrenlee started to rifle through teh clothes drawers.

Tyler was sleeping deeply.

Calire woke up. She rubbed her back. "The beds here are so uncomfortable." She muttered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
sry. i might disappear though. ~Nika

Niki got downstairs. It was empty, so she was early. She sat down. She ordered her breakfast and stressed about the days to come. She sighed as two others came down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Sam, we're doing teh chariot rides and interview ~ me

April walked downstairs and saw a girl.

Cole followed April. He'd known her since she was six, but they weren't friends, He didn't even know if she knew he was alive until his name was drawn.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki looked at them. She drummed her fingers on the table. She wasn't nervous, just incredibly bored.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
April took a seat next to the girl. She wasn't going to talk. She wasn't going to make friends, she would end up killing them, or having them killed.

Cole sat across from April. He looked at her. He grasped the letter in his pocket. (That was his item)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki glared at her, ice in her eyes as always. She smiled and thanked the Avox as her food came, but when the girl left, her expression returned to normal.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
APril looked at the plate of food in front of her. She wasn't in the mood to eat. She pushed it away.

Cole wanted to look at the parchment, faded because he'd read it so much. He got a feeling that it wasn't the time for it.
over a year ago sam7b said…
I know. I edited my comment.~Sam

Kyrenlee found a back t-shirt, black bra, black leggings, and a black skirt. She also found black flats. She out them all on and out on dark red lipstick.

Tyler kept sleeping.

Calire got everything pink including pink high heels and pink lipstick.

Both Claire and Kyrenlee headed down to the cafeteria.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
So you get an idea of Niki's fight skills. And yes, I have a habit of making tributes of TV characters. ~Nika
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
"I'm going to go to my room,'' Cole said.

Ferry Paylor ( the Effie Trinket) walked into the room. "After breakfast you have ten minutes to cool down and then you have to report to your stylists.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Jasmine Reece, 12. Thin, pin-straight blond hair with dark roots and dark bottom layer. (You know what I'm talking about, right? You see it all the time.) Blue eyes. Skinny. Very very very strange in a weird-but-funny way. Hyper and has weird bursts of randomness. Average person, not skilled in anything.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Holy crap. Did I just best the Hunger Games? LOL. ~Nika
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
XD~ me

Cole walked up to his room. He sat on his bed and took out the letter. He was about to read it, when April walked in the door.

"Are you ready, we have to go,'' se said.
over a year ago sam7b said…
We need some mean characyers. Someone else make a mean character!!!~Sam

Here's a link to a pic of Kyrenlee.


Here's a link to a pic of Tyler:


This is Claire:


over a year ago sam7b said…
Srry, my links messed up. ARGGGG!!!!! X(~Sam

Claire and Kyrenlee arrived at the cafeteria. Claire looked at Kyrenlee and smirked.

Kyrenlee muttered, "Bitch."

laire walked to a table and sat down. So did Kyrenlee. Where's Tyler? she wondered. He would be late if he didn't come down soon.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Pain (that's her ACTUAL name) Rasdida-Jones ( I know that's an actress). She is short and slender, and downright MEAN. She has a slender face, and a sharp nose. The structure of her face resembles somewhat one of an eagle. Her eyes are dark black and her hair is short and black. She is NOT what is consider pretty. She is SERIOUSLY downright MEAN! She would kill in the blink of an eye. She was raised to be a peacekeeper. She wears DARK black eye-makeup, and neon green lipstick. She is best with ANYTHING. She can grab a fistful of snow and kill a man.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Jasmine ran into the dining room, her arms at her sides, her head looking up. She did this shouting "WEEEEEEEE!" until she ran into the wall with a thud.

My friend would seriously do that. ~Nika
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
"Crap,'' Cole muttered. He stuffed the note into his pocket and went back downstairs. He saw a whole lot more people.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki stared at the girl on the ground.

Jasmine jumped up. "I'm fine!" she said, throwing her head back and raising her arms.

Niki continued to stare.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…

Kyrenlee looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Five minutes till breakfast was served. Where was Tyler?! He would be late if he didn't show up soon.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
"What do you want!" Pain yelled, not really asked, at nobody in particular.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
"Hmm, talking to yourself?" Niki said, poking her fork in her salad and smirking.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Cole and April sat down, again, at the table. Five more minutes until they had to go to their stylists. Cole looked at April. He couldn't stop thinking about the note in his pocket.

Pain threw a butterknife, it landing next to the girl (Niki)

"Watch your back,'' Pain said, a twinkle in her eye. She couldn't wait to get ther hands on this girl.

she was aiming for next to Niki~ me
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Tyler woke up. He saw his clock and said, "OH MY ******* GOD!" He rolled off his bed and fell on teh floor with a thud. He was gonna be late!!! He pulled out a drawer hitting his knee and screaming, "OOW!"

Kyrenlee heard him loud and clear and smiled slightly. That was Tyler. Cluuuuumzy. And always embarrassing himself.

Tyler threw on some pants and socks. He slipped on some sneakers and didn't tie the laces or comb his hair. It was stinking up straight in a HUGE orange mess. He hurried and ran towards the cafeteria, looking at the map of the bulding in confusion. He finally got there and collapsed beside Kyrenlee at a table.

Kyrenlee started laughing. He, in his haste, had forgotten to wear a shirt.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
April looked at the shirtless boy. She sighed. Two minutes to go.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki smirked. She looked at the butter knife but didn't do anything.

Jasmine plopped in a chair.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Tyler looked down, groaned and slammed his head against the table keeping it there after one slam.

Kyrenlee kept laughing. His hair was a TOTAL AND COMPLETE mess, he wasn't wearing a shirt, and obviously he had thrown everything on as fast as he could. She laughed harder.

"Shut up plleeeeease." Saidd Tyler.

Kyrenlee tried to stop laughing as best as she could but she couldn't stop completely.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Fery Paylor entered the room.
"OK, time for stylists,'' she said in a brisk voice.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Finally her laughs slowed and she was just smiling.

Tyler kept his head on the table.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Niki looked at the boy. Wait...did he put his pants on backwards? (just a suggestion :P)

Jasmine got up.
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over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
"Okay, April, Cole, Jasmine, Tyler, and Kyrelee, follow me,'' Ferry Paylor said, clutching a clipboard to her stomach.
over a year ago sam7b said…
OK, I'll say he did.~Sam

Tyler and Kyrenlee stood up and walked to Ferry.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
April walked down a long, narrow hallway and into a room with a door on one side, and a couch on the other.

COle followed behind APril.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Jasmine followed, sort of bouncing hysterically.
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over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
Ferry's going to come back for them ~ me

April waited, slouched on the wall. The door opened and a person with neon orange hair, a big smile, and a big figure came out.

"April?" she said. "I'm Citrus"
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Jasmine also waited.
over a year ago IAmHungerGames said…
COle watched the odd lookind lady take April into a room. He almost folllowed but stopped. She was going to be okay.

Pain looked at the girl. She was still thinkiong about killing her.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Tyler went to a roo with a spinny chair and sat down in it. Kyrenlee sat down in a spinny cair in a different room. Her stylists came in. They all had orange hair, big smiles, and white skin. They were all females. They looked identical. A girl who was about 6'6" shook her hand and said, "Hi, I'm Clancy." The next girl who was about 5'9" shook her hand and said, "I'm Spencer." The last girl who was the tallest and was about 6'8" said, "I'm Perry." She gestured to herself and the other two girls. "We're triplets." She said.

Kyrenlee nodded and smiled slightly. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Kyrenlee. I'm an only child.

They all nodded and Perry said, "Well let's get right to wprk." They all started to work on her.

Tyler met his stylists too. The first one had brown hair slicked back and grey eyes. "Hi. I'm Theo." The second one had almost white hair that was sticking up fashionably, blue eyes, and freckles. "I'm Nevil." He said. The last one had black hair that was laid down n his head but not slicked back. he had green eyes and seemed the most laid back out of all of them. "I'm Fred."

"Its nice to meet you guys. I'm Tyler." Said Tyler.

"You ready to get started?" Asked Theo.

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Let's start." Said Theo. They started to work on Tyler.
over a year ago Me_Iz_Here said…
Jasmine got picked up by her stylist. She was thin with dark purple hair and tattoos covering her body. "I'm Sienna, nice to meet you. You must be Jasmine."
"Yep," Jasmine said.