The Infernal Devices For people who have read Clockwork Angel only!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONTAINS SPOILERS!!

black_iris posted on Sep 08, 2010 at 10:02PM
I just finished Clockwork Angel and loved it. I also realized a few things,too, like how Will is almost exactly like Jace- which isn't much of a surprise since they're related. And that Camille, the leader of the vampire clan in Brooklyn- the one Raphael is temporarily leading until she gets back, is Lady Camille Belcourt who gave Tessa the imformation about de Quincy. Of course I reconized Magnus in there. Even back then he had a crazy fashion sense. LOL:)

I might have missed something so tell me if you find anything that connects them to the Mortal Instruments Series.

What do you think is going to happen in the next books?
last edited on Sep 08, 2010 at 10:03PM

The Infernal Devices 27 replies

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over a year ago silver93 said…
Haha I loved when Magnus said his type was black hair and blue eyes, like Alec, though obviously he didn't mean him at the time. I think Charlotte is going to get to keep the institute since the Lightwoods are going to get the New York one. And I think Tessa is going to end up with Jem since Jace's dad was supposed to be a "pure" blood and marrying Tessa would make Will's children half bloods. The device Henry was making to detect demons is used by Jace and the gang in mortal instruments, so Henry must fix it. I can't think of anything else right now, but I may latter, it's been a couple of days since I've read it.
I think in the next books we'll find out what Tessa's mother was, and what happened to Will. I heard somewhere you find out how the Lightwoods got Izzy's necklace. I'm not really sure of anything else though. It'd be nice if they found a cure for Jem.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago merzycullen said…
agreed! but since Warlocks cant have thinking since the Herondale line will obviously continue he wont marry/end up with Tessa. but i have a gut feeling that she is gonna end up with Jem after all! I just LOVE Jem!! totally on Team Jem! what do u guys think about the ending w/ Tessa and Will...he is such an asshole..i will NEVER forgive a guy would do that 2 me!! xoxo
over a year ago Stuntsmaster said…
big smile
Lol! Hek yeh! Its actually got a pretty open ending which Clare can obviously pick up from so not gon make any guesses here... :)
over a year ago silver93 said…
I don't think he's an asshole, I think he's just stupid. He's tortured and young(though I think we're the same age so I probably shouldn't be saying that) and doesn't know how to handle things properly. Do you guys wish you read the pre-quells first or the mortal instruments first?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Immortal42 said…
I'm glad I read MI first. It was fun finding all the things that connect them.
Oh, one other thing that connects them is the cats being named Church. I laughed when I read that.
over a year ago NeverForgotten said…

Lol!! Yeah all the connections are funny. Almost as soon as Will was introduced I thought "Oh My God!! Jace!!!!" Then I noticed how Tessa is a lot like Clary. Of course I would act like that too, if my world was turned upside down in a matter of weeks. Another thing I noticed is that Jem has a combination personality of Alec, Izzy and Luke. Meaning, he has the parabatai (yes I am a obsessed MI & ID fan and have read the books at least 10 times, in order of release, which lets me spell words like that without even looking at the books; which is kind a, sort a really scary & sad. I really shouldn't be saying that....) and best friend traits of Alec, along with the wise and funny sides of Luke and Izzy. I have to also agree on the black hair and blue eyes bit that Magnus said. I laughed so hard I was crying, fell off my bed and hit my hit my head on the floor (of course the crying could've come from hitting my head on the hurt....). I also have to agree that Magnus's fashion sense is still odd.... (Of course I can say that about mine too....), even for modern day New York City in MI. Another thing is that I noticed is that Magnus still likes to party (at least the ones in ID don't have drinks that change you into rats....well....that we know of as yet....). I also noticed that Camille was the head of the New York City Vampire Clan. When I noticed that I was like "Cool. So that the head of the New York City Vampire Clan...." And about Church, I wonder if it’s the same cat. I mean, that when he was introduced in MI, he seemed a little off. Meaning, he seem (this is my opinion of course), to be old, like he's seen a lot over the years. The way he acts, with that knowing "air" around him, is how I came to that conclusion. Of course, he's a Shadowhunters pet, meaning he lives in an Institute for Shadowhunters, so it can be that as well. What also gave me that idea was because he had the same discribtion in MI as in ID. And it's obvious that Henry get the Sensor working, since Jace had one when he went to get Clary at the coffee shop. I also notcied something else, the knife Will and Jem find in the beginning of Clockwork Angel is the same knife Clary noticed when Jace found her at the coffee shop, the one she sees in the metal cuff on his arm; it's on page 40 City Of Bones at the top. It would be nice if they find a cure for Jem. Team Jem all the way!!!
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over a year ago silver93 said…
I thought it was the same cat too. It would make sense. Question is, who brought him over? I have a friend who says that ID books are too much like MI books. I disagree. I saw some similarities between Will and Jace, but they're related so it makes sense. Also, when I was reading the books I got the sense that Clare was improving in her writing. Did anyone else think the same?
over a year ago NeverForgotten said…
Yeah, I wonder who did bring Church over, if it's the same cat that is. The similarities between Will and Jace are kind of scary. I mean, yeah, they're distant relitives, but they're so alike with that I'm-Better-Than-You-And-I-Have-Had-A-Hard-­Pas­t-A­nd-­So-­I'm­-Wi­thd­raw­n-F­rom­-Ev­ery­one­-An­d-E­ver­yti­ng-­And­-I'­m-N­ot-­Goi­ng-­To-­Ope­n-M­yse­lf-­Up-­Aga­in-­Bec­aus­e-I­-Do­n't­-Wa­nt-­To-­Be-­Hur­t-A­gai­n attitude. You have to admit that Jace did have a hard past and it wasn't untill he met Clary that he finally opened up. Yeah opened up a bit for the Lightwoods, but not a lot, but it wasn't untill Clary came along that he really opened up. The same thing can be said for Will, expect we don't know the effect Tessa will have on Will, and we don't know what happened to him yet. But you can see that Charlotte, Henry, Jessie, Sophie, and even Jem, don't know who Will really is. I wonder what happened to Will to make him change his mind about being a Shadowhunter. I mean, Jem told Tessa that when Shadowhunters decided to leave the Clave they can't: (1) contact any family or friends (2) they can't call anyone for help and (3) the Clave has a right to any Shadowhunter children, meaning that every six years the Clave askes the children of such Shadowhunters if they want to become a Shadowhunter and if yes they are taken away from their parents and are forbidden to contact them in anyway (at least that's how I understood it), if no they come back and ask again until the child is eighteen. According to Jem, Will refused twice, but later ranaway to the London Institute and became a Shadowhunter. Something must have happened to him when Will was twelve to change his mind, because the Clave would have just asked him for the second time and Will refused. I can't forget to mention the Daredevil attitude and the womenizing. Will and Jace are EXACTLY alike.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jessica13100 said…
I LOVED the book!. pretty much i noticed the same thing
1) you can totaly see the family resemblence between will and jace :)
2) church IS the same cat
3) the ruby necklace of camilles is the same one as isabelles and camille is the one who runs the new york vampire clan
4) i love how it shows how the sensor, that detects demons, becomes invented :)
4) did you notice how in ID the shadowhunters and downworlders are cival towards each other untill the shadowhunters fasley accuse de quincy of murdering the humans and at the end charlotte said "the downworlders distrust us more then ever" and in MI the shadowhunters and downworlders hated each could be ;)
5) also notice how gabriel lightwoods dad (i forget his name) wants to run the institude and the lightwoods in MI run the new york one
6) in city of glass tessa has a short cameo apperence at the end :) the girl in the white dress talking to mangus at the party. notice the irony when mangus leaves tessa and comes to talk to them and clary said he was dressed as a "victorian gentlemen" haha loved that.

i think im leaning more towards team will, all though i do really love jem too hes so sweet. but i dont think will is a real asshole lol i think he just does that to push ppl away cuz of wut happened to him in the past but im still mad at him though lol. i dont believe will doesnt care for tessa cuz he wouldnt have rushed back to the freaking institude to save her!. i think tessa might be in city of fallen angel or i hope she will be cuz that would be cool, wouldnt that make sense though? tessa was at the end and clary did think there was something framiliar about her so obviously tessa would have some part in COFA right?. what i think is that tessa and jem will become close causing will to become jealous (thats wut it says for CWP) and im just guessing but i assume sophie will become envious of tessa or something and will and tessa will have their moments where they cant live with out each other :] lol idk. thats all i got for now anyways lol
over a year ago jessica13100 said…
heres the hypothsis to clockwork prince :)
"In Clockwork Prince, with the Magister vanished and the clock counting down on how long Charlotte can keep control of the Institute away from Benedict Lightwood, Will, Jem and Tessa must dig into the Magister's past to predict what he will do in the future, But secrets about the Magister aren't all they find buried — Tessa begins to uncover the truth about her own birth, and the ghosts of Will's past return to haunt him. As Tessa grows closer to Jem, and Will is driven further toward the brink of madness by jealousy and guilt, will they discover the truth in time to halt the next phase of the Magister's evil plan?" i love it! cant wait!!!!
over a year ago mavericks17 said…
At the end of city of glass Magnus is seen talking to a girl. I beilive this girl is Tessa and clary reconizes her because she looks like jace. This would mean that will and tessa hook up and Tessa isnt a warlock(she has no mark) just a powerful being. i belive that tessa and Will will be jaces great great great grandparents.
over a year ago NeverForgotten said…
To answer any questions about whether or not Church in The Mortal Instruments is the same cat in Infernal Devices, he is the same cat. And I quote from Claire’s FAQ page on her site
“Is Church the cat immortal or are all Institute cats named Church?”

“Church is immortal. Same cat in Clockwork Angel as in City of Bones. He is not a normal cat. He was not born immortal. His immortality has to do with the necromantic rituals practiced on him in Clockwork Angel. How he ends up in New York remains currently a mystery.”
- End Quote.

And a quote from the Infernal Devices website FAQ page:
"Is Church in ID the same Church as in TMI or a different cat with the same name?"

"The same cat."
-End Quote

Another Quote from the Infernal Devices FAQ page:
"But how can he be the same cat? It defies the laws of science and physics that a feline creature could live that long! I demand an explanation!"

"So nobody minds werewolves or people being brought back from the dead but a long-lived cat is an issue? :) The Church Jem rescues in CA is the same Church in TMI. Mrs. Dark was using him for a necromantic ritual to bring her sister back from the dead. She never completed the ritual. The residual magic rendered Church immortal and smarter than your usual cat."
-End Quote

I can't wait till Clockwork Prince comes out!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkenedSoul said…
Will is directly related to Jace- he's more of an great uncle so Tessa and Will might still get together.I hope they do.
over a year ago ilurvebooks said…
did you guys totally hate how Will treated Tessa in the end of the book! i mean arent they supposed to end up together? I think Will is similar yet totally different to jace. Will has the "I'm-Better-Than-You-And-I-Have-Had-A­-Ha­ard­­-P­a­s­t-­­And­­-S­o­-­I'­­m-W­­it­h­d­ra­­wn-­­Fr­o­m­-E­­ver­­yo­n­e­-A­­nd-­­Ev­e­r­yt­­ing­­-A­n­d­-I­­'m-­­No­t­-­Go­­ing­­-T­o­-­Op­­en-­­My­s­e­lf­­-Up­­-A­g­a­in­­-Be­­ca­u­s­e-­­I-D­­on­'­t­-W­­ant­­-T­o­-­Be­­-Hu­­rt­-­A­ga­­in attitude as said by Neverforgotten just like Jace. But at least Jace is man enough to accept and admit his feelings because it he realises that it makes him stronger. Will onthe other hand acts like an ASS and pushes away probably the only person who could truly understand and love him. And he'll just lose out in the end.
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over a year ago browntyreshop said…
In MI we were able to see the effect that Clary had on Jace- how he still opened up to her a little. But Will on the other hand (though!) is an indifferent asshole. He hates everyone and everything with Jem as exception(with ALOT of doubt). Will can't trust people and though he almost fell for Tessa(who may have been his salvation), he felt he still couldn't trust her so he pushed her away (weakling). Jace still had the courage and admitted his feelings.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NeverForgotten said…
I totally agree!
over a year ago ilurvebooks said…
Will is a sexy piece of shit
over a year ago browntyreshop said…
And Jace is just pure sexiness and awesomeness. Look out demons! Jace is coming for you!
over a year ago mle said…
I wonder if Will is going to be the Herondale that is touched by the angel and is given the family mark. The mark on Jace is what convinced the inquisitor that Jace was her grandson in MI. No where in clockwork angel did they mention Will having the mark. I can't wait for the next book!!
over a year ago ilurvebooks said…
big smile
i was thinking that u know. it has 2 be in one of the upcoming books
over a year ago TMIRockz said…
I have a suspicion that Tessa is related to Clary somehow and Will is like Jace's great great grandpa or something.
over a year ago abbiabbi3 said…
Did anybody else notice that Will and Tessa can't end up together? In The City of Fallen Angels it is said that Magnus' old lover is Will. So in other words Tessa doesn't end up with Will, Magnus does.
over a year ago ilurvebooks said…
they didnt say that magnus and will was together. i think that was the time that magnus had started liking guys, and it just so happened that a gorgeous 18th century "jace" was there.( magnus fell 4 will). although it would be really sweet if jem ended up with tessa. AWWWWW . James is soooo sweeet!!!!^_^
over a year ago JacesLover said…
OMG!I Love the way it is so funny, cuz Magnus is still in love with will, and he always is talking about him in MI, and it makes Alec so mad! hahahahaha that is why he loves blackhair and blue eyes(will) and that is y he is with Alec.....HAHAHAHAAH
over a year ago zazzles said…
Um. Tessa and will are meant to be together. Not tessa and jem. Not will and magnus.
over a year ago PinkPenguin101 said…
First of all Tessa and Will would not make as cute a couple as Tessa and Jem. Plus then Will is single
over a year ago juno1993 said…
so in the MI series Camille does say that magnus old lover was will but if you think about it magnus told Camille will was his lover but he really wasn't so that's why she would think they were lovers. and I feel like I can already see how this will all play out in the next book that's out in 2 days. I think Tessa will marry jem and Tessa is a warlock and they don't produce (that's why the carstairs name isn't in the MI series) and jem eventually dies from the drug and Tessa immortal as we know from the city of glass. will and Tessa cant be together cuz jaces father was a pure blood and warlocks cant produce. so I think and I kno sounds wild tht will will end up with Jessie cuz she has the fair blonde hair and will the blue eyes and jace has that blonde hair and blue eyes. obviously that wont be there kid but there traits passed down through generations. and to make things interesting Gabriel will end up with cicilly and Gideon with sophie and I think isabelle and max and alec will be decendents of Gabriel and cicilly. then henry and charlotte will have there baby which is who clary is a decendent from. and I think the lightwoods(not the father) will move in the institute with all of them. this is what I think will all go down in the last book.