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The Power Rangers Question

Create your own Power Rangers team!!!

Heres mine:
The Star Map power rangers
Red: Leo
Zord: Lion(body and head)

Blue: Pegasus
Zord: Horse(leg)

Green: Ares
Zord: Ram (arms)

Pink: Grus
Zord: Crane (belt)

Yellow: Ursa Major
Zord: Bear (leg)

Extra ranger(Red rangers brother)
Gold: Orion
Zord: a warrior zord like the dragon thunder zord that combines with all the others to make the Omega Constellation Ultrazord!
ummm... I belive you should choose a better set of zords
Dizzyman101 posted over a year ago
Power Rangers Nature Squad
austintageous00 posted over a year ago
Rapper Rangers:
evaglenn132 posted over a year ago
 Xindale posted over a year ago
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The Power Rangers  best answer

tuneatic said:
Power Rangers Natural Defenders
when Void spirit of destruction reawakens Balsamax the oldest and last surviving spirit of creation recruits 3 ranchers and 2 farmers from rural Dove Valley

From Vega Ranch
Name: Eli Nighthorse, White Ranger, Leader
Gender: Male
Weapon: Sword
Zord: Bull (Head and Torso)
he's lived on the ranch since he was young
a bit of a chip on his shoulder

Name: Kelly Vega, Pink Ranger
Gender: Female
Weapon: Cross bow
Zord: Alpaca (Left Leg)
she's a total tomboy and heir to the ranch

Jaleel Moore, Yellow Ranger
Second in command
Gender: Male
Weapon: Axe
Zord: Rottweiler (like his dog Dizzy)
(Right Leg)
he's new to the ranch, a little shy, dog lover

from the Oates farm
Name: Piper Oates, Green Ranger
Gender: Female
Weapon: Bo Staff
Zord: Pig (Left Arm)
she's dated Eli on and off since high school
she's running the family farm, very assertive

Name: Milo Oates, Blue Ranger
Gender: Male
Weapon: Mace
Zord: Turkey (Right Arm)
he's a world class mechanic, very relaxed
Piper's younger brother

Brooke Sakamoto. Purple Ranger (she joins later)
Gender: Female
Weapon: Turbo Rifle
Zord: Sheep (transforms into Wooly Zord)
Megazord Weapon: Double Edged Sheep Sword
she's a veterinary student, very serious

Motto: Defending nature's path from destruction's wrath
Ranger Vehicle: Defender Buggies (Dune Buggies)
Ranger Weapon: Blaster
Bronco Buster Battilizer (from powerful horse spirit)
Morphing Call: To defend nature
Morpher: Nature Band
(wooden bracelet with a pentagon shaped piece of jade in the center)

Donkey Carrier Zord (Barnyard Ultrazord)
Megazord Name: Natural Order Megazord
Megazord Weapon: Hyper Hoe
Mentor: Balsamax (he's a talking tree)
Allies: Javier Vega (Kelly's dad)
Dr. Melissa Higgins (Brooke's boss)
City: Dove Valley
Headquarters: Hidden Underground Valley accessed through portal in abandoned bunkhouse on Vega Ranch

Villain: Void, Spirit of Destruction
Generals: Kaos. Demonica, Nosey
Troops: Skeletells
select as best answer
Power Rangers Natural Defenders 
when Void spirit of destruction reawakens Balsamax the oldest and last surviving spirit of  creation recruits 3 ranchers and 2 farmers  from rural Dove Valley

From Vega Ranch
Name: Eli Nighthorse, White Ranger, Leader
Gender: Male
Weapon: Sword
Zord: Bull (Head and Torso)
he's lived on the ranch since he was young
a bit of a chip on his shoulder

Name: Kelly Vega, Pink Ranger
Gender: Female
Weapon: Cross bow
Zord: Alpaca (Left Leg)
she's a total tomboy and heir to the ranch

Jaleel Moore, Yellow Ranger
Second in command
Gender: Male
Weapon: Axe
Zord: Rottweiler (like his dog Dizzy)
(Right Leg)
he's new to the ranch, a little shy, dog lover

from the Oates farm 
Name: Piper Oates, Green Ranger
Gender: Female
Weapon: Bo Staff
Zord: Pig (Left Arm)
she's dated Eli on and off since high school
she's running the family farm, very assertive

Name: Milo Oates, Blue Ranger
Gender: Male
Weapon: Mace
Zord: Turkey (Right Arm)
he's a world class mechanic, very relaxed
Piper's younger brother

Brooke Sakamoto. Purple Ranger (she joins later)
Gender: Female
Weapon: Turbo Rifle
Zord: Sheep (transforms into  Wooly Zord)
Megazord Weapon: Double Edged Sheep Sword
she's a veterinary student, very serious

Motto: Defending nature's path from destruction's wrath
Ranger Vehicle: Defender Buggies (Dune Buggies)
Ranger Weapon: Blaster
Bronco Buster Battilizer (from powerful horse spirit)
Morphing Call: To defend nature
Morpher: Nature Band 
(wooden bracelet with a pentagon shaped piece of jade in the center)

Donkey Carrier Zord  (Barnyard Ultrazord)
Megazord Name: Natural Order Megazord
Megazord Weapon: Hyper Hoe
Mentor: Balsamax (he's a talking tree)
Allies: Javier Vega (Kelly's dad) 
Dr. Melissa Higgins (Brooke's boss)
City: Dove Valley
Headquarters:  Hidden Underground Valley accessed through portal in abandoned bunkhouse on Vega Ranch
Villain: Void, Spirit of Destruction
Generals: Kaos. Demonica, Nosey
Troops: Skeletells
posted over a year ago 
Hey um I have a question can you rate my ranger team since you got the best one it’s at the bottom of the second page hope you read this.
Scorpion_Acid posted over a year ago
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PrinceTrexus said:
Power Rangers X-Force

Red Ranger: Ray Jennings
Element: Fire
Zord: Inferno Lion X-Zord (head and chest)

Blue Ranger: Mark Hudson
Element: Water
Zord: Hydro Shark X-Zord (left leg)

Green Ranger: Josh Kyle
Element: Ice
Zord: Glacier Mammoth X-Zord (left arm)

Pink Ranger: Kelly Oliver
Element: Wind
Zord: Hawk Shuttle X-Zord (right arm)

Yellow Ranger: Amy Jacobs
Element: Thunder
Zord: Thunder Wolf X-Zord (right leg)

Yellow Ranger II (1st yellow dies): Katrina Kwan
Element: Thunder
Zord: Thunder Wolf X-Zord (right leg)

Aquarius Knight (sixth ranger spot): Billy Cranston
Zords: Aquarius Ape Zord, Aquarius Wolf Zord, Aquarius Jet Zord. These 3 Zords form the Aquarius Megazord

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posted over a year ago 
Silverdog104 said:
Name: Axel (Male)
Age: 18
Ranger: Red, Leader
Zord: Red Fox (Head and Body)

Name: Jason (Male)
Age: 16
Ranger: Blue, The Brains
Zord: Blue Jay (Wings in Back)

Name: Roger (Male)
Ranger: Black, The Muscle
Zord: Bull (Leg)

Name: Riley (Female)
Age: 17
Ranger: Pink, The Flexible One
Zord: Amazon River Dolphin (Leg)

Name: Ace (Female)
Age: 15
Ranger: Yellow, The Adventurous One
Zord: Burmese Python (Arm)

Name: Zachery (Male)
Ranger: Purple, The Hardworking One
Zord: Indigo Snake (Arm)
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posted over a year ago 
Damiankingster said:
Power Rangers Wild Cats

Here s mine:

Zord:Leopard(Right arm)

Zord: Jaguar (Left arm)

And White are Couples
Zord:Tiger(Right leg)

Zord:Cat(left leg

Legendary Ranger:

Zord:Wolf(own megazord)

Zord: a strong wild cats zords combine to be more
Stronger than ever,and the silver one have own
Megazord and can collide to the wild cats zords and
Can be a legendary zord.
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posted over a year ago 
Ritheesh_rohan said:
Beste Antwort
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posted over a year ago 
Powerquiles said:
power rangers map force
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posted over a year ago 
austintageous00 said:
Red Range - Eagle🦅
Blue Ranger - Wolf 🐺
Yellow Ranger - Bear🐻
White Ranger - Fox🦊
Black Ranger - Deer🦌
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posted over a year ago 
supergamer1235 said:
Power rangers animal force
Ranger names
Red ranger name - Art
Blue ranger name - Phill
Green ranger name - Vic
Yellow ranger name - Kira
Pink ranger name - Gia
Black ranger name - Mark
White ranger name - Hunter

Red ranger megazord - lion
Blue ranger megazord - shark
Green ranger megazord- bear
Yellow ranger megazord - eagle
Pink ranger megazord - tiger
Black ranger megazord - bull
White ranger megazord - wolf

Megazord part
Red ranger - body
Blue ranger - left arm
Green ranger - lower torso
Yellow ranger - head
Pink ranger - right arm
Black ranger - right leg
White ranger - left leg

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posted over a year ago 
Herman_Adam said:
Beast Force Power Rangers
Zord:Lion Zord

Zord:Falcon Zord

Zord:Shark Zord

White:White Tiger
Zord:White tiger Zord

Zord:Rhino Zord

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posted over a year ago 
Dennis_cool19 said:
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posted over a year ago 
bananos said:
power rangers monster hounters
red :alan
zord: skarebeush (head armour blade)
blue: David
zord: dragon ( legs)
yellow: Olaf
zord: jumpero ( body hands)
black: David j "dj,,
zord: drillodon (drill hands)
aqua: Amela
zord: healo (bag)
pink: Nicole
zord: megalod (shield saber)
all to combine to monster megazord

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posted over a year ago 
Olaf doe
Scorpion_Acid posted over a year ago
Scorpion_Acid said:
Power ranger team name: Star Force

Plot: When an evil spirt from the past reawakens a new team of 5 and secondary team of 7 star force is born to fight against the alien monster Terence (Tar en s) and his generals Krator (crate or) Cylce (s i les) when Terence and Krater get defeated we realize that Krator was really the legendary star warrior named Lance who somehow gained the ability to change any thing that he puts his mind to

Team 1
Ranger: Red
Name: Blaze
Gender: Male
Zord: Lion (Right arm and head)
Weapon: Sword

Ranger: Blue
Name: Kevin
Gender: Male
Zord: Gorilla (Torso)
Weapon: Shield

Ranger: Green
Name: Simon
Gender: Male
Zord: Cheat-a (Left leg and right leg)
Weapon: Hammer

Ranger: Yellow
Name: Anna
Gender: Female
Zord: eagle (Wings)
Weapon: Wings

Ranger: Pink
Name: Lily
Gender: Female
Zord: Turtle (Left arm)
Weapon: Axe

Team 2
Ranger: Gray
Name: Clyde
Gender: Male
Zord: Centipede (Torso)
Weapon: Centipede launcher

Ranger: Cyan
Name: Emily
Gender: Female
Zord: Panther (Claws)
Weapon: Claws

Ranger: Amber
Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Zord: Crab (Right arm)
Weapon: Dual Claws

Ranger: Orange
Name: Brian
Gender: Male
Zord: Shark (Left arm)
Weapon: Shark arm

Ranger: Black
Name: Zander
Gender: Male
Zord: Black bear (Right leg)
Weapon: Dual knife

Ranger: White
Name: Hannah
Gender: Female
Zord: Polar bear (Left leg)
Weapon: Dual axe

Ranger: Lime
Name: Katie
Gender: Female
Zord: Frog (head)
Weapon: Grabber

Ancient Warriors
Ranger: Diamond
Name: Kaz
Gender: Male
Zord: Dragon (Legs)
Weapon: Shuriken

Ranger: Gold
Name: Lance
Gender: Male
Zord Phoenix (Head and Wings)
Weapon: Star Beam

Ranger: Silver
Name: Lloyd
Gender: Male
Zord: Griffin (Arms and Torso)
Weapon: Wrecking ball

Star Striker: Team 1
Astro Star Megazord: Team 2
Ancient Beast Megazord: Ancient Warriors
Ultrazord: all zords

Lion Star: Red
Gorilla Sun: Blue
Cheat-a Sirius: Green
Eagle Regulus: Yellow
Turtle Antares: Pink

Final attacks
Red Blue Green: Seismic Blast
Yellow Pink: Moonlight Blast
Grey Cyan Amber: Cosmic Blast
Orange Black White Lime: Astro Blast
Diamond Gold Silver: Ancient Strike
Minizords: Cyber Blast
Star Striker Astro Star Megazord: Tech Blast
Ancient beast Megazord: Ancient Power
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posted over a year ago 
rhionblast20 said:

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posted over a year ago 
I forgot to tell you but can you also rate it 1 to 10 if your not busy.
Scorpion_Acid posted over a year ago
Waterhero said:
Power rangers enchanters
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posted over a year ago 
daglae21 said:
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posted over a year ago 
BoltPlayz said:
The elemental ninja rangers

Red Ranger:Brian
Zord:Sun shaped zord that opens up to shoot a beam of flame

Blue Ranger:Jacob
Zord:Hammerhead Shark Zord

Green Ranger:Joshua
Zord:Beetle Zord

Pink Ranger:Alice
Zord:Lion Zord

Yellow Ranger:Aubrey
Zord:Hawk Zord

Gold Ranger:Ko-oh
Zord:Dragon Zord
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posted over a year ago 
Mathematics1234 said:
Here is mine it is called power rangers elemental force
Name Connor
Zord scorpion
Weapon chain dart
Power lava

Name: Ivan
Zord eel
Weapon spear
Power lightning
Left arm

Name Jose
Zord elephant
Weapon hammer
Power earth
Right arm

Name jeremey
Zord shark
Power water
Left leg

Name jaden
Zord squid
Weapon scythe
Power shadow
Right leg

Name Paul
Zord raccoon
Weapon chain dart
Power darkness

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posted over a year ago 
Gameboy91 said:
Sea and land rangers
Red: Lion
Blue: Shark
Black: Jaguar
Yellow: Stingray
Pink: Wildcat
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posted over a year ago 
knight2050 said:
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posted over a year ago 
udohimiri said:
Things needed
in creating power rangers.
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posted over a year ago 
GreenDragon86 said:
Denji Sentai Megaranger: Mega Yellow

Mirai Sentai Timeranger: Time Fire

Gekisou Sentai Carranger: Pink Racer

Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: King Ranger

Gosei Sentai Dairanger: RyuuRanger

Seijuu Sentai Gingaman: GingaGreen

Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger: TriceraRanger

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posted over a year ago 
Jamesj298 said:
Zodiac ranges red Gemini blue cancer pink pices yellow Aries black Leo green Capricorn gold tarurs silver Aquarius white Scorpio purple Libra orange virgo
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posted over a year ago 
Lordcoley said:
Hyper dragonforce rangers
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posted over a year ago 
cooperisbreadk said:
power rangers S.B.S

zord:yeti (body and arm)

dark blue:tory
zord:hop goblin (arm)



zord:tumble whale(weapon)
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posted over a year ago 
cejike200 said:
Red ranger eagle
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posted over a year ago 
danchitwood97 said:
Been trying to create a dino custom team
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posted over a year ago 
anthonyKrammer said:
My ranger team

Zord= Head and back bling

Zord= Legs

BLACK RANGER= black bear
Zord= Right arm

GREEN RANGER= elephant
zord= Chest

PINK RANGER= Pink dolphin
Zord= Left arm

Sixth ranger

Zord= Its own zord combine with Pegasus with duel swords

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posted over a year ago 
Prehistoric said:
White Saber tooth tiger zord: Body
Pink petrodactyl zord: wings
Green baryonyx Zord: Left arm
Blue spinosaurs Zord Right arm
Golden brachiosaurus Zord: Legs
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posted over a year ago 
Roman_Dixon said:
My own power rangers team

Name: Power Rangers Wild Keys

Ranger 1: Red Ranger
Zord: Raging Rhino Zord (Rhino)
Role: leader of the team also head and body of megazord

Ranger 2: Blue Ranger
Zord: Sharp Swordfish Zord (swordfish shark)
Role: wannabe leader also both feet and legs of megazord

Ranger 3: Yellow Ranger
Zord: Electric Eagle Zord (Eagle)
Role: Doesn't really want to be a ranger arms and wings of megazord

Ranger 4: Green Ranger
Zord: Rattling Snake Zord (Rattlesnake)
Role: Classic new zealand ranger also can combine with the unlock megazord to create the harmony lock megazord

Ranger 5: White Ranger
Zord: Hungry Bear Zord (Panda Bear)
Role: responsible nerd also can combine with the unlock megazord to create the Zen Lock Megazord

Ranger 6: Silver Ranger
Zord: Living Lion Zord (Lion)
Role: cool hotshot also and form his own megazord

All zord combine together to form the Energized Lock Ultrazord

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posted over a year ago 
brnmths said:
Power Ranger Spirits Force

When Alastor, an old evil spirit possesses the young Caleb and starts commanding a series of attacks against the old spirits and people inhabiting Hellmount, the portal to the spirit world, Amana, the guardian of justice and loyalty, recruits five teenagers to protect the world:

1) Red: the leader - Cass
Female, Caleb's twin sister. Caucasian. 16 years old. Takes power from the goddess Isis (Egyptian mythology) through the Solar Disc. When in full form is the only ranger to travel freely between the physical and spiritual world, control spirits and heal corrupted spirits. Hot tempered, strong and prone to not thinking before acting.
Zord: Falcon, the head.
Weapon: The Spiritual Sword. When not activated it takes the shape of a tyet amulet.

2) Blue: the second on command - Jamal
Male. Black. 17 years old. Takes his power from the god Papa Legba (Caribbean) through Night Lock. He's able to communicate and ask assistance to animals. Calm and cool tempered, he's the right arm to the Red Ranger. He's a master hand to hand combatant and acrobat.
Zord: Dog, the torso.
Weapon: The bois (sticks used for Calinda, a caribbean type of dance/fight). It can be used as two or as a single stick. When not activated, the bois take the shape o key shaped like a cross.

3) Pink ranger: the heart - Jorge
Male. Latin. 16 years old. Takes his power from Xochipilli (Aztec) through the oyohualli (the god's talisman). He's able to control plants at will and has a very deep connection to them. Very handsome and popular at school, he learns through experience the power of friendship.
Zord: Hummingbird, the chest.
Weapon: The rose whip. When not activated, the rose whip takes the shape of a flower brooch.

4) Yellow: the strength - Shappa
Female. Native American. 15 years old. Takes her power from Inyan (Lakota) through the mountains close to Hellmount. She's capable of extreme feats of strength. Very proud of her heritage, she's the most spiritual of the team.
Zord: Bison, the arms.
Weapon: The Stone Tomahawk, a sacred object to her family, it's made out of the rocks in the sacred mountains. It's usually very small, but when activated it's a true weapon that can only be held by the yellow ranger.

5) Black: the brains - Ewan
Male. Caucasian. 15 years old. Takes his powers from the goddes Frigg (Norse) through the Knowledge Spinning Whell. Able to foresee the future, but it's painful. Does not believe in magic at first, but becomes a powerful sorcerer.
Zord: Goat, the legs
Weapon: The Mysteries Crossbows. It also takes the shape of a arrow pin.


6) White - Ryue
Male. Eastern Asian. 17 years old. Takes his power from the goddess Benzaiten (japonese) through the Flow Biwa (lute). Able to control water, even to change the flow of rivers. Very talented artistcatly, is very adaptable and nurturing.
Zord: The Dragon
Weapon: The Water Naginata. It also takes the shape of a flute.

7) Gold -
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posted over a year ago 
7) Gold - Amana Female. Caucasian. 40 years old. It's the mentor and a role model to the group. Takes care of them. Very knowledgeble in magic and spirits history. Takes her power from the god Apollo (greek) through the Golden Sceptre. Able to control light. Zord: Python Weapon: The Golden Sceptre. 8) Emerald Gree - Monifa Female. Black. 16 years old. Takes her power from Anansi (West African) through the Wisdom Calabash. Able to shapeshift. Smart and outgoing, does not tend to trust people. Seems weak at first. Zord: Spider Weapon: The Ashanti Bow and Arrow.
brnmths posted over a year ago
Jacefromhell4 said:
Power rangers supersonic
Red: male
Zord: t rex (Body and head)
Weapon: sword

Blue: male
Zord: shark (left leg)
Weapon: gun

Yellow: female
Zord: eagle (Right leg)
Weapon: bombs

Green: Female
Zord: horse (left arm)
Weapon: dagger

Pink: female
Zord: hamster (right arm)
Weapon: crossbow

White: male
Zord: tiger (cape)
Weapon: spiner
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posted over a year ago 
mmmmmoott said:
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posted over a year ago 
jattt said:
Power Rangers and Magic from the Past
Red - Chris
Zord - Chimera Zord

Blue - Sally
Zord - Centaur Zord

Yellow - Drake
Zord - Cyclops Zord

Crimson - Steve
Zord - Big Foot Zord

Pink - Pearl
Zord - Elf Zord

kind of similar to Mystic force, but the blue, yellow and crimson rangers came from the future to save the past.
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posted over a year ago 
Raq4445 said:
Elijah red force\ red assassin Zord Moses blue force\ blue assassin Zord
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posted over a year ago 
Squiddy234 said:
The Nature Force Rangers

Main Rangers:

Red: Kai Wes
Power: Strength
Weapon: Gauntlets
Zord: Gorilla
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student, Baseball Player
Sexuality: Straight

Blue: Aamir Sayyid
Power: Scales
Weapon: Saber
Zord: Crocodile
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student, Artist
Sexuality: Straight

Yellow: Isabella (Isa) Mars
Power: Shrink
Weapon: Whip
Zord: Rat
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student, Professional Dancer
Sexuality: Straight

Black: Andrew (Andy) Gomez
Power: Sound Waves
Weapon: Blaster
Zord: Orca
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student, Chef
Sexuality: Gay

Pink: Angela Hardy
Power: Invisibility
Weapon: Shield
Zord: Hyena
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student, Photographer
Sexuality: Bisexual

Extra Rangers:

White: Zachary (Zack) Bullock
Power: High Jump
Weapon: Claws
Zord: Lynx
Gender: Male
Occupation: Boy-scout Leader
Sexuality: Bisexual

Green: Felix Johnson
Power: Elasticity
Weapon: Hammer
Zord: Elephant
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student, Actor
Sexuality: Straight

Purple: Eleanor Lawson
Power: Needle Projection
Weapon: Crossbow
Zord: Porcupine/Hedgehog
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student, Archer
Sexuality: Straight

Silver: Riley Norman
Power: Flight
Weapon: Fans
Zord: Vulture
Gender: Non-binary
Occupation: Student, Guitarist
Sexuality: Lesbian

Orange: Grayson Richards
Power: Speed
Weapon: Staff
Zord: Ostrich
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student, Writer
Sexuality: Straight

Evil Rangers/Main Villains:

Shadow Ranger (Boss)
Name: Skullsnare
Power: Venom
Weapon: Scythe
Zord: Snake
Gender: Male
Occupation: Boss, Leader of the Villains
Species: Alien

Gold Ranger (Co-Leader)
Name: Catdrip
Power: Strength, Tough Skin, Size changing, Sound Waves, Stealth, High Jump, Stretch, Needles, and Speed
Weapon: Axe
Gender: Female
Occupation: Boss, Sidekick for Skullsnare

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posted over a year ago 
evaglenn132 said:
Power Rangers Mortal Kombat Edition

Red Ranger: Liu Kang
Zord: Lion

Blue Ranger: Jax
Zord: Dragon

Yellow Ranger: Baraka
Zord: Tiger

Green Ranger: Jade
Zord: Snake

Pink Ranger: Mileena
Zord: Monkey

Black Ranger: Shang Tsung
Zord: T-Rex

Gold Ranger: Scorpion
Zord: Scorpion

White Ranger: Jacqui Briggs
Zord: Stegosaurus

Silver Ranger: Kano
Zord: Turtle
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posted over a year ago 
mokshshetty574 said:
Go go power rangers
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Go go power rangers
posted over a year ago 
DavidDalton said:
A team of heroes that fight monsters to protect earth and it's environment
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posted over a year ago 
Tommy3535259 said:
Here's my team:
Cosmic Star Power Rangers
Red: Jupiter
Zord:Bull body and head

Blue: Orion
Zord:Fox arms

Zord:Dragonfly sword

Zord:Unicorn leg

Yellow: Sunny
Zord: Dragon leg

Extra Ranger:
Silver: Mars
Zord: Bee - stinger

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posted over a year ago 
kagamiuchiha25 said:
Power Rangers Jurassic Knights


Justin Danner - Red Jurassic Ranger
Zord: Tyrannosaurus

Ryan Kingston- Blue Jurassic Ranger
Zord: Triceratops
Megumi Okita- Pink Jurassic Ranger
Zord: Parasaurolophus
Archie Ramirez-Green Jurassic Ranger
Zord: Deinonychus
Fiona Willows-Yellow Jurassic Ranger
Zord: Pachycephalosaurus
Gary Nakiyama-White Jurassic Ranger
Zord: Spinosaurus
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posted over a year ago 
bigfanman said:
Best answer
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posted over a year ago 
RangerDark343 said:
Here is my team:
The Elemental Fury Rangers
Red: Ski
Zord: Fire Dragon Zord (Head and Torso)
(Based off of Jungle fury animal spirits)
Spirit: Fire Dragon

Blue: Max
Zord: Lightning Dragon Zord
Spirit: Lightning Dragon

Black: Cole
Zord: Earth Dragon Zord
Spirit:Earth Dragon

White: Z.I.x.a.l.
Zord: Ice Dragon Zord
Spirit:Ice Dragon

Silver: May
Zord: Water Dragon Zord
Spirit: Water Dragon

Green: Alexa
Zord: Green Elemental Dragon Zord
Spirit: Green Elemental Dragon

Gold:Kirby(named after the ninjago character Cole voice actor Kirby Morrow.)
Zord: Legendary Gold Dragon Zord
Spirit: Legendary Gold Dragon.

Elemental: Lloyd
Zord: Gold Elemental Dragon Zord
Spirit: Gold Elemental Dragon
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posted over a year ago 
Benji2000 said:
Power Rangers Jungle Force

There were 10 Crystallites created when the Earth formed, but with the creation of these jewels came the creation of the Navy Crystallite (the left over negative energy from the formation of the crystallites). The villain of this era is General Ravenger- a cruel vindictive leader of the Army of Negativity. His one goal- collect the crystallites and corrupt them so he can revive his fallen comrades- the Savage Rangers. The current Rangers found their jewels in different places after they were hidden away deep within the Earth, but due to the effects on the planet they were unearthed. As well as imbuing the Rangers with heightened abilities- it also gave them dominion over an element.

Red Ranger: Alex
Gender: Female
Zord: Wolf
Element: Fire
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Wolf-Bow

Orange Ranger: Harvey
Gender: Male
Zord: Giraffe
Element: Earth
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Giraffe Spear

Yellow Ranger: Scott
Gender: Male
Zord: Bear
Element: Lightning
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Bear Staff

Green Ranger: Keira
Gender: Female
Zord: Turtle
Element: Nature
Weapon: Turtle Shield

Blue Ranger: Louise
Gender: Female
Zord: Shark
Element: Water
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Shark Tonfa

Purple Ranger: Ben
Gender: Male
Zord: Elephant
Element: Light
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Elephant-Mace

Pink Ranger: Andrew
Gender: Male
Zord: Condor
Element: Air
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Conder-Chucks

Aqua Ranger: AJ
Gender: Female
Zord: Whale
Element: Mind
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Whale-Boomerang

Black Ranger: Nicole
Gender: Female
Zord: Rhino
Element: Metal
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Rhino Trident

White Ranger: Kyle
Gender: Male
Zord: White Tiger
Element: Ice
Weapon: Jungle Sabre, Tiger-Claw
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posted over a year ago 
SinestroCrow said:
The Occult Knight Rangers:

The Red Ranger - Ivy Monroe
Her Suit Is Centered Around Heavy Armour
Promotion mode goes from a Cavalier To Paladin
Magic Type: Wind
Weapon : Lance and Shield
Zord : Griffin (Right Arm)
Older Artificial Twin Sister Of Lucian

The Blue Ranger - Remi St. James
His Suit Is Centered Around Robes
Promotion mode Goes From Cleric To War Monk
Magic Type: Healing and Water
Weapon: Staves and Gauntlets
Zord: Phoenix (Left Leg)
Best Friend Of Marianne

The Green Ranger - Marianne Ellis
Her Suit Is Set Around Light Armour
Promotion mode goes from a Apothecary to Alchemist
Magic Type: Nature
Weapon: Axes and Potions
Zord: Hydra (Left Arm)
Best Friend of Remi

The Black Ranger - Lucian Monroe
His Suit Is Centered around Light Armour
Promotion mode goes from Rouge to Hunter
Magic Type: Shadow
Weapon: Twin Daggers and Bow
Zord: Wendigo (Head and Toros)
Younger Artificial Twin Of Ivy and love interest of Maggie

The White Ranger - Maggie O' Hara
Her Suit Centers Around Robes
Promotion mode goes from Mage To Gremory
Magic Type: Fire, Blizzard and Storm
Weapon: Tomes and Staves
Zord: Thunderbird (Right Leg)
Love Interest of Lucian

The Gold Ranger - Arthur Von Reagan
His Suit is Set around Heavy Armour
Promotion mode goes from a Squire To King
Magic type: Holy
Weapon: Excalibur
Zord: Dragon
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posted over a year ago 
MarineRanger said:
The Legendary Rangers:

Marine Ranger(Team Leader)- Brad
Zords- Dino Zords
Morphing Call: "Legendary Spirit- Dino Power"

Violet Ranger- Asia
Zords- Mythical Zords
Morphing Call: "Legendary Spirit- Mythical Power"

Scarlett Ranger- Scarlett
Zords- Land Zords
Morphing Call: "Legendary Spirit- Land Power"

Bronze Ranger- Ole
Zords- Sea Zords
Morphing Call: "Legendary Spirit- Sea Power"

Sage Ranger- Mike
Zords- Sky Zords
Morphing Call: "Legendary Spirit- Sky Power"

Diamond Ranger(Special Ranger)- Callum
Zords- Space Zords
Morphing Call: "Legendary Spirit- Space Power"
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posted over a year ago 
SuperSonic1000 said:
Power Rangers Hero League
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posted over a year ago 
Dragon_Lover88 said:
This is my version, I am In Love with dragons and the elements. The story sets in self when a mysterious boy enters earth and claims that he is from another dimension and his archenemies Dark Fury and Night Wing are going to destroy this planet but nobody believes him except for 2 friends that has come to this world because Dark Fury and Night Wing destroyed it ten years ago. Some other crucial info is that the morphing item is a dragon claw key that slots into their weapon. So ITS MORPHING TIME

The Dragon Power Rangers:

Name: Zac
Gender: Boy
Power Colour: Red, Team Leader
Dragon: Fire Dragon
Weapon: Flaming Fire Sword
Zord: Dragon(Whole body sits on the rest of the Zords)
Description: Zac is your normal team leader holding everyone together when it gets though and overall an amazing leader

Name: Audrey
Gender: Girl
Power Colour: Pink, 3rd in command
Dragon: Wind Dragon
Weapon: Windy Whistle Bow and Arrow
Zord: Dragon ( Arm and Shoulder)
Description: Audrey is one of the Aliens that Trusts Zac, She falls in love with Oliver and she lovers Archery

Name: Oliver
Gender: Boy
Power Colour: Blue, 2nd in Command
Dragon: Water Dragon
Weapon: Splash Slash Dagger
Zord: Dragon( Arm and Shoulder)
Description: Oliver loves to cook, ever since him and Audrey landed on earth he has made puddings to lasagne but his favourite dish is crème brûlée which he hasn’t mastered yet

The other 3 join in later in the show, 2 being human after dad dying because one of Dark Fury and Night Wings Monsters they try to defeat a monster without the powers and then the morphing masters give them a Dragon Claw Key like they did with Oliver and Audrey

Name: Adam Gonzales
Gender: Boy
Power Colour: Green
Dragon: Earth Dragon
Weapon: Earth Boomerang
Zord: Dragon(Left Leg)
Description: Adam is a human that LOVES to act and sing, his dream job is to become a famous actor and also Roses older brother

Name: Rose Gonzales
Gender: Girl
Power Colour: Yellow
Dragon: Metal Dragon
Weapon: Metal Spear
Zord: Dragon(Right Leg)
Description: The little sister of Adam she used to absolutely HATE THE RANGERS but when she helped them for the first time she starts to like them

Now the next one is the GOLD Ranger which his first appearance is in s2

Name: Diego
Gender: Boy
Power Colour: Gold, Another team leader
Dragon: Lighting
Weapon: Lighting blaster gun
Zord: Ultra Dragon( When combined with the others it creates the Ultimate Omega Dragon Fury Zord)
Description: Diego is the red rangers brother and he fought for his dimension and then got absorbed into light it self and got awakened when his brother was in DEEP trouble

That is my version, Go Dragon Power Rangers
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posted 10 months ago 
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