The Price is Right Drew Carey as Host

maybeastarbucks posted on Oct 19, 2007 at 04:52PM
How do you think he's doing? The difference from Bob are big. Bob would say, "What is your bid?" and Drew says, "What d'ya bid?"

Otherwise he's pretty good as the host. He's still getting used to it I think.

The Price is Right 3 replies

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over a year ago MissesHolly said…
I like Barker better.
over a year ago spayandneuter said…
Hello fellow Bob Barker lovers!

As we all know, Bob Barker is a friend of animals. I love the fact that he extended his compassion to The Price Is Right by keeping the showcases fur-free and always announcing at the end of every episode that people should spay and neuter their animal friends.

So, as fans, I really think that we should support his latest effort: stopping cruel bear pits from being used as a "tourist attraction." Cherokee, North Carolina, is keeping bears in concrete pits with horrible conditions that you can see here: link.

Our beloved Bob Barker has requested a meeting with the principal chief of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation to put an end to this terrible cruelty. Let's show our support for bears and for Bob Barker by writing a respectful letter to the chief at link.

You can read more about Bob Barker's involvement in this issue here: link.

Thanks everyone!

over a year ago spayandneuter said…
Bob Barker is meeting with the chief today! Read the news release here: link.