The Sound of Music What Is Your Favorite Moment In The Movie...Singing Or Otherwise

Jesusfreakman posted on Mar 22, 2010 at 09:26AM
my favorite moment is when the Captain chimes in with his children singing "The Sound of Music" to the Baroness. and then he realizes what he has been missing, and how much he loves his children. and the children again see how much their father loves them. chokes me up every time (i would admit that it makes me cry...if i wasn't such a tough, fly fishing, snowboarding, hiking, camping, motorcycle racing, rock crawler truck building, dude, that is).

The Sound of Music 9 replies

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over a year ago soundofmusicfan said…
i like that bit too! i've always liked do-re-mi and the picnice scene and the ending 'climb every mountain' is definately brilliant. what other parts do you like??
over a year ago 396679 said…
i like the the do re mi picnic sequence too, especially when the children are all sat on the carriage and maria points to them and they all say a different word. its not really the actual picnic but its on the way to the picnic...what do you think of the nuns not atttending the wedding properly, and standing behind the metal gates?
over a year ago soundofmusicfan said…
i always assumed they were standing behind because they werent allowed to attend due to their religion? they obviously wanted to but just wasnt allowed? that whole picnic sequence is brilliant when all the children are hanging from the trees a little later in their 'play clothes' haha.
over a year ago 396679 said…
yes i thought that was the reason too i just wondered if you may have had another opinion. obviously they wanted to be part of the wedding because they loved maria and believed she was doing the right thing for herself. why do you like the climb every mountain scene?
over a year ago soundofmusicfan said…
because its the last scene and it brings hope and the song is uplifting and quite ironic as they are actually climbing a mountain. ive watched it since i was young and even when i didnt really understand what the film was about, the age when you just like the songs i used to always love that ending, why do you not?
over a year ago 396679 said…
its not that i was just wondering why it was your favourite.
over a year ago MGriet said…
My favorite "Maria & Captain" moment has always been "The Laendler"... for the obvious reason(s)...played it over and over and slow motion...with other music...totally obsessed with this it more than the gazebo...
over a year ago MGriet said… reply posted before I could continue....and "other" favorite moment with the kids has to be the Do-Re-Mi Montage...its just such a happy, free-spirited scene...always puts a smile on my face... enjoy the "tour" of Salzburg....BUT then...I love most of the its just so difficult to narrow it down to 1 or 2 scenes....
over a year ago pnkparasl4Marta said…
My favorite scene is still the one I loved as a child, when Maria meets the children for the first time. The look on her face when she tells them "At ease." Also, when the Baroness tells Uncle Max, "Why didn't you tell me?" Uncle Max: "What?" Elsa: "To bring along my harmonica."