The Vampire Diaries Couples Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 317

deluv said …
Enough with the Manips!!! jeez Posted over a year ago
jereimy commented…
I dont have problems with the manips all fans do it I even have seen som manips in DE spot, where Elena is in bed with Damon when is really stefan so I dont see a problem over a year ago
deluv commented…
I hate manips. And this applys to all couples cuz people bash a certain couple and then manip their scenes, doesn't make sense to me over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I don't mind manips-I think they can be quite amusing but I don't usually make them because they're time consuming but i don't see many problems because unless someone posts them on here then the ship involved that wouldn't like it shouldn't really see it because it won't be on their spot! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I don't mind the manips. Whatever ship - if it's their glee, then rock on. It's the bashing of their artwork that should not ever be tolerated. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Does anyone think the SUPER HOT Forwood scene might be a dream? Wouldnt be the first time TVD has only given me what I wanted in a dream (Delena pool game kiss, Steferine tomb sex).

Stop ship teasing!

Actually don't. Least it's still a scene :)

If it's not, I hope it is Tyler's dream ;) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
It could be a dream cos Matt has ONLY just sort of broken up with her-again....I'm not sure but it all seems a bit too soon as Matt will come around! He went into denial in the books but he came around then so I'm not sure....i'm not sure we know the whole truth....... over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Yeah. The previews are always misleading! There is a 3 month time jump, but that being said there was a spoiler that Tyler would be taking someone else to the party. Poor Matt. Do you ship Catt? over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
I hope it's not a dream but either way it's still a scene (: over a year ago
Gloop3 said …
Dear Bamon fans, you need to STOP talking about Ian at the comic con already! He knows Damon will always love Elena-end of story. Damon also knows Stefan's not coming back and Damon will never love Bonnie! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Why an attack on Bamon...again! *sigh* as you like to loudly inform us Bamon fans -"ships have their moments-Stelena have had their moment"-so according to your statement it's DE's time now...doesn't mean it will last forever! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
nicely put @DarkSoulx i'm sick of this telling other ships what they can do and what they can't!-unreasonably! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, not THIS again. C'mon.. we don't tell you what to talk about and are disrespectful. Can you show a bit of dignity and try to return the favor. Last time I looked we have every right too. :) over a year ago
bussykussi said …
Omg guys the new Promo Killing me ! delena scenes<3 Forwood scenes<3 Team ripper scenes<3 Omg when is September! i need Tvd now!!!! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
next month-i dunno-thirty-something days?! over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Am not sure what I feel about the Forwood scene, I like them so am hoping it isnt what it looks like as it seems a little too soon, or if it is because of the break, I would be sad that there whole starrt of relationship happened off screen, I dont know, I just love the build ups. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Paul is gonna be EPIC!! <3 over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
The new stills! The teaser promo! Ahhhh! They know what pleases fans and they sure are giving it to us in mass amounts (too much for my heart to handle) It's all coming up Damon&Elena, as it should <3 Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
BOOO FREAKING YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT!!!!!! over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
So excited for season 3! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
Same here i can't wait anymore omg Delena action over a year ago
epicdelena4ever said …
Hey guys, if any of you like Jason & Aria from PLL join the spot please :) link
Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
"Hey judgey, thankyou"- Bamon <3 Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE that quote! <3<3<3 over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
love <3 over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
<3333 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
<3 over a year ago
deluv said …
Netflix description about season 3:

"In its third spooky season, the teen drama series sheds an eerie light on the rival vampire siblings Stefan and Damon's mysterious and blood-soaked past. Meanwhile, Damon and the bewitching Elena are drawn ever more tightly to one another." Posted over a year ago
fangs286 commented…
ugh being a stelena fan, part of that is very depressing but i saw it coming over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Sounds great! Can't wait for season 3! over a year ago
deluv commented…
well SE had their two seasons of lovey dovey ness. And KW said S3 is about DE's frienship so I think they'll get together in season 4 through season 5 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Stefan and Damons blood soaked past.. wow! Exciting to see Stefan get some juicy scenes. Hope the brothers find their way to each other again, love them. over a year ago
mitchellsunf said …
After watching Kat & Michael thank you vid - I'm am so much more a Tonnie shipper <333 Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
LOL! over a year ago
I think I would've preferred Tonnie to Forwood :/ over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
nahh i love forwood! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hehe. Kinda love them too!! over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
"Don't fight it Stefan. You loved me once. You can love me again"- Katherine <3 Posted over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Love it! Love Steferine! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
Steferine<33 over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
Steferine FTW :D over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Congrats to the TVD cast for the win at TeenChoice Awards. Bravo!!
Kat, Nina, Michael and Ian especially.

All well deserved, and looking utterly gorgeous too. :) Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Wooooooooop! Go TVD :) over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Yep really happy for them all they all, well deseved. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …

Elena and Ric are gonna be bonding on a roadtrip together.
I guess that leaves, Bonnie and Damon on babysitting duty. <3
Heaven help them all... :D Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
babysitting who?? And Damon is with Ric and Elena in the woods :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hi deluv. R u sure? There was no mention of Damon on the roadtrip at all.Focused on Lena/Ric, which is cool. *shrugs* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Ikr? ((huggles him)) I miss Bonnie too.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Just gonna share much love to all the shippers, keeping it positive. *smooch!* Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
*smiles* :) over a year ago
bussykussi said …
I have added a little game on the forum but pls we don't need a war !!
Enjoy it<3 Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
The Vampire Diaries- The show that launched a thousand ships :D Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
:))))) yay! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
YAy you are right over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. So true! over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
haha so true. (: over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
When the show starts again, this spot will be more active so We are gonna start doing FOTM!!!! So Excitedd :)) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
oh yay-i love reading the interviews! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*bounces happily* over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Awesome! over a year ago
fangs286 commented…
im so happy someone made this club over a year ago
Daninoc said …
Catt♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
DELENA AND BEREMY!!! over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
I love Delena & Beremy too :D over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Alright people need to seriously stop saying Damon likes Bonnie like a friend or sister in the books. HE DIED FOR HER. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. THAT'S LOVE. Show bamon and book bamon are completely different. Practically a whole other couple. Unless you read the books, dont say anything about book bamon. And anyone that did can clearly see he loves her. Even LJ Smith has said Bonnie makes Damon more human. Not trying to start an argument. I just see alot of non book readers ... Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
talking about book bamon over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
LJ has NEVER said damon LOVES bonnie...CARES YES...LOVES? no over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Yes she did, on her site, she said that in a last book she wrote a line in which says from Elena POV she could see that Damon loved her enough to die for her, an LJ write the lines out twice on her site said she was refering to Bonnie not Elena, an that she wont say it again, Damons death was nothing to do with Elena an everything to do with Bonnie, an I can link you to the page if you want where the writer herself says this, an comfirms it. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Do you think Alaric will ever find someone who you know, doesnt turn into a vampire and die? Maybe the could bring in Meredith for him? Or have him fall in love with a female original! Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
who knows ?? alaric is a poor guy he lost ,like jeremy ,everyone he love :( over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
andie? i always thought they could hook up-random thoughts over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
I would love to see Meredith in the show. She's one of my favorite characters in the books. And she and Alaric would make a great team. (: over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
“They hurt you, didn’t they, little redbird? I saw…I saw your face,” Damon said in his new choked-up voice. Bonnie didn’t know what to say. But suddenly she didn’t mind how hard he squeezed her. She even found herself squeezing back." Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
OH-CUTEEEEEEE!!! I love it so much!!!! thanks! over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
<333 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Beautiful and romantic! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
I'm not trying to start a war, but i really don't think Elena is Damon's humanity. I think love in general is. I think she helped him get it back but i dont think she is his humanity. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Elena is Damon's Humanity (KEVIN WILLIAMSON)!!!!!!!!!! nuff said over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
I know that was said but i think love in general is . Like the way he loves Stefan too. over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Again seriously people need to refine what they think of as humaity, as alot of people on here seem to be under the impression that being good is that, here is a definition of it: War is an act of humanity. Humanity is sometimes beneficial to itself and sometimes destructive towards itself. An to me Damon had that before Elena I think KW is really not using the right context for what he is trying to get at as it aint humanity. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
773 fans!!! YAY-!!! Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
YAY! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*jumps happily with ya* :) over a year ago
bussykussi said …
Hey guys are you ok?? let's hope that season 3 would be amazing what i'm saying Tvd is amazing :) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
yep let's hope!!! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
there is going to be a proper caroline/matt/tyler triangle and bonnie's at the centre of thing! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
yes i read it! but thnx :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
can't wait!!! how long now? over a year ago
deluv said …
Is everyone okay with the Icon?? I hope so, cuz It's not changing till Midseason 3, maybe?? Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
yes it is ok :)) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Yeah it's a classic but i dunno if we stole it or not cos another spot has the exact same (All the Vampire Diaries Couples)-i like it though! over a year ago
fangs286 commented…
its pretty epic over a year ago
teamcastiel said …
I put the 'crack' in crack ship. I'm starting to think if they have a scene together I ship them.

Elijah and Lexi - Weird I know but they shared scenes together on True Blood and now I'm wondering where that could go.

Bonnie and Klaus - Enemies to lovers thing always makes a good story.

And of course - E&E, Tyler and Jeremy, Tonnie, and Jeremy and Caroline. Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
OMG I kinda like Jeremy and Caroline-they have had a few scenes....... over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
The actors for Lexi and Elijah have both been on TB? Cool! What season?? Oh I shipped Tonnie a lot in season 1. over a year ago
teamcastiel commented…
The episode name was I smell a rat. And they play the couple that betrayed Sam. over a year ago
Maximumridefan said …
My crack ships:

Elena/Elijah: Don't ask me why, I just think they're interesting

Tyler/Jeremy: Always thought they had UST lol

Klaus/Bonnie: Again, just something I think would be interesting (but kind of weird)

Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Thats what I LOVE about crackships. They dont need to make any sense whatsoever :D Oh yeah Tyler/Jer- they had HEAPS of shippers in season1 over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
^^ AGREED. I actually hardcore shipped Tyler/Jeremy for a little bit during season 1 lol over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
i like tyler and bonnie a little over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
I've decided to talk about some random crack ship couples I find interesting to lighten up the mood on this spot seeing as everyone tends to get real serious about their main ships lol. Join in if you want :D

Stefan&Cactus- A timeless love story of plant and vampire
Tyler&Matt- sometimes your best friend is the only thing you need ;)
Katherine&Elena- Katherine makes them good girls go bad.
Bonnie&Klaus- S S S & M M M
Damon&Tyler- bite me once. shame on you. bite me twice? lets get it on Posted over a year ago
big smile
bussykussi said …
Hey guys can we pls have Peace i heard so bad thing about this spot about war and hate Can everybody pls accept the other ship we all love tvd let forget this war and chat and write in peace toghter i know i'm not the best and i will apologize to everybody espacially Bamon fans!! Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Nicely said!!! :) over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
thnx :) over a year ago
bussykussi said …
you changed the icon?? looks nice :)) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
yep!!! looks good! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It's lovely! over a year ago
bratski2192 said …
Okay no offense to all shippers & TVD fans in general, but I'm sick of all the hate/getting mad at others just cuz of their difference in opinion. Erase that, cuz guess what? I love all true & dedicated shippers! TVD always (whether ur a Delena, Stelena, Bamon, Forwood, Beremy, Steferine, Kathamon, Catt, etc. fan). FTW. YES. <3 Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
well said! well said! *claps you on the back*!!!! over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Exactly. Just imagine, what would it be like if we all have the same opinion? The world would be boring as hell. You can't force your opinion on someone else so I say we respect each other's views. over a year ago
bratski2192 commented…
^^Agreed. I'm just sick of others saying fans of a different fanbase r delusional, zombie, loves boredom, etc. We all have different opinions, so just accept it. Nothing wrong with debating tho (unless someone takes it too seriously). over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Bravo!!! I totally agree with you. We're all entitled to our ships - I don't get the constant hate slung at each other on here. over a year ago
deluv said …
No offense to Bamon fans but can you stop saying that Bonnie puts Damon in line? He's Damon Salvatore NO ONE and I mean NO ONE puts him in line except himself. I'm saying this as a Damon fan, cuz saying that Bonnie puts him in line makes it sound like he's her puppet. And no no...Damon can't be insulted like that Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
Haha oh well she can put him in line giving him headaches and burning him. Oh so romantic Viv! True love and passion! Oh lord.. lol :P over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
As for me personally on the question asked, that isn’t a reason I like the potential with Bamon, I guess one of the reason I love the idea is Stelena/Delena to me have both been ruined by clumsy writing, an with Bamon I still have my ideas of what it could be which I love, I think some people like to look at what is in the box’s, some like to take a look around at what is out side it. It isn’t a right or wrong thing which is what people don’t seem to get, it is a you like this kind of relationship you think that works, I don’t I like this ……an respecting that just because you don’t agree doesn’t make them wrong just different. over a year ago
fangs286 commented…
he does kinda cause she has that thing where she like pops a vein in his head and its kinda interesting to the show to have someone finally like challenge damon.shes not making him her puppet, cause no one can do that to damon, but she does kinda intimidate him which is cool.and in the books? she is his little red bird. so ya im done lol over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
If you're a Jermey and Anna fan please check out my article!x thankyou Posted over a year ago
bussykussi said …
Guys i luv the sneak peek Damon is so hot and his old hair are BAck YAY!! and elena's face was so funny can't wait anymore ..... Posted over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Love the hair! And Elena's new style! Sexy... not like her usual long sleeves and jeans... over a year ago
it's about time Elena showed some skin lol and i ALWAYS enjoy it when Damon shows some skin haha over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
^^me too over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
^^ me three over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
762 fans? Yay! Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
YAY!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yay!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
769! <3 over a year ago
deluv said …
I think Kevin is a Delena shipper. First he says the most interesting thing about writing the series is Damon and Elena's relationship. And in a recent interview, he said He want Damon and Elena to get it on.... but isn't sure if it will happen . Wonder what that means :( Posted over a year ago
RachaelF8 commented…
I think he is too :D Simce JP comes across as such a SE fan, I'm hoping he is since he can balance out their decisions. I think the 'isn't sure if it will happen' is probably to keep us guessing and to keep Stelena fans happy over a year ago
RachaelF8 commented…
I'm 100% sure they will 'get it on' :D just in time, since DE is all about the journey over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
I think he's a DE fan too. (: over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Jack Coleman, 'Heroes' company man Noah Bennett, has been hired as a guest star on 'The Vampire Diaries' for the show's upcoming third season.

Yay! HRG.. that is so cool. <3 Love the Calibre of actors coming on this show. Jasmine Guy, Gina Torres.. Very lucky lot. <3 Posted over a year ago
big smile
Wahinetoa said …
Trust is going to be hard fought for and won between our scoobies, now that Stefans calming and diplomatic influence is gone. This season, Damons gotta come to her on a whole new level (no innocent blood or her jumping to judgey conclusions) to hear each other out. Using Stefan/Elenas names can go so far. This is about them trusting each other. That's a new dynamic that could ultimately change the coming battle. His experience, strategy and cunning & Bonnies power, smarts & care = WIN. Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
nicely put! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks bb! <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"If you don't like the ship, no need to leave a hateful comment, just close your eyes and move on" - MelodyLaurel.

I couldn't agree more. Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
Truth truth truth. over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Wow. This is the first time someone ever quoted me. And I don't even remember I said that... over a year ago
jereimy said …
My favorites:

Delena vid link
Stelena vid link
Bamon vid link Posted over a year ago
RachaelF8 commented…
You should check out this video and the rest of the makers videos, they're pretty awesome! :D here's the link linkand she has a video to Love The Way You Lie as well :) over a year ago
jereimy commented…
I cant see it over a year ago
RachaelF8 commented…
It is isn't it? :D Its probably my favourite fan vid ever! And it does show they're awesome-ness! :D Glad you liked it :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
"It's that thing when you know you hate someone then you fall for them"-Ian about Bamon/ComicCon2011 Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
'We hooked up once kid, it was fun.' Oh how that screams true love ;D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Kirsty is right. This post was positive and respectful and deserved to be responded too in kind. I don't understand the immaturity and pettiness in others not allowing us the same courtesy. You write what you want to write Tigerlily!! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Thankyou! I will-xxxx It was a Bamon post should have had Bamon answers! over a year ago
deluv said …
Make Your Pick :)) Remember it closes in a week.

link Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thanks voting now. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
amazing icons-ahrd to pick.... over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
ahrd-hard over a year ago
xIXIxRSBxIXIx said …
This banners really cool ;) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
yep it's cute! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
I so need to pre-order TVD S2 in time for my sister's birthday! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Wish her a happy birthday then! I haven't got s1 or 2. Bless yt! :D over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I have S1-watched it all about 5 times AND got my bro into the whole Tvd thing! over a year ago
jereimy said …
that quote is beautiful I really like it, it is makes sense for all the couples, the search of love... Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
yes i like it too :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I love it too! It's really touching... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Beautiful! over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
"She [Elena] gets something from Damon, she doesnt get from Stefan. They laugh, they prode (sp?) at each other. they bicker.
Theres actutally a line in the next episode where Alaric even says "what are you guys 12?" because they have this cute banter thing happening and I think its cool."

Ian :)) Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
dam i'm so excited i can't wait anymore!! what woul damon give elena that alaric say this sentences ?? hmmmmm... over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
They need to stop teasing or else I'll destroy my furniture out of excitement. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
lolll gotta love him(: over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
OMG so true! I can't wait to see that. (: over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Deepest sympathy and love to those in Norway. I hope everyone, everywhere is safe and sound tonight. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
me too :( over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Couldn't have put it better... over a year ago
katie15 commented…
yeah it's sad, and most people here are more upset about amy winehouse dying over a year ago
deluv said …
The quote should change in a few Hours :)) Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Okay-yay! Is it Katherine's quote? over a year ago
deluv commented…
yes :) over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
^^yes i like it the next experiment the icon:)) over a year ago
jereimy said …
Talking about peace ok I am going to start to promise not saying bad things again about actors ok, and well yesterday I had the wreidest dream ever, ir was a delena vid and it was about how elena and damon met in 1864 and Elena was in love with Damon and Damon was in love with katherine I know strange I dont remember the music but in that moment I though ok maybe this is an excellent delena vid and for that moment I like delena in my dream , so no more bashing ok I promise Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Good. :)) over a year ago
jereimy commented…
jajajaj yes I love Merlin and well Delena vids are really good I cant hel that I really like the vids and my dream was like elena suffered for Damon and Damon was in love with Katherine but Elena was like a maid and well that dream make me think jajajajja over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
that's one weird dream!x ha over a year ago
DustyMoonlight said …
Right, I'm a D/E fan, but the realitly is, change the quote. Not to a couple quote, but something someone SAID, about love. I think the Katherine quote that everyone's talking about.

Peace. Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
WORD. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
TO all Bamon fans: link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Oh Ian ! ahahah :P GO BAMON <3 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I agree Wahinetoa-Ian looked very sexy! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Yeh, Katherine still affects him, but he's not so stupid anymore to believe he isn't a pawn in a bigger game. Same with Elena, "I know it will always be Stefan" Bonnies heart is stronger than he could imagine.. hehe.. it'll be him, more likely that'll need consoling. :D over a year ago
TiBiscuit said …
"Okay, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy... SEX." ~ Queen Caroline Forbes.

I think THIS should be our new motto, to be quite honest.


I don't know if I'm joking or not Posted over a year ago
jereimy commented…
personally I love some quotes of katerina like she said to elijah or I dont know. This is funny I like it but for our new motto I dont know jajja but maybe it will work over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
I like Katherine's quote too but I still laugh at Carolines. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Katherines quote is lovely. But Carolines is funny. My vote is Katherines too. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
There has been a icon submitted which I was gonna make so I've voted for it! If you like it vote!
Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
over a year ago
jereimy commented…
i LIKE IT over a year ago
deluv commented…
Okay then will use that one :) over a year ago
deluv said …
*Clears throat* You guys need to submit your icons!!! I've posted the link 3 times and no one is bothered!!!!! If you don't wanna put in effort then stop complaining about the recent Icon. Okay? This is the last time I'm posting the link.

Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
I have submit my icon an to the theme for them, see I am reasonable, though I added Matt because I think that triangle will be a bit part of there three Journeys next year also :P. over a year ago
helomusic said …
I was wondering, can we don't have a quote? Because I love the banner because it represents our preferences but I highly doubt a quote could do that. And just a sentence like "the spot of all TVD couple shippers" or whatever would be better and would at least keep some peace in here. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
BORINGGGG!!!!!!! We already decided that the icon will be word (vampire diaries cuple) we can't have the quote as the same. DULL AND BORING!!!!! The quote represents love. I know its DE quote but it represents love. DB fans need to quite complaining. Qiote isn't changing end of! over a year ago
deluv commented…
Also if we were to change the quote, QOUTES FROM AU COUPLES WON'T BE USED!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankss Melody for being reasonable, much appreciated. Deluv I get you're the mod here, and want de but Helo was just wanting a motto that is fair. I'd love that too. <3 over a year ago
It makes me sad that no matter who is endgame, half the fandom is going to pissed off when the show ends. I wish there was a way to avoid that. Posted over a year ago
shellyrina12 commented…
not half the fandom... just one person.. her name is ...JEREIMY!:D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Deluv, unless you're a writer or producer of tvd, you don't know the outcome. Neither of us do, so quit with the dictating. I wish there was another way as well, long as it doesn't end like Lost did. :D Maybe we could do clones of the brothers? ;) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
*Snort* Ha 'Clone the Salvatores Operation'-good idea! Bonnie gets the original though over a year ago
90210ggtvd said …
uh about the banner... where is Stefan and Cactus..totally not fair.... Posted over a year ago
TVD_Lover commented…
:'( I know. I was so looking forward to them too. They're my favorite AU...XD Hahahaha over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Damon and Orange? lol. Zesty. I love stefan, so I'm not a fan of putting him down with 'jokes' like this. over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
lol Damon and Orange, im totally up for it:D over a year ago
deluv said …

SUBMIT YOUR ICONS PLEASE :)) Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
set photos!! spoilers, (not really.. but you've been warned.)


Yay!! Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
thx for the link!! over a year ago
jereimy commented…
THANKS over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
My pleasure. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …

I like it, but I don't think de should be in it, because they already have the icon. stelena for the quote. Just to make things above board and fair.
Posted over a year ago
TiBiscuit commented…
The icon will be changed though. There's a pick, and I think so far people want an icon with the words "TVD Couples" on it. I really like the spot look :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@MelodyLaurel - That is absolutely PERFECT!!! Embodies everyone without exclusion - just what we're about. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@deluv: hehe. Yeh, realized it might be a bit much, fortunately Melody came up with a better idea. Love this group! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
stelena at the cabin, awww.. so gorgeous! Loved that elena was deeply content sharing something so intimate, wanting it for them.. My Catt ship died a little :( but they'll find a way back! Beremy started, the way she interrogated Luka was chilling. Of course Elijah is always sexy good - teaching Damon with the pencil - about time! Live by the sword, die by it. Jules is next to learn. :D Posted over a year ago
jereimy commented…
stelena is really nice and I like it but I dont like Beremy but I respect your opinion and Elijah is the best omg I love him over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
((hugs)) Stelena and Bamon <3 <3 Thanks bb, yeh, Elijah/Daniel! Do you watch NCIS? He was on there in a Navy uniform. omgoodness.. *drools* over a year ago
jereimy commented…
nooo but right now I am going to look it omg navy uniform .................................... over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
“Bonnie nodded slightly.she was still crushed,and she was so small,so slight,her skin so pale and fine,her hair such a flame of brilliance in the dim crimson light that seeped through the blinds,that as always Damon found himself melting slightly”

“Bonnie. Sweet songbird Bonnie, thought Damon, making a turn and circling the other way. His little Redbird.” Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Aww.. that's beautiful!! ((huggles them tightly)) over a year ago
jereimy commented…
" His little redbird" in the book they are awesome over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Cute and hot! Bamon....xxxxx over a year ago
TiBiscuit said …
Just wanted to spread some Steroline love <3

This pairing took me by surprise. At first I was like FORWOOD AND STELENA, SHE'S HIS LEXI, BRO-SIS RELATIONSHIP, etc etc. But then I found myself shipping them XD. I hope they have great scenes in S3 ♥. I think if TC don't work (they're still my first choice.. I think), and we have SC, then maybe I could, like, just ignore DE or something (no offense, I know a lot of you guys are DEers :P)

Do you think they'll ever be given a chance though? =/ Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
LOL i like stefan and caroline!! but i like forwood more! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
yes i do think theyll have a chance! Julie plec said that theyve only hit the tip of the iceburg with them.....i love them too there so cute! over a year ago
helomusic commented…
STAROLIIIIIIIINE! Love the idea of them. I only ship Stefan with Caroline and Katherine. And I also ship Caroline with Matt. I prefer TC as friends though! over a year ago
deluv said …
Ian in a french magazine in may:
Will Damon stop to love Elena, one day??

Damon was in love only two times during his long vampire life. And with two woman that didn’t loved him back. It’s a rather tragic situation. Because there’s nothing worse than an one way love. In the end, if Damon can’t conquer Elena’s heart, he’s only escape will be the death. Then, he will probably take off his ring and let himself die in the light… Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
DAMON AND ELENA 4 EVER!!!! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
^^10000%agree with you DELENA 4-EVER!! over a year ago
katie15 said …
So me being the sad person I am, I measured the size of the DE and SE pics in the banner, so EVERYONE can actually be happy and stop moaning about it. I don't get it anyway, when this is the ONLY banner that has ALL couples, whether AU or not in it, and has the main couples in the middle as the biggest.

Anyway, both DE and SE in the banner are 4cm. THEREFORE, the same size. Now shut up and move on. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
lol. its only one person complaining. Don't waste your time on haterz over a year ago
RachaelF8 commented…
HAHA I was ready to measure it myself :D people really need to get over themselves and stop complaining about the most stupidest things :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Totally off the point but I love your icon @katie15 over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
Elena's boyfriend is gone, possibly dead, and Damon's there as a friend trying to help her save Stefan, and anything can happen there."

"One of the little big moments [in the episode] is wondering what Damon gives Elena for her birthday" JP

Can't Waiitt :))
Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
can't wait too...ahhh god i'm so excited what damon gives her!! over a year ago
i don't get you people...if you hate Damon so much, then why do you ship him with Bonnie? :S over a year ago
jereimy commented…
I dont ship him with Bonnie noooo you are wrong I was bamon fan before Damon got on my nerves, this was like two months ago, I love Bonnie but Damon no, that is the reason why I left Bamon spot because it was unfair, but I respect Bamon and Bamon fans over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
“The Maiden and the Vampire, or more poetically, The Last Reach Towards Light”
Posted over a year ago
jereimy commented…
wow I like it over a year ago
KATIE4DAMON commented…
nice over a year ago
helomusic commented…
over a year ago
Elizabeth94 said …
Hi, guys!
I made the current banner and I'm really glad most people like it and have chosen it as the banner of this spot. Thanks <3
I'm slightly suprised about some statements that the banner shows this is DE spot... Just wanted to tell that 4 big couples in the banner are couples that are formed by the main 3 actors of the show and I thought it was only fair to make them bigger than other couples. Posted over a year ago
Elizabeth94 commented…
Something like in this photo: link over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Seriously, I don't get it. The banner has EVERY couple in so people can't complain, yet there are still complainers. I don't think DE are "bigger" in the banner than SE, when I look at it they are both the same size. This is just an excuse because you don't want DE in the banner jereimy. Well, even if DE WERE bigger than the other couples in the banner, they ARE the most popular couple, so it's rightful anyway. At least some people aren't biased though... over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
i forgot about katherine and elijah! i love them-thanks for including them-sure the same size means exact fairness but good job on the banner!xxx over a year ago
90210ggtvd said …
Banner is amazing, stfu haters.mmm K?nuff said Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
LOL i know right SE and DE are THE MAIN COUPLES of course they are gonna be bigger and evryone else is STILL in there over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
^ lol ikr? over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
i'm a little confused-is the quote changing or the icon? over a year ago
deluv said …
Please Create your Icons and Submit them here :)) Thanx

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Julie Plec on the Delena kiss: I felt like it was something that needed to happen to end Damon's storyline for the season. His entire journey had been, "I'm not worthy of you" and at the end of the season, as he's dying, she tells him, "Yes, you are; you're worthy." For her to be able to show that in a sweet kiss, telling him that she likes him the way he is and he doesn't need to change for her, I thought was really important and a really nice ending to that journey. Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
<33 i can feel Delena would happen in season3 over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Stop with the hating comments. If you don't like something just close your eyes and move on to your stuff. That's what I do with ships I hate. over a year ago
deluv said …

Go make a pick :))

PS: Don't bother complaining cuz AU couples ARE NOT gonna be on the Icon. Thanx Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
picked! over a year ago
jereimy commented…
mmmm and steferine???????????????? over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
STEFERINE IS CANON!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
jereimy said …
So I dont like Damon or Ian, Damon is so annoying for me but well I still love Stefan, Tyler and I love Katerina ( I think Nina is an amazing actress) I love Bonnie and I like Caroline, I like Klaus and Elijah and I hope season three will have more Elijah and Klaus, and maybe a love story for these two, and I would love Stefan as ripper he would be awesome and not boring although he is not boring at all and maybe he have something with katerina or another girl, this are my hopes for season thre Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
really?? ok i accept your opinion but Damon/Ian isn't annoying doesn't matter your opinion i must just say that over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
okay, back up - deluv, epicde and bussykussi.. wasn't it YOU lot who were bashing Katerina in my posts? A bit two faced to start acting the wounded party. over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
^^pls??? i only said that kat is pretty more not ok come down girl over a year ago
epicdelena4ever said …
LOVE THE BANNER!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
me too<33 over a year ago
deluv said …
Maybe we can make an icon with the main couples only. That is Stelena, Delena Forwood and Beremy??? Suggestion anyone?? Posted over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Well I think a name one would be good, though it needs to be a more quick change as it has taken nearly to months just to change a sig, and the first thing you see in a club, specially if you our seeing it from related clubs part is the icon, not the name not the sig, so really it needs to be changed faster then the sig, as there just isnt a variety of fans in here, an it should reflect the spot, in which it needs to be writing, also the main couples you suggested our really the main couples prospective to you, to other people Matt an Caroline would seem more main couple right now then forwood on the show itself. So it is like what our you going for the main couples of the show itself or the most popular with the audience, because they reflect neither in my honest opinon. over a year ago
deluv commented…
No! The name thing is kinda of dull. I say an icon with the main couples over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I agree with Darkoulz and Realist. over a year ago
deluv said …
Anyone Love the Banner??? Posted over a year ago
jereimy commented…
mmmmmmmmmmmm no honestly why is Delena so big, no ones here loves delena you know, this is the vampire diaries couple spot, not the delena and the rest couples spot,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm doesnt make sense at all that Delena is so big, you can keep that in the delena spot not here but well delena fans voted like always so we can not say nothing over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
^ What ? I've done nothing, Elizabeth94 made the banner :) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
^lol over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Tyler and Caroline's Romeo and Juliet storyline. I'm excited for it, but I've also read a lot of comments about it being too cliche and silly :(
I think though that these two could totally pull it off. They'll be awesome at trying to sneak around Sheriff Forbes and Carol Lockwood lol.

Thoughts? Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
*headdesk* Wanna know why its silly? Cuz they won't die and Romeo and Juliet died. Honestly, I don't understand Forwood. not all over a year ago
jereimy commented…
I love forwood, they had all the elements to be an amazing love story, Angst, drama, love, passion and impossible love so awesome, I love them over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
I think they can pull it off too and I can't wait to see it. And one of them might die at some point, unfortunately. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Yeah. My only hope is that they write their story well. Because they've set Forwood up with so much potential. I'm hoping for the best- Guess I'll have to wait till season 3 for now though :D over a year ago
jereimy said …
Bonnie is so lovely that I can see her with almost all the powerful men in TVD, because she is strong, brave, fearless and at the same time she is sweet, lovely, she can die for her friends so I think she needs someone equally powerful as her mentally, she is alone and she has to be a witch and no one cares but still she is loyal and good friend. Jeremy is a kid who only wants someone it doesnt matter who ( so easily he forget his love for Ana) she needs a real man Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
What's with all this talk about a real man???? You mean a main character?? haha! Jeremy is only one yr younger than Bonnie so their maturity level isn't any different. Jeremy is the only person who understood her and is there for her emotional and supports her. I remember when D/S calleed her a weapon he was the only one there and made sure they didn't use her to kill Klaus. Honestly, I Know the Beremy s/l was abit random but you can't say that Jeremy doesn't deserve Bonnie. Whatever, their relationship is gonna continue to grow next season and I can't wait. PS. I agree with all the things you said about Bonnie over a year ago
jereimy commented…
noooooooooooooooo I dont want her with Damon I dont like Damon at all, Bonnie is my favorite character but I dont like Damon at all in fact I love more Stefan and Bonnie.... Jeremy is a kid point because he is and they dont think the same, Bonnie is more mature than Jeremy, the problem was she was alone and confuse and jeremy was there but nothing more, for me it was more sense luka and Bonnie because at least he was a warlock, but dont put words in my mouth honestly Damon can die alone or with elena I dont care not at all over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I agree Jereimy - Bonnie needs ssomeone with experince in the supernatural, who can meet her on a level that is beyond Jeremy. still love them as a cute couple. He cares for her, and right now, her friends suck at that. Let's see Damon step up, or Alaric with the knowledge to help her. Agree with you don't want Bonnie near the mess of de - Bonnie and caroline are loyal to stefan. over a year ago
bussykussi said …
My Dream Endgames
Delena OTP!!
Beremy Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Delena and Beremy all the wayyyy!! The rest I don't simply care over a year ago
omg that endgame would be amazing :D although i guess my #1 choice would be Delena, Beremy & Steroline over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
LOVE! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"Elena turns 18.
This is Vampire Diaries. Don’t count on there being any cake and goody bags, if you catch my drift. Besides, Elena isn’t really in the partying mood. She’s got more important things on her mind."

I wondered how they were going to resolve child services not jumping all over it. Jennas life insurance won't last long, maybe Ric steps in, but a teachers salary. Elena even more maternal to Jere - nice! Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Looks like she's going to have a lot on her shoulders over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
She's lucky she's not alone. Besties ftw <3 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Damon <3 Rose. Just watched the episode last week, and guh.. so much emotion! Damon cares for others besides his narrow obsessed view on who is in his world. Despite his cruel words "I hope she dies soon, it's getting gloomy in here." his actions bespoke of real sorrow and care. Sorta puts what he said about Bonnie in context, because he did the same thing to her.
I'm hopeful, 'cause right now, outta all of them, they're the most powerful to help get stefan back. Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Actually, you can't really put them both in the same context. You could tell Damon cared about Rose, I mean they HAD actually been intimate, whereas with Bonnie when he said he hoped she died there was just indifference. Elena and Stefan and maybe Alaric are the only people Damon truly cares about now. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Melody. I agree, he loved her. No arguement from me. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Ralist. Thankyou, I agree. there is no point in continuing this - we just end up going in circles. Respect everyones pov, but I'm ending it here. over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
"'The Vampire Diaries' Season 3: Bonnie gets her due."

Seriously, it's about time that she gets love and appreciation!! Outta all of them, Bonnie is the best one to lead the scoobies. <3 Alaric too. For damn sure, Bonnies ungrateful friends need to step up and protect her, instead of it always being the other way around. Especially Damon. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
My god your posts are so desperate, Bonnie doesn't get love??? what about Jeremy, Elena,Stefan?? You Bamon fans need to get out of your fanatsies and realise that just because Damon doesn't care about Bonnie it doesn't mean others don't. jeez. Its like Bonni'es character is nothing w/o Damon. Stop it its annoying cuz Bonnie is her own woman doesn't need Damon to matter. okayy?? over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
ok i respect your opinion :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
<3 over a year ago
DarkSoulz said …
I fell in love with Steferine in 2x04. Never thought I would. By far it's my favorite episode. :D Posted over a year ago
teamcastiel commented…
<3333 Love them! and I loved 2x04 over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
love them 2 over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Is there any proof that season3 will begin a few months on from the finale? someone said it on youtube but I've no link to confirm the source. Posted over a year ago
elmi commented…
Well... I googled Vampire Diaries and went to Wikipedia ans it's written that Vampire Diaries season 3 begins on September 15th over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
Yer she means the shows story timeline itself, not when the show starts, there is speculation it will start a few month into the future :). over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thank you kindly inlovewithdamon, very much appreciated. :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kat in Kevin Hammonds music video. Looking GORGEOUS. plus, it could so be Damon with the leather jacket and Jeremy in the pool table scene at the bar. *grins* Bamon everywhere. <3
Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
ROFL!! WTF are you talking about??? lmao over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, sweetie. What are YOU talking about? :P over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
<3 Much appreciated bussy. :) *adores Eric icon* over a year ago
SaraSomerhalder said …
Heyy...m new here i need more friends!! <3 please add me !! ...:)) Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
welcome honey<33 over a year ago
SaraSomerhalder commented…
Thanks <3 over a year ago
SaraSomerhalder commented…
Thanks! :) over a year ago
deluv said …
This spot is too dry. Can we think of activities to make it more active?? Pleasee. Posted over a year ago
teamcastiel commented…
I think it could be fun if we did like our fave songs to our ships or our fave couple parallels. But we would need more people for that, Hope this spot picks up soon. over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
I think from the views of people I have spoken to they wont join because it is quite hostile most of the time, an even though this is a spot for all everyone kinda keeps to their own corners, which defeats the object, so to really get it to pick up I think first the atmosphere would have to change, on all sides. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agree with Kirsty, I've not been in for a while because of the hostility. I hope that we can all chill and just enjoy our fandom. over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
We're getting more Beremy Development next season!!!!! I can't Wait. I believe they've got SO Much Potential. Maybe I'll start shipping them again. Though I have a really soft spot for Jeremy and Anna too. Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
IKR? I don't know who to choose anymore, lol! I mean Jeremy/Anna have always come first to me, but I don't know if she'll be back for good, and Jeremy and Bonnie make a cute couple and they truly love each other. And I've read today's JP interview! She said that this storyline will have huge twists, and we'll see Bonnie dealing with the fact that the two dead girls of the guy she loves are 'back', so we're going to see for once Bonnie dealing with teenager feelings and not witchy :P haha! Can't wait too! This season will be so good *-* over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
yes beremy awwww!!! jeremy have deserve LOVe and Happines over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Bonnie getting a healthy relationship, and away from looking after everyone else and witch duty is much appreciated. she always looks after everyone else - it's about time they look after her. But I'm still Bamon. over a year ago
KatieSalvatore said …
Hey guys! I'm new on here so can you please add me? I would love to meet you guys and know you all better, thank you! Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
Welcome :)! over a year ago
KatieSalvatore commented…
Thank you <3 over a year ago
KatieSalvatore commented…
Thanks :D over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
I just want to say, say whatever you want about show bamon. However saying Damon dosent like Bonnie and it's one sided in the books, that's just crazy. That's not valid at all. Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
why get annoyed? everyone has their own opinion. fine, you see something there between DB in the books, fair enough, i respect that but i don't see anything. i shouldn't have to apologize for not seeing anything there when I don't. over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
It's not seeing anything that bother's me it's the facts! Damon kissed bonnie and the feelings are mutual. over a year ago
kirstyjayne commented…
I was mearly making to point to why she is annoyed as on this very spot a post has been made similar on ranting about people saying that about Delena, an that is there choice, no one started get defensive, it just can be annoys an just deal with it really, I was trying to have a mature conversation you no. over a year ago
deluv said …
Elena is going to Love Damon more than Stefan.

Ahhhhh.. I love Ian :) Posted over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
omg did he say this??? ian is amazing<33 over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
He was joking! over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Awww Ian :D over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
The novelist LJ Smith recently said she would like Damon and Elena to finish their days together. What do you think?

"I would love that to happen, but not before S6. Poor Elena, she is already struggling to live a normal relationship with one brother, so imagine the hassle if she really fell in love with Damon! I don't envy this girl. Plus, for Damon, it wouldn't be easy to live. To be in love with his brother‘s girlfriend it’s not easy." - Ian Somerhalder Posted over a year ago
lol i was so confused about the translation of the question from the actual interview so i had to ask someone who spoke french what it meant and she told me the "finish their days together" part is talking about them being endgame. so now this makes a lot more sense to me haha over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
I honestly believe that l.j. would have given endgame to bamon. She wrote one whole short story about them and others with them in it. Book Bamon is more epic than book delena imo. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I dunno, I think that lj started to cater to both ships, giving too many snippets and confusing the fanbase. Saying ILY and then feeling deeply for Bonnie what he'd never do for anyone else. *shrugs* over a year ago
teamcastiel said …
What was the best episode for your favorite ship?
Mine is for Bamon, Stelena, Delena, and Catt - The Last Dance a.k.a. shipper heaven. Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
Yes! God I loved that episode.... over a year ago
haha The Last Dance really was shipper heaven. season 2 finale for me, amazing episode for DE over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
The Dance ROCKED! The intimacy of the unexpected dance, them coming to realize they're not so much enemies when he fights to save Bonnie. Love! over a year ago
kirstyjayne said …
Vote for teen choice, show the support for them all who work hard to give us a great show:

Choice TV Show: Fantasy/Sci-Fi: The Vampire Diaries
Choice TV Actor: Fantasy/Sci-Fi: Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley
Choice TV Actress: Fantasy/Sci-Fi: Nina Dobrev
Choice TV Villain: Joseph Morgan
Choice TV: Female Scene Stealer: Kat Graham
Choice TV: Male Scene Stealer: Michael Trevino
Choice Male Hottie: Ian Somerhalder
Choice Female Hottie: Nina Dobrev

Posted over a year ago
I hope they all win. Such an amazing cast and they all bring it every week, They deserve every bit of support and recognition that they get. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@deluv: You supported Kat being attacked by DEfans at a comic-con, constantly attack her on these boards then wonder why her fans defend her? R u kidding me? Katerina isn't on screen a lot of the time, because they're boring us with the constant trio, leaving the diverse cast OUT. Yet, Bonnie steals the scene everytime she's in it. Calm. Brave. selfless and her pawning klaus twice - freakin' amazing! Katerina is beautiful, kind, thoughtful and I've never heard her say a negative or mean thing about anyone, anytime, ever. If Nina was being attacked like this, you'd be okay with it? Didn't think so. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
@Kirsty.. I love you, y'know that? I cannot believe that tvd fans would just attack her for being nominated? That's vile and childish. Honestly, this fandom can be all sorts of stupid sometimes. I can't stand Elena, most of the time, but I'd never attack or abuse Nina for it. Everyone gets hated, but I'll be damned to have it shoved down our throats because of their petty-narrow minded views. I agree with you. If you don't like ssomone, leave it alone, there's no need for the hostility towards the actress. over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
What's the song for your couple-the song that reminds you of them?
For me- Bamon=Muse-Starlight Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
But she never touched the ground. Somehow, a black streak, stunningly fast even in a slow-motion horror film that Elena was watching, landed where Bonnie would have landed.
Awww he died for her <3 Posted over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
AW! Bamon! <333 over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
:) love it!x over a year ago
LoVe_HaTe commented…
BAMON <3 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
"You are branded on my soul"- Damon to Elena <3 Posted over a year ago
that has got to be one of the best book quotes over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ said …
Yay! KW tweeted that he's "dealing" with Elena's emotional feelings. He's teasing DE fans a lot these days, lol, even when the other day he wrote "I'm being harsh. Scripts are such a process. Maybe not total dreck. There was that one part where Elena and...".
Actually I'm very glad that KW himself is putting a lot of effort and is being 'harsh' when it comes to write DE/Elena/Damon's emotional scenes. You can really say he cares about it.

Hope that at Comic-Con we'll know something! :D Posted over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak commented…
totally agree with you! :D over a year ago
deluv commented…
you really think its about DE?? I hope soo. I'm glad he's tweeting about Elena though :)) over a year ago
i'm so excited :D over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Ahh September get here now :D over a year ago
deluv said …
Stefan and Elena met in the males toilets. Damon and Elena met in a Home. <33 Posted over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
^ But LOL XD Yeah, I pratically shipped DE from their meeting. I'd already felt the chemistry and the potential, IMO. ;) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
i met my ex-boyfriend in the girls toilet! Not the most romantic place! over a year ago
Tigerlily888 said …
"Things have to change-Damon has to change"-Bonnie 1x22 She believes in him! Posted over a year ago
DarkSoulz commented…
:D over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
I love how DE has got three solid seasons of build up
Season 1: Friendship
Season 2: Damon's feelings and a little bit of friendship
Season3: Friendship and Elena's feelings.
Posted over a year ago