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Vampire Diaries: Is Caroline's [Spoiler] the Show's Craziest Twist of All Time?

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Vampire Diaries’: Caroline’s Pregnancy — Most Shocking Twists Ever | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
It’s often said that necessity is the mother of invention, which might as well be the mantra for
‘ latest — and potentially craziest-ever — plot twist.
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King announced her pregnancy at the top of Season 7, the Powers That Be had two choices before them: write it into the show, or find a way to write around it. Since Thursday’s episode revealed that Caroline is now carrying Jo and Alaric’s unborn twins in her undead uterus, it’s safe to say they’ve decided to go with the former.
“I think the decision that we made about how to address and/or not address the pregnancy is very interesting,” executive producer Julie Plec told TVLine shortly after news of King’s pregnancy went public.
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While we can all agree that the choice was indeed “interesting,” there seems to be a divide among fans as to whether or not impregnating Stefan’s girlfriend with the children of her former teacher — not to mention pairing the two up romantically in the flash-forward — pushed things a little too far.
Personally, and I’m sure I’ll get flack from some of you for saying this, I’m all for the pregnancy twist. Does it make sense? Almost none. Is it completely insane? Duh! But so is everything about this show, which — in case you’ve forgotten — is about undead witches, centuries-old vampires and the foolish-yet-smoldering humans who fall in love with them. The writers/producers were presented with a challenge and I believe they found a compelling way of using it to their advantage. Frankly, we all just need to shut up and embrace the weirdness.
‘ craziest twist of all time? Browse our gallery of the biggest twists from Season 1–7 below, then drop a comment with your thoughts on Caroline’s pregnancy.
This show is not all that great about dealing with consent issues, but this surrogacy thing is squicky on a whole new level. It wasn’t a great twist (mostly because it was spoiled WEEKS ago, but also because it’s STUPID) and it generally just leaves a really, really bad taste in my mouth because…implanting Caroline’s former teacher’s dead babies inside her without her consent was the best they could do to work around Candice’s pregnancy? No, that’s freaking gross. Super unhappy with this storyline.
It’s the consent issue that bother people. Sure it would still be crazy but would’ve been a little better received if Caroline volunteered to be a surrogate. But she had no choice in this case and just goes to show how they keep writing horribly for Caroline and females in general. Remember the consent issues with her and Damon? Oh you don’t that’s because she didn’t give her consent to him. I do think this is the craziest twist on tvd, next is Katherine pretending to be Elena 1×22 and then Stefan revealed to be Silas’ doppleganger.
I think it is a good twist till this point, I’m still vague about it cause they need to reveal how she’ll carry them out cause they didn’t grow for 6months now and how she’ll keep be a Vampire.
I personally just hope Alaric and Caro aren’t together in those Flashforwards and is more about keeping the kids safe.
P.S. The twist that I really didn’t saw coming was Silas being Stefan’s doppelganger (yeah things went downhill after the reveal but I really didn’t anticipate that).
Me too. The shippers are what is ruining this show. I enjoyed the twist and am along for the ride!
I don’t mind twists if there is a logical build up to that twist like Bad Wolf in Doctor Who. This one feels like they pulled it out of nowhere to deal with the pregnancy. Why not just keep Caroline covered up like so many shows have before? Why such a grotesque choice of carrying a dead woman’s twin girls? And did it just happen suddenly in that moment or was Caroline already pregnant for the past six months? Shouldn’t the transfer have happened during the original spell? Also, you’d think the witches would choose a witch to be the surrogate mother and not a vampire. The whole thing is terrible. But the worst is to then use this story to bring Alaric and Caroline together (only for shock value) who have never even had much of a connection. Now I know that won’t last, but still it’s horrible and I’m sick of Caroline being a love interest for every man that breathes on the show. Ugh.
The Gemini coven chose the nearest walking female to Jo, which was Caroline. The coven all died, and they obviously had to work with who was on the premises for the wedding. So you have Caroline and Elena and Bonnie.
I’m embracing the weirdness. There’s still so much to learn, it’s too early to get worked up over anything.
It’s not the first time the show makes the apology of abusive comportment and mysoginist stuff but this is clearly the worst, because it’s so irrespectful for Candice’s pregnancy and for Caroline’s character, who has already to deal with the regression of her character since her mother’s death because of the writers not knowing how to write a storyline for her without making it about a guy who don’t deserve her. Alaric killed her dad, tortured her, was her best friend’s tutor and was her teacher, and no woman in the world should be forced to have children, like this is just disgusting !
The show is getting worse after elina is dead
Shippers always going to hate whatever is not what they want, and writers have to stop to let shippers to control the way a show is done because that’s why shows are ruined take the example of Arrow, the writers let Olicity to grow until this point that make Felicity “to loose herself on Oliver”. I personally enjoy the pregnancy twist on TVD so let’s see what happen.
Agree. We got fan service for the last three seasons so yes I’m up to a crazy twist! All shows need to stop catering to crazy fan girls it turns a great show into a bad written one. I like the engagement and pregnancy twist and can’t wait to see where the writers take us. I say if you don’t like the way the show is going stop watching.
I just think that putting Caroline and Alaric together is just so stupid. Like the pregnancy thing is yes a big twist that no one saw coming but they are literally going completely off topic for what the show is supposed to be about. It just keeps getting worse every episode this season they should have just ended it with 6 seasons.
Great comments from Julie! I didn’t know about Candice’s pregnancy, so this came as a complete and utter shock to me. TVD has definitely had some crazy storylines in past seasons, I don’t doubt they’ll handle this perfectly. My favorite line from Julie:
“Does it make sense? Almost none. Is it completely insane? Duh! But so is everything about this show, which — in case you’ve forgotten — is about undead witches, centuries-old vampires and the foolish-yet-smoldering humans who fall in love with them.”
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