The Volturi Jane and Claudia

kctjohnson posted on Jun 11, 2008 at 03:07PM
I've always pictured Jane to look like Claudia in "Interview with the Vampire" (Kirsten Dunst played Claudia). The whole "innocence" coupled with this image of Claudia with blood trickling down the side of her mouth saying "I want more" (blood) is almost creepy, but I thought it was so Jane!

Any thoughts on this?

The Volturi 6 replies

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over a year ago Lunatic said…
I sort of agree; but since I saw a perfect edit of Dekota Fanning (is that her name? Anyway, the girl from Hide And Seek.) as Jane, I now picture Jane as that edit. It was so perfect, but I don't know where I saved it to, or I would upload it.
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
Yeah, she does remind me of Claudia now that you've mentioned it. It's probably the fact that it's set in olden times and her hair is sooo nice in it aswell as being evil but looking innocent. Loads of people see her as Dakota Fanning and she does seem like her aswell. I wonder who'll play her in the New Moon movie (if there is one), obviously not Kirsten Dunst though.
over a year ago kctjohnson said…
LOL - yeah Kirsten has gotten too old to play her. How about Abigail Breslin??
over a year ago Lunatic said…
omc, that would be great. I liked her a lot in Little Miss Sunshine. She could do it. (I've never thought of that before.)

Claudia's hair is so pretty. I was sad when she tried cutting it because I didn't know it would come back.
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
Lol, I know, when she cut her hair I was like ''NOO, Why would you do that?!?!'' =P

Aigail would be really good! I just watched Little Miss Sunshine again last night and she's really good and she's about the right age, Dakota has to look a it older by now!!
over a year ago CarlisleEsmeFan said…
No truly... But I am not at all happy with there choice of Jane in my own opinion. Jodelle Ferland would have made a better Jane. Dakota Fanning has no exspearence in horror movies and there saying that The Volturi scene in New Moon was suposed to be a horror scene but not with Dakota Fanning. Jodelle Ferland has much more exsperience in horror movies.
And btw.
Lestat! You are my love!
But Jane does not remimnd me of Jane at all truly.