The Volturi Volturi searched for RPG:

RPGmoony posted on Apr 05, 2010 at 09:10AM

The Volturi is searching for characters! Aro is needed for Jane. And they could use a Caius, Felix and much more. Find them here: link

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Cullenforevermore searches all Twilight characters! Check if your character hasn't been claimed yet. Join them here:link

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Angeldew is searching for Twilight vampires! All vampires will be minions of (have to obey) The God Bacchus (he isn't there yet so he's needed as well). They will be citizens of MiddleWorld and are free to determine their own side (good/neutral/evil). All twilight vampires can keep their own special powers =)

Angeldew focusses on the three worlds: Underworld (Of which Underland/wonderland is part) - MiddleWorld and the world of Mount Olympus. Join sides at:


All Alice in Wonderland and Xena/Hercule characters are official. Multifandom RPG and textbased on ning. Join in on the fun!

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