The Winx Club Winx RP!

Zmidy313 posted on Jul 04, 2011 at 03:41AM
U can join in as a Specialist, or a winx fairy, a witch, and even ur Own OC!

I'll be My Winx OC Lilly and my OC specialist Johnny!


1:Be fair

2:Don't be a rush to get ur Chamix, Enchantix, or Belivix

3:Have ur character dress aproprietly

4:Don't be rude to the other characters

5:Have fun!
last edited on Aug 05, 2011 at 03:28AM

The Winx Club 322 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 322

over a year ago SliverSheik said…
I'm Annelise, fairy of earth. (If you ever watched Avatar the Last Airbender, my powers are exactly like earthbenders) I have Light Tan hair and my favorite colour is green. I am very good at magic, and I like to help people. I always wanted a pixie to.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Cool! Welcme to the RP!
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
big smile
thanks! ^^
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
wELCOME! Now lets start the RP!
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
ok you first!
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:*walking around Alfea* Where r Flora and the other?
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annellise: "I have no idea, where's their dorm rooms? Maybe they're there"
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: "Oh by the way Lilly, I think we share a dorm room together."
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:We do, and Bloom and the others arent there, becuz I alredy checked there.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom :*looks around*looks like ill be staing here*looks at her pet cat*wonderful place isnt it Tulip!*smiles and wallks towords Alfea*
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise : Hey Lilly, there's a new student
over a year ago silverfairy said…
Silavet: Hey! *comes running and reaches the girls panting* Is this *pants*Alfea?
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Yes it is! I'm Annelise, who are you?
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:And I'm Lilly!
over a year ago silverfairy said…
Silavet: I'm Silavet! And I'm a fairy! *pants and faints*
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:*sees Silavaete faint and runs over*Is she ok??
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: "I believe so, she's just tired. Some water will make her feel better
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:I think i can help with that*gets her hand on Silavaetes forhead and drops of cold voter come out of her hand*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:Cool! U have power over water! I'm a light fairy, some ppl say im related 2 Stella, but i really dont know anything about my family.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:Oh,well sound interesting*smiles*Im Blossom btw but you can call me Blosy*gigels*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:Blosy? Suuure thing!
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:*to Silavet*wake up slepy head*still smiling*
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Wow, your power is one of the 4 elements, like me! I'm Annelise, fairy of the Earth. Thats kind of the reason my clothes are a little dirty... *tries to brush the dirt of shirt*
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: "I like to be outside alot. I guess you could say I'm also a nature fairy such as Flora!"
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:I have powers of Light and Darkness.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:I have too admite see im not a full fairy im acualy a half mermaid as well

(btw heres how she looks,i only have her mermaid form)
last edited over a year ago
Blossom:I have too admite see im not a full fairy im acualy a half mermaid as well

over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Wow, that's amazing I wish I was half mermaid too. I love swimming
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:*smiles*thanks...but be carfull what you wish for its not all good-anyway whre are you guys from?
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: ohh... I'm not supposed to tell anyone don't ask
over a year ago missdada15 said…
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Well, the thing is that... I don't know what dimension I'm from! I'm always traveling to many different places that I've forgotten where I've came from! It's very embarrassing so I don't tell most people...
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:I'm from Solaria, but I was kidnapped, and brought 2 the dark realm.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Blossom:wow,you bout have very interesting storys too tell*shruges*mine always seemd boring too me-anyway lets bring the fainted girl insaid and then we can go too our firs class
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: oh, according to the schedule (*looks at brochure of Alfea*), we don't have classes today. Just a tour at 5:15. That's in 3 hours. So maybe we should go to our dorm and get unpacked. Blossom, you share a dorm with us 2. The Schedule also says that there are 5 rooms in each dorm, including a bathroom and a living room. So we each get our own rooms

over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Oh wait, I have to go to the Winx's girls dorm. Layla asked me to watched the pixies today. You know, Lockette, Amore, Chatta, Tune, Digit, Piff, Zing & Glim.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:Well bye! Have fun! *waalks to her dorm* This is gonna be a fun year. I've alredy made 2 friends!
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
*in Layla's room* Annelise: Layla? Are you here? *Digit flies up* Digit: Hi! I'm Digit! Layla's not here right now, she just left. So did the rest of the Winx Club. But Layla left a note for you, here! *hands Annelise note* Annelise: oh, thanks! Let's see...

Dear Annelise,
Thank you so much for watching the pixies for me! Just to let you know, Lockette, Amore, Chatta, Tune, Digit, and Zing can take care of themselves, just don't let Piff or Glim get into trouble. they're both babies, so make sure they take a nap at 3. Please don't let any of the pixies leave this room. I should be back before the tour starts at 5. Please be aware that Chatta talks ALOT so please don't get annoyed. Also, Zing has a very energetic personality so make sure she doesn't break anything. Thanks, I know you'll do a great job!

Annelise: Okay, maybe I should get Piff and Glim ready for their nap
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:*gets to her dorm* *walks in* Awwww, nice and cool in here.

Bridget:We AC!

Lilly:Cool a pixie!
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: *still in Layla's room* Where's Piff & Glim? *Chatta flies over* Chatta: Piff is by the window, Annelise, her favorite spot. May I call you Anne? I've never heard the name Annelise before, but I want to call you Anne just for short. My name is Chatta, just in case you didn't know. Do you have a boyfriend?
Annelise: ((Aw man, she IS annoying!)) uh, Chatta? Please stay on topic. You said you saw Piff, have you seen Glim?
Chatta: She's probably with Zing. They're ALWAYS together. Zing is like Glim's role-model. I was a role-model towards some pixies in the Pixie Village! Zing and Glim haven't found their destined fairy yet like me an the others. When a fairy meets her destined pixie, they create a special bond. It's the same with me and Flora!
*Tune flies over* Tune: Uh Chatta? You used your grammar wrong. You should have said, "Flora and I"
Annelise:((Sheesh, this is so crazy! I'll ask someone else))
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Bridget:R u Lilly?


Bridge5:We r gonna b great friends!
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: excuse me? Are you... Amore?
Lockette: Nope! I'm Lockette! Pixie of Portals!
Annelise: Oh sorry about that, have you seen Glim and Zing?
Lockette: Nope, but I'll find them! *Lockette closes her eyes and lifts her staff*
........…… they're in that closet!
Annelise: wow, that's amazing! Such an amazing power you have! *opens closet and sees Zing tied to a string holding Glim* Gasp!
Zing: Uh oh... *Glim giggles and claps her hands at the sight of Annelise*
Zing:... It's nOt what you think! Glim has been having trouble flying lately, so I was trying to give her some experience! I wasn't trying to hurt her! I swear! *accidentally drops Glim*
Annelise & Zing: OH NO!!!!
*Annelise catches Glim, Glim smiles and giggles and claps her hands* whew! That was a close one! ((why do I feel... So warm? I once I held Glim... I feel like... We're connected...))
Lockette: Gasp! This is so cool! Annelise, you have your own pixie now!
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:So what were u doing here?

Bridget:It was hot, and I decided to stay here until it got cool.

Lilly:*shakes Bridgets hand* * eyes flash* The darkness is coming! We have to get Anne! Let's go Bridget! *runs out of the room^
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
*Rocks Piff and Glim to sleep while singing a lullaby* Annelise: (( I can't believe it, my own pixie! Glim is just so precious...)) *Hears loud thunder, a huge blast from outside, and the power goes off*. Pixies: *SCREAMS!!* Piff & Glim: *CRYING!* Annelise: Everyone! Everyone! Calm down! It's just a thunder storm! ((No... It's not. Im always outside, in any weather. I can sense that this is not your typical storm. In fact... I don't even think this IS a storm! I believe... Something major is about to occur))
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:I cant find her! We're gonna have to do this o our own Bridget!

over a year ago SliverSheik said…
**Annelise looks out the window and sees Lilly outside** Annelise: what's Lilly doing out there? **Lockette flies over** Lockette: Hey, Bridget's with her! Annelise: I have a bad feeling about this. I have to help her! But wait... I can't leave you guys alone... Amore: oh don't worry Annelise, you were only supposed to watch Piff and Glim. Go help your friend. We'll watch them. Annelise: Really? Chatta: Yes, and I will watch from this window and explain the whole thing to Layla in great detail so you won't get in trouble! Annelise : oh, thank you! Glim, please stay here, I don't want you to get hurt. **Annelise runs out the door and Glim, who felt said of her friend leaving, flew into Annelise's hood without anyone knowing**
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: **Runs outside and sees Lilly and Bridget** Lilly!! What's going on?!
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Lilly! What's happening?!
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Lilly:The darkness is coming and we need to stop them! Believix!! *transforms*

(Lilly in normal clothes and Believix)
Lilly:The darkness is coming and we need to stop them! Believix!! *transforms*

(Lilly in normal clot
over a year ago SliverSheik said…
Annelise: Got it!! Believix! *TRANSFORMS*

(btw, how did u make that pic?)
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
(I found pictures online, edited the hair 4 Believix, and made them 1 using Power Point)

Bridget:Glim what r u doin here?

Mangrin:*flies down* Hmmmm, so this is Alfea? Seem like a harmless place, but they r fairies her. Gotta watch my back!

Lilly: Hey! Stop right there! Ur not goin anywhere as long as I'm here with my best friend Anne!