winxlove2 posted on Dec 26, 2011 at 06:25PM
This is the Ice Land Mission.Faragonda sended us 3 here to re-searth on A new evil Witch. Icela is the dother of Icy.Shes even more evil and even more dangeruose!!

This is OLNY for us 3!! and anothers CAN NOT rlp this!!! Dont give a shit you spy or what ever!! THIS IS OLNY FOR US 3!!!

Soo zmidy and rainbowlfairy you CAN NOT rlp in here!!!!

The Winx Club 176 replies

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over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:*jumps out of the portal* its cold in here
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: *Walks out* It is rather cold, isn't it? *Transforms* Maybe we should try to keep ourselves warm while we look for this witch... Do you have any ideas where she would be?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:its her land so I guess she will by in her caste? and you shouldin't're using your magic.we dont know she might by strong so we need all the magic we can have
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Castle? What castle? *Sighs* Fine, but - I guess you're right. *Untransforms* At least I'm good with weapons. *Smirks* Angela, would it be possible for you to make a dagger, bow and arrow out of bones?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:is it posible?*laughts*sure thing.What do you want?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Thanks - bow and arrow and a dagger... that's all I'll really need to take anything in our path down. *Smiles cruelly*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:I like your stile*her eyes shine yellow and the ice turns into bones and the bones turn in to the weapons*tadam*gives them to her*i have my litlle baby with myself always*takes a revolver out of her braw*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Thank you, *Takes the weapons. Slings the bow over her should and sticks the dagger on her right leg* Nice revolver, that should kill anything else in our way. *Chuckles* So, which way would you like to head off towards first?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:*looks at the sky*if you were an ice witch where wud you make your castle?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: *Shrugs* How the hell am I supposed to know? My best guess would be somewhere where no one can really tell there's a big ass castle in the middle of nowhere - possibly an area covered with big glaciers, mountains and snow?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:like there?*points to 3 mautans*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Hm that seems like a good place to begin with but the only bad thing about that location is that - it's quite a distance away from us. If you say we need to conserve our magic, I say we need to conserve our strength. Walking that far of a distance could mentally and physically exhaust us... But, it's the only guess we have right now so - still say we should head over there?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:we cud also fly you know? Im a bilievix fairy I can teleport
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: You're a Believix fairy? Why didn't you inform me of this sooner? *Sighs* Well, I guess that would be the best thing to do at the moment so - transform and teleport us to those three mountains over there.
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:BILIEVIX!*transforms*(zoomix or Tracix? xS cant remember)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Alright, then let's go, so we can find this witch finally. (It's Zoomix: Tracix is the one that allows fairies to teleport)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:TRACIX!!*they teleport*(and they supose to teleport xD)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: *Walks off and looks around* Do you think she's in here? It seems like this place hasn't been inhabited in years - *Shivers slightly*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:Simone Watch out!!*some ice knifes fly at Simone*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: What - shit! *Rolls in the opposite direction* Where in the hell did those things come from? *Takes her bow and arrow out* Show yourself!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Angela:you think that it will?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: *Shrugs* I don't care if it will or not by it's on their own head that they don't come out willingly... if they even show a hair, I'll force it outside so I can kick it's ass, *Eyes the area*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Icela:no need to fight darling
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Angela, there's our witch... *Raises her bow* Witch, you come quietly, there will be no need to use force upon you.
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Icela:*comes out*relax
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: *Lowers bow slightly* So then you will come quietly with us, then? No use trying to use some form of reverse psychology on us... *Shakes head*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Icela:I just want you to go out of this planet.
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Well, that's not technically possible because, you see - we were sent here to, how can I put this? To make sure that you came with us so you wouldn't be able to harm anyone else.
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Icela:agen with that...listesn its my evil twin sister!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: Wait - what? You have a sister? Why weren't we told this by Faragonda? well, shows how much we can trust her... But, wait - how do I know that you're not just tricking us or anything? *Raises eyebrow*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Icela:I have no ice powers
Angela;*hits her neck*yeah she doesent.if she wud she wud send it back
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
(I just felt like saying that it's really getting on my nerves that you are excluding me and Zmidy313. First it was with the Dark Arts class then this?! We're apart of this RP too. Just because you don't like our characters doesn't mean you can act like this. It's really making me mad. I can't stand people who exclude other people. Oh and one more thing, get my username right, it's RainFlowers not RainbowFairy)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
(first of all this is olny for us 3 becouse i want to! second ask missdada15 meybe she will let yo make rlps like she did to my! third I do what i want! and dARK arts are for dark fairies OLNY!)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(You know that winxlove2 isn't the only one who makes forums in role plays that are only for a specific group of people? I did it one of my successful role plays and no one had a problem with it. So, if you think she's only doing this to exclude you - you're VERY wrong and need to re-think your little comment. If you feel so 'excluded' in this, maybe ask missdada15 to make a forum only for YOU TWO. There's no need to get pissy just because you're not in ONE forum.)
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
(Exactly my point. It's all about what YOU want. There is other people in the RP)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
(yeah my,Tanya and Aurie.olny normal ppl)
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
(You know NOTHING about me. And I would appricate it if you didn't act like you did.)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(Did I ever say it was about what 'I' want? No, I was simply stating that if you feel excluded from ONE role play, you should send missdada15 a message saying that you would like to have your own separate mission. I don't see why you're making this such a big deal...)
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
(First of all, I wasn't talking to you, I was responding to winxlove2, Second of all, i commented on here because I was angry at winxlove2, not missdada15.)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(Well, if you were talking to winxlove2, there's a thing about distinguishing between the two people who are actually involved in the conversation. You could have at least put, "@winxlove2" or "winxlove2:" to make sure SHE got your message and that someone else (Like me) didn't misinterpret it. And, did I say that you were angry at missdada15? No. I stated that you should MESSAGE missdada15 about this so she could give her opinion on the matter. And you don't need to give me an attitude, you're not 'supposed' to be mad at me, remember?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
(@Lovebaltor, the reason I didn't message missdada15 is because I wanted to talk to winxlove2. And I'm giving you 'attitude' because I'm pissed off right now. Maybe it's not at you but if you're going to talk to me and give me 'attitude' then be prepared for me to return it.)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(Just because you're pissed off, doesn't mean you have to give everyone involve in the conversation an 'attitude'. I'm giving you an attitude? How, please explain this to me. I am actually being (In my standards) polite, so don't give me an attitude when you have no reason to)
over a year ago Rainflowers said…
(Okay, fine, I apologize for giving you attitude. Since I'm angry, when people argue with me, I automatically get defensive. So maybe I didn't have a reason for giving you attitude, but I do have a reason for being mad.)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
(wow :D you're so piss off just for such stupid reason? Pa-lease! Cudint you just normally messege my?! But NO you HAD to interuprt in OUR Rlp!!!!! Piss off and make your own rlp but if missdada15 gets mad that you did it Dont blame my bitch!)
over a year ago missdada15 said…
(I gave you all permission to add anoter forum,i have no say in this one as it is owned by winxlove2 but when i come back ill add more forums in which everyone is welcome/all the RPers.Till then Rainflowers you can add yours as well and not let winxlove2 in it-fair?)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
(Im fine until she gets the fuck out of Rlps she's not allowed in!)
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Illusion:*Is listening to everything as she folowed them there*

(sory-had to but in xD)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
(its perfect)
Angela:shhh.I hear something*looks at the ice* Illiuson come out!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Simone: *Rolls eyes* Illusion please come out of hiding so we can finish this up much quicker.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Illusion:*walks to them and trips on the icy floor*Ou..cluts*gets up and comes there*always find the right time to trip..