The Winx Club Getting to know each other!(Game)

missdada15 posted on Aug 05, 2012 at 05:44AM
We had known each other for quite a while(some more some less). We know which winx character our friends love and we know which they hate,

Now it's time to take it to a new leveL!

This is how this game works:

I will ask a questin about the user,for example..

Me:Do you have any pets?

Then the one who sees that will answer the question and add his/her own question..

User1:Yes,i have a dog named Spikes. :)
What's your real name?

Then the next person will answer his/hers question and add another one again...

User2:My name is Laura.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?


So..let me start by giving you guys the first question!


What are your hobbies?

We had known each other for quite a while(some more some less). We know which winx character our frie

The Winx Club 160 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 160

over a year ago ruxi23 said…
I like playing with my pets,swimming and playing tennis.

How old are you?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
I'm 18. :)

What pets do you have?
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
I have two dogs and one cat.( the other cats have disappeared)

What's your real name?
over a year ago missdada15 said…

Who's your favorit singer?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Oh hard one XD Pop music- Madonna. Metal- Simone Simons of Tarja Turunen.

Have you ever traveled outside of your country (Or state) before?
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
Yes, i have .In German ,Switzerland and Austria.

What you havorite TV shows?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
South Park,family guy,winx,adventure time with Finn and Jake,total drama ***,prince of bal air,3d rock from the sun,friends,daily show with Jon Stewerd.

Do you have any brothers/sisters?

over a year ago ruxi23 said…
big smile
I have a brother named Alex.

Where do you live?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
I live in Slovenia(small country in Europe. :)).

What's your eye color?
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
My eye color is brown/hazel.( sadly but i wish i had green or blue eyes)

What languages do you know?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
English,Slovenian,Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian­(pr­ett­y much the same),a LITTLE(basic) French,German and Spanish.

What are your/is your nicckname/s?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Sorry for the typos..idk what's with my keyboard >.<
over a year ago missdada15 said…
And it won't edit for some reason..
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
Well i don't think it a nickname , my real name is ruxandra and all the peole call me ruxi because it's shorter.

What's your hair color?
over a year ago SuperstarKK said…
big smile
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
I'll continue on with a question. What are your top 3 favorite foods?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
- Sushi
- Any kind of Indian Food
- Ice cream.

What is your favorite season?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Season 1 -if you mean from winx. Spring -if you mean the other thing. xD

Who is your idol?
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over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Madonna, P!nk and Mila Kunis.

What is your favorite subject in school?
over a year ago ruxi23 said…

What you favorite color?
over a year ago MelodyLaurel said…
Blue and green.

One thing you hate the most?
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
big smile

What are your favorite movies?
over a year ago socute4u said…

What's your 2 favorite days of the week?
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over a year ago ruxi23 said…
Saturday and Sunday

What are your favorite things to do?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Listen to music, draw and go on the computer.

What are the most annoying qualities about a person?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Hypocriticism,acting smarter/better/ then everyone els,gossips her/his 'best friends' ..

If you were an animal,which one would you be?And why?
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over a year ago ruxi23 said…
I will be a dog because they are smart,my favorite animals,loyal and they are cute too.

What are the the qualities you are looking for a true friend?

over a year ago HetherHater666 said…
Kindness, A sense of humer, Fun and gotta love reading/writing
over a year ago HetherHater666 said…
whats your favourite book
over a year ago HetherHater666 said…
lol i had forgot the question!!
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
Dork Dairies,White Fang,

Do you write storys? If yes about what? If no why?

over a year ago missdada15 said…
Yes. Mostly i write girlxgirl fictions,dark and normal fantasy or child stories.

What foods do you hate?

over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Mushrooms, beets, asparagus and liver.

What is your religion?
over a year ago socute4u said…

What's your favorite website?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Fanpop and Tumblr.

Who is your favorite author?
over a year ago MissAngelPaws said…
hard one. probably p.j night and manga authors

what's your real name?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…

What are you most afraid of?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Death of someone that's close to me (My mom,sister or my girlfriend <3 :( That would kill me.)

Your favorit quote?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free." (Epica) and "The choices we make now define us for eternity." (Robin Hood)

Do you believe that Global Warming is really happening? If so, why? If not, why?
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over a year ago missdada15 said…
(Those are great quotes.)

Yes. I bealive that because of out wrong chooices the temperature will keep raising which results in melting ice. If we don't do something about it,i bealive all the green spaces that are showed on the earth map will change into blue. We may all drown,but that will(if it will) happen when me and you are already long gone. (Which means it will take a long time for it to happen)

Are you religius?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(Thanks! Nice answer by the way)

No, in fact I'm actually an atheist. I have nothing against religion though and those who choose to follow the "all knowing" word of some deity, but I do have a problem with those who just want to shove their ideology down other people's throats. (Which is why I do not really care for the religion of Christianity the most. While all religions are based off of peace, their "true" followers only seem to want to twist the words of the original transcripts to bash upon those who are different) Which leads me to my next question...

Do you believe that the gay community should have the right to marry? If so, why? If not, why?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
( I so agree..they use their religion as an excuse to hate.-bash.)

Of course..well,one of the main resasons would be because i'm a lesbian and i want to be able to marry my GF in the future. XD Although there already are places in which gay marriage is alowed,( a few in US and some other random countries.) i wish we had the right to marry anywhere just like streight people.

Also,if we're fair,some of the streight people shoulden't be allowed to marry,since they are the ones that disgrace the meaning of marriage by getting a divorce after a few weeks.

What do you bealive happens to a person after he/she dies?
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over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(Completely agree! There are gay couples whom have been together for years and cannot marry, yet Britney Spears can be married for 72 (Or less, I can't remember) hours and it's perfectly legal)

Nothing reallly. I believe that we just simply lay in our coffins and rot in the ground. If there is such thing as "after-life", then we will become a new life. In another time, and then simply continue that cycle.

Do you believe that the world will truly end in 2012?
over a year ago ruxi23 said…
No, it just a simply rumor .I herad my mother said that befor 2000 people said the world will end on 2000.And see we are still alive .

What are your favorite singer ?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Oh a lot XD I'll just list em all: Madonna, Lady GaGa, Christina Aguilera, Imelda May, Clare Maguire, Florence Welch, The Beatles, P!nk, Simone Simons, Sharon Den Adel, Lisa Middelhauve, Manuela Kraller, Heidi Paravanien, Tarja Turunen, Vibeke Stene, Snowy Shaw, Katra Solopuro, Petri Lindroos, Merlin Sutter, Morten Veland, Helena Iren Michaelsen...that's it XD

If you could be one fictional character, who would you be and why?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Hmm..tough one. I guess i would just be any woman from pokemon as long as i can be Jessies (from team rocket) girlfriend. XD (I had a fan crush on her since i was 7 :x) What?She's HOT! XD But really,i woulden't be any because i love my RL girl and want to be with her the most.

Which priority is in your first place? (Love,family,money,party,good looks..)

(BTW i totally agree on the Britney thing and Ruxi -My mom said the same thing. XD)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
(Haha I used to have a crush on Jessie when I was little too XD Still love her character though, despite jot being crazy over her anymore)

I guess family and money would be my top priorities. Money is something that always lies in the back of my mind and if really has to. Since I'm in college, I always need to think about how I'm going to pay for all my education here, or even get a decent meal to eat. Family is something that sticks with me since well...they're my family. I try to be involved the best I can with them, which can be hard since some I don't get along with some as well as others.

You're stranded on a deserted island, all alone. You can bring three things to this island. What are those three things?
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over a year ago missdada15 said…
(Lol i had a weird dream as a child,dreamed that i kissed her (Jessie) on the cheek and then i kissed James too so it woulden't look weird. xS xD gosh..can't bealive i remember that..)

Fireworks,a map and a ship!XD

(Have to ask) What was your weirdest dream?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Oh remember one where I was at home and my brother, mom and cousin were there also. For some reason were were surrounded by these guards--like of the middle ages--and we needed to get out before they broke down our doors. I was running around putting stuff inside a black bag: money, food and books. My mom and cousin found a way out of the house through this small hole and escaped. I was still running around looking for stuff, and my brother stayed behind as well, and during that time my garage door opened revealing some guards and a weird looking priest. I grabbed this big knife (From a knife set we have in the kitchen) and stormed over cutting everyone's hands who tried getting in and then I slammed the door shut--asking my brother to try all he could to keep it closed. For some reason, my front door seemed to be unlocked during all of this, and these guards' leader appears and I run over as soon as I hear the door squeaking open. I smash his foot against the door with all my weight, and then open it; brandishing my knife so they would back off. I then take off in some random direction with about 5 guards following me. I eventually turn around and tell them that, "There is like 50 some bucks in a big black bag in there! Better get it before the greedy priest does!" Most fell for it and ran back to the house. I don't really know where I was going, but I soon ended up in some cave-like area; killing things here and there with my knife. For some reason I ended up in some video store, and this fat guy asked if I had ever heard of this movie, which he claimed was "really rare". I continued walking and finally made my way to this rock and for some reason I had a bomb and blew the rock up. I thought nothing was there, but then I saw that inside was a room filled with clock-like gears. I saw a doorway at the end and decided to go there. I ran and rolled through all the gears and finally made it to a stable platform. At which time, the room filled with lava and lifted the platform I was standing on to the door. When I walked in, I was greeted by the sight of a theater. Inside I saw two of my friends: Zoe and Sophia. I walked over and sat with them. They told me there was this monster outside those big doors in the theater and that I would have to defeat it. They showed me what it looked like, and I thought I had seen if before in a video game I had played, but I couldn't remember how to defeat it. At this time, all these random kids inside of the room started to get up as though they were going to perform a play. But they failed, and all started at different times. These adults were all flustered and Zoe got up and started helping them out. As soon as Zoe left, this old bi-racial woman walks over and sits down next to me. We start talking and near the end of the conversation, I tell her that "She hadn't seen me." since all those guards and people were still looking for me...

(Well I've had weirder but I can't remember them XD This is the one I remember the most so yeah)

You have $500 of spending money to the store of your choice. Which store do you go to, and what do you buy?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
(That is a weird dream!! XD)

I have euros so i don't really know how much that is but i would probably go to any shop where i can buy cigaretts and buy just that.. As much as boxes as i can buy. XD (I'm all out...)

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?