The Winx Club Roleplay: Alfea! Holiday booth. (Acess granted only to the alfea defenders!)

pandawinx posted on Feb 12, 2010 at 06:59PM
After discovering the majority of the gaurdians of her school, Ms.Faragonda has decided to create a reward sythem for her 8 chosen students, Aka Tamzisc. (Credit to zanhar1 for idea.)
This ddoes include a whole new currency, a lot of celebrity's to meet and a whole lot of places to visit!
Heres how it works:
1. complete missions with your team mates. tasks and adventure will be stated in most of the forums (Eg. The Library, magix city and much more!) in the discriptions, so it may be a good idea to check them out. Each mission will list how many alfeans you'll get for each mission. Dont know what alfeans are? Their a whole new currency where you earn for completing missions. When you have enough you can trade them in for rewards. (Introduced later in discription.) These mission will be updated every few weeks or so.
2. Complete the mission. (Harder than it looks for some missions, or course for the harder missions you get more alfeans)
3. Redeem the reward. If you sucesfully finish a mission with enough alfeans you can redeem a short break off of school with the rest off tamzisc. The leader gets the main decision, but is encoraged to listen to the other members to decide beforehand. When redeeming, please make a note of it on here along with which destination and i will make the destination exclusive to those who do their fair share of helping out. Here are the choices:
1. Solairian beach-ing.-Enjoy a trip to the sun central (Aka solairia) for sunny wheather, swimming, volleyball, sun bathing, staying in a cosy beach hut and sand castle making complete with amazing scenery and the wow-factor scale going wwwaaayyy past 10/10. Dont forget your suncream! (Alfeans needed for trip: 250. Expense rating: Extremely expensive. Celebrity meeting: Princess Stella.)
2. Domino/sparks skiing.- Have fun spending time with friends in the incredible domino waste lands! as well as this you'll also get a one in a lifetime chance to Get professional skiing and snowboarding lesson from celebrity Bloom, girlfriend to king sky! (Alfeans needed: 150. Expense rating: Fairly decent. Celebrity meeting: Bloom.)
3. Androsian/tide's water slides! - Treat you and your friends to a wonderful stay at andros's most famous water slides. High, fast and scary.....But amazing! You'll be staying in a 5 star hotel at your stay. (Alfeans needed: 75. Expense rating: amazing cheap bargain! Celebrity meeting: Famous dancer layla.)
4. Melody's musical! - Why not Take a break to Musa's home planet......For a festival! Loads of stars will be there as you stay in your sweet little hut, with backstages passes to meet all your fave singers-even musa herself! (Alfeans needed: 100. Expense rating: Reasonable. Celebrity meeting: Musa.)
5. Underwater treking. - Let's enter lake roachulachee's lake for some scuba diving! You'll be staying in a warm cabin at night, but in day find yourself underwater finding beautiful exocit fish to watch! It'll be hosted by newest winx member roxy, showing you the way. (Alfeans needed: 125. Expense rating: Roughly average. Celebrity meeting: Roxy.)
6. Linfean trip! - Enjoy the beautiful sights of linfea with Flora, expert botanist, who'll show you all the dights to be saw, get suck? You can always ask the trees for help. :) During you'll stay you'll live in a big motel.
(Alfeans needed: 150. Expense rating: Ok-ish. Celebrity meeting: Flora.)
7. Zenth/four vecotor city break! - If you like spas, hotels, shopping and playing video games with a face pack on, you've came to the right place! That is, according to your tour guide Tecna. (Alfeans needed: 75. Expense rating: Expert bargan. Celebrity meeting: Tecna.

Good luck!

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