The Winx Club Roleplay:alfea! Jade mines. (All tav girls urgently needed!)

pandawinx posted on Apr 04, 2010 at 07:35AM
Well, this is it, the jade mines of destiny....

The Winx Club 102 replies

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over a year ago Ember89 said…
Well I'm finally at the mines! This isn't so bad...
over a year ago Ember89 said…
The only way this could possibly be bad is if the entrance got blocked...and i really don't need that to happen...if i wasn't here on a mission i'd say the mines were beautiful!
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Red emporer: Enjoying the view?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: I was until you showed up...What do you want anyway?! Didn't i already destroy your number 1 rouge? Or did you just decide to act tough and show how weak you have become?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: Don't tell me you still want me to join the burning crusade
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: The other Tav girls will be here soon so you should probably go...
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: you think I'm scared of a weakling like you?! Guess again!!!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: (continues collecting jade crystals ) good so your not going to ask me to join the burning crusade!
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Red emporer: Fools! ou may think you are good enough for the whole of alfea, but you need your wits about you also! (All of a sudden the jade crystals turn red so they burn like fire on embers hands and dissapear) (The door closes sealing her in) This is the final battle Ember, your chance to save the world, but i will not start untill you have your friends with you, or untill i have mine! You better alert them quick.....
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: I knew you needed your friends to fight for you! Yeah just as I thought! Your to weak to fight me yourself that's why you need your friends! Your such a coward!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember:(transforms to enchantix) I will NEVER join the burning crusade! Dragon Energy! (manages to hit the red emporor) I'd have to be as bad as VV's dad to join the burning crusade but i am not...
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over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember:I swear you are so annoying! (thinks: come on girls hurry up!) I could fight you and your friends myself. You only rely on your friends because your weak!
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over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: your weak and pathetic! I'd rather die than join you! Enchantix Sphere! I thought it was me you were after not me and my friends!
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over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember I will never be evil! I won't abandon my friends or ms. faragonda! Nothing will stop me from finishing you off!!Your destiny is to DIE!!!
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over a year ago pandawinx said…
Red emporer: (Holds arms) I am built of fire, you could say i AM fire. And i am after all you 9! I never told any of this, but i had my doubts you and your friends might defeat me!
Veevee: Damn straight! (Flys in with Chloe and Telemira already in transformation mode) (Winks) we thought you could do with some back-up em!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember:Vee!Tina!Chloe!You all came! I thought i'd have to fight him myself! And correction mr. Big flamed baddy but I'm not just the fairy of fire I'm the fairy of the DRAGONFIRE!
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over a year ago pandawinx said…
Veevee: (High 5)
Redd emporer: (Groans) what are you gonna do?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember:Dragon Energy( the great dragon attacks the red emporor)And heres alittle something extra Enchantix Sphere!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Veevee + Chloe: Convergence!
Veevee: Pyshic bubble! (Blue tranparent energy ball appears and hovvers about the place)
Chloe: And voice echo!!! (A little green sparkle forms in the middle in the shape of a trinangle)
Veevee: (Throws the ball to the red emporer and all a sudden and his ears are burning for the next ten minutes) High5! (They high5 each other :) )
Red emporer: (Frowns and tries use his "Flaming cloud" spell so it rains sorching bramble netar/dew)
Telemira: (Smiles and puts hands on hips) Oh no you dont! Charmix barrier! (Charmix barrier forms around all the tav girls)
Veevee: Thanks Tina!
Telemira: No prob!
(All of a sudden a specialist small hovver craft appears with all the specialists which the tav girls have befriended)
Daimon:(Winks) Are we late?
Telemira: Nope in fact your a little early......Thanks so much for coming! (Runs over to daimon and holds his hands)
Daimon: (Holds telemira's hands) We heard there was trouble in the mines and...
Red emporer: Stop it with the soppy rubbish!!! (Cave starts to rumble)
Veevee: Um...its either thats the red emporers stumach or we are in one heck of a trouble......
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Mark: Ember! (Runs up to her) I missed you so much, when i heard about what happened in the library i got so worried....But you know what? Most of the time im not worried about you....Most of the time im in love with you ember! (Kisses ember on the cheek when all of a sudden a bolder hits him on the head and he falls unconcious!)
Flavio: Mark! (Runs over to him and looks at izzy) i guess this isnt the right time to go all romantic on you Iz?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: We are in trouble! I have a bad feeling about this...Enchantix shield! (a barrier surrounds Mark protecting him from getting hurt) It's a cave in!
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Jade princess: (Appears and stops the bolders in mid air) Father, how dare you?!?
Red emporer: What are you doing here?
Jade princess: I wanted to see how the defenders were, and what i wanted to say is that i am so proud of every one of them!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: YOU...YOU...YOU BIG UGLY BULLY!!! I AM SO GOING TO KICK YOUR BUTT!!!Dragon Energy! (the great dragon revives Mark) Dragon Fury! (the dragon then flies around the room breathing fire and hitting the red emporor)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Red emporer: Oh eember, how dissapointed your grandparents would of been....
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember:Well my parents are still happy or they would not have let me come to alfea and i would have never met the tav girls!
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Red emporer: Oh i doubbt it....Your turning to violence, which proves you as a coward! You dont know another way to solve promblms! Just agression! You didnt even think about it when you treked here to the mines! Your pathectic, im so glad we dont have anybody like you in the burning crusade! (Sniggers)
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: YOUR THE COWARD! All you do is cause a cave in and knocked out my boyfriend! I'm not falling for your foolish mind games...I have love in my heart and that love makes me strong! I thought before comming to the minds. my thought was to come here grab some jade crystals hoping i could avoid running into you but nooo The coward does show up without his friends!HOW PATHETIC ARE YOU!?
over a year ago Winxlove said…
Sto-o-o p fighting...?What's going on?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: lets deal with this pest!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy:(looks at Flavio and hugs him) I am glad you are here!
Flavio: (hugs her too) I am glad you are ok!
Izzy: now we should help the others! (transforms into her Enchantix)
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over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: Be carefull Izzy he's pretty tough!!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: dont worry Ember! I can with him!
over a year ago 30degrees said…
Rani: (thinking: I am wondering if Jake is here) (looks around)
Jake: (behind her) looking for someone?
Rani: (turns around) Jake! you are here!!! uuummmm nice to see you!
Jake: hey I have something for you (takes our a neackles and gives it to Rani)
Rani: what is this? (looks at the neackles) wow it is so pretty.
Jake: and it will help you with your powers... it is a neackles of the wind, unique and helpful for a fairy with power of wind.
Rani: Neackles of the wind? but you just can get one if you go to the top of the tallest mountain on my home-planet!
Jake: is not just your home-planet...
Rani: so you are from Arakna too?
Jake: yep.... My father gave this neackles to my mother when they meet eachother... when my mother was about to die she told me to give this neackles to someone special... and that is you but the neackles just work if you need it to work...
Rani: aawwwnn thats so sweet from you (smiles) thanks!
Jake: it will make your powers get stronger
Rani: thanks! (hugs him)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 30degrees said…
Red emperor: too much talking! I am getting sick of all of you!
Rani: I am getting sick of you too! (transforms into her Charmix)
Red emperor: you all are going down! (starts to throw fire bombs)
Rani: time to attack! (flies) Tornado! (attacks the red emperor)
Red emperor: if you think you can beat me you are wrong! (throws bigger fire bombs and one was about to hit Jake)
Rani: JAKE! NOOOO! (the bomb hits him) oh no! JAKE!!!! (gets with him and he was unconcious) Jake! oh no! (her eyes get full in tears)
Red emperor: hahahaha! one more is down! (whispering: your turn little fairy) (throws a bomb at Rani)
Rani: Wild Wind! (blocks the bomb) you cant beat us!
Red emperor: lets see if you say the same if "boyfriend" is dead (throws bomb at Jake again)
Rani: NO! Wind of Earth! (blocks the attack again) stay away from him!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: Rani! you help Jake! we will distract the Red emperor! (starts to throw mood bombs at him)
over a year ago 30degrees said…
Rani: ok! (gets near Jake and her eyes get full of tears) Refreshing air! (some air gets around Jake) please! wake up... ough! it doesnt work! REFRESHING AIR! (it didnt work) I am too weak! (holds the neackles and remember what Jake told her: "the neackles just work if you need it to work") I need you to work! NOW! REFRESHING AIR! (suddenly Jake open his eyes)
Jake: Ra-Rani? is-is that you?
Rani: Jake! (hugs him) you woke up! (suddenly she started to shine and she transfroms into her Enchantix) I-I got my Enchantix?
Jake: yeah... you saved my life! (kiss her) thanks
Rani: (turns red) uuummmm welcome (smiles)
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: enchantix sphere! that's for playing with my emotions!!
over a year ago AgyJude said…
Chloe:(flies into the air and turns releasing blue waves of sound, the waves hit the red emperor and falls on the ground)hurt my friends one more time and I'll change our color from red to white!
Kaylum: woah good job! you have the sound and communication power?
chloe: yeah
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Telemira: Magical mists! (All storm starts to gather around The red emporer)
Veevee: Um....Telemira, i dont think thats a good idea.....
Daimon: I agree! Hes way too powerful!
Telemira: (Looks behind her and gasps) I,
Telemira: Argh! (Wings flap as a giant flame is heading her way)
Daimon and Veevee: NO!
Veevee: No way are you doing that mate! Charmix sphere! (Saves telemira's life)
Daimon: Tina! (Catches her as she falls to the ground but safe from harm)
Telemira: (Looks confused as if she doesnt know what just happened) Um...Thanks.
Veevee: OMG, im so reliefed! (Starts to glow) Oh, i feel something strange....Its like, its like eating loads of candy, just without the part where you feel ill afterwards! Oh this is great! (Turns enchantix)
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Zakkalise: alrigh im here and ready (transforms into her enchantix)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
big smile
Veevee: WHOOHOO! Enchantix rocks!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: Hey Red Emporor what happened to waiting for your friends? Oh well, Firewall! (flames surround the red emporor) WooHoo who's the coward now!?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: your outnumbered! Still think you can beat us?
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Zakkalise: ice coffin (traps him in ice with the fire
Icy: (watches unammused)
over a year ago Ember89 said…
big smile
Ember: nice job zakkalise! (whispers to zakkalise) what's icy doing here? Is she just here to watch?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: thinks:( i wish Icy would help...she may not like my mom but i am not like my mom) Enchantix Sphere! Enchantix Barrier (a barrier forms around everyone) Thats good! (thinks: what isn't good is the only way to get rid of the barrier is by distracting me or...KILLING ME!) IF I GO DOWN I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Zakkalise: thanks, icy said she was only going to help if neccisary and dont worry i'll distract you if you need it
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember:Thanks (continues to hold up the barrier since she can't do any real damage against the red Emporor) I can keep the barrier up! i can do this! Enchantix sphere!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: Mood Ray! (attacks the red emperor) hey girls! what do you think if we attack all together?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Ember: I say we should give it a try!
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