The Winx Club Roleplay: Cloudtower! Cobweb cafe. (All witches allowed!)

pandawinx posted on Mar 19, 2011 at 09:11AM
This is at the entrance hall to cloudtower, and is where all the parents drop off their evil daughters.

This place is also where all the food is served and one of the few places you can talk to other kids in your dorm.

What the rooms like- big and airy, it has light drafts and is often big and busy, it is home to a variety of friendly spiders, who are nice but steal food...they're lovely until you upset them--- and you do not want to get them upset! The chairs are actually made of cobwebs in a hammock style.

Things to do-
1. Say goodbye to your parents- you won't see them for a while-- no mobile signal up at cloudtower!
2. Order something on the menu, however you'll need various cobweb-coins. Don't know what those are? You'll find out. don't have any? suppose you won't be able to order any of this then (the orders change from time, 3 every few weeks!):
This weeks menu-
1. Snake soup-
what it does- with this you'll be able to transform into a snake whenever you like! cool, huh?
Price-35 cobweb coins.
2. Scorpion smoothie-
What it does- paralyzed your victims temporarily by drinking this and then you'll have the power of the scorpions sting!
Price- 25 cobweb coins.
3. Strawberry's and scream.
What it does- apart from being delicious, with strawberries and scream, you'll be able to turn into anyone's biggest fear!
price- 50 cobweb coins.
3. Talk to the girls who aren't in your dormitory. You don't get to see them that much....

This is at the entrance hall to cloudtower, and is where all the parents drop off their evil daughter

The Winx Club 324 replies

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over a year ago pandawinx said…
Telemira: (pulling suit case) And your absolutely sure you don't want to go to alfea instead?
Angel: (carrying bags) yes aunt Tina, of course i am. (A bit tired)
Telemira: They don't seem very friendly...
Angel: That's just a stereo-type, not all witches are--- (pauses) well, witches. (Thinks- I wish my others aunt's were here to see me off...)
Telemira: (reads mind) Aunt Miele's getting married, Aunt Alice has just brought a new pet wolf, Izzy is queen now and----
Angel: Your queen of telepax. And expecting a child of your own in 8 months....
Telemira: (smiles) Your still a daughter to me- even if I'm actually your mothers cousin.
Angel: (grins) well i look forward to meeting my mothers-cousins-son or daughter.
Telemira: (hugs her) Your mum would of been so proud of you....Bye! and don't go turning invisible again--- scares the magix out of me! (walks away)
Angel: (spots seven witches among the dozen without their parents) (walks up to them and waves right hand) hi!
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*laughes*Nice clouse did your momy dress you like that?*smirks*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Chimera:*some snakes fly near Tanya and form a girl*gosh!Where are my snake drink??!?!
Another with:here Miss Chimera!
Chimera:tnx!I think I will not bite you for some hours!*drinks the drink and her hair get up*Hai,Hui,Hey,Kai,Kui,Kei Come down!
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:wow,hair of snakes ha?not very stily but still cool-im Tanya btw*smirks*
over a year ago chrie said…
mako:hi angle tanya n chimera(waits 4 her scorpion smootie)man it's takin soo long(a banshee apears then turns 2 a real gal n then gives her smootie)
banshee:(gives tha drink)
mako:thnx(drinks it n then feels stronger)
over a year ago AgyJude said…
Maldrine: So this is cloudtower. Hmmmm..... not very evil but cool!
Mom: take care of your self..bye (leaves)
Maldrine: Yeah...whatever.
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*turns around*now if you losers dont mind i¨ll go and chat with someone who is worth my company*goes to the senior year witches*

Senior witch 1:Tanya!*fakes a smile*my dear friend,i missed you sooo much

Tanya*fakes a smile too*Yea i missed you to Viky,so who are you new friends

senior witch 2:amm..we are the seniors*turns to Viky*Why is a freshman here?

Tanya:Ow parten me!I guees i forgot to introdus myself-my name is Tanya

Senior 3:The Tanya,the one with the devils fire?

Tanya:If you dont beleve me ask your friend

Senior 2:wow,thats great i gues you can hang out with us then

Tanya:Hmm..let me think-nope,you just blew your chance*goes awey*

*wispers to herself*I defenetly cant trust the senior witches, there too smart and educated..ahh i guees ill just have too hang out with the other freshman,lame!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: OK, OK! I'll promise to try and write... Because you're technologically challenged!
Dracula: I am not!
Adina: Yes you are! When I was listening to my iPod on the way here, you were so desperate to figure out what it did, of course you did the usual!
Dracula: *Sighs* Alright, I'm technologically challenged...
Adina: *Smirks* But-- One more question-
Dracula: Here it comes!
Adina: Why couldn't Gabrielle have input on this? He took care of me for 3 years you know!
Dracula: Because I'm your real father and I make the decisions.
Adina: *Snarls fangs and long claws bared* If he wasn't for him, I would have been dead! *Voice is demonic*
Dracula: Now now, let's not start l! Especially here!
Adina: Why? Because you're ashamed of what I really am?! *Voice is still demonic and fangs began to grow*
Dracula: No! It's not that!
Adina: *Transforms fully into her vampire form* Than why?! Please explain!
Dracula: *Starts shouting and swearing at her in her mind*
Adina: *Hisses and screams back in his mind*
Dracula: *Hisses and explains* Adina! That's enough!
Griffin: *Walks by and eyes grow wide* I didn't see anything! *Runs off*
Adina: *Untransforms* Sorry father...
Dracula: *Sighs of relief and smiles lightly* It's fine... Just don't let our tempers get the best of you.
Adina: *Nods* I'll try...
Dracula: That's my girl. Now go over there and meet some people.
Adina: *Rolls eyes* I'm sure after my little outburst, no one wants to talk to me...
Dracula: Don't be so narrow-minded! Well-- Write, I have to go...
Adina: *Hugs him tightly* Promise to write back?
Dracula: Of course.
Adina: *Release him* See you soon father...
Dracula: *Nods and vanishes*
Adina: Alright! You heard the man, go over there and meet some people! *Walks over to where everyone was sitting* Uh-- Hi?
over a year ago chrie said…
mako:er...hi(thinks:she dosen't look too....oh I don't know I just have a bad feeling abot her somehow)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Hears her thoughts* Thanks... I guess sitting by myself is the best idea for now... *Walks to an empty table and sits down*
over a year ago chrie said…
mako:enytime fell free 2 do enythin u want
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*looks at Adina then sits by her*hi do you know if they serve any alcohol here?I think i need some*roles her eys*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Looks up* Oh, hi... Uh-- I don't think so, but I do have some absinthe in my bag. *Smirks and pulls it out* It's the strongest kind of alcohol from where I'm from. My step-dad gave it to me before I went off here... I guess now would be an appropriate time to enjoy it... *Snaps fingers and two small shot glasses appear. Pours a heavy does in each* Cheers! *Chugs it down in one gulp* Oh that's good... *Smirks* What's your name anyway?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:Tanya*drinks a little*wow!This is good!*drink all of it*This has too be one of these expensive drinks..sooo whats your name?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: I don't know if it's expensive or not, but it is good! *Smiles* Adina. Whole name is Adina-Dragulia-Helsing... What are your powers?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:Well i have speed power,i can teleport,move things with my mind and stuf like that...*thinking if she would tell her about the devils fire*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Hears her thoughts* Don't ask her... Maybe it's something bad... Well, I have some dark powers, some powers of Hell and well-- Like you saw earlier, I can transform into a vampire at my own will... And a werewolf every full moon as a curse. Disappearing and re-materializing is something I can do too... Plus, reading minds and I have super human strength. A lot don't you think?
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over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:yea,you have really cool powers...reading minds?
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over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: Thanks. *Smiles* Oh and yeah... My father can and that's one of his many traits that I inherited from him... Does that trouble you?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:Nope,i wish i could reed minds too*thinks a little*but now i have to be carful what to think when you are around hehe*smirks*..about your father i thought you said you have a step father?Or do you have 2 dads or something like that?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Smirks* Yeah you have to be careful! Uh-- Well, this is kinda a long story... When I was about 14... 14,000 really, some men came and captured my real father. Vladislaus Dragulia. Or, as most people know him: Count Dracula. Unknowingly, I had flew myself over to Rome and the Vatican where some group called the "Order" made a man called Gabrielle Van Helsing take care of me. When I was 17,000 and he had received a mission to kill my father. During the mission, I got bit by another werewolf, and that's how I'm a werewolf and vampire. Gabrielle, got bit by the same werewolf, and when time came I had to use my new form to fight of Helsing or my real dad would have been killed. I have my father enough time to fly off, and then of course, Anna comes over and give Helsing this antidote to get the werewolf venom out but not me. Anyways, Gabrielle is now known as my former 'step-dad' due to that he took care of me for 3 years... *Sighs and takes a drink* Shit that was a longer rank than expected... *Laughs nervously*
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:Interesting story,i bet your life was enything els but boring*takes some more alcohol and drinks it*I lived on earth too-for 15 years then i was sent to magix cause i wasnt a normal girl*drinks some more*but be-being special is good,its mo-re then good its great.right?*looks at her glass*where is all m-my booz,who sto-stole it?*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Shrugs* I guess, *Takes a sip and hears her thoughts* Uh-- Are you OK?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*drinks from the botle*yup*laughes*this is soo g-good,i fell soo good-do you fell li-like good too?*a bit drunk,tallks faster trying not to think anything chessy or somethig she doesnt want anyone too know*
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: (embaressed and upset by Tanya's comment) (Bites lip and walks straight up to Tanya) (in response to her first comment) (smiling sweetly) No, but even if she did she'll never do it in the dark. (walks away smirking)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: What do you mean she'll never do it in the dark? *Smirks and walks over* Are you saying that you're afraid of the dark? *Tail flicks and eyes light up with mischief* Trust me... I would know because you can't hide anything from me. So is it true? A witch who's afraid of the dark?
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*angry*Ow no she didnt*stands up-hardly*You will pay for this you half-blooded wi-witch!*witches gather round,waiting to see what she will do*I am sooo go-gona make you cry*laughes drunk*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Facepalm* Why don't you let me handle this Tanya? You seem a little-- Ur, how shall I put this... Out of it at the moment.
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: (Shrugs at Tanya) Sorry dear, i didn't know i caught you on your period, and I'll love to meet you some other time--- but right now i think i should wait until you stop PMTing. As for the response to the dark thing---- (blushes) No. (starts to turn transparent, her power being metamorphosis and such.)
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Senior witch 1:*evil smile*Yea we can bit her up for you,nobady talks to my beest friend like that*cant help but to put a bit of sarcazm in it*

Tanya:*thinks-friends?nice try*No!I dont need you lo-losers,i am the best of the best-best in the best!I am going to fi-fight her not even using my great su-supr powers*ponches angel in the face*
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over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Laughs* First off Angel, *Disappears and re-appears behind her and grabs her before she could leave* It's PMSing sweetheart, not "PMTing" And plus, you're a terrible lier. *Grins as fangs elongate slightly* A witch who's afraid of the dark what a terrible combo... I wonder what would happen if word got out?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Chimera:hey tanya!*tanya look at her*look at my eyes!*she does and becomes a stone*HEre!*helps Angel get up*And Adina Try to get to my mind*smirks*(in Adinas mind:you can't Read my mind so easyly)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: (turns invisible so she can't see her) (sneaks up behind her) (thinks- angel, your better than this...No cat fights on the first day of school.....think fairy, think fairy. THINK FAIRY. (Gets so mad she transforms into a tiger.) (thinks- oh cr*p, not again.) (rips Tanya's designer jeans with her claws so that they look like they've been torn.)
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*gets out with her fire*Thats it!I AM SO PISSD OFF RIGHT NOW,I CAN KILL ALL OF YOU!*a big fire starts to apear*I am going to burn down everything and you -will all be burned alive!

Ms. Griffin:What the hell?!Tanya stop it right now?!

Tanya:*looks at her and thinks a little bit sober then stops and gets down*
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: What the fuck?! *Snarls* Don't play baby now Angel. If you want someone to back off than tell it to their face! Calm down... Don't get pissed! *Turns to Chimera* No one asked you for your god damn opinion! *Voice is demonic and eyes black* CALM DOWN DAMMIT! *Snarls and turns her back to Chimera trying to calm down. But her demon form is about to break lose!*
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Ms. Griffin:Thats enough!To my office now!All 4 of you!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Bites lip to keep from killing Miss Griffin right there* Fine... Damn bitch...
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Ms. Griffin: what exactly happened here? does anyone need anything?
Angel: I think Adina and Tanya might need some Tampax, but that's about it.
Ms. Griffin: OK, one by one, i want all four of you to give the story of what happened....All of it, no lying, no embellishing, no skipping bits of the story to try and justify what you did and no personal comments, just facts please. (arms crossed)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: I ripped her jeans.
Ms. Griffin: Why? didn't anyone provoke you or anything--- (looks a bit shocked) I'm a bit surprised of this behavior by a half blood.
Angel: (lying) Nothing. I just took one out on them.
Ms. Griffin: (Shocked) (To Adina and Tanya) girls, i apologize. (to Angel) This is not a good start to the year angel.....I think you better see me in my office. (they walk off.)
over a year ago missdada15 said…
Tanya:*starts fake crying*ohh ms.Grifin it was tereble!She atacd me for no reason,i just wanted...
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Bares fangs at Angel and cause Miss Griffin and Angel to jump back slightly*
Griffin: Adina...
Adina: *Sinks her claws into the arm of the chair* Me and Tanya were just chatting when Angel comes over to our table and says something rude to Tanya. Naturally I snapped back and Tanya wanted a fight. Chimera than came over though it was none of her business, and started fighting with us. Tanya then snapped and that's how I got here.
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: (Thinks- Note to self- try to embrace my witch side more if i am willing to survive out here..)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *In Angel's head* Try to? You need to!
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: (sends telepathic message to Adina: don't push it she-wolf, i'm lying to save you from getting detention. I can just tell the truth and say you were let's say, wasted at school, as you know alcohol is not allowed on these premises, that tanya said the first comment, that she was the first to attack.....I'm pretty sure that'll put you and your spoilt brat of a friend in much more trouble than i am in right now...)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Angel: (thinks- and that was me just taking Adina's advice. ironic.)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: *Message back* Bitch who you calling a she wolf? I could kill you in less than three minutes! I really don't give a shit if you're saving my ass! I could leave right now and never have to worry about this place! So you just shut it! Here me?!

(OOC: Is it me, or is this role play really fun? ;D )
over a year ago pandawinx said…
big smile
(You got it LB! :D)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Ms.Griffin: (Has heard all of this) Enough! why do you three hate each other so much? (pauses in thought) Why don't you all write down a list of why you hate each other?
Angel: (shrugs) I have nothing to write. I don't hate them. I hate the way they act.
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Chimera:*kissing her snakes*
Chimera:what?Snakes need love too!and Hey I was just helping Angel!gonna tell the truef :)Tanya Got Drunk And Angel was sweet to her!Adina was just siting there!Tanya slapt angel really hard then I helpt her!Then Tanya Drinked more and more she got REALLY drunk then she got mad Then You came it :)and Tanyas Pants or what ever wur distroed when she blamed on!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Adina: I'm not going to waste my time on anyone... Writing a list would help nothing you know? Neither will being pisses off at each other... But, still, Angel had no right to say what she said to Tanya. *Crosses arms over chest* So, what are you going to do about it Miss Griffin?