~CHARACTER{Otherworld}~ Fallon Altrocolus

Authored by afewseconds

Name: Fallon Altrocolus
pronunciation: Fal-un Al-troc-o-lus

Age: 37

Gender: Female

D.O.B. : June 13th



•Stringy blonde hair that almost reaches her lower back
•Dark blue eyes
•Fair skin complexion, vaguely pale
•5 ft 8 inches tall, (roughly 1.8 meters?)
•Exceptionally fit, toned lean muscle

°Stern, Formal, Prideful
Fallon acts in an aristocratic manner and rarely smiles. She always seems serene and apathetic towards other people including her own brother, even while actually deeply conflicted. Fallon is notably calm, even in battle and generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations she is faced with and isn't above mocking her opponents while keeping an expressionless face.
When she speaks to individuals, she usually addresses them by their full name or just their last names.
She strongly believes in law and order, and takes great pride in her knighthood. She feels that if someone in her position does not set the example, no one else will, and to maintain the order, all who oppose or betray the king must be punished, even if it goes against her own wishes.
The wrath of her strict manner has been spoken of among knights every so often that of course she is liable to be well recognized among other knights. Weiss himself has fell victim to her sternness numerous times whether through her training or in general.

°Perceptive, Noble, Remorseless
Fallon is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of her abilities, and anything she states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified. Her sharp senses and reflexes are only the beginning of what she has accomplished. This trait has allowed her to master her use of magic earlier than some of her fellow knights.
Being the knight that she is, Fallon bares a sense of nobility and has high morale principles that followed after her father's. She is staunchly loyal and unwavering in beliefs of following orders. In the​ same instance, she lacks the remorse towards any and all enemies and therefore comes off as cold.

°Mildly Hot-Headed, Dedicated
Despite her calm and apathetic demeanor, Fallon is more than fully capable of having a temper, though it rarely reaches the point where it is shown physically due to her own amount of self-control, something she stresses to Weiss constantly. However, her anger is displayed differently in battle, usually by the force she strikes with and how reckless she gets depending on her level of frustration.
Fallon is also a person of incredible resolve, not hesitating to do whatever it takes to complete a task and defeat her enemy.

Fallon grew up on the outskirts of Baratolt close to the vicinity of a few farms where she lived for the first 8 years of her life. Ever since the early age of 5 years old, Fallon had always had an interest in knights and swords. This interest developed for the first time when she witnessed a band of knights heading through town while she and her parents were picking up groceries from the markets. Witnessing the glinting specs of shine that their armor produced while they passed them by had brought a sense of awe to the child, especially when she would hear the familiar sounds of steel against steel in the distance while at home. Her father, Odius Altrocolus, was a talented and experienced smith, so she always had the opportunity to hear a similar sound which in turn, ended up drawing her closer to wielding a blade herself..

At the age of 8 years old, Fallon displayed her first use of magic during a sudden burst of anxiety, which resulted in the destruction of their home and the attraction of unwanted attention. Around this time, Fallon's mother, Opal Altrocolus, was a Magical Advisor. After this incident, Fallon was put under the surveillance of a knight, much to Opal's dismay, until she was able to learn how to control her magic under the guidance of her mother. By the time she reached the age of 14, the advances that she made towards the more difficult magic had increased immensely.

At the age of 14 was also the first time she had met her grandfather Ossius Altrocolus, a former knight and a highly respected blacksmith across the lands for his work. On the day he had visited was the day that her mother gave birth to her younger sibling. It was from that day forward that her grandfather started visiting a lot more often. It was from him that she learned the basics of using a sword and learned a bit more about magic. He would tell her stories of the many adventures of his life and she would sit cross legged on the ground, intrigued and excited to hear more. But what she was never told of was the potential danger that they were in.

And it was Weiss's first birthday that it happened. They were attacked by a mage that meddled in the arts of black magic, one who had come to steal an artifact that belonged to Ossius. The altercation escalated just as quickly as it started, and during the attack, Fallon tried to help fend off the attacker. But she was quickly shooed out of danger while being told to get her sibling and escape. However, during her attempt to do so she and her brother were caught within the crossfire, and Weiss was struck in the chest by a curse spell that had been deflected.
That day, she had thought that everything that she held dear had been taken from her. Her parents. Her grandparent. Her brother. But right when she had lost all hope, she heard his cry. Knights came to the scene, and once things had gotten situated days later and it was concluded that they were nursed back into good health, she and her brother were placed under the care of an orphanage until she would be old enough to take care of Weiss on her own.
But as time passed, she found herself putting some of the blame for the death of their loved ones on Weiss in order to cope, coming to the conclusion that if he had never been born, she would have been able to help their parents instead of running off with him. She began to develop a silent hatred towards her younger sibling. In the​ end, she left the orphanage in order to become a knight and find the one who was responsible for what happened, leaving Weiss behind to grow up without her or any knowledge of what happened.

12 years later, she returned to the orphanage as a mere shadow of who she once was. Now a Knight Lieutenant, her sudden reappearance startled the household owner of the orphanage, and at one point she was almost neglected access to seeing Weiss, who was 13 at the time. A boy who had no memory of who she was. When she had laid her eyes on her brother after 12 entire years, she was instantly reminded of the tragedy of twelve years ago. The boy reminded her of her father, for there identical features couldn't be mistaken. Within the eyes of the child see saw pain. But also will. She saw confusion, but excitement. But something she found particularly odd was that his hair was a pitch black, unlike hers, their parents, and their grandfather who all had blonde hair or close to it. However she brushed it off as minor. Her intentions were to just check on the boy and leave, but against her original plan of action, she took Weiss in and later started teaching him how to fight. And from there, she watched him grow. Not as his sister, but as merely a mentor and a caretaker. She has yet to even mention the connection that they both have to him to this day.


•Minor Aeromancy (Control over air)
•Armament Projection: This is a combination magic of armament magic and projection, allowing her to manifest physical​ constructs of giant portions of armor. (For example: She can summon a giant blade wielding arm of armor to her side that can move in sync with her movements.)

Fallon's weapon is a spear tipped glaive that she calls Desgraçado (Bastard), which is able to deflect magic attacks to a certain extent (depending on how powerful the caster of the ability is.)