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the worst spot on Fanpop Question

have you ever seen a ghost?

i met a ghost she was very kind , she never spoke to me but i could feel a good energy coming off of her.

she used to hug me
i could sometimes feel her breathe on my face or neck when she hugged me.

i know it sounds a little cliche but she was a nun i sometimes saw her reflection in the mirror.

i loved her she was very maternal and that made me respect her.
 orangeturnip posted over a year ago
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the worst spot on Fanpop Answers

LizaIsARunner said:
nope but i heard it....
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posted over a year ago 
was it a positive or negatve presence?
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
what do you mean?if your asking if i was sure about it then was pulling on my doorknob at 3am and everyone else was asleep and my cats were outside along with my dogs.
LizaIsARunner posted over a year ago
No, he meant was it a friendly ghost or a non- friendly ghost
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
oh was just breathing hard and pulling on my door and then it went was really strange and scary.
LizaIsARunner posted over a year ago
ScottishChic said:
I've seen 2.

When I was 4-5 a little girl and she used to try to get me to play with her in the blue room in the upstairs- even though we had no blue room and no upstairs (it was a flat)

then in another house, an old man used to sit on my bed and stare at me and try to talk to me- I thought I was going crazy
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posted over a year ago 
i've seen a lizard man with a shied a sword in my room but i'm pretty sure that was a hullucination
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
For your sake, I hope it was a hallucination. You don't live in a desert so you?
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
anatomicily = like the abatomy of ... it was human shaped
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
IAmPortia said:
I have seen one when I was a child. Me and my cousin saw her sitting in a chair in my room. We totally freaked out when we saw her!
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posted over a year ago 
Chase_D said:
at my school she didnt like to talk but just walk around and that was a small school. she was killed and stuffed in a locker when you see her all you see is a dark really dark figure and her pale face with blue eyes when ever u turned a corner there she was.
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posted over a year ago 
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
EalasaidWooster said:
Nope. At least, not the typical apparition that most people see. I don't believe that ghosts are forms that can think and act for themselves.

To me ghosts are just lingering thoughts and memories. Like sometimes, when you're walking along a street, or if your in a room of an old building, you suddenly, feel sad, or happy or excited for no apparent reason.

That's what I think a ghost is. A fragment of somebody's emotions or experiences that remains even after that person's death.

Sorry if I rambled on a bit! I've given quite a lot of thought to this subject. :)
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posted over a year ago 
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
yeah idk really what a ghost is or if its real or not.i know the holy ghost is real but besides that i dunno.all i know is if they are real i dont want anything to do with them and i will not waste my life fearing them.
LizaIsARunner posted over a year ago
I' m not going to either. Like I said, I believe that ghosts are just memories that were left behind. :)
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
lemon1110 said:
i have. i see many. the first one i saw was my great grandmother, when i was 7, she had recently died, and i was really sad. accually at the same time (they were standing next to eachother) my great grandfather was there. he was there because he was my favorite. i had him all to myself. my younger sister never met him. thats really special to me because after she was born all people would do was hold her and ignore me. of course at some times she wanted to play with me but i said no, because she ruined my life. i have also seen peoples ghosts of the future. i see mine alot, almost daily. some times her friends come along and they tell me what the rest of my life will be like. i cant tell anyone though, because i always forget it when they leave. but i know i am going to be very happy with my future. i see animals too. but thats a whole nother story that im not even going to get into.
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posted over a year ago 
u is one cool girl <3
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
OMG thats so cool@
pinkfluby114558 posted over a year ago
pinkfluby114558 posted over a year ago
MissKnowItAll said:
I think I saw one yesterday.

At my house, we have one long corridor along the first floor. My room is at one end and the bathroom at the other.

Well, I had just finished getting dressed in my room. I opened the door and, as I did so, I distinctly saw the bottom of a dress or skirt 'swish' behind the bathroom door, and then the door slammed shut. I went over to check, it had been properly slammed shut. I decided to go in, and no one was in there.

It could have been a breeze or something, but it was terrifying at the time.

Sometimes I also hear doors slamming at my house at night. I tell my sister to stop and she says it isn't her. It's weird, but all you have to do is shout 'STOP IT!' and it will.

I've also seen a few shadowy shapes walking around.

I didn't realise my house was so creepy!
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posted over a year ago 
im scared for you...
LizaIsARunner posted over a year ago
Yeah, me too. :)
MissKnowItAll posted over a year ago
Abilei said:
There are is no such things as a ghost, only demons.
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posted over a year ago 
If that was true every ghost I ever saw would have tried to kill me
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
Not neccesarily.
Abilei posted over a year ago
K5-HOWL said:
Yes, I was born with 2nd sight
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posted over a year ago 
Really? That must be cool and kinda scary...
DJ_Squeaky posted over a year ago
DJ_Squeaky said:
I've never met one but I'm convinced that my bedroom is haunted by my dead cat, Lunethpuss.
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posted over a year ago 
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
xXSweeneyXx said:
Yes, 2 days before my great aunt died I saw a ghost woman sitting by my mom's piano.
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posted over a year ago 
do you think it was your aunt ...
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
I'm not sure, she was alive at the time.
xXSweeneyXx posted over a year ago
thespikedturtle said:
Nope, I don't believe in ghosts. At least, not in the way most people do.
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posted over a year ago 
Fizzy-Izzy said:
I've never "seen" a ghost. but I think that a house I lived in once might have had something like a ghost. When I lived there I had repetitive dreams about english soldiers (like the ones with big wigs and bayonets) who were at the gate and we had to leave, plus my best friend said she thought there was one (soldier) behind the curtain in the lounge room. also the lounge room was always colder than the rest of the house and I felt uncomfortable when I was in there alone, (my mum and dad say they felt the same).

This all came to light one day years later when we were talking about dreams and ghosts, so none of us had ever discussed it before. We think that there may have once been an old house on the site.

That's it. I'm sorry if this is a long post but oh well, too bad.
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posted over a year ago 
bakuargirl729 said:
yes and l pee my pants
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
A couple times.

I mostly just feel their presence, though (occasionally, I'll admit that).
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posted over a year ago 
pinkfluby114558 said:
i saw a ghost was more of a demon, he draged me down the hall was so scary, now he folows me around and stuff, he always wispers in my ear, just random helpful stuff
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posted over a year ago 
julialovesMJ said:
a few times I have all of a sudden felt random sadness, happiness or fear and somone brushing up against me. But the one time I am sure I wasn't imagining it was one day when I was in my downstairs where my very much loved cat died. I suddenly felt a really strange feeling and I felt like I was not alone. Then my other cat (who didnt die) was down there with me and her eyes went wide and she meowed and stared directly at this area. Then I felt somthing brush up against my leg like my dear kitty used to do. But for some reason, I didnt feel scared. It felt really friendly,nice and safe like a positive presence. I think my cat was saying goodbye to me. :')
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posted over a year ago 
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