Total Drama Island Fancharacters Somethings Not Right in Clearview Falls (RP)

princess2109 posted on Mar 11, 2013 at 02:21AM
You pull up to your hometown of Clearview, Well maybe that's not true. Your boat crashed on the island of Clearview Falls, there's miles after miles of water and the whole towns seems to be in shambles, a complete wreck.

You wonder

"What happened?"
and set off to find anything with your fellow crash landers.


Total Drama Island Fancharacters 48 replies

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over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Naomi: *groans* What the heck man? What happened?! *looks at town from the beach* W-what happened here? Hello?
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Veronica: *sits up* ow!

Jenny: *gets up and pops her back* whoa! that.......that felt better.

Lauren: *crying*

Jenny: *picks up lauren* shhh, mama's here.

Veronica: *gasp* what is this place?

Jenny: this a ghost town?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Niyati: *slips out of a tree* Ow! *rubs head*
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Veronica: *to nya* are you okay?

Jenny: *looking around for another survivors
over a year ago princess2109 said…
( nk no no hon xD it's NIYATI not Nya
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
(oh...sorry. XD)


Jenny: is there anyone here?
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Niyati covers face and in a light. Indian accent she whispers I'm fine
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Veronica: okay?

Jenny: marco? kids? anyone? *thinking: i guess everyone else is dead.*

Dylan: jenny! *runs to her*

Jenny: dylan!
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Naomi: *turns to look at the survivors* Good to see some others survived. But bad news, it looks like Clearview has gone under.
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Jenny: it looks so bad. i mean, we don't have any building skills to remodel this place.
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: Uwaaah! *falls from a tree* Nya~! ouchies
Matt: *wakes up and groans* My head is killing me...wait...where's my camera?!
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Jenny: *walks to the town* wow.
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Niyati: *starts to look*
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Jenny: *walks in a building the suddenly she falls in the basement*
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Naomi: *goes to help Riley up* Are you okay, du- OH CRAP JAY! *goes over to boat* JAY? JAY?!
Josh: *from opposite direction* Yeah thanks for remembering me, Niomi. T_T And my name is not Jay.
Naomi: *turns towards him* Well my names not Niomi!
Josh: *starts walking away from her* I still don't care. *walks over to Matt* Hey, you alright?
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Matt: Huh? Oh yeah..I'm fine, but my camera*pouts*
Riley: *stands up and brushes herself off* ....trees hurt >.<
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
(I have an OC named josh too ^^)

Lauren: *walks around*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * lying face first in the sand and groans* uhhhh * gets up*
Bonnie: *in a tree* can someone.. help?
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: Just jump....but trees hurt... '^'
Matt:*finds his camera broken* Wha- Nooo, that had some awesome pictures and videos on,
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
Bonnie: *bites her lip and looks down* uhhhmmm... * tries slowly getting down but falls instead*.... ow.
maddie: *looks around* ....
over a year ago Courtneyfan214 said…
Lauren: mama? has anyone seen my mommy?
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: I'd say I'll catch you but....I'm probably not gonna >.<
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
bonnie: *stands up* im bonnie, nice to meet you
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Josh: I don't think pictures will matter in our "situation".
Naomi: *yelling* Hey Jay you gonna come look through the city or what?!
Josh: *facepalm* *to Naomi* Yeah sure. *to Matt* We should talk more later, yeah? *goes to Naomi*
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: I'm riley nice to meet cha too!
Matt: y-yeah you're right...
*nods blushing slightly,and walks over to riley and bonnie* you guys ok?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Naomi: *grabs Josh's hand* Come'on lets go! *drags him into the destroyed city* Dude, what if this is like the beginning of the... ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!?
Josh: Well first of all *lets go of her hand* the city wouldn't be destroyed, That's stupid, it was problem demolished for building or something.
Josh: ...suuuuuuuuure. It's the zombie apocalypse T_T
Naomi: WOOOOOOOOOO! Help me find weapons!
Josh: It's called sarcasm and no. Let's go help the others and check if anyone else aboard survived.
Naomi: Or we can find a chainsaw?
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Matt: Riley, Riley! I gotta borrow your phone!
Riley: It died *pouts*
Matt....well then let's go find survivors :D
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Josh: You can keep looking for "chainsaws" if you want but i'm-
Naomi: NO! I need help to!
Josh: but-
Naomi: Jayyyy! *tackles* You can't, you have to help me!
Josh: Okay okay. But were going to look for resources like food and water, alright?
Naomi: >:| Fiiiiiiiiiiiine.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
Bonnie: *nods* lets find survivors then!
maddie :*walking around the village* hmm...
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Matt: Alright!*wanders around* Where is this place anyway...*glances at josh then turnsback to bonnie*
Riley:*shrugs* I wish I knew!! OHMOIGOSH!!! MADDEEEHH!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: hm? *turns around*
Bonnie: *hrugs* not a clue
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Naomi: Lets go find stuff!
Josh: Get off of me first!
Naomi: hehe oh, right. *gets off of him and brushes herself off* Hey, I think that guy was just staring at you...
Josh: What "guy"?
Naomi: Over there, long, green and brown hair. Maybe...
Josh: I don't need any of yor assumptions. Lets go find some water.
Naomi: Theres water in the ocean!
Josh: Fresh water.
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: MAAAADDDDIEEE!!! MAH BBY! *glompsher* You'realive I was sooo worried! *licks her face* It is you!!!

Matt: *laughs* Riley, Calm doown. We gotta look for people. *starts walking/skipping*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: *shudders* did you just lick me?
Bonnie: *waves* Im bonnie, nice to meet you maddie!
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: *nods* You tasteliek salt .3. *runs in circles* BUT YOU'RE ALIVE!!! AND WE WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt: *walks over to them* Hi guys!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: Maddie, Mattie, Mattie, Maddie *grins*
over a year ago obssesedTDIgirl said…
Naomi: UUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH This is sooooooo boring. We've been searching for hours!
Josh: We've been searching almost 5 minutes. Stop acting like a child!
Naomi: Me? A child!? How can one possibly even say that? I am 15 and I have rights ya' know!
Josh: Then start acting that way. Us and the others need to have shelter by sundown, and water. Any ideas smart one?
Naomi: Ocean water!
Josh: I already told you-
Naomi: We can do like the Indians and filter the salt out. It'll work until we find better water. We can use some parts of this demolished city to make shelter thats zombie proof.
Josh: ...uhm. Okay yeah. But without the zombie part. Now, lets group with the others, okay?
Josh: becauseIdon'twanttobestuckwithyou
Naomi: Hm?
Josh: Nothing, lets go.
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Matt: *smiles* C'mon riley, Let's go search the city
Riley: *nods* I wonder if there'll be a house still standing? OH! Maybe we can find a kitty!
Matt: *nods* Yeah, sure....but I wonder what happened. The place looks dead.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
Maddie: *grins and waves at matt* riley, please let go of me? im scared your going to lick me again.
Bonnie: *snickers* wow....
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: *let's go* Sorry dudette! And I don't know.We should build shelter and get a group. That or find shelter , so find if there is at least one building that can be salvaged we should try and find it...
Matt: *nods*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
Bonnie: thats what i was thinking, they wouldnt just abandon a town for no reason, something must have happened.
Maddie: maybe they went on holiday?
over a year ago princess2109 said…
???: *scream* HELP!
over a year ago colecutegirl said…
Riley: Holiday sounds nice about now...*hears scream* What was that?
Matt: Someone screaming riley. They need help!
over a year ago smartone123 said…
(whats this rp about?? also cole can you awnser the instant rply XD)
princess2109 commented…
people getting ship wreaked on an island, the city is broken down and destoried and your investigating over a year ago
over a year ago princess2109 said…
*theres banging and screaming* PLEASE HELP!
over a year ago smartone123 said…
Alora:helps the person being close by

jade,hinta and nina:are all together
over a year ago princess2109 said…
*the screaming is coming from a house that's in a mound of wood and bricks*
???" *coughing* H-Hurry
over a year ago smartone123 said…
takes her out and brings her to safety-alora