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True Blood Question

Did anyone else find episode 11 vaguely disappointing?

I know they are trying to build up the suspense for the season finale, but I was still hoping for a more dramatic episode. Plus, I really didn't like the Queen's acting. Thoughts?
 brashcandy posted over a year ago
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True Blood Answers

Brainfog said:
Yes, I agree with you. I thought it was okay but it was not up to par with the previous episodes. I especially thought the queen was trying to hard or something was not right. I expected her to be regal and more laid back, like Eric. I just didn't get the "authoritarian" feel from her, at all. In short, no, it wasn't just you.
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posted over a year ago 
BatzinGilbert said:
I soooooo agree with you...first Alan Ball cheats us out of 15 minutes from last weeks episode and then bores us to death in this weeks episode....and with all the material that's available...that's the best he could do...he titled the episode Frenzy...wada joke!
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posted over a year ago 
shannon1647 said:
I thought the episode was okay but I must say I did enjoy the Queen which is suprising to me because I cannot stand Evan Rachel Wood but she was so cute playing yahtzee lol
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posted over a year ago 
i thought the episode was ok too, though i like evan rachel wood. im was just glad that they didnt rip us off from 15 minutes from the show like last week.
sexielegz posted over a year ago
i watched it again last nite i thought it was good there was so much info i felt so bad for hoyt when he found out about his dad and i feel so bad 4 layfette because of how tramatized he is of guns im also glad they brought in the kids because i had wondered where they were i wish there had been more pam this season tho
shannon1647 posted over a year ago
the_drs_girl said:
YESS!!! I didn't think this was the best we've seen. And you're right it's kind of the Queen's fault. I'd been expecting much much more out of her, not so much that the acting wasn't goo, just that the queen seemed more important, and in reality she kind of just...didn't come through. I don't know it just wasn't my fav. It needed more naked Eric, that would have helped.
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posted over a year ago 
SwarlsBarkley said:
I enjoyed it.

I liked the humor; Eric and Pam discussing the children, Jason and Andy in the police station and male-bonding, Arlene and Terry following Lafayette like the pied piper, Sophie-Ann's yaoi fixation.
I also rather liked the Queen's waxing philosophical about maenads and human nature. And I really liked the Eric/Bill confrontation.

Plus, there was subtext and foreshadowing that people who've read the books might have noticed in the conversations that Bill had with the Queen and Hadley about Sookie. Rather, what wasn't said...
The only thing I disliked was Lafayette going bug-eyed, I'm afraid of what it means towards his fate following that of the book. I really hope not but have a bad feeling about it now :(
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I enjoyed it. 

I liked the humor; Eric and Pam discussing the children, Jason and Andy in the police station and male-bonding, Arlene and Terry following Lafayette like the pied piper, Sophie-Ann's yaoi fixation. 
I also rather liked the Queen's waxing philosophical about maenads and human nature. And I really liked the Eric/Bill confrontation.

Plus, there was subtext and foreshadowing that people who've read the books might have noticed in the conversations that Bill had with the Queen and Hadley about Sookie. Rather, what wasn't said...
The only thing I disliked was Lafayette going bug-eyed, I'm afraid of what it means towards his fate following that of the book. I really hope not but have a bad feeling about it now :(
posted over a year ago 
Yeah, they definitely didn't hide the fact that the queen already knew her did they. If thats not a huge setup for season 3 I don't know what is.
OceanCoast posted over a year ago
Also this episode really shed alot of negative light on Bill's character. He black mailed Eric, confirmed our suspicions and I'm pretty sure he FLEW (didn't he?) when he showed up at Sam's, which would be his first straight up lie.
OceanCoast posted over a year ago
And he totally didn't say anything when Hadley asked about Adele. 10 to 1 he doesn't tell Sookie about seeing Hadley either.
SwarlsBarkley posted over a year ago
sookiewannabe said:
never disapointed.....I live for true blood!
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posted over a year ago 
OceanCoast said:
This episode to me, was just FRUSTRATING!
Maybe if the last episode hadn't have spent so much time getting Tara back, only then to loose her again (in a really stupid way) along with Lafayette, it might not have bothered me as much. It felt like it was a giant step backwards IMO.

As for the queen, I thought she was perfect, and Evan was a perfect pick to play her.
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posted over a year ago 
i think this episode is disappoing because the plot is slow and the queen ,yes is very interesting but a little heavy and the history of Maryam begins to bore me but i think very eciting that Bill is not a good peron , he lies Sookie
petunia posted over a year ago
aurora30 said:
Gosh I just Love Eric so much better for Sookie. At least he doesnt hide the reason why he wants sher. And of course Bill didnt fly. He cant. N i doubt Alan would fall so far off track to allow Bill to fly I just dont understand how the heck their gna get all the info they need into the last episode inless its 2hrs long. I sure hope so because im going to be so mad if they leave me even more dissapointed then they have these last two episodes. I expected sooo much more from the Quenn. She is supposed to be terrifying but also have a fragile young look to her. I didnt get either from her appearance or acting. Im jus hoping they come thru in the end.
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posted over a year ago 
I cracked up at Eric asking Sam for Sookie, persistent he is (lol). And yeah, I know that Bill can't fly, but they certainly shot that scene in an odd fashion (made him sound like he 'landed' instead of running up). As for the time they have left, I certainly see the events ending much differently then the books because they have derailed so far from them at this point, to resort to the resolution of the books would just be detrimental at this point.
OceanCoast posted over a year ago
GStar219 said:
I completely disagree, the queen was a great actress, very nonchalant yet dramatic at the same time. I have to add that her wardrobe was stunning. I hope we see more of her and she has a bigger role in the finale. I hope she does not be the one to kill the maenad however, because I would love to see Sookie and Tara kill MaryAnn (that is: if she can die).
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posted over a year ago 
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