Twilight Movie After the Movie's Debut

jackie5starr posted on Apr 19, 2008 at 04:39AM
What do you think will happen after the movie comes out? Do you think the movie will be successful? If the movie wasn't too successful would you continue to be a fan?

Twilight Movie 11 replies

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over a year ago jackie5starr said…
I bet after the movie comes out every Twilight fan will rush to watch it. However, most movies never equal the qualities the authors included in the book. On the other hand, I think Twilight fans won't account for that because they are too obessed with the series, not that obession is a bad thing because I, too, am obessed with the series.
over a year ago laughingGrl said…
okay...hi jackie!! look @ me! im SUCH a good BFF!! i joined this spot...lil must b happy...well she's gotta join mine... hehe im the devil *devil horns pop up* hehe *looks up @ them* uhohhh lol... XD
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
dude i will totally be a fan even if the movie sucks. so far i am freaking excited bout the movie, all the video footage and crap that is coming out right now is making me anxious! haha i really hope its a good movie.
over a year ago mzteriusgurl said…
even if the movie suxx ill still totally be a fan of the series!!! and i hope they dont cut out too much from the book so i cant wait to see how it turns out!
over a year ago Edwards_Heroin said…
I love the series and I am super excited for the movie to come out. If you ask me I think that from the pics and clips of the movie it looks as though they are doing a fantastic job of staying true to the story. Granted from what I hear they are adding a marina scene but I'm sure it will only add to the story and not ruin it. Anyways as I said before I'm super excited and even if the movie does suck I'm not gonna let it ruin my interpretation of the story.
over a year ago menaita said…
i think the movie will be great ,and that the fans have to see the movie as a movie not as a book made into a movie because then they might get disappointed. judging by what i have seen i think it would be a really great movie i hope it will so all those people that have been saying the movie will suck will be amaze and regret their words:)
over a year ago funnyshawna said…
im super excited, and even if the movie sucks im sure i will love it so obsessed!
but i dont think it would suck...the books are too good. it would just be mean to make the movie not like the books!
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
NO MATTER WHAT! even if the movie did suck (which it won't) i would still love Twilight because the book is the original so i would still love it even if the movie sux!
over a year ago funnyshawna said…
i would love the movie even if it sucked, i luv it that much!
over a year ago renesmee09 said…
I believe the movie will be a success. From what I've seen of the clips, it is going to be amazing. I can't wait to see the story come to life. I hope they do all the sequels.
over a year ago jem_ said…
I think it will be generally popular whether it's really good or not. Cause of all the dedicated fans. But yea of corse I'll like it even if everybody else doesn't.