Twilight Movie Is anyone else totally losing hope for the movie?

jamfan4 posted on Oct 29, 2008 at 02:37AM
I have lost all hope at this point.
The commercials are over-acted and over-dramatic, the writing is all wrong, and the casting director should be shot. I am almost certain that I am not going to enjoy this movie at all and I don't like that feeling. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Twilight Movie 17 replies

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over a year ago Curlytop_ said…
I have to say that I am really looking forward to seeing the movie. My biggest concern is that the movie is going to get a bad name because fans of the books are going to see it with high expectations. The Twilight Saga has totally taken over my life at the minute, I am really enjoying reading them and I really hope that the movie is going to live up to the hype. But I am also aware that movies are rarely as good as the books that they are based on. And with this in mind I am trying to keep an open mind.
over a year ago wlmarler16 said…
i totally agree with Curlytop
over a year ago djducky said…
All the hype....bah. I read Twilight due to this over-excitement of the movie coming out and I was pretty disappointed. No real vampire action, mostly a teenage love story. There is going to be add all kinds of added Hollywood action to make it an entertaining movie. The previews even dubbing the visiting vampires as "mortal enemies of the Cullens." The movie will concentrate on the last 100 pages of the book or so where the ONLY excitement takes place and the only REAL confrontation is Bella being thrown and bitten...snore.
over a year ago Franzybelle said… adaptations leave a lot to be desired. we've all fallen inlove with the twilight fans will fall inlove with the twilight film. It's how it works unfortunately. I'm still REALLY looking forward to it. But Twilight readers need to be open minded, the film wasn't just made for US fans, it was made for the general public too. if that makes any sense :P
over a year ago franzee said…
i just read the books because of the upcoming movie too..
i just hope it wouldnt be too twisted or too revised like what they're doing to harry potter..
over a year ago loraine said…
there's no need to lose hope.. i think the impact on audiences (readers) is more than good enough... it's sure to be a hit! come on!
over a year ago twlight_luver99 said…
i love the books so i dont want to talk bad about but i m losing hope too. their bella is all wrong and it seems like it wont follow the story line AT ALL. i to agree the casting director shood be shoot
over a year ago twifanpire said…
All I have to say is not me.
over a year ago hexhatexmexnot said…
I hate to say that I am as well. I love the all of the books, but the movie has left me wanting more. I just saw a clip from the scene when james attacks bella. *sigh* this scene alone has been changed so much from the book. I understand needing to change a few things when going from book to movie but come on. Part of what made that whole scene in the book so suspenseful was the fact that Edward didnt show up until she was almost dead. In the movie she has a cut on her head and BOOM there he is! I could go on about the major changes (like the fact that when they jump they look like they are flying) but i wont. Im just at a loss for this movie now...
over a year ago BEtrue417 said…
i think its going to be a beautiful movie! Of course things are going to be different from what each of us has pictured in our minds, but i think its awesome to be a part of something that is so huge in our time right now!! im veeery excited for the movie and cant wait to see :) oh and PS i think the choice of actors was brilliant!
over a year ago pinkpanda202 said…
I'm so not losing hope! In fact, my hopes have gotten stronger with every preview! I mean there are a few things i would chang about it, but everything about it cant be perfect. 1 thing i would change about it is the actress that plays esme, i just dont think she embodies esme very well, and i think they could have done better. but all the other actors are fine i think. i just cant wait 4 friday!
over a year ago BEtrue417 said…
totally agreed pinkpanda!!!! :) im soo excited! less than 24 hrs!!!
over a year ago twilighter09 said…
I was actually kinda feeling that way too. But now I'm excited for the movie. I think on it's own it's going to be a good movie even if it's not exactly like the book. At first I thought the casting was all wrong but now I sorta get. I think they'll do a good job, at the very least it's really cool looking. I can't wait to see it.
over a year ago Seleh said…
I hated it, Jam.
But people are right, the movies never do live up to the book.

I feel like the character of Bella was changed, and their love was.. rushed. one minutes it's 'oh im mad at you' and the next thing you know they're professing their love for eachother.

I was just really disappointed.
And I hate Robert Paterson or whatever his stupid name is.

Very let down =[
I'm pretty sure too that if you had never read the book,and you were watching the movie, you'd be like.. what the hell is going on?
over a year ago Curlytop_ said…
I can't decide whether i liked it or not. I have to say its not what I was expecting. I don't think they worked on the love story enough, I totally agree with what 'Seleh' said about it being rushed. I did think they stayed true to the book though I don't really know what it was exactly about it that didn't sit well, it just didn't quite work. It did have some very funny moments though and I loved Charlie and Emmett. I am still hopeful that they will make the rest of the books into movies.
over a year ago kaywoh23 said…
I saw the movie last night and I was really disappointed. It was a "made for tv movie" in my opinion. I have read all the books and had high expectations, especially with all the hype about the movie. Too much was changed in the movie. I know it is only based on the book, but they could have hit it on the nail a little more. Some of the acting was cheesy. I wish I would have waited until it came out on video. :(
over a year ago gosselinfan626 said…
I liked the movie. I thought that the casting was great.