Twilight Movie Whimp!!!!!!!!!!

unfair_love posted on Nov 13, 2008 at 05:31AM
Hello! My name is unfair love! (as you have already seen :I... O well) I am 13 and I have not seen 1 "scary movie". when I was 9, 10, & 11 My friends teased me about it. Soooooo I'm kinda a whimp when it comes to Movies... I'm better now,... but still working on it.

Now to cut to the chase! I was wondering if Twilight is a "Scary" series. I mean When I was 11 I would have been freaked out at the sight of season 3 Heroes. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO­OOO­OOO­

Is it scary as in OMG he is a vampire and is going to so such my blood out, or is it the scary OMG he is a vampire and has a heart... not beating... but a heart. but at the same time OMG he is a vampire and he CAN such my brains out but won't.

Right now it is late at night and this is making me a bit nautious. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Twilight Movie 4 replies

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over a year ago Curlytop_ said…
I don't know how scary the movie is going to be, my guess is that it won't be too scary. The books are more about the love story than the vampire thing. I know that they have put more action into the movie so I don't know, I am going to see it on the first night, I will know more then I can post again and let you know. But if your really worried about going to see the movie, it might be better to wait until it comes out on DVD then you can watch it at home and if it gets too much you can always turn it off. I was always a whimp when I was younger too (still am a bit), I wouldn't open a cupboard for a month after I watched 'Beetle Juice' for the first time, and that's really not scary at all. Remember you can always leave the cinema if it gets too scary for you. If your friends see that you are really freaked out they shouldn't be too hard on you.
over a year ago unfair_love said…
thank you...
over a year ago gosselinfan626 said…
I saw the movie and it wasn't too scary. I do think that you should give it a chance whether that is now or later. I thought it was awesome though and I very strongly reccomend it.
over a year ago Epic_Twilighter said…
Everyone thinks its horror, but anyone who has read the books knows that it isnt. Its got a fight seen in the end which isnt scary at all, just two people throwing each other through things.

I am also 13, have never seen a scary movie before twilight (if you count it as a scary movie). I cant watch any of those crime shows on tv because they scare me. I get scared really easily, someone can just tell me a bit about a horror movie they have watched and I cant sleep for a while.

I watched twilight and I was nervous, not because it might be scary but because it was like 'Oh.My.God! I'm seeing twilight! FINALLY *dies*'

So go watch it, you'll be fine promise. or you could read the books or if you already have re-read them and wait for it on dvd so if you do get scared (which I doubt you will) you can just turn it off and hide upder your bed from super sexy Edward Cullen! ;D

Hope I helped