Tyler and Caroline --

DelenaLover posted on Dec 11, 2010 at 07:29PM
last edited on Dec 17, 2010 at 12:01AM

Tyler and Caroline 21 replies

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over a year ago TearsofPearls32 said…
LMAO! I created a pick for this at apparently the exact time you created this topic!
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
^ LOLL omgsh that so funny cause I was originally going to do pick questions but I thought some of them might be hard to do picks for so i just did this instead.
over a year ago FrenchGiirl said…
I think that's an awesome idea :D
over a year ago Alicee93 said…
AW I love this!.. Im going to make this on tumblr.. Here sounds good too!!
over a year ago TearsofPearls32 said…
I was only going to make picks for the ones that I actually could, no reason we couldn't do both lol :)
over a year ago MsJeremyGilbert said…
December 11th 2010.

Day One: The moment that made you a Forwood shipper.
December 11th 2010.

Day One: The moment that made you a Forwood shipper.
over a year ago UESforeverr said…
oo, Sounds fun!
I need something to make waiting for my forwood a little easier..
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
Day One: The moment that made you a Forwood shipper.

Proud shipper since season 1! <3 :)
last edited over a year ago
Day One: The moment that made you a Forwood shipper.

Proud shipper since season 1! <3 :)
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
December 12th, 2010

Day Two: Your favorite Tyler quote.
over a year ago g4eva said…
but they are tooo many to count , thats a very hard choice haha :D
over a year ago TearsofPearls32 said…
"You know what I think of Caroline Forbes. She’s an insecure, neurotic, bitchy little twit. But the girl’s got heart. She means well. You’ve just got to take the good with the bad sometimes."
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
December 13th, 2010

Day Three: Your favorite Caroline quote.
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
I have so many, but I'm going to go with this one:

"So your saying, that now, I'm basically an insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack?"
over a year ago g4eva said…
"I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?"
"You're gonna be 70 and in diapers and he's still gonna be smokin hot."
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
December 14th, 2010

Day Four: Your favorite Forwood quote.
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
"Its not really fair to be with someone and not really let them know who you are."

I find this quote so fitting <3
over a year ago amshafe said…
^ Agree. That's my absolute favorite, because it shows how much Tyler gets Caroline and her situation.
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
December 15th, 2010

Day Five: Song that describes Tyler
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
Hmm this is kinda hard but I'm going to go with Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace.
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
December 16th, 2010

Day Six: Song that describes Caroline.
over a year ago uruguaygirl4398 said…
big smile
cannibal by kesha
check it out on youtube: