Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 2

Kamilla posted on Sep 08, 2008 at 03:38PM
This episode starts with Betty on the phone with Daniel while going home home from the office at 2 am when Renee call on the other line worried because Daniel isn't home yet. When Renee finds out that he's okay and on the other line Betty patches her through and they start talking freaky before Betty hangs up.
The next morning while Ignacio is home watching a novella Betty tells them about how Renee is always calling and texting her. Betty seems to be talking to Gio a lot as well, unknown to Henry. Charlie is leaving today supposedly. Hilda is starting her own business now that she has her cosmetology license.
Renee is really cutting into Daniel's schedule with all the events she wants them to do together.
Wilhelmina goes to see Renee's doctor and tells him she has been acting a little strange lately. The doctor refuses to have her admitted so to push her over the edge she plans to meet up with Renee for lunch.
Henry walks in while Gio and Betty are talking to tell her that Charlie had a panic attack at the airport and the doctor wants her to stay in New York until after she has the baby. She makes up some excuse about being busy and runs off.
Betty returns to find Renee messing with Daniel's schedule and they get into a fight ruining the schedule. When Daniel walks in Betty tells him that basically it's either his crazy girlfriend or her. one of them has to go! Renee tells Daniel that Betty is obviously in love with him. She is really off her rocker! Now she has Daniel thinking about it.
Betty and Christina make a plan to snoop on Daniel and Renee to find out what's going on with her.
Wilhelmina and Renee meet up at her former boyfriend's (the one she had a mental breakdown over) favorite restaurant. Wilhelmina feeds her with all kinds of lines about Daniel cheating on all his girlfriends and when she has a birthday cake brought out Renee runs out saying "no candles no candles".
While Daniel and Betty are in a meeting he falls asleep and dreams that she comes on to him and gives him a massage. when he wakes up Betty asks him about relationships and he runs away. Now he's acting all funny style around her.
Amanda mistakenly tells Henry that Gio is in love with Betty.
While Wilhelmina and Marc are out Christina breaks into the file room and calls Betty for help.
Henry heads over to Gio's shop to tell him to back off Betty or else. He then accidentally punches him in the face. They start talking about how he's stuck between being a good boyfriend to Betty and being a good father at the same time.
Betty and Christina find Renee's file and discover that she killed her boyfriend Greg by burning down his house and that she was involuntarily committed and they think she would kill Daniel.
Christian Siriano (dude from project runway) Shows up at MODE to discuss his new line possibly being featured when crazy Renee walks in talking and acting crazy! He calls Wilhelmina and tells her about how she's acting.
Daniel meets with Renee's doctor and he tells him about Renee's case (isn't that a HIPAA violation?). Come to find out she's not after Daniel but Betty!!
Betty rushes to Daniel's house to check on him and instead gets caught with crazy Renee alone. She has candles all over the place and has Betty trapped in the house. Daniel calls and she tells him that she is being held by Renee right before she snatches the phone away from her. While they are arguing the apartment catches fire from the candles. Betty tries to talk some sense into her before they both burn. Daniel bursts in to see Betty dousing the flames with an extinguisher.
Renee tells Daniel that she's sorry right before she's hauled off to jail.
The next day Betty and Henry share their love with a kiss to end this week's episode.

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