Ugly Betty Episode 3.12 Rescheduled For Next Week

waichingliu81 posted on Jan 14, 2009 at 08:26PM
this just in from the ugly betty news website:

January 14th, 2009
Ugly Betty Preempted Tomorrow!

Here’s news you need to know. ABC is preempting Ugly Betty tomorrow (1/15) to air President Bush’s final address to the nation. Hat tip - Angel25. (Who ALWAYS seems to get the press releases before I do!). The address is only supposed to be 15 minutes, so ABC is instead running a couple of episodes of “Scrubs”.

The schedule for will “slide”. Episode 3.12 (Sisters on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) will now air on January 22. Episode 3.14 (Kissed Off) will move to February 5.

I am assuming that the rebraodcast of Betty Suarez Land will still happen on 1/29 (is there some event going on that night that ABC doesn’t want to waste a new UB episiode?) I am also assuming that the two subsequent episodes, 3.14 (The Courship of Betty’s Father) and 3.15 (There’s No Place Like Mode) will slide to a week later than their original scheduled dates, but ABC hasn’t said so officially yet.

I guess we should consider ourselves lucky - this is the first time (that I can remember) that Ugly Betty has been preempted in 2 1/2 seasons so far. Heck, I haven’t even had a local weather event preempt the show during my live blogs. (Knock on wood).

So, mark our calendars - episode 3.12 moves to next week!



Ugly Betty 5 replies

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over a year ago BeSafe said…
I was sooo much looking forward to this episode too and now I have to wait soooooooooooo long for it!!!!!!!!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
i know it sucks. and yet i don't live in the US myself, though of course i watch the season 3 episodes online, as it hasn't been shown in the UK still.
over a year ago dutch_destroyer said…
so this is on today then?? am i right?
sorry im in uk lol

thanks xx
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
yes it is. btw, dutch_destroyer i have been watching season 3 of ugly betty online, as i just couldn't wait that long. hopefully, someone will post this episode sometime tommorow or saturday on you tube
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dutch_destroyer said…
big smile
yeah i love it, drives me bonkers though when my useless pc wont load it quickly enough and i get "buffering 99...98..." etc lol seems to take forever!

woohoo can see betty tomorro! :)