Ugly Betty Season 3 Relationships Storyline

perfectprincess posted on Jan 29, 2009 at 10:29AM
I know at times, relationship storylines are a bore as they get way too complicated! But what have you thought so far about the Season 3 relationships? Here's some of the relationships you may want to comment on from this season. These may not all be love relationships, as we all know friendships are just as significant!! So...ENJOY!...:)













last edited on Jan 29, 2009 at 11:02AM

Ugly Betty 6 replies

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over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL okay I love your assessment, I think all my long responses have finally rubbed off on you!!!! LOL, I will write about the couples that I have the strongest feelings about, good or bad, so here I go...:)

1) Molly/Daniel, I would have to say I'm on the dislike of Dolly train and I will tell you why...At first I was excited, and I still think the fact that Daniel fell for her at all is a good sign of a future Detty possibility...but I'm not really into them together and I'll tell you why...Okay so first off to me the chemistry between them is very flat, now it may be that Eric and (I'm sorry I forget the chick whose playing Molly's name) just didn't hit it off, but for some reason their chemistry comes off as very fake/stale to me...another reason is that while I think she is a step in the Detty direction she isn't like Betty at all, I don't think Molly is a very good person considering the fact that she dumped her fiancee that she had been with for years to be with a guy she had known for a few months, if that that is why I am against Dolly, but as I've said before I'd rather she just left than died, but if she must I'll be honest I'm just happy to see her go one way or the other.

2) Daniel/Betty, LOL you HAD to know they would be on my list!!!! Okay so this year has been a very interesting year so far Detty wise, they have had big fights, big makeups, and heartwarmingly sweet moments...I think this year we have seen how much they care about each other and even if it hasn't been said OUT LOUD how much they are scared of losing the other one, to Daniel for now Betty is his best friend, his confidant, his guide, she helps him, teaches him, and is just there for him whenever he needs her, I think this season has shown that and this season has shown him realize that a little bit more. We have also witnessed that Daniel is trying to be there for Betty more, yes he still makes mistakes, but he tries his best and when he falters he fixes what he messed up...Now to Betty Daniel is her best friend, her boss, her guide (in a way) he shows Betty what the world is like, gives her chances to shine, and tries to help her understand the world better, sometimes Betty misfires but she fixes it also. Basically I think they make a great team and they are the perfect people who offset each other...:)

3)Marc/Amanda, the only thing I can say without going into it WAY too much, is that they are the FUNNIEST people on the show, and I think the show would NEVER be the same without them, they also offset each other nicely...:)

4) Betty/Jesse, honestly I thought they were cute, I mean Jesse didn't know Betty liked him I don't think, so I don't hold the thing with Amanda against him...I think they were cute, but I don't think they'd be cute in the long run...:)

Oh and on a little sidenote I love Connor/Willie!!!! And the friendship between Amanda/Betty!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago detty4ever said…
I want to comment about Daniel/Molly
I don't think that watching Daniel doing something so frivolous like throwing money in the garbage means that his acting mature!!!
On the contrary I think that he goes one step back in relation to his maturing process!He would never do that around Betty!
And generally all this story with Molly seems so stupid to me..I mean she fell from a tree!That's how they met!What was that?Is that possible?And that "Rich Jerk" I don't think that's cute!I think it is insulting..I didn't expect Daniel to like it!
The only explanation that I give about Molly is that Daniel is looking for someone to remind him of Betty!Of course she's not as good as Betty!She's just a bad substitude for her...
Molly says nothing to me..Of course it is the best relationship that Daniel has ever done but thats it!She's sooo boring, I hope she leaves the show ASAP!!
Maybe I'm too harsh but it is my opinion..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
ok, here's my take on each of them:

Molly/Daniel- i sense zero chemistry between these two and molly is boring. as sad as it looks like she will die, according to the spoilers, i won't be dissapointed to see the back of her.

Wilhelmina/Connor-they look nice together and would make a great looking couple. i'd love to see connor stay on the show and be made a permanent character on UB. plus, he's not bad looking either! ;)

Daniel/Wilhelmina-i hated willie last season because she was a total b*tch towards daniel, betty and christina. but this season, i think it is good to see her softer side and to know that she does have a heart. i liked the scenes with daniel and willie in the granny pants episode and they ended up on a date together. that was kind of cute.

Betty/Jesse- at first, i thought that maybe there would be something between betty and jesse but then i realised that they are better off as friends. as much as he acted like a selfish jerk in the kissed off episode, i lay the blame on the writers for turning him from a cute, interesting guy at first to a boring, self-centred idiot.

Betty/Hilda- its interesting that unlike the previous two seasons, the relationship between these two has had as many downs as well as ups. but i guess that it is important that they are there for each other. however, i am dislking the fact that with last season and this season, both hilda and ignascio are putting pressure on betty to make the types of decisions, which suit their needs more than say betty's. and that i am not happy about. betty moving back home in order to make her family feel happy as opposed to making her feel happy, is still an issue that bothers and infuritates me.

Betty/Daniel- there were more betty and daniel scenes this season that last season, though it is stil not enough. hopefully, with molly gone, the writers will continue to develop their friendship because it has been a long while since we saw them in an episode together for more than say 15 mins; i.e episode 9 'when betty met YETI'

Betty/Christina- i miss betty and christina together this season. we need to see more of them, even with the baby that is due later on. in fact, i want to see christina interact with willie, amanda, marc more often. i hate how she is so underused.

Betty/Amanda- i adored all the scenes with them together. i think amanda has come a long way since season 1, where she used to make fun of betty and be envious towards her. especially as betty got to be daniel's assistant, as opposed to amanda herself. but it is so sweet to see- and yet i was angry and dissapointed when betty had to move back home to take care of her father, who had been recovering from a heart attack. i love amanda, and with betty, i really do think she has become more open and considerate towards betty and other people.

Betty/Marc- like amanda, marc has become a different person and as we noticed during this season how much he has changed for the better, due to betty's influence. not entirely perhaps- he still has his flaws, but he is getting there. i love watching betty and marc getting along with each other, and marc not constantly being mean to her liked he used to back in season 1.

Marc/Cliff- as sad as it was to see them break up, i think marc's cheating showed how he wasn't ready to commit to a full-on relationship. his insecurities as a person were evident, when he slept with that other guy, out of desperation and for the sex. i hated how the writers made marc into a slutty- type of character.

Marc/Amanda- well, all i can is that i love them together- this show would be boring without those two and i am looking forward to see them living together. it would be interesting to see whether or not their friendship turns into something more serious later on. i know marc is gay but if those two got together, it wouldn't bother me one bit. the kiss in 'kissed off' was just out of nowhere, but still there was something about it that gave me the impression that they could end up being together as a couple.

Marc/Wilhelmina- i think that with this one, i have noticed that marc and willie's relationship is not as strong or as it used to be back in say season 1. this is because with marc, he has begun to realise that he has ambitions beyond being her assistant and that he is not afraid of saying what is on his mind to her. in the 'sisters of a nervous breakdown' ep or whatever it was called, there was a scene where willy says something that he should answer to wihelmina slater, and marc just reacted angrily because he knew his feelings were being hurt and that he felt that efforts would mean a lot to her, as it did to him.

his reaction surprised me because back in season 1, he would've never have spoken to her like that. but the fact that he did, it was good to see that he wasn't going to be taken for granted by anyone let alone, willie herself.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BeSafe said…
^^WOW looks like you've jumped on the LONG explanations train...LOL YAY about time new passangers joined...anyway I really love your assessment of each relationship...and I agree!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
thanks besafe! and yeah, it was kind of long but i had to analyse each one and give an almost precise account on each of them and through each of them, they are going through different stages, one by one. for the exception of molly and daniel that is.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL no problem...:) As I said I enjoyed it, for some reason when I start talking about this show sometimes I just can't stop and before I realize it my list of reasons has become far too long, but regardless I just post it and hope people care enough to read, if not they can just skip it I guess!