Ugly Betty Who Do You Think Is Kissing In The Video Footage?

waichingliu81 posted on Feb 07, 2009 at 11:58AM
here is the promo for the next episode 3.14- the courtship of betty's father and i want your opinions as to who YOU think is kissing in the video?

my money is on either daniel and molly, willie and connor... or amanda and marc!


Ugly Betty 5 replies

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over a year ago BeSafe said…
big smile
Well okay so I just watched that clip like 10 times and paused it and my money is on Connor/Wilhelmina...but I still wouldn't be positive, but that is my best bet...I guess we will see next week!!!!
over a year ago perfectprincess said…
Okay...well here's what I think. I too think it could possibly be Wilhelmina and Connor, but I don't think its them. I think its Marc and Amanda because it just sounds like Becki, for some reason. And you see, Betty's shocked to see the tape footage. And I think people in the office would know by now that Willie and Connor and Daniel and Molly are together. But I think that Betty would be surprised after last episode's kiss to find out that Amanda and Marc were having an affair. So I think it def. Amanda and Marc...:)
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
for shock value, i want it to be marc and amanda and plus, because i am an avid shipper of them. however, i'd probably go for connor and willie
over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL I'd like for it to be Amanda/Marc, but I honestly don't think that would be too shocking for Betty, because well its Marc/Amanda, does anything they do really shock you anymore?!

And I am still thinking it is Connor/Wilhemina just because I can't remember if Betty knows about them or not, but I'm thinking she doesn't and that would shock her, but Daniel also appears to be slightly shocked by it so, and this would be really insane, does anybody think it could possibly be Ignacio/Nurse chick?!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
well in the promo, hilda flips out and says to papi 'this is totally inappropriate what is wrong with you?' when she and betty find out what their dad is doing. i think it is when they catch them having sex in their own home. as for daniel being shocked, i wonder why he would be considering he already knew that willie and connor are together anyway.