Ugly Betty Ausiello spoiler!! HENRY'S BACK!!

waichingliu81 posted on Apr 22, 2009 at 06:01PM
Ugly Betty' exclusive: Henry's back!

Apr 22, 2009, 12:06 PM | by Michael Ausiello

This could get ugly.

Christopher Gorham has closed a deal to reprise his role as Betty's ex-love Henry, setting the stage for a geektastic showdown with her current beau, Matt (Daniel Eric Gold).

Ugly Betty creator Silvio Horta confirms to me exclusively that Gorham -- who's currently trying to stay alive on CBS' Harper's Island -- will reappear in the show's two-hour season finale on May 21 when Betty runs into Henry and his new girlfriend Chloe (played by Gossip Girl's Dream Walker) in the Big Apple. To prove to themselves that they've moved on, Betty and Henry agree to go on a double date to a Mets game with their respective significant others. Good times, right? Not exactly...

"As Henry and Betty reconnect, it could potentially threaten her relationship with Matt," teases Horta, who adds that he's "really happy" to have Gorham back in the fold. "Chris has always been, and will always be, part of the Ugly Betty family."

But how big a part of the family will he be? Horta isn't saying whether Gorham will be back in the fall, which leaves me with no other choice than to pose the following question to you fine folks: Who are you rooting for: Team Matt or Team Henry? Sound off in the comments! Oh, and don't forget: Betty returns next Thursday!


Ugly Betty 14 replies

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over a year ago BeSafe said…
TEAM MATT!!!!!!!!!!

Are you freaking kidding me?! Ahhhhhhhhhh gosh I HATE this!!!! No offense to any Henry fans but I really DISLIKE the character and don't want him back at all!!!!!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
i know how you feel besafe. i was shocked when i read this. why oh why do the writers have to do this to us. just when we thought we've heard the last of him, henry pops out of nowhere. geez, he has to go away and not come back to the show, EVER
over a year ago Pinkcentrina said…
This sucks. Just when you think its over and the show is back to normal they have to bring him back. No offence to any Henry fans, I know there are a lot of you, but this is old now. If anyone came back I'd rather it was Gio and even then I wouldn't be that happy. Hopefully this wont turn out like the season 2 thing again.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
I know right?! And its COMPLETELY random with where the show is headed, which makes me hate it even more! Betty is FINALLY starting to get ahead in her world and she is MOVING ON with her life, the show is getting back on track and headed in a direction I VERY much liked until I read this...seriously WHY on Earth did the writers feel the need to bring back Henry?!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
i don't see the point of henry returning. he had a life with charly and her son- or that's what we thought- and now he has a new girlfriend. a GIRLFRIEND ffs!! this character has no purpose on this show anymore. things were going well in season 3, but to spring this on us is just well, unbelievable. i hope that betty, for as long as i love her as a character, remains strong and doesn't fall for henry's charms. the writers of this show, as well as silvio horta have a lot to answer for.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
^^I agree, this was a dumb move on their part as far as I am concerned, and completely and utterly pointless and very random...maybe they are using this to ONCE AND FOR ALL close the door on Henry Grubstick, though honestly I thought they already had!
If only I knew how to reach them I would write to them and tell them my feelings!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
you should go on the ABC website and post and email your comments, expressing your anger over this dumb idea.

i wasn't a huge fan of gio or that stupid and boring love triangle in season 2- but out of him and henry, i do prefer gio- though i am still hoping betty will end up with daniel in the end. but for now, i hope she sticks with matt and that he sticks around next season as well.

however, i would be not as pissed off and annoyed as much if the writers approached henry in the same way with gio in betty suarez land, where despite the fact those two didn't get together, they remained best friends. that's the way i would approach it, though if i was a writer on the show, i wouldn't have brought henry back in any shape or form, and no matter what circumstance. NOT even if viewing figures for the show have been dipping in the last couple of months.

also, the fact that henry has a new girlfriend in place of charly- of whom i still despise btw and has a son with- am i assuming that he fell for this girl who is his new squeeze, months AFTER the birth of his child? because if he did, then henry is a snake.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Oh I definately WILL head over to the ABC website and post a LONG description of how stupid I think them bringing back Henry is...I agree that if they deal with it the same way they dealt with Gio I wouldn't mind because then MAYBE just MAYBE we would be done with him once and for all!
And I know right?! Are we suppose to actually like Henry when he has a new girlfriend just months after the birth of his child...seriously I'm curious as to how the writers could possibly make him any more of a jerk?!
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
well according to ABC (season finales) it has been reported that towards the end of this season betty finally moves in with Matt. Kelcy posted a really good and interesting comment on ugly betty news. she said that in the end, she thinks that Betty will stay with matt and reject henry's advances and that although the matt/henry thing is going to be similar to the gio/henry situation in season 2, Kelcy believes this thing betty has with matt is different- seeing as with her and gio it was nothing more than a crush. matt is betty's first real relationship since walter and henry, and i am keeping fingers crossed that he will be sticking around next season.

over a year ago freckles08 said…
This is such a stupid idea. We have already seen the Betty Love triangle thing happen and we don't need it again. They should have learnt from Lost which is still one of my fav ever shows but they have had a love triangle go on from the start, five years on it shows no signs of resolving and a lot of people are fed up off it.

Is it just for the finale or futher on because it seems to me that Henry wouldn't move from Tuscan back to Ny and leave his child that really out of Character.
over a year ago waichingliu81 said…
i think it is just for this final episode, given that no details have been released for the first season 4 ep. i get the impression though that henry is no longer involved with charlie, nor her son- which is selfish of him. as for it being out of character, i am not entirely sure about that- though if this in itself tells us anything, it is that henry is still a jackass, who is probably still hung up on betty. he needs to get over it, move on and go away and stay away for good. which is how the writers should approach this storyline.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okay so I am feeling slightly better about this whole Henry situation after reading what you posted and an episode description for the 2 hour finale, it appears Henry is only in the 1st hour, which must mean he goes back to Tuscon (where he belongs!).
Also Silvio Horta stated that Henry was basically just another bump in the road for Betty, apparently she is going to have a lot of stuff going on in this hopefully there is no need to be as angry as originally anticipated!
over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL after ready more of what Silvio said I am NOT worried about Henry at all...which is good I can enjoy the finale now!!!!
over a year ago Jraeder27 said…
I think also there was and article stating that Matt will be around next season..... I believe that more now with the last episode with his father taking over.... I think Betty and Matt will even be together next season because Slivio said that their relationship was going to change and grow..... But then he said that Detty was never going to be together so who knows.... But I'm totally not worried about Henry at all.... I really feel Betty loves Matt and wouldn't do something like that....